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09-02 投稿



osmotic 发音

英:[?z'm?t?k]  美:[ɑs'mot?k]

英:  美:

osmotic 中文意思翻译



osmotic 短语词组

1、osmotic buffering ─── [医] 渗压患冲 ─── [作用]

2、osmotic equivalent ─── [医] 渗透当量

3、osmotic pressure ─── [化] 渗透压 ─── [医] 渗透压

4、osmotic diarrhea ─── [医] 渗透性腹泻

5、iso-osmotic ─── [医] 等渗的

6、colloid osmotic pressure ─── [医] 胶体渗透压

7、osmotic flow ─── [化] 渗透流

8、osmotic gradient ─── [机] 渗透压力

9、osmotic coefficient ─── [化] 渗透系数

10、non-osmotic membrane equilibrium ─── [化] 非渗透膜平衡

11、osmotic cells ─── [医] 渗透池

12、osmotic resistance ─── [医] 渗透阻力

13、osmotic hemolysis ─── [医] 渗透性溶血

14、bio-osmotic ─── [医] 生物渗透的

15、electro-osmotic ─── [医] 电渗的

16、osmotic membranes ─── [医] 渗透膜

17、osmotic balance ─── [化] 渗透天平

18、osmotic diuretic ─── [医] 渗压性利尿剂

19、osmotic diuresis ─── [医] 渗透性利尿

osmotic 相似词语短语

1、zymotic ─── adj.发酵的;发酵病的

2、osmosis ─── n.[物]渗透;[物]渗透性;渗透作用

3、cosmetic ─── adj.美容的;化妆用的;n.化妆品;装饰品

4、Omotic ─── n.欧莫提克语;adj.欧莫提克语的

5、osmic ─── adj.锇的;四价锇的

6、osmatic ─── adj.嗅觉正常的

7、Demotic ─── adj.通俗的,民众的

8、exosmotic ─── adj.渗入的,外渗的

9、isosmotic ─── adj.[流][海洋]等渗压的

osmotic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The monophasic models include secretion theory, electro-osmotic theory, osmotic theory and osmotic standing gradient theories. ─── 单相模型包括分泌理论、电渗理论、渗透理论和渗透持续梯度理论。

2、The osmotic solute in plantresistance to adverse conditions and progress in relative genic engineering. ─── 植物抗逆中的渗透调节物质及其转基因工程进展。

3、The results showed that ultrasound field can enhance mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of carrot,water losses rates constant and solid g... ─── 同时通过实验结果分析了超声场强化渗透脱水过程中质量传递的物理机制。

4、The activity of disaccharide enzyme in the epidermis of intestine is letdown, to affect the absorption of lactose and other disaccharide. The disaccharide increasing to raise the osmotic pressure,and cause water diarrhea. ─── 同时小肠粘膜上皮内的双糖酶活性减退,致肠内乳糖及其他双糖吸收障碍,肠道内双糖增多,渗透压升高,水分渗出,导致水样性腹泻。

5、Using osmotic method in testing the soil-water characteristic curve of the granite residual soil,the paper introduces the steps of the experiment in detail,and points out the matters need attention. ─── 本文采用渗析法测定花岗岩残积土的水土特征曲线,详细介绍了渗析法的试验步骤及注意事项,并对花岗岩残积土的水土特征曲线进行了分析。

6、Membrane ultrafiltration of macromolecular solutions is usually analyzed with the gel polarization model, the osmotic pressure model, and the resistance-in-series model. ─── 摘要巨分子溶液之薄膜超过滤的分析,一贯系基于胶层极化模式、渗透压模式,以及阻力串联模式。

7、Any other questions? OK. I didn't get to osmotic pressure. ─── 还有其他问题吗?我今天不讲渗透压。

8、after osmotic pressure, you'll be done with thermo. ─── 完渗透压之后,你们就把热力学学完了。

9、The dimethachlon-resistant mutants had a weaker capacity of producing sclerotia and were more sensitive to osmotic pressure than their parents and carbendazim resistant isolates. ─── 抗菌核净突变体比敏感亲本菌株产菌核能力弱,并对渗透压表现敏感。

