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09-02 投稿


vitreous 发音

英:['v?tr??s]  美:['v?tr??s]

英:  美:

vitreous 中文意思翻译



vitreous 词性/词形变化,vitreous变形

名词: vitreosity |

vitreous 短语词组

1、vitreous enamel ─── 搪瓷 [化] ─── 搪瓷

2、vitreous bodies ─── [医] 玻璃体

3、fluid vitreous ─── [医] 玻璃体液化

4、vitreous phosphorus ─── [医] 黄磷(玻璃状磷)

5、vitreous humour ─── [电] 玻璃状液

6、vitreous lamella ─── [医] 玻璃层, 脉络膜基底层

7、vitreous carbon ─── [化] 玻璃碳

8、vitreous silica ─── 玻璃状[透明]石英, 流态硅土

9、vitreous humor ─── [医] 玻璃体液, 玻璃体

10、vitreous body ─── 玻璃体

11、vitreous degeneration ─── [医] 玻璃样变性, 透明变性

12、vitreous humor mucin ─── [医] 玻璃体粘蛋白

13、central canal of vitreous ─── [医] 玻璃体管

14、vitreous insulating material ─── [电] 玻璃绝缘材料

15、vitreous chamber ─── [医] 玻璃体腔

16、optically transparent vitreous carbon electrode ─── [化] 光透玻璃碳电极

17、vitreous membranes ─── [医] 玻璃体膜, 透明膜(毛根), 脉络膜基底层, 角膜后弹性层

18、vitreous form ─── [电] 玻璃状

19、vitreous electricity ─── [医] 玻璃电(毛绒摩擦玻璃,在玻璃上所起的电)

vitreous 相似词语短语

1、vitaceous ─── adj.葡萄科的

2、piteous ─── adj.可怜的;哀怨的;慈悲的

3、subvitreous ─── adj.近似玻璃的;亚硫态的

4、vitriols ─── n.硫酸,[无化]硫酸盐;尖刻的话;vt.用硫酸处理;用尖刻的话伤害

5、vitreum ─── adj.玻璃(体)的

6、vitreously ─── 玻璃体

7、nonvitreous ─── 非玻璃体

8、vitious ─── 葡萄

9、citreous ─── adj.柠檬的;柠檬色的

vitreous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Villatic in all two, see ocean and mountain range Cheng Jing through window of door of vitreous be born. ─── 别墅共两层,透过玻璃落地门窗可见海洋和山脉盛景。

2、Coefficient of eqpansion of mercurys in vitreous body is measured by busing mercurys thermometer. ─── 摘要利用水银温度计测定了其玻璃体内水银的体胀系数。

3、As a result of these new blood vessels more vulnerable vessel wall, causing blood flow to easily broken vitreous. ─── 由于这些新生血管的血管壁较脆弱,容易破裂造成血液流到玻璃体。

4、Subretinal seeds presented in 12 eyes while vitreous seeds in 11 eyes and subretinal fluid in 9 eyes. ─── 合并视网膜种植12只眼,玻璃体种植11只眼,视网膜脱离9只眼。

5、Bright vitreous furniture brings us the visual result with bright broadness, take us to walk out of close, dim, inanimate bedroom pattern. ─── 明亮的玻璃家具带给我们阔亮的视觉效果,带我们走出封闭的、暗淡的、死气沉沉的居室格局。

6、When choosing vitreous birdbath, basically see chosen material whether accord with national requirement for toughened glass, hot coefficient of expansion. ─── 挑选玻璃水盆时,主要看选用的材料是否为钢化玻璃、热膨胀系数是否符合国家的要求。

7、There was no vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment and endophthalmitis at following up time. ─── 随访期间未发现玻璃体出血、视网膜脱离和眼内炎、并发性白内障等并发症发生。

8、Decorate in the family actually in, it is single block is enchased no matter use, whole still metope uses vitreous brick, can have the effect that make the finishing point. ─── 其实在家庭装修中,不论是单块镶嵌使用,还是整片墙面使用玻璃砖,都会有画龙点睛的效果。

9、Methods 96 eyes in 8 0 cases with RD and vitreous membranes were measured by using 2-dimensional ult r asound and CDFI for image and blood flow iamging. ─── 方法用CDFI及二维超声对80例96眼各种类型视网膜脱离(RD)和玻璃体增殖机化引起异常膜状回声进行二维结构及系统检测血流信号。

10、Objective To investigate significance of vitreous surgery for complicated ocular trauma. ─── 摘要目的探讨在复杂性眼球外伤治疗中玻璃体手术的疗效和意义。

