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09-02 投稿



evidential 发音

英:[?ev??den?l]  美:[?ev??den?l]

英:  美:

evidential 中文意思翻译



evidential 反义词

uncertain |doubtful

evidential 词性/词形变化,evidential变形

副词: evidentially |

evidential 同义词

clear | appreciable | unmistakable | distinguishable | pronounced | visible | manifest | discernible | obvious | clear-cut | palpable | flagrant | observable | distinct |apparent | definite | patent | plain | marked | outward

evidential 短语词组

1、evidential dna ─── 证据dna

2、evidential mean ─── 证据平均

3、evidential effect ─── [法] 证据能力

4、evidential act ─── 证据行为

5、evidential proof ─── 证据

6、evidential fact ─── [法] 作为证据的事实

7、evidential problem of evil ─── 恶的证据问题

8、evidential value ─── 证据价值

9、evidential buden ─── [法] 举证责任

10、evidential document ─── 证据文件

11、evidential mediumship ─── 证据中介

12、evidential item ─── [法] 证据物

13、evidential function ─── [法] 证据作用

evidential 相似词语短语

1、presidential ─── adj.总统的;首长的;统辖的

2、providential ─── adj.幸运的

3、evidentially ─── 证据的;可作证据的;提供证据的

4、penitential ─── adj.赎罪的;后悔的;悔罪的;n.悔罪规则书;悔罪者

5、residential ─── adj.住宅的;与居住有关的

6、existential ─── adj.存在主义的;有关存在的;存在判断的

7、desinential ─── 终点的

8、evidentiary ─── adj.证据的

9、eminential ─── 卓越的

evidential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An evidential reasoning approach was employed to synthesize the reliability information of the components of each subsystem, further the reliability of the whole chemical eng... ─── 文中以某工厂化工警报系统的可靠性评估阐述了该方法的应用情况。

2、However, the traditional theory of evidential burden distribution does not apply to environment action. ─── 但传统举证责任分配理论对环境诉讼而言具有不适应性。

3、Spatial-Temporal Information Fusion for Multi-Source Node Cluster Based on D-S Evidential Theory and Fuzzy Integral of Support Degree ─── 基于支持度D-S证据理论与模糊积分的多源节点簇信息时空融合

4、Reliability Evaluation of Turbocharged Diesel Engine System Using Fuzzy Sets and Evidential Reasoning ─── 基于模糊推理方法的涡轮增压柴油机系统可靠性评估

5、evidential value ─── 文件的证据价值

6、Thirdly, it deeply investigates the main effort on pretrial evidential discovery system in some domestic experimental unit .Also it analysis their achievement and lost . ─── 再次,对国内一些庭前证据展示制度试点单位的主导性做法进行了深入探讨,分析其成败利弊;

7、Finally, evidential analysis is done by using Tianjin real estate market data.Efficient frontier is got by using statistics software SAS and investment strategy is gained based on the result. ─── 最后,对天津市房地产市场投资进行实证分析,通过统计软件求出投资组合的有效前沿,并在此基础上得到房地产投资者在期望风险收益条件下的投资策略。

8、Document existing processes through flowcharts and/or written narratives illustrating specific risks and internal controls strengths and weaknesses through objective evaluation of evidential matter. ─── 按程序指导及/或书面陈述进行流程归档管理,通过证据评估,分析并阐明内部风险及运作控制的优缺点。

9、Fault Diagnosis of DC Machine Based on D-S Evidential Theory and BP Network ─── 基于D-S证据理论和BP算法的直流电机故障诊断研究

10、There are discrepancies on the scope of admissible evidence, the means of evidential investigation, and the standard of proof between strictproof and freeproof. ─── 严格证明与自由证明在可以运用的证据范围、证据调查方法和证明标准等方面存在差异。

11、The Process of Founding a Generic Evidential Model Based on Extending Compatibility Relation ─── 基于扩展相容性关系的通用证据模型建立过程

12、Keywords chemical engineering warning message system interval fuzzy sets evidential reasoning reliability evaluation; ─── 化工警报系统;区间模糊集;证据推理;可靠性评价;

