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09-02 投稿


cacophony 发音

英:[k?'k?f(?)n?]  美:[k?'kɑf?ni]

英:  美:

cacophony 中文意思翻译



cacophony 同义词

blare | harshness | stridency | disharmony | clamor | jangle |music | din | blaring | discord | loudness | noise | dissonance | discordance

cacophony 短语词组

1、cacophony is produced by ─── 杂音是由

2、cacophony the ninja ─── 刺耳的忍者

3、cacophony syn ─── 杂音

4、cacophony definition ─── 杂音定义

5、cacophony sentence example ─── 杂音句例

6、cacophony kids def ─── 不和谐的孩子们

cacophony 词性/词形变化,cacophony变形

名词复数: cacophonies |

cacophony 反义词


cacophony 相似词语短语

1、radiophony ─── 无线电话学

2、colophony ─── n.树脂;松香

3、cacophonic ─── adj.(声音)不和谐的

4、cacophonous ─── adj.粗腔横调的;发音不和谐的

5、apophony ─── 元音交替

6、acrophony ─── n.截头表音法

7、tautophony ─── n.同音反复

8、cacophonies ─── n.刺耳的音调;不和谐音

9、gramophony ─── n.留声机(gramophone的变形)

cacophony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tumor rises high submit beads form, exterior temperature is higher, palpation has quiver feeling, auscultation has blowy appearance cacophony. ─── 肿瘤高起呈念珠状,表面温度较高,扪诊有震颤感,听诊有吹风样杂音。

2、Just part of the cacophony, a statistic in Logan's weekly FAA report. ─── 尽量让Logan机场的统计报告里看出我只有一点点异常是最好。

3、Chicago has its own version of this strategy in six police districts, but it has been all but ignored in the current cacophony. ─── 芝加哥的六个警区也有相应的策略,但在最近的纷纷扰扰中这些策略几乎被无视了。

4、Set of phonic effect card is undesirable, often do not speak when this phonate, should quiet when just give out one caboodle cacophony. ─── 音效卡设定不良,常常该出声时不讲话,要安静时才发出一堆杂音。

5、” Amid the brutal, ugly cacophony of war, Lilli Marlene always struck a sweet and tender note. ─── ”在残酷丑陋的战争喧嚣中,丽莉·琳总是用她那温柔甜蜜的音符去抚慰人们心灵的创伤。

6、If everyone can contribute, the possibility for cacophony is great. ─── 每个人都可以投稿,杂音的可能性很大。

7、Amid the brutal, ugly cacophony of war, Lilli Marlene always struck a sweet and tender note. ─── 在残酷丑陋的战争喧嚣中,丽莉·玛琳总是用她那温柔甜蜜的音符去抚慰人们心灵的创伤。

8、Press the artery that offers blood entirely shut, the beating of tumor and cacophony can disappear. ─── 将供血的动脉全部压闭,肿瘤的搏动和杂音就会消失。

9、And the howling cacophony of a diesel locomotive crashes toward them as they watch the train come into focus from the distance. ─── 然后,一辆柴油机车头朝他们驶来,这时候这辆来自远方的列车上进入了众人注视的目光中。

10、When the cacophony grew too much to bear, I remounted and pedalled furiously, banshees screaming past my ears, my feet assuming a clockwork of their own. ─── 嘈杂声越来越大,让人难以忍受,我再次骑上车,疯狂往前蹬,女鬼的尖叫声在耳边响起,我的双脚像发条一样急转。

11、Wall Street slid amid a cacophony of worries about the effects of rising prices. ─── 华尔街受涨价趋势的影响,股票在纷繁的焦虑声中下滑。

12、All sorts of aid organisations and pressure groups were trying to make their voices heard in the pre-summit cacophony. ─── 所有的援助组织和要给峰会施加压力的组织都纷纷在峰会前发出声音,想要让这些领导人们听见。

13、That tale began with the cacophony of reveille for the prisoners, “sounded by the blows of a hammer on a length of rail” through windows coated in frost two fingers thick. ─── 这个故事以监狱里刺耳的起床号开始,“锤子打击长横木的声音”穿透结着两指厚冰霜的窗户。

14、compensator in a cacophony ─── 杂音补偿器

15、The idea of a cacophony of alternative wits combining to form what we think of as a unified intelligence is what Marvin Minsky calls "society of mind. ─── 遴选种种思智的片鳞只爪,虽然生来并不和谐画一,来运化为我们可以理解的一元化的智能活动。