10、However, the osmotic regulation of internal fluids can be energetically expensive, especially in saline environments. ─── 然而,内部体液的渗透压调节可能消耗能量,特别是在盐水环境中。

11、We measured and analyzed the electrophoretic mobility,osmotic fragility,membrane fluidity,fourier-transform infrared(FT-IR) spectrometer and viscoelastic properties of pDCs,imDCs and mDCs by microrheogical methods. ─── 应用微观流变学研究方法对以上细胞的电泳率、渗透脆性、膜流动性和傅立叶红外光谱(FT-IR)进行测量和分析。

12、Somebody disapproves of applied hormone, think vein block is blood stream suffocate suffocate, vein presses heighten, make blood-vessel osmotic increase, disable with hormone. ─── 有人不赞成应用激素,认为静脉阻塞是血流受阻,静脉压增高,使血管渗透性增加,用激素无效。

13、The diagnosis of SIADH depends on hyponatremia,urine osmotic pressure is higher than blood osmetic pressure,and antidiuretic hormone(ADH) secretion and blood volume increase. ─── SIADH的诊断依赖于低钠血症、尿渗透压高于血渗透压、抗利尿激素(ADH)分泌增多、血容量增加。

14、Abstract Proline is thought to be a compatible osmolyte which can help plants and bacteria to tolerate osmotic stress. ─── 摘要 脯氨酸被认为是植物和细菌内的一种相容渗透剂,有助于植物和细菌抵御渗透胁迫。

15、One of them is osmotic pressure. ─── 其中之一是渗透压。

16、Since infrared rays, due to their long waves, are less prone to scattering by corpuscles compared to ultraviolet rays or visible light waves, they exhibit efficient osmotic effects. ─── 因此,红外线由于它的波长特性,不容易被其他物质所散射,相比较于紫外线和可见光,表现出了更强的穿透性。

17、The Advances in the effects of NaCl stress on photosynthesis in plant were reviewed including photosynthetic organs, photosynthetic process, antioxidative system and contents of osmotic regulation. ─── 摘要针对盐胁迫影响光合作用的几个重要方面进行了综述,主要包括盐胁迫对植物光合器官的形态结构、光合作用过程、抗氧化系统以及渗透调节物质等方面。

18、The main process improvements were two-stage filtration, total filtrate recyling, application of filtration aids, solvent recovery with osmotic membrane,room temperature dewaxing, etc. ─── 工艺方面的进展主要是两段过滤、全滤液循环、助滤剂应用、渗透膜溶剂回收和室温脱蜡等。

19、Under osmotic stress,exogenous Spd treatment inhibited the decrease of NCC-Spd level in Yedan 13 and enhanced its tolerance to stress. ─── 外源Spd处理明显抑制了渗透胁迫下掖单13类囊体膜上NCC-Spd含量的下降,也提高了掖单13玉米幼苗的抗性;

20、The maximum temperature that a cell can tolerate depends on the health of the cell, the initial osmotic stress and the stress that occurs in the growth phase. ─── 最高气温可容忍靠一个细胞的健康细胞,初步渗透胁迫和强调,发生在生长阶段。

21、Its vivid characteristics is that it has abundant educational content, various educational approach, osmotic educational method, acceptive educatee and dependent educational effect . ─── 中学生物学科德育功能的特点很鲜明,有教育内容丰富、教育途径多样、教育方法渗透化、教育对象易接受以及育人效果有一定依赖性等特点。

22、The atmospheric pollutant are mainly gram-positive coccus and bacillus.The dominant part is occupied by Penicillium for Martin's fungi and high osmotic pressure-resistant fungi. ─── 检出污染的细菌以革兰阳性球菌和芽孢杆菌为主,马丁霉菌和耐高渗透压霉菌均以青霉属为优势菌。

23、After the sauna body will emit a lot of sweat, temporarily reduce the weight, in fact, osmotic pressure and obesity by the results, just from a body of water. ─── 桑拿过后身体会排出大量的汗液,体重暂时减轻,其实和渗透压减肥法的结果一样,只是排出了身体的水分。

24、The microstructure and porosity of the deposited metal can be systematically manipulated by the use of osmotic pressure. ─── 利用渗透压的新技术可控制膜的微观结构和孔隙率。

