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09-02 投稿



educative 发音

英:[?ed?uke?t?v]  美:[?ed?uk?t?v]

英:  美:

educative 中文意思翻译



educative 词性/词形变化,educative变形

异体字: educationalist |

educative 短语词组

1、educative reform ─── [法] 教育改革

educative 相似词语短语

1、medicative ─── adj.有药效的;可治病的;有治疗作用的

2、eductive ─── 教育的

3、deductive ─── adj.演绎的;推论的;推断的

4、reeducative ─── 再教育

5、educatee ─── n.受教育者

6、educate ─── vt.教育;培养;训练;vi.教育;训练

7、educating ─── 教育

8、durative ─── adj.持续的,持续性的;n.持续性

9、dedicative ─── adj.奉献的;献纳的(等于dedicatory)

educative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、school physical educative ─── 学校体育

2、It is also educative that express the author's belief to educate the young readers in a more casual way. ─── 一方面用诙谐逗趣引发”玩心”,另方面不经意的传递了教育小读者的”理念”。


4、The Educative Method of Diathesis on the Experimental Class of "Michelson Interferential" ─── "迈克尔逊干涉仪"实验课素质教法

5、educative purpose ─── 教学目的

6、But no improvement of disposition, no educative effect, need follow. ─── 但是他的性情不一定有所改进,也不一定产生教育效果。

7、11) A good movie shoud be educative. ─── 好的电影要有教育意义。

8、The educative purpose 1. knew that the Baiyang Marsh region people's opposition to Japan struggles the life, stimulates the student patriotic zealous and the revolutionary optimism spirit.... ─── 教学目的1.认识白洋淀地域人民的抗日斗争生活,激发学生的爱国热忱和革命乐观主义精神。...

9、Effect of educative function of physical culture on the implementation of quality education for college students ─── 初探体育文化教育功能对大学生实施素质教育的作用

10、educative initiation ─── 教育启蒙

11、On the Educative Worth of "Taping the Latent Power" Completely from Exercises in Textbook with Examples ─── 例谈课本习题充分"挖潜"的教育价值

12、He agreed to bell the cat and ask the president to introduce new educative methods. ─── 他愿意挺身而出,要求校长采取新的教育方法。

13、To cultivate educative ability of normal-school students during the chemical teaching ─── 在化学教学中培养师范生的教育能力

14、Criteria for the ideal treatment option for failed endodontics: surgical or nonsurgical?Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2007 Jun; ─── 2、至于你对我提出的根尖开口大小的数据来源,可以参考文献Karabucak B, Setzer F.

15、The Negative Affection Market Economy Brought to the University Students and Educative Countermeasures ─── 市场经济对当代大学生思想的负面影响及教育对策

16、So far, however, we are dealing with what may be called training in distinction from educative teaching. ─── 但是,我们刚才讨论的是和教育性的教学不相同的所谓训练。

17、After analyzing the main problems in Chinese sextual education, some suggestions are presented for China to strengthen sextual educ... ─── 加强性教育就要研究性教育的内容,性教育的“度”及性教育的途径。

18、Far better, he said, to direct the profits toward a great educative institution that lasts for all time. ─── 他还说,将利润投资于能长期存在的重要的教育机构将有意义得多。

19、He made it clear that a crucial role was to be played by teachers in helping to link children's interests to sustained intellectual development and to educative experiences. ─── 他清楚地说明教师应充当的角色是帮助把孩子的兴趣、稳定智力的发展和教育性质的实践联结起来。

20、Educative purpose: Understands the socialism initial stage the meaning, the reason, the principal contradiction and the basic task.... ─── 教学目的:理解社会主义初级阶段的含义、原因、主要矛盾和根本任务。...

21、The teachers' love embodies a significant educative power. ─── 摘要师爱具有巨大的教育力量。

22、You'll want a job that'll allow you to util your hard-earn educ and sharpen your skills, not on that reduc you to a coffe runner. ─── 希望一份能够让你应用自己数年寒窗苦获得的教育且提高技能的工作;而不是一份跑腿送咖啡的工作。

23、Thoughts on Criminal Technology Teaching Under Modern Educative Environment ─── 基于现代教育技术环境下刑事技术教学的思考

24、educative funetion ─── 教育功能

25、educative right ─── 教育权

26、In brief, the paper holds that caring activities unlabeled as education still is education, whereas caring education is more meaningful, more educative education. ─── 总之,笔者认为:没有贴着教育标签的关怀仍然是教育,而融入关怀的教育则是意蕴更丰富的教育、更体现教育性的教育。

27、So far, however, we are dealing with what may be called training in distinction from educative teaching. ─── 但是,我们刚才讨论的是和教育性的教学不相同的所谓训练。

28、educative equality ─── 教育平等

29、Only when it becomes cast in a mold and runs in a routine way does it lose its educative power. ─── 只有当它变成铸型,照章办事时,才失去它的教育力量。

30、educative layer ─── 教育层次

31、educative equity ─── 教育公平

32、Educative purpose: Knowledge: After the experiment, makes the student to understand that the air the composition, and has the understanding to the air pollution and the prevention.... ─── 教学目的:知识:经过实验,使学生理解空气的组成,并对空气的污染和防治有所认识。...