16、The cacophony is the lesser evil. ─── 意见喧嚣没有那么邪恶。

17、Leathery sea turtles bob lazily offshore, and the light cacophony of birdsong accents the ambient sound of wind and waves. ─── 皮质粗厚的海龟慵懒地晃动着身体移向海面,略微刺耳的鸟鸣声加重了周围海风和海浪的声音。

18、About the only thing that cuts through this cacophony of voices is the sound of the bell which signals the moment the sun begins to set over Lake Travis. ─── 唯一可以穿透这一片嘈杂声音的,是标志着特拉维斯湖上日落开始的钟声。

19、It could take years before the complete picture of the cacophony of lies, cheating, misrepresenting, and fraud will be brought to light. ─── 我们要花费多年的时间,才能将这个由众多的谎言、欺骗、提供虚假信息和造假构成的整个画面公之于世。

20、For Britons of that generation however it's a date that sets off a cacophony of signals. ─── 但对那个年代的英国人来说,那是一个有着复杂意义的日期。

21、The drivers behind him honked, and the cacophony grew louder. ─── 后面的司机还在按喇叭,且那刺耳的声音越来越大。

22、The PUA alphabet turns out to be a dizzying cacophony of mind games, all designed to make a woman feel intimately connected to him, painstakingly mapping her psyche for manipulation. ─── 泡妞是个思维游戏:其目的就是孜孜不倦地分析女人的心理,加以控制,让她产生心有灵犀的错觉。

23、It follows after three harrowing bars.Piano and orchestra swirl up into one blazing, diabolic cacophony in which the practised ear may detect the thumping opening theme of the movement. ─── 三个悲痛猛烈的小节过后,钢琴与交响乐团卷入了强烈的魔鬼似的不和谐音中,老练的听众可以在其中辨别出乐章重击般的开始主题。

24、Yet, in the cacophony of popular culture, quiet statements are often ignored or drowned out. ─── 如今平静的陈述仍常被流行文化的嘈杂所湮灭。

25、From its cacophony of sound, the room has suddenly become very still ─── 本来众声嘈杂的屋子里,突然变得非常肃静。

26、Within minutes, the winds had stopped, and an eerie silence replaced the cacophony of moments earlier. ─── 几分钟之后风停了,一片诡异的宁静代替了片刻之前的喧嚣声。

27、Our meal came, and the cacophony continued. ─── 我们的饭菜上来了。 那刺耳的声音仍在继续。

28、In China, people eat to a cacophony of laughter, conversation, clanging plates and drunken cheers. ─── 在中国,人们是伴着刺耳的大笑声、谈话声、盘碟碰撞声以及醉酒欢闹声来吃饭的。

29、When the cacophony grew too much to bear, I remounted and pedaled furiously, banshees screaming past my ears, my feet assuming a clockwork of their own. ─── 当噪音越来越大,我再也无法忍受,我便骑上车,疯狂地骑踩踏板 ,尖叫声呼啸而过,双脚像是被上了发条的时钟不停地蹬踩。

30、And we hear best when we silence the cacophony of competing voices clamoring for attention. ─── 当我们让干扰注意力的不和谐声音 沉默下来,我们就能听得更清晰。

31、Democracies produce a cacophony, in which each voice complains that its own urgent message is being drowned in a sea of pap. ─── 民主政体产生了意见的喧嚣,所有人都在抱怨一些急迫的诉求被淹没在言论的海洋里。”

32、He said the "cacophony of voices" from different euro zone states had confused markets with mixed messages. ─── 他认为,欧元区国家“不一致的声音”传达出混淆的信息,令市场感到困惑。

33、Silence is the basic ingredient for entering into our intuitive mind and to resist the cacophony of meaningless noises outside. ─── 静默是进入到我们直觉的精神世界和抵御外界毫无意义的杂音的基本要素。

34、Researchers have found that it is our left brain that picks out the desired sounds from a cacophony of loud and competing sounds. ─── 研究表明是我们的左脑帮助我们从各钟杂音中挑出想要听到的声音。

35、The resulting cacophony has drowned out everything else. ─── 这句话所导致的刺耳噪音淹没了一切其他的事情。

36、cacophony electromotive force ─── 杂音电动势

37、This week's Trades Union Congress (TUC), an annual gathering of organized labor, was a cacophony of truculence. ─── 本周的英国职工大会(TUC,工会成员的年度大会)在一片好斗的嘈杂声中结束。

38、Like that long pointed area of ill patient heart often has cacophony of appearance of systole period hair drier. ─── 然久病患者心尖区常有收缩期吹风样杂音。

39