25、Somatic-cell embryo,transformed from somatic cell into structure similar to zygotic embryo [1-3], is largely effected by osmotic pressure. ─── 体细胞胚是指体细胞在形态上转变为与合子胚相似的结构[1-3],其在很大程度上受渗透压的影响。

26、The external force, principal tension of cell wall and turgor of cell all decrease with increasing of the osmotic time. ─── 外力、细胞壁主张力及细胞内压随着渗出时间的延长均减小。

27、The physiological effects of chive plug seedlings subjected to water stress, roots activity, photosynthetic pigments, osmotic adjustment and reactive oxygen were studied in this experiment. ─── 摘要研究了水分胁迫对香葱穴盘苗根系活力、叶片光合色素、渗透调节能力以及活性氧等的影响。

28、There is a logical gap in our derivation of the osmotic pressure. ─── 我们在推导渗透压时,有一个逻辑上的破绽。

29、Plamcell adaPtS to the sait stress through accumulation of osmotic solthes and ionhomeostasis modulation by compartmentalizing Na+ in vacuo1e or activating theeffiux systeIn of Na+. ─── 植物细胞为适应胁迫环境,一方面积累可溶性有机物质; 另一方面,尤其是盐生植物则通过Na~+排除或者区隔化、并调整K~+/Na~+比率的机制来消除Na~+的毒害。

30、The monitoring project of Zhouning Hydropower station underground plant and water intake system including monitoring of the surrounding rock deformation,bolt stress,osmotic pressure and joint. ─── 周宁水电站地下厂房及引水系统的监测项目包括围岩变形监测、锚杆应力计监测、渗透压力监测、测缝计监测。

31、This article reviews the research progress on drought resistance of H. ammodendron including morphology, photosynthesis, water content, protective enzymes and osmotic regulation. ─── 文中综述了其形态解剖特征、光合特征、水分、保护酶和渗透调节等抗性生理方面的研究现状。

32、The correlation coefficient between plama ADH and urine-palsma osmotic pressure ratio was 0.86(P

33、The mechanical model of cell poking was built based on detailed osmotic characteristics analysis. ─── 在考虑细胞壁渗透规律的基础上,建立了细胞穿刺力学模型;

34、Some factors had been tested about their effects on somatic embryogenesis in this research, such as genotype, developmental stage ,culture condition ,plant growth regulator and osmotic potential. ─── 以杂交鹅掌楸幼胚为外植体,以植物细胞具有全能性的理论为依据,以细胞分化发育的分子调控理论为指导,进行体细胞胚胎发生研究。

35、depression, boiling elevation, and osmotic pressure, are known as the colligative properties of solutions. ─── 在涉及溶液的物理性质如蒸汽压,冰点和沸点时,通常使用重量克分子浓度。

36、Pharmacokinetics of an Implanted Osmotic Pump Delivering Sufentanil for the Treatment of Chronic Pain Fisher DM, et al. ─── 植入性苏芬太尼传输渗透泵治疗慢性疼痛的药效动力学。

37、The osmotic pressure of the aqueous extracts as also in the sequence of the treatment air-dried plant>clipped plant>whole plant, and increased with increasing concentration and treating time. ─── 不同处理方法的水提液渗透压大小也依次为风干、剪碎和整株,并随着处理时间和浓度的增加,水提液渗透压也在增强。

38、Proline is thought to be a compatible osmolyte which can help plants and bacteria to tolerate osmotic stress. ─── 摘要脯氨酸被认为是植物和细菌内的一种相容渗透剂,有助于植物和细菌抵御渗透胁迫。

39、Consequently, the character that information productivity shows also extraordinary, it is had fictitious sex, diffusible, osmotic the most apparent feature that waits for information age. ─── 因而,信息生产力所表现出的特性也与众不同,它具有虚拟性、扩散性、渗透性等信息时代的最明显特征。

40、For sandwiched osmotic tablet system (SOTs), since its two drug layers are attached to middle push layer from two sides, it dose not need side identification in the drilling process either. ─── 三层渗透泵由于两个含药层分布在片芯的两侧,因此激光打孔过程中同样不需要进行颜色识别。