33、Keywords Hysterectomy;Health educ ation;Health knowledge needs; ─── 子宫切除术;健康教育;知识需求;

34、In the institutionalized education, educative power is exercised mainly by the body politic, schools and teachers, which embodies the alienability of educative power. ─── 在制度化教育中,教育权力的行使主要由国家、学校和教师来承担,这是教育权力让渡性的体现。

35、21 Bosworth HB,Olsen MK,Gentry P,et al.Nurse administered telephone intervention for blood pressure control:a patinet-tailored multifactorial intervention.Patient Educ Couns,2005,57(1):5214. ─── 20张桂芹,何桂芝,周荣芬.原发性高血压患者对健康教育的需求调查及对策.齐鲁护理杂志,2006,12(2):205-206.

36、It may fairly be said, therefore, that any social arrangement that remains vitally social, or vitally shared, is educative to those who participate in it. ─── 所以,完全可以说,任何社会安排只要它保持重要的社会性,或充满活力为大家所分享,对那些参加这个社会安排的人来说,是有教育意义的。

37、The two contorted forms of educative power undermine the rightful educative power by different way, and make it a kind of power that would be deconstructed and exorcised. ─── 对教育权力的这种扭曲根源于对其本质属性的错误理解,在教育现实中表现为多种认识上的误区。

38、I believe once more that history is of educative value in so far as it presents phases of social life and growth. ─── 我相信,只要历史呈现社会生活和发展的一些阶段,它是有教育价值的。

39、Educative power is an inner directive force contained in education; it's a fundamental way in which education exists. ─── 教育权力是蕴含在教育中的一种内在引导力量,是教育本身得以存在的基本方式;

40、The main difficulties in the local journal of educative theory are expressed in uncertain "status", lack of finance and labours and low quality. ─── 摘要地方教育理论期刊的困境表现在“身份”不很确定,人、财、物不足,质量不甚高;

41、It is truly educative in its effect in the degree in which an individual shares or participates in some conjoint activity. ─── 个人参与某种共同活动到什么程度,社会环境就有多少真正的教育效果。

42、educative quality ─── 教育性

43、educative experience ─── 教育性经验

44、the local journal of educative theory ─── 地方教育理论期刊

45、For an absurd man it is more educative than all libraries. ─── 对于一个荒谬的人来说,这种哲学比所有的图书馆更有所受益。

46、teacher educative wisdom ─── 教师教育智慧

47、Far better, he said, to direct the profits toward a great educative institution that lasts for all time. ─── 他还说,将利润投资于能长期存在的重要的教育机构将有意义得多。

48、Lee MB, Lee YJ, Lin HN, et al. (1997), The teaching of medical ethics using a small-group tutorial method, J Med Educ (Taiwan), (1), 201-215. ─── 吕碧鸿(1999),小班教学,八十八学年度小班教学指导老师教学研讨会,台大医学院,.

49、Instead, it's clearing the way for a more engaging, challenging, and truly educative college experience. ─── 相反,这种方式让更有吸引力,更有挑战性,和更加真实的教育远离大学生活。

50、educative practical curriculum ─── 教育实践性课程

51、Any academic studies involve value judgment, so as comparative educative research. ─── 摘要任何学术研究都会涉及到价值,比较教育研究自然也不例外。

52、In our search for aims in education, we are not concerned, therefore, with finding an end outside of the educative process to which education is subordinate. ─── 所以,我们探索教育目的时,并不要到教育过程以外去寻找一个目的,使教育服从这个目的。

53、Every book is not educative. ─── 不是每本书都有教育意义的。

54、Individual educative instruction and its effect in children with learning disorder: 8 case analysis ─── 学习障碍儿个别化教育指导及其效果:8例分析

55、educative practice ─── 教育实践

56、Educat - Educat, award winning educative software for Dutch elementary schools. Combining a modular design with a child-friendly and easy-to-use interface. ─── 为荷兰小学提供的一个获奖的教育软件。将一个模拟化设计和儿童友好的易于使用的界面相接合。

57、Evolutional logic leads to excessive competition in the realm of educ ation;3. ─── 二是进化论逻辑导致了教育领域的过度竞争;

58、Memorization of information by frequency repetition (rote learning) plays a role in educ. ─── 不少学生来函问我此题,打算化点时间写一篇出来。首先,欢迎集思广益。。。。

59、Because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from the childhood. ─── 因为自孩提时代起,读书就已经是最具教育性的工具了。