11、In the condition of similar coal rank, fusinite contributes more to specific area than the vitreous coal component in the eastern margin of Ordos Basin. ─── 在相似煤级条件下,惰质组分较镜质组分有更多的比表面积贡献。

12、The main complications after cryopexy were tractional retinal detachment 22.5% (9/40) and recurrent vitreous hemorrhage 17.5% (7/40). ─── 在并发症方面,冷冻组主要是牵引性视网膜剥离9例(22.5%),复发性玻璃体出血7例(18.5%);

13、Three patients underwent the operation because of the vitreous hemorrhage and CRVO was diagnosed during the surgery. ─── 3例患者因玻璃体积血接受手术治疗,手术中确诊为CRVO所致。

14、Another kind uses toughened glass, the security of vitreous shower room of this kind of quality of a material is better, produce blowout rarely. ─── 另一种采用钢化玻璃,这种质地的玻璃淋浴房安全性较好,很少发生爆裂。

15、The expansion coefficient of alcohols in vitreous container was measured by using alcohol thermometer. ─── 摘要利用酒精温度计法测定玻璃体内酒精的体胀系数。

16、A transparent, biconvex body of the eye between the iris and the vitreous humor that focuses light rays entering through the pupil to form an image on the retina. ─── 晶状体,水晶体眼球中一种透明的双面凸体,位于虹膜与玻璃体之间,它可使穿过瞳孔进入眼球的光线聚集在视网膜上来形成图像

17、As to blastfurnace slag, the higher the vitreous body content in amorphous state, the better the effect of reducing alkali aggregate reaction. ─── 对于高炉炉渣而言,非晶态玻璃体含量愈高,抑制碱集料反应的效果愈好;

18、We report a case of peripapillary arterial loop associated with preretinal and vitreous hemorrhage. ─── 我们报告一个合并有视网膜前和玻离体内出血的视神经盘旁动脉血管环的报告。

19、Methods 2 fresh vitreous spirates o f PVR were cytocentrifuged and prepared for transmission electron microcope exam ination. ─── 方法两例玻璃体切除液离心细胞透射电镜观察。

20、Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of vitrectomy combined with vitreous chamber infusion in treating endophthalmitis. ─── 摘要目的观察玻璃体切割联合眼内注药治疗感染性眼内炎的疗效。

21、Objective To explore the clinical character and laser treatment of retinal tears with Vitreous hemorrhage without retinal detachment. ─── 摘要目的探讨伴玻璃体出血的无视网膜脱离视网膜裂孔的临床特征和治疗。

22、He discovered that objects charged with vitreous electricity repel each other but attract objects charged with resinous electricity. ─── 他发现,带有玻璃质电的物体彼此排斥,但与带树脂质电的物体则相吸引。

23、We performed anterior retinal cryopexy (ARC) in 50 eyes of 37 consecutive diabetic patients with vitreous hemorrhage retained for at least 3 months. ─── 摘要本篇收集增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变并发中度至重度玻璃体出血达三个月以上仍无法吸收,无法再使用雷射治疗的病人共61位71例,将其分为二组,冷冻组37人,40例;

24、Asteroid hyalosis is a degenerative condition of the eye involving small white opacities in the vitreous humor. ─── 星状玻璃体症是一种眼部退行性,患犬在玻璃体内存在小的白色混浊物。

25、This is contained in the vitreous. ─── 它包含在玻璃体里面。

26、Different stem cells transplanted into subretinal interspace or vitreous cavity may differentiate into structure of neurone or retina. ─── 干细胞有望成为疾病发病机制及治疗研究突破的最新靶点。

27、Method:Make a analysis and summary of 63 patients of vitreous body incision operation from Dec. 2004 to Dec. 2005. ─── 方法:对2004年12月至2005年12月63例玻璃体切割手术患者进行回顾性分析总结。采取:(1)术前护理、心理护理、术前患者指导、术前准备。

28、In addition, vitreous hemorrhage occurred in 1 patient postoperatively and hemorrhage occurred in 2 in the operation puncturing the optic disk. ─── 1例手术后出现玻璃体积血,2例手术中穿刺视盘时出血。

29、Devitrification. The process in which a glass (noncrystalline or vitreous solid) transforms to a crystalline solid. ─── 反玻璃化:玻璃(非晶的或玻璃质固体)转变为晶体的一种工艺。

