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09-02 投稿



demiurge 发音

英:['di?m???d?; 'dem-]  美:['d?m??d?]

英:  美:

demiurge 中文意思翻译



demiurge 网络释义

n. 造物主

demiurge 短语词组

1、demiurge technologies DEMIURCE ─── 技术

2、demiurge definition webster ─── 韦伯斯特

3、demiurge studios Demiume ─── 工作室

4、demiurge plato ─── 柏拉图

5、demiurge overlord ─── 绝地霸王

6、demiurge in the bible ─── 在圣经里

7、demiurge technologies ag demiurge technologies ─── 股份公司

demiurge 词性/词形变化,demiurge变形

形容词: demiurgeous |副词: demiurgically |

demiurge 相似词语短语

1、demiurgeous ─── 半外科的

2、demurrage ─── n.(船舶)租借逾期费;滞留;滞留费

3、demure ─── adj.端庄的;娴静的;严肃的;假装正直的;n.(Demure)人名;(法)德米尔

4、demiurgi ─── 星期四

5、demiurgic ─── adj.造物的;造物主的,创造世界的

6、demiurgus ─── 德米尤格斯,

7、demivierge ─── n.半处女

8、demerge ─── vt.使分解;使…分离;vi.分为若干子公司

9、demiurges ─── n.造物主

demiurge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、but Mankind is a finer thing than we are, and some day we will save them from the Demiurge, who made them merely to be playthings.He did not know what he made. ─── 但是人类是一种比我们更漂亮的东西,造物主创造他们仅仅是为了好玩,他不知道他创造了什么.总有一天我们要把他们解救出来.

2、Demiurge formed everything out of matter which existed. ─── 造物主从存在的物质中使万物成形。

3、Gnostics believe that Sophia and the Father God (not the Demiurge) sent Yeshua to right this wrong. ─── 诺斯替派相信索菲娅的父神(并不是物质世界的创造者)派来耶斯华去纠正这个错误。

4、Television is football's demiurge. ─── 电视是足球的衣食父母。

5、Out of this illegitimate desire was produced a deformed, evil god, or demiurge, who created the universe. ─── 在这个非法的愿望产生了变形,邪恶之神,或demiurge,谁创造了宇宙。

6、Gnostics see the Demiurge as the God of the Old Testament, with his strict rules and chains that bind the people of the Earth. ─── 诺斯替派把物质世界的创造者视为旧约里面的神,带着他的严厉统治和链条,把地上的人们束缚着。

7、Bloat Hate (Su) : Of all the Demiurge, there are none so filled with loathing as Orcus. ─── 膨胀的恨意(SU):在所有造物主中,没有哪一个像奥库斯那样在心中充满憎恶。

8、Jung believed that the cosmos contained the divine light or life, but this essence was enmeshed in a mechanical trap, presided over by a demiurge: Lucifer, the Bringer of the Light. ─── 容格相信宇宙包括了神圣的光或生命,但这些基本要素被陷入机械的圈套里面,由物质世界的创造者负责:露西弗,明亮的光。

9、Demiurge Cleric 25, True Necromancer 10, Wizard (Necromancer) 25. ─── 造物主牧师25级,真。死灵法师10级,死灵法师25级。

10、The result of a demiurge's act of creation is a Progenitor, the prototype Promethean of a Lineage. ─── 造物主的作品就被称为先祖,也是该世系的原型。

11、Demiurge strictly defines the sequence Of four seasons in the huamn life, It is you, Who continue the eternity in the finity. ─── 造物严格定义了生命中四个季节有序的排列。是你,使永恒在有限里得以延续。

12、gnostics believe that sophia and the father god ( not the demiurge ) sent yeshua to right this wrong ─── 诺斯替派相信索菲娅的父神(并不是物质世界的创造者)派来耶斯华去纠正这个错误。

13、In Platonism: Demiurge created this world and this world is the best world the demiurge could create. ─── 在柏拉图主义看来,造物主创造的这个世界是 祂 所能创造的最好的世界。

14、The popular conception of a Promethean being created by a mortal refers to a demiurge. ─── 一般而言,世系最初是由人类所创的,此人被称为造物主。

15、demiurge: A mortal who wields the Azoth to create a Promethean. ─── 造物主:使用水银创造活尸的人类。

16、Gnostics see the Demiurge as the God of the Old Testament, with his strict rules and chains that bind the people of the Earth. ─── 诺斯替派把物质世界的创造者视为旧约里面的神,带着他的严厉统治和链条,把地上的人们束缚着。

17、Another deity, Brahma, the creator, remains in the background as a demiurge. ─── 另一个神,创造者梵天,在背后作为一个造物主。

18、Gnostics believe that she gave birth to or brought about the creation of a negative aeon, who later came to be called an archon, called the Demiurge, creator and ruler of this world. ─── 诺斯替派认为她产生和带来了一种负面永世万古(aeons),后来就来了一位统治者,称为物质世界的创造者,创作者和这个世界的统治者。

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