60、Conflict and Reason analysis of Educative Value Judgement ─── 教育价值观的冲突及原因分析

61、1 Nothing, we have been told these years, is more educative than participating in or listening to an exchange of opinion. ─── 似乎没有什么比要服兵役更使青年人担心了。

62、educative power ─── 教育权力

63、Equality, prac tice and the significance of models should be emphasized in the sincerity educ at ion among them and meanwhile education should be combined with the construction of regulations. ─── 大学生的诚信教育要坚持平等说理、注重实践、身教重于言教、教育和制度建设相结合的原则和策略。

64、And any environment is a chance environment so far as its educative influence is concerned unless it has been deliberately regulated with reference to its educative effect. ─── 任何环境,除非它已被按照它的教育效果深思熟虑地进行了调节,否则就它的教育影响而论,乃是一个偶然的环境。

65、The deeper and more intimate educative formation of disposition comes, without conscious intent, as the young gradually partake of the activities of the various groups to which they may belong. ─── 当青少年逐渐参与他们所属的各种群体的活动时,他们的倾向不知不觉地得到更为深刻和更为密切的教育陶冶。

66、educative reform ─── [法] 教育改革

67、UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan commended her for her active distribution of educative materials on AIDS prevention in China's rural areas. ─── 国外媒体称誉“从她的身上依稀看到了德兰修女的影子”。联合国秘书长安南称赞她是一位“在中国农村从事预防艾滋病宣传教育的女性活动家”。

68、Due to these, when building their own parks, the Chinese people gave priority to the national styles and educ... ─── 公园问题折射出在近代特殊的历史背景下中国现代化过程中中西文化融合、殖民主义与民族主义冲突的发展轨迹。

69、Lic. en intervencion educ. ─── 所在地: Orizaba Ver.

70、educative reflection ─── 教育反思

71、Sun Jian bo; Lu Xin guo; Zhang Lei; Peng Hui hui; 1College of Physical Educ ation; 2College of Tourism and Cuisine; Yangzhou University; Yangzhou 225000; Jiangs u Province; China; ─── 扬州大学;体育学院;旅游烹饪学院江苏省扬州市;江苏省扬州市;

72、Not every book is educative. ─── 不是每本书都有教育意义。

73、gymnastic educative ─── 体操教育

74、Tourism has a profound impact both on the world economy and, because of the educative effect of travel and the effects on employment, on society itself. ─── 旅游业不仅对世界经济产生了深远的影响,而且由于旅游的教育作用和对就业的影响,也对社会本身产生了深远的影响。

75、educative disparity ─── 教育差别

76、Keywords teaching reform;lemology;modern educative concept; ─── 教学改革;传染病学;现代教育理念;

77、International Federation of Educative Communities ─── 国际教育团体联合会

78、Keywords the principle of scientific development;medical educ ation;reformation;development; ─── 关键词科学发展观;医学教育;改革;发展;

79、That education is literally and all the time its own reward means that no alleged study or discipline is educative unless it is worth while in its own immediate having. ─── 我们说教育确实有它自己的酬报,意思是说,除非所说的学习或训练有它自己的直接价值,否则,这种学习或训练就没有教育意义。

80、He says affairs between teachers and sixth-formers could be "educative on both sides" ; public outcry ensues. ─── 他说老师和六年级中学生谈恋爱“对双方都具教育意义”,引发了公众的声讨。

81、How do we achieve some degree of educative purpose without violating their natures according to children's characteristics and the reality? ─── 如何从孩子的实际出发,既不违背他们的天性,又可以达到一定的教学目的呢?

82、Moral educ ation is the task that has an important bearing on the fate of the country, and the growth of the juvenile and youth as well as the development of the course of education. ─── 加强德育是一项事关我们国家命运大局、青少年成才的大局、教育事业发展大局的任务。

83、These educative programs will be only the beginning of events that lead up to first contact! ─── 这些教育计划将只是事件的开端,并导致第一次接触的发生!

84、the idea of quality-oriented education should be impenetrated during teaching process.The paper discusses the implementation of quality-oriented educ... ─── 在落实教学过程中贯彻素质教育的思想三个方面来谈开放教育法学专业导学过程中实施素质教育的问题。

85、educational community is the hylomorphic condition of educative power, because they are of identical construct so that educative power doesn’t live in without education community. ─── 教育共同体是教育权力存在的构成性条件,因权力与公共生活的同构性而决定了教育权力无法脱离教育共同体而存在。

86、educative innovation ─── 教育改革

87、Because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from the childhood. ─── 因为我们从孩提时代起就通过阅读来达到受教育的目的。

88、The Psychological Characteristics of Infant Reading and its Educative Strategy ─── 幼儿阅读的心理特点及其教育策略

89、Hi I'm going to tell you a joke today. There is a girl Her mother is quite strict regarding her educ... ─── 嗨今天呀,我来给你讲一个笑话嗯,有一个女生她的妈妈管她管得非常的严有一次呢,她被一个男...

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