41、Finally, the effect of osmotic stress on fermentability was also discussed. ─── 本文还就高渗对酿油酵母发酵力的影响进行了讨论。

42、Osmotic dehydration of asparagus lettuce was studied by tracking down the rate of water loss and the rate of solid gain under different factor. ─── 以莴笋为试验对象,在不同的渗透脱水条件下,对物料失水率和固形物增加率进行考察,探索莴笋的渗透脱水规律。

43、Osmotic distillation is a novel concentration technique that combines the distillation with osmosis. ─── 摘要渗透蒸馏是一种渗透过程与蒸馏过程耦合的新型膜分离技术。

44、Industrial efflucnt,sewage,dripping and osmotic liquid of all kinds of solid junk and life rubbish are chief factors to pollute water. ─── 工业废水、生活污水、各类固体废弃物及生活垃圾的淋溶液和渗沥液是污染水源的主要因素。

45、In general the negative pressure potential of the xylem is equal to the water potential of the surrounding cells minus the osmotic potential that the solutes dissolved in the xylem sap creates. ─── 一般来说木质部的负压潜力与周围的细胞的水潜力是相等的减在木质部树汁溶化的溶质创造的渗透的潜力的。

46、Frankincense is a kind of colophony, have intense osmotic reach slow nerve action. ─── 乳香是一种树脂,有强烈的渗透性及舒缓神经作用。

47、Professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science. Molecular mechanism of plant response to osmotic stress. ─── 中国科学院植物研究所,研究员,植物渗透逆境的分子生物学。

48、Methods The pig skin was treated with negative pressure by a self-made device to remove the blistered epidermis,then dermal cells were removed by ion detergent with osmotic pressure gradient effects. ─── 方法:利用自制的装置,先将猪皮经负压处理,去除起泡后的表皮,然后利用离子型去污剂的渗透压梯度作用去除真皮内的细胞成分。

49、Standard form of pitzer model, extended pitzer model, clegg-pitzer model and BET model parameters for the binary system Mn(NO3)2-H2O were obtained by fitting experimental osmotic coefficient at 298.15 K. ─── 拟合了298.15K下Mn(NO3)2-H2O体系0~8.382mol·kg-1的各种热力学模型参数,其中包括原始Pitzer模型(三维里系数方程),扩展的Pitzer模型(五维里系数方程),Clegg-Pitzer模型以及BET模型。

50、The method has been used for the determination of trace beryllium in osmotic water and sediment. ─── 利用抗坏血酸的增感作用直接测定了渗透水和水系沉积物中的痕量铍。

51、Based on erythrocytes senile model in vivo, which developed by using antibody to induce acute homolysis of RBC, the authurs studied the change of osmotic fragility oferythrocytes. ─── 作者在用抗体诱发红细胞溶血法律立的红细胞在体衰老模型的基础上,研究了红细胞衰老过程中渗透脆性的变化。

52、Osmotic Regulation of the Plants Under Salt Stress ─── 植物耐盐机制中的渗透调节

53、If the body's sodium content is too high, the blood sodium and water due to osmotic pressure changes, infiltrated into the tissue space in the formation of edema. ─── 如果体内的钠含量过高,血液中的钠和水会由于渗透压的改变,渗入到组织间隙中形成水肿。

54、The formation of landscape design proposal is a complex ideation, many of designing steps which are overlapped, osmotic, undistinguishable may carry out at the same time. ─── 景观设计方案的形成是一个复杂的思维过程,设计程序的这些步骤,在进行时,有很多是相互重叠、渗透的,并无分明的界限,可以前后同时并进。

55、Abstract: Objective:To investigate the changes in plasma colloidal osmotic pressures and blood rheology during hemodflution with 4% Gelofusine. ─── 摘 要: 目的:观察胶体溶液血定安在扩容时血浆胶体渗透浓度及血液流变学的变化。

56、Bacteria are less easily destroyed by osmotic action than animal cells because their cell walls are constructed in a totally different way, which makes them very much less permeable. ─── 但细菌比起动物细胞来不大容易被渗透作用消灭,因为他们的细胞壁是由一种完全不同的方式构成的,这就使得他们不大有渗透性。