13、Article verb having discussed that how the boundary fixes a cognition mainly, in the course of grammaticalize that the verb is how to is embodied evidential function. ─── 文章主要讨论了如何界定认识动词,以及认识动词是如何在虚化过程中体现传信功能的。

14、Distribution of evidential burden ─── 举证责任分配

15、D- S evidential theory ─── DS证据理论

16、A Method Based Evidential Reasoning for Multi-criteria Decision Making with Incomplete Information ─── 一种基于证据推理的信息不完全的多准则决策方法

17、Come a few years, IDM has inserted evidential circuit to IC in, make buy the home to be able to decide whether they are thereby taste really. ─── 几年来,IDM已经把证据电路拔出到IC之中,从而使买家能够确定它们是否为真品。

18、This is the evidential function.Evidentiality is a inherent syntax category, the same as tense, mood and modality. ─── 传信范畴与时体范畴、语气范畴、情态范畴一样,也是语言所固有的一个语法范畴。

19、Presumption affects and even decides the allocation of evidential proofs.It can change the factual object of evidential proof and decides the transfer and alteration of evidential proof. ─── 推定影响甚至决定举证责任的分配,能够改变举证责任的事实对象并决定举证责任的转移和变化。

20、On the Evidential Force of E-Mail and Conservatory Measures ─── 关于E-mail的证据效力和保全问题

21、Evidential Value of Electronic Documents in a Case of Judicial Judgment ─── 从一起司法审判看电子文件的证据性

22、On Evidential Rules on Criminal Identification ─── 刑事辨认证据规则初探

23、dempster-shafter evidential reasoning ─── D-S证据法

24、The numerical result showed that the length of the extended end of gear shaft has an evidential effect upon speed of losing stability of the system. ─── 数值结果表明,齿轮轴外伸端长度对轴承的负荷分配和系统的临界转速影响十分明显,而对系统的失稳转速则影响较小。

25、This essay analyses the evidential power of electronic evidence, contrasts evidential ability with evidential power, and comments on the academic and juristic disputes in this field. ─── 从电子证据证明力的涵义的分析入手,对电子证据的证据能力和证明力作了辨析,并对我国法学界关于电子证据证明力大小的分歧进行了评析。

26、And it shall issue relevant evidential documents to those that are found to be qualified upon examination. ─── 对检验合格的,行政机关应当发给相应的证明文件。

27、Evidential languages force speakers to think hard about how they learned what they say they know. ─── 这样的语言会迫使说话人三思,他们自称了解的那些事情,到底是从哪里知道的。

28、The relevant evidential documents about the modification registration of the taxpayer; ─── 二)纳税人变更登记内容的有关证明文件;

29、Conclusion of appraisal of the different footmark that wear a shoe has fundamental evidential value in criminal lawsuit. ─── 不同穿鞋足迹鉴定结论在刑事诉讼中具有重要的证据价值。

30、Fault diagnosis method of integration of neural networks based on Dempster-Shafer evidential theory ─── 基于证据理论的集成神经网络故障诊断方法

31、evidential material. ─── 作为证据的材料

32、If the sample is unconformable with the note in "Record and evidential document of medical device sampled", it shall verify with the entity under sampling; ─── 如样品与“医疗器械抽样记录及凭证”上的记录不相符的,应与抽样单位核实;

33、The present paper, however, shows that the imperial catalogers, despite their training in rigorous evidential scholarship, were not free from bias derived from intellectual preference and traditional moral influence. ─── 文章通过比较《四库提要》所载明朝中叶有名士大夫岳正(1418~1472)的两本著作的提要和这两篇提要所出的原书,发现这两书内容基本相同而提要则评价迥异其词。

34、evidential buden ─── [法] 举证责任

35、Trees with historical significance that is supported by evidential records, such as the Burmese rosewood outside the Central Government Offices ─── 具有历史意义的树木为根据记录可证明具有历史意义的树,例如中区政府合署门外的紫檀

36、D - S evidential combination algorithm ─── D-S证据推理理论

37、Rotor Fault Diagnosis Method of Induction Motor Based on D-S Evidential Theory ─── 基于D-S证据理论的感应电动机转子故障诊断方法研究