30、It is plasterboard adds vitreous clapboard, Tie Yi above the partition between sitting room and balcony for push-pull type ground ark increased practical function below modelling. ─── 客厅与阳台间的隔断上面是石膏板加玻璃隔板、铁艺造型下面为推拉式地柜增加了实用功能。

31、See inside vitreous body antrum floating countless white globose or dish state small system, be like ethereal numerous star. ─── 在玻璃体腔内见到漂浮着无数白色球形或盘状小体,如天上繁星。

32、Methods 56 cases of traumatic vitreous hemorrhage were treated with cool blood and styptic and invigorate the circulation of blood of dialectical traditional Chinese medicine. ─── 方法对56例外伤性玻璃体积血根据其出血早晚分别采用中药凉血止血活血化痪治疗。

33、It is a vitreous greenish blue, as I remember it, like those patches of the winter sky seen through cloud vistas in the west before sundown. ─── 我记得,那蓝绿得晶莹湖面,宛如冬日的天空里,日落前西天云缝间的所见的片片天色。

34、Objective: to explore the efficacy of vitrectomy on vitreous hemorrhage. ─── 目的:观察玻璃体切割术治疗玻璃体积血的效果。

35、The results and complications of pars plana vitrectomy for diabetic vitreous hemorrhage were studied in 70 eyes for 65 patients. ─── 摘要本篇我们研究糖尿性玻璃体出血行平坦部玻璃体除术之结果及其并发症、共有六十五位病人、七十只眼睛。

36、Working balcony can hold vitreous door in order to strive for more natural lighting. ─── 工作阳台可以装玻璃门以争取更多的自然采光。

37、Washing bath area, we choose the vitreous mosaic that is close to with wall paint color. ─── 在洗浴区,我们选用与墙漆颜色接近的玻璃马赛克。

38、Retina can be reattached with cryopexy even vitreous operation. ─── 35例视网膜干性裂孔患者诊断及时,经光凝治疗后视力无明显改变。

39、major complication included 1 eye of iris damage and 1 eye of rupture of posterior capsule with vitreous loss. ─── 术中并发症主要为虹膜损伤1眼,后囊破裂玻璃体脱出改行硬质人工晶状体植入1眼。

40、The risk factors of onset are as follows: undergoing surgeries at a young age, microcornea, nuclear cataract and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV). ─── 危险因素包括:手术年龄小,小角膜,核性白内障,永存原始玻璃体增生症(PHPV)等。

41、One group reported vitrectomy with removal of the intraocular triamcinolone acetonide from the vitreous cavity to treat the elevated IOP [45]. ─── 一个研究小组报道了通过玻璃体切割术去除眼内的曲安奈德来控制升高的眼压的方法[45]。


43、Luster is vitreous to pearly especially on cleavage surfaces. ─── 光泽 是玻璃体,以珠光,特别是对卵裂表面。

44、Methods 15 of 48 aphakic eyes are implanted IOL through a clear corneal tunnel incision, others are fixed IOL under irrigation into vitreous cavity. ─── 方法对48例此类患者中15例周边囊膜保留良好者行透明角膜隧道切口植入三片式可折叠人工晶体,余33例在后房灌注下缝线固定人工晶体。

45、Vitreous material to move the door or other glass transparent in surface should be colored, or have obvious pattern. ─── 玻璃材质的移门或其他玻璃透明处的表面应是有颜色的,或是有显而易见的图案。

46、A vitreous mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate and sodium chloride in crystalline form; occurs in igneous rocks. ─── 一种玻璃质矿物,由铝硅酸盐和氯化组成,呈晶体状,见于火成岩中。

47、By contra st, no vitreous liquefaction was found and only one eye showed confined partial PVD in the control group. ─── 对照组仅1只眼形成非常局限的PVD。

48、The postoperative complication was membrana vitreous anterior opacification and retinal detachment opacification.They were happened among40 eyes. ─── 发生术中、术后并发症,如后囊膜破裂、悬韧带断裂、玻璃体溢出、角膜水肿和后发障等共40眼。

49、Asteroid hyalosis is a degenerative condition of the eye involving small white opacities in the vitreous humor. The cause is unknown. ─── 星状玻璃体症是一种眼部退行性疾病,玻璃体内存在小的白色混浊物。病因不明。

50、In individual design, what porch is in is muti_function vitreous screen distinguishs dining-room and sitting room come, simple and outline is trenchant. ─── 个体设计中,玄关处的多功能玻璃屏风将餐厅与客厅区分开来,简单而又轮廓分明。