57、Plants need to have special mechanisms for adjusting internal osmotic conditions and changing of osmotic pressure in the root environment. ─── 植物需要特殊机制去调整内部环境和渗透压根源环境的改变。

58、Methods:The release rate of ambroxol HCl osmotic pump controlled release tablets in various mediums was observed. ─── 方法:考察渗透泵在不同介质中的释放情况。

59、Constituting 60% of total plasma protein, and with low molecular weight, albumin contributes about 80% of the colloid osmotic pressure. ─── 因其占血清总蛋白质的60%和低分子量的特性,白蛋白司职约80%的胶体渗透压。

60、Water intoxication - sudden intake of large amount of free water by excessive drinking causes acute hyponatremia, i.e., sudden decrease of Na concentration in the serum. The osmotic pressure ... ─── 我倒想起来了,当年献血之前,我们很多同学都那个大杯子拼命的喝水,为了稀释血液,怎么就没喝出水中毒呢。

61、The mechanism of sperms tail curl assay experiment is identical with that of hypo osmotic swelling test,but the experiment conditions such as inonic concentration and osmotic are different. ─── 两种实验原理相同,实验条件(渗量、离子浓度)不同,实验结果存在一定差异。

62、The three pathways of urine formation; Glomerular filtration and The influencing factors of glomerular filtration; Osmotic diuresis and glomerulotubular balance; Function and regulation of ADH. ─── 尿生成的三个环节;肾小球滤过机制、影响肾小球滤过的因素;渗透性利尿和球管平衡;抗利尿激素的作用和调节。

63、It has high-tech sex, osmotic, substantivity, fictitious sex, global characteristic. ─── 它具有高科技性、渗透性、直接性、虚拟性、全球性的特点。

64、The infiltration of paper rubber compound and process the inner surface of the surface of the paper into the paper fibers cause osmotic gap. ─── 胶料渗透纸内表面及瓦楞芯纸表面,进入纸板的纤维间隙里引起渗透粘合。

65、Methods The number of nocturia, the nocturia output, the osmotic pressure of nocturia and the nocturia excretion of Na+ . ─── 方法记录患者CPAP治疗前后的夜尿次数、夜尿量、夜尿渗透压、夜尿钠排泄量和夜间心钠素(ANP)。

66、The isolation of protoplast,being the first step in protoplast technique,was restricted by several factors such as the resource materials,enzyme combination and osmotic condition. ─── 指出以叶片、愈伤组织、悬浮细胞作为分离原生质体的材料较适宜。

67、The main process improvements were two-stage filtration, total filtrate recyling, application of filtration aids, solvent recovery with osmotic membrane, room temperature dewaxing, etc. ─── 工艺方面的进展主要是两段过滤、滤液循环、滤剂应用、透膜溶剂回收和室温脱蜡等。

68、Methods Blood samples were obtained from ANP rats for hemorrheologic examination and erythrocyte osmotic fragility test. ─── 方法检测ANP大鼠的血液流变学指标,红细胞脆性及胰腺病理学检查。

69、Osmotic psychological education is a gradual and unnoticeable but effective way to promote the students' psychological health. ─── 摘要渗透式心理健康教育是以一种潜移默化的方式,促进学生心理健康的有效方法。

70、Different materials have different osmotic pressure.The reverse osmosis method to adopt larger osmotic pressures is used to obtain the purpose to separate, extract, purify and condense. ─── 根据各种物料的不同渗透压,可以用大于渗透压的反渗透法达到进行分离、提取、纯化和浓缩的目的。

71、Flax seeds were planted in germination bed with clear sand mixing with sucrose solution of-9.2bar osmotic concentration. According to germination per- centage may be appraised using capability of water to seeds under stress of water. ─── 将亚麻种子播入渗透势为-9.2巴蔗糖液及净沙配成的发芽床上发芽,可以反映出供试种子在水分逆境条件条件下对水分的利用能力。

72、Group 4 was freshly collected erythrocytes used as normal controls. ATP, 2, 3-DPG, morphology scores, MCV, osmotic fragility, and hemoglobin content of RBC in four groups were measured. ─── 分别测定4组红细胞ATP、2,3DPG、MCV、形态学积分、渗透脆性程度及Hb浓度。