38、Somewhere in the twilight zone the evidential force of the principle must be recognized. ─── 在边缘地区,这个原理的证据力必须得到验证。

39、evidential function ─── [法] 证据作用

40、Evidential reasoning theory becomes one of the effective methods to study the intelligent decision in situation with uncertainty. ─── 证据推理理论是研究在不确定情况下智能决策的有效方法之一。

41、Research on Date Fusion Target Recognition Method based on Dempster-shafer Evidential Theory ─── 基于证据理论的多传感器信息融合目标识别方法

42、Evidential study went through from the perspective of typology to that of cognition, epistemic modality, narratology and pragmatics. ─── 言据性研究经历了从拓扑学角度到认知、认知情态、叙事学和语用学等角度的历程。

43、Any non-Chinese materials without attaching a Chinese translation shall not be considered as valid and lawful evidential material. ─── 非中文资料如未附有中文译文将不被视为有效的和合法的证据材料。

44、evidential burden ─── 举证责任

45、To declare credits, a creditor shall explain the relevant matters and provide relevant evidential materials. ─── 债权人申报债权,应当说明债权的有关事项,并提供证明材料。

46、Observing 28 female skaters suffering from the inordinate catamenia, we discuss the iatrical problem in transect research with evidential diagnosis. ─── 主要采用中西医结合方法,辩证施治。

47、Rethinking the Rule of Distribution of Evidential Burden in Our Law of Civil Procedure ─── 对我国民事举证责任分配规则的反思

48、Keywords Medical infringement lawsuit;Evidential burden;Equity; ─── 医疗侵权诉讼;举证责任;公平性;

49、evidential effect ─── [法] 证据能力

50、Legal liability and evidential function of medical act in medical expert testimony ─── 医疗行为在伤情鉴定中的证据作用及法律责任

51、The first part of this article introduction evidential burden assignment theory outline. ─── 本文第一部分介绍举证责任分配理论概述。

52、if the licensee to a sole license contract independently files an application, it/he shall submit evidential materials to prove that the trademark registrant has waived the right to application; ─── 排他使用许可合同的被许可人单独提出申请的,应当提交商标注册人放弃申请的证据材料;

53、The evidential reasoning algorithm for solving the multiple attribute decision making (MADM) problem is applied to evaluating the degree of customer satisfaction. ─── 摘要文章将解决多目标决策问题的证据理论方法引入到对顾客满意度的评价中;

54、If a foreign investor uses its lawful Renminbi proceeds as registered capital to contribute to the investment company, it shall submit the relevant evidential documents and the tax payment receipts. ─── 外国投资者以其人民币合法收益作为其向投资性公司注册资本出资的,应当提交相关证明文件及税务凭证。

55、Failing to set up and keep account books, evidential documents and relevant records as prescribed in Article 11. ─── 三产制厂商未依第十一条规定设置或保存帐簿、凭证或会计纪录者。

56、I know I seems an insane person because I hardly knows you, but sometimes things are so transparency, they don't need evidential proof. ─── 我知道这看起来很疯狂,因为我对你认识并不是很深。但世事往往就是这样奇怪,它并不需要确凿的证据。

57、the inversion of evidential burden ─── 举证责任倒置

58、evidential causals ─── 实据因果句

59、Identification method of gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns based on neural network and D-S evidential theory ─── 基于神经网络和D-S证据理论的气液两相流流型识别方法

60、D-S An evidential reasoning approach is proposed to evaluate the project of multi-reservoir flood control. ─── 提出了利用D-S证据推理方法,对多水库联合防洪调度方案进行评价。

61、The Evidential Value of Forensic Document Examination Conclusions and Its Realization ─── 文件检验结论的证据价值及其实现

62、The evidential requirement for police search should be differential according to the different authority origins. ─── 针对警察搜查不同的权力源,在证据要求上也应当不同。

63、Therefore, the principle of inverted evidential burden can not be applied to the litigations over trade secret infringements. ─── 因此,在商业秘密侵权诉讼中不能实行举证责任倒置;