51、We observed pathologic changes of PDR, such as vitreous hemorrhage, posterior detachment of vitreous, tractional detachment of retina, vitreous organization, preretinal membranes. ─── 对PDR各种病理改变:如玻璃体积血、玻璃体后脱离、牵引性视网膜脱离、玻璃体机化和视网膜前膜的诊断符合率达到94%。

52、After toilet used vitreous brick wall, solved moistureproof wet problem already, had hazy implicative beauty again. ─── 卫生间采用了玻璃砖墙后,既解决了防潮湿问题,又有了朦胧的含蓄美。

53、Vitreous and retinal surgery poses a risk to corneal endothelium in the aphakic and pseudophakic eyes. ─── 为保护角膜内皮,行玻璃体、视网膜手术时应尽可能保留晶体。

54、The main complications were cystoid macular edema, posterior subcapsular cataract and vitreous hemorrhage which leads to visual damage. ─── 导致视力损害的主要并发症有黄斑囊样水肿、后囊下白内障和玻璃体积血。

55、Abstract: Objective:To explore a new means for axial eye length measurements when vitreous turbidity in intercurrent cataract. ─── 摘 要: 目的:探索并发性白内障玻璃体混浊时准确测量眼轴的新方法。

56、Purpose: To report a case of tuberous sclerosis that had astrocytic hamartoma complicated by vitreous hemorrhage. ─── 摘要目的:报告一位结节性硬化症病患,合并出现视网膜星状细胞缺陷瘤及玻璃体出血。

57、Brief introduction the composition about the flatness measurement instrument of the crystallitic vitreous panel.It is introduced to disposal to the measured data. ─── 介绍自动检测微晶玻璃板材平面度装置的基本组成设备和检测数据的处理方法。

58、One must go to see a doctor if he gets a cloudy vitreous humor. ─── 如果出现玻璃体浑浊的现象,一定要及时就诊。

59、Like flu, typhoid fever, shed a head to wait, also reportorial malaria, relapsing fever waits can cause vitreous body muddy. ─── 如流感、伤寒、流脑等,也有报道疟疾、回归热等可引起玻璃体混浊。

60、Methods: Using vitreous cutter to remove the traumatic cataract mixed with fragments of vitreous through the incision of limbus. ─── 方法:采用玻璃体切除器经角膜缘切除混杂有玻璃体的外伤性白内障。

61、Active treatment for severe vitreous hemorrhage and its complication may be helpful to improve the visual prognosis. ─── 对于出血量大、难于吸收及出现并发症的病例 ,积极治疗可改善视力预后

62、One month later, the vitreous hemorrhage decreased, and ophthalmoscopy examination revealed a white, elevated, retinal tumor involving the inferior optic disc. ─── 一个月后,右眼玻璃体出血减少,眼底检查发现一白色,突起之视网膜肿瘤,侵犯下方视神经盘。

63、Chemoreduction treatment combined with local treatment may effectively control the retinal tumor, subretinal seeds and vitreous seeds within a short-teen duration. ─── 化学减容术联合眼肿瘤局部加强疗法近期内可有效控制视网膜肿瘤、视网膜下种植及玻璃体内种植;

64、Such pars plana vitrectomy was an alternative to treat some cases of Irvine-Gass syndrome, especially those with vitreous incarceration. ─── 对于一些白内障术后发生慢性囊状黄斑病变的病例,早期施予全玻璃体切除术是个可行的治疗。

65、Inside lesser room, vitreous tea table can reduce a room embrace. ─── 在较小的房间内,玻璃茶几可以减少房间的拥堵。

66、Time span from subretinal pigment epithelium hemorrhage to vitreous hemorrhage averaged 11 days (1 to 3 weeks). ─── 六例(85%)接受经扁平部玻璃体切除术。

67、Objective: To observe the results and complications of vitrectomy for the treatment of nontraumatic vitreous hemorrhage. ─── 摘要目的:了解玻璃体切除术治疗非外伤性玻璃体出血的疗效和并发症。

68、What use stickup agent to attaint carries paper on the back or cannot make vitreous mosaic becomes angry. ─── 所用粘贴剂不能损坏背纸或使玻璃马赛克变色。

69、One eyes with retinoblastoma was wrongly diagnosised as PHPV.The arterial flow signal was detected in the central part of hyperplastic vitreous body in 11 eyes. ─── 1只眼为视网膜母细胞瘤误诊为PHPV,11只眼在玻璃体增生区的中心部显示动脉血流信号。