73、The crystal osmotic pressures of serum were analyzed at the peak of serum sodium change. ─── 检测高血钠或低血钠高峰时的血清晶体渗透压。

74、The results from pot experiment showed that the drought tolerance mechanism of osmotic regulation and antioxidation was all found in sorghum and maize seedlings. ─── 摘要盆栽试验结果表明,高粱和玉米2种作物均存在渗透调节和抗氧化耐旱途径。

75、All dose of allicin had effect on the increase of erythrocyte osmotic fragility and the decrease of erythrocyte membrane fluidity, but no significance was detected. ─── 各剂量组对红细胞膜流动性的降低有改善作用,但均不具有统计学意义。

76、The physiological responses and their correlations of Populus hopeiensis leaves during PEG osmotic stress were investigated in this paper. ─── 摘要对PEG渗透胁迫下河北杨叶片的生理响应及其内在关系进行研究。

77、An osmotic agent is added to the composition for use in attracting salt-water aquatic animals. ─── 一种渗透性的试剂添加到其中用来吸引咸水水生动物。

78、It is deduced that the change of osmotic fragility may be related to the changes of the membrane structure and the geometric shapes (the ratios of surface areas tovolumes) of RBCs during their aging. ─── 推论其渗透脆性的变化可能与红细胞膜结构及红细胞几何形状(即红细胞表面积与体积之比)的变化有关。

79、Under osmotic stress, It could maintain a higher RWC level and a higher activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD), and lessen membrane injury. ─── 在渗透胁迫下能维持较高的相对含水量(RWC)和较高的保护酶(SOD)活性,质膜相对透性较小,膜伤害较轻。

80、Having the lower osmotic pressure of two fluids. ─── 低渗透的两种液体低渗压的

81、Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) seedlings were exposed to different low temperature-light regimes to investigate the responses of osmotic adjustment. ─── 摘要以西葫芦品种早青一代为试材,研究了不同低温弱光组合及低温弱光持续时间对西葫芦幼苗渗透调节物质的影响。

82、Maize(Zea mays..L);osmotic stress; xylem sap;alternative split-root; free amino acid; protein. ─── 09玉米;渗透胁迫;木质部汁液;分根交替;游离氨基酸;蛋白质

83、Temperature and vacuity rising can enhance osmotic flux visibly. ─── 升高温度和降低膜下游压力可明显提高膜的渗透通量。

84、Be urgent! Does osmotic dermatitis cause eczema how is infection to return a responsibility? ─── 急!湿疹渗透性皮炎引发感染是怎么回事?

85、Bond fracture appeared to be due to osmotic pressure generated in the bubble by water soluble constituents leached from the interface. ─── 粘结破裂的出现是由于外界面溶解出水溶性成分而鼓泡产生渗透压力之故。

86、Kaushal A M, Garg S. An update on osmotic drug delivery patents[J]. Pharma Tech,(2003) 27:88, 38. ─── 叶琳琳,胡宇华,陈军,等.盐酸维拉帕米口服渗透泵制剂释药特性的研究[J].中药药学杂志,2002,33(12):590.

87、Based on the study, the influence of mPEG modification on cell structure and function was observed, including osmotic fragility, hemolysis, AchE, cholesterol, ATP, 2,3-DPG, deformability and morphology. ─── 在此基础上,研究了mPEG-BTC修饰红细胞后对红细胞结构功能的影响,包括渗透脆性、自身溶血性、乙酰胆碱酯酶活性、胆固醇含量、ATP含量、2,3-DPG含量和变形性及形态。

88、A comparative study on surface structure and osmotic fragility and microviscosity of erythrocyte membrane of aged rat and blood stagnancy model rat has been made and reportcd in this paper. ─── 本文报道老年大鼠红细胞膜表面形态、渗透脆性、膜脂区微粘度的变化,并与用肾上腺素加冷刺激造成的“血瘀”模型大鼠以上各指标进行比较。

89、Reviewed the advances in the research of drought resistance in Sorghum on the recent studies of the morphologic resistance, osmotic tolerance and photosynthesis. ─── 摘要从形态抗性、渗透调节、光合作用等几个方面综述了抗旱作物高粱近年来抗旱机理的研究和进展情况。

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