64、Mufti-sensor Target Identification in Battlefields Based on D-S Evidential Theory ─── 基于D-S证据推理的多传感器战场目标识别

65、Keywords Image Fusion;Multi-resolution analysis;Multispectral;Feature Extraction;Line Extraction;Road Extraction;D-S Evidential Theory;Hyperspectral;Image Classification;Target Recognition; ─── 图像融合;多分辨分析;多光谱;特征提取;直线提取;道路提取;D-S证据理论;高光谱;图像分类;目标识别;

66、Part image recognition based on wavelet-neural network and dempster-shafer evidential theory ─── 基于小波神经网络和证据理论的零件图像识别

67、evidential quality ─── 凭证性

68、Decision method for product type selection based on evidential theory ─── 基于证据理论的产品选型决策方法

69、The Choice of Supply Chain Partners based on Evidential Reasoning and Rough Set Theory ─── 基于证据推理与粗集理论的供应链合作伙伴选择方法研究

70、Starting with the basic conception and evidential fusion reasoning method of Dempster-Shafer evidential theory,multi-target characteristic information fusion recognition frame is constructed. ─── 从D-S证据理论的基本概念和证据的融合推理方法出发,建立了多目标特征信息融合识别框架,并提出一种符合目标识别特点的基本可信度分配构造方法。

71、The MOFCOM may, in the absence of substantial content, order the interested party to supplement relevant content and evidential materials. ─── 未表达实质内容的,商务部可以要求其补充相关内容和证据资料。

72、Keywords Fault Diagnosis,Information Fusion,Neural Network,Evidential Theory,Group Decision,Performance Examination,Object Orient; ─── 故障诊断;信息融合;神经网络;证据理论;群体决策;性能检测;面向对象;

73、The article has made a relatively complete dissertation on performance management and practically evidential exploration. ─── 本文对绩效管理做了较为全面的论述,并结合本单位实际进行了实证探索。

74、D-S evidential reasoning ─── D-S证据推理

75、Xiaoli reports a case to the security authorities to mechanism of Nanchang place public security, because evidential inadequacy and apanage reason were not obtained,can accept. ─── 小李向南昌当地公安机关报案,可因证据不足和属地原因未获受理。

76、Opening statements are not evidential, and judges normally keep tight control so that no prejudicial or inflammatory remarks are made. ─── 开场陈述并非是必不可少的,法官通常严格控制,以防止进行带有偏见或煽动性的陈述。

77、A Method of Comprehensive Evaluation with Subjective and Objective Information Based on Evidential Reasoning and Rough Set Theory ─── 基于证据推理与粗集理论的主客观综合评价方法

78、In a sense, auditing is evidential . The improvement of auditing process should take into account basic evidence theory. ─── 一定意义上来说,审计过程是一个证据的过程,故此,审计过程的改进也应该考虑证据的基本理论。

79、The evidential burden or the burden of adducing evidence ─── 与说服责任或证明负担

80、The Evidential Status of Oral Evidence and its Admissibility ─── 口供的证据地位及其可采性

81、Explanation of "Evidential Fact is not Evidence" ─── "证据事实并非证据"释义

82、To the auxiliary verb, adopt the method listing then, having analysed several auxiliary verbs’ evidential shows. ─── 对于助动词,则采用列举的方法,分析几个助动词的传信表现。

83、The letter of demurral shall include specific claims, be supported by facts and be accompanied by relevant evidential materials. ─── 商标异议书应当有明确的请求和事实依据,并附送有关证据材料。

84、evidential fact ─── 作为证据的事实

85、Combining distinct sources of evidential knowledge to expand belief network for information retrieval (IR) is a current and important research direction. ─── 摘要归并不同证据资源扩展用于信息检索的信念网络是当前一个重要的研究方向。

86、D - S evidential theory ─── D-S证据理论

87、Therefore no matter records or archives, their evidential attribute cannot become an essential attribute that differ from each other. ─── 因此,无论对于文件还是档案,凭证属性都不可能成为相互区别于对方的本质属性。

88、evidential research ─── 实证研究

89、Evidential burden in press tort action ─── 新闻侵权诉讼中的举证责任

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