70、Good at the treatment of virus keratitis, eyeground hemorrhage, centricity retinitis, vitreous body turbidness, etc. ─── 并能充分发挥中医的优势治疗病毒性角膜炎、眼底出血、中心性视网膜炎、玻璃体混浊等疾病。

71、Before operations, 18 eyes displayed as acute angle-closure glaucoma, 5 eyes showed visible vitreous hernia in pupil area with high intraocular pressure. ─── 18眼术前表现为急性闭角型青光眼的临床特点,5眼术前发现瞳孔区玻璃体疝伴高眼压。

72、Surgical peripheral iridectomies occluded by vitreous, exudation or omission of peripheral iridectomy during cataract operation were the most common causes. ─── 周边虹彩切除处被玻璃体、渗出物覆盖或手术时没有做周边虹彩切除术是发生瞳孔阻塞最常见的原因。

73、Such vitreous condensed and degradation of the phenomenon known as the "vitreous after stripping. " ─── 此种玻璃体凝缩与退化的现象称为“后玻璃体剥离”。

74、Objective: To explore the therapeutic effects of traditional Chinese medicine phonophoresis on vitreous hemorrhage opacity. ─── 摘要目的:探讨超声药物透入疗法对出血性玻璃体混浊的临床疗效。

75、In the cabinet that a side in big bed takes vitreous door that filled up with all sorts of sculpture handicraft, look to know be goodwife to collect. ─── 在大床的一侧那个带玻璃门的柜子里摆满了各种雕塑工艺品,一看就知道是女主人的收藏。

76、Receive vitreous door, the wall disappeared, the sitting room is reductive the space that opens wide completely for, sunshine and fresh air an afflux house. ─── 把玻璃门收起来,墙消失了,客厅还原为一个完全敞开的空间,阳光和新鲜的空气一起涌进屋子。

77、Methods The clinical data of 42 eyes with post-traumatic endophthalmitis were analysed.They had been treated with vitrectomy combined with drug injection in vitreous chamber. ─── 方法 分析42例外伤性眼内炎行玻璃体切除联合玻璃体内注药治疗的临床资料。


79、Conclusion Proliferative diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion are the main causes of non-traumatic vitreous hemorrhage. ─── 结论增生型糖尿病性视网膜病变、视网膜静脉阻塞是非创伤性玻璃体积血的主要原因。

80、The results of optical microscope showed that the epiretinal membranes were composed of vitreous collagen, astrocytes and extracellular matrixes. ─── 光学显微镜观察发现,内界膜表面的视网膜前膜主要由玻璃体胶原纤维,星形胶质细胞及细胞外基质组成。

81、Methods To analysis the vitrectomy on 37 cases with severe vitreous hemorrhage in different time. ─── 方法对37例(37眼)严重外伤性玻璃体积血不同时期的玻璃体切除术进行回顾性分析。

82、What basically be used at establishment of heating, air conditioning, noise elimination is outer vitreous adornment. ─── 主要用于采暖、空调、消声设施的外层玻璃装饰。

83、Still have property of guard against theft additionally, vitreous lacerate still has abatis to hold back. ─── 另外还有防盗性能,玻璃割破还有铁丝网阻挡。

84、In the PDR group,the increased IGF-I level in the vitreous was positively correlated with the level in serum. ─── PDR组玻璃体IGF-I水平升高,与其血清浓度增高呈显著正相关。

85、We reviewed transconjunctival anterior retinal cryotherapy (ARC) among 69 eyes, 58 patients with diabetic vitreous hemorrhage in one-year period. ─── 回顾一年期间,对糖尿病性玻璃体出血58位病人的69只眼睛,我们做了经结膜之视网膜前部冷冻治疗。

86、Of or relating to the vitreous humor. ─── 属于或关于玻璃体的

87、Vitreous hemorrhage was produced by intravitreal injcction of 0.05ml of autohgous cit-rated whole blood in 14 rabbits(28 eyes). ─── 14只兔(28只眼)通过向玻璃体内注入0.05ml含枸橼酸钠的自体全血建立玻璃体出血模型。

88、Macular holes recurred in 13 cases, 11 eyes of which were performed PPV and C3F8 filling or silicone oil vitreous infusion. ─── 13例随访中黄斑孔再开,其中11例再行玻璃体切除联合C3F8填充或硅油填充。

89、Objective Explores the entire vitreous body cutting in the vitreous body hematocele application. ─── 摘要目的探索全玻璃体切割在玻璃体积血中的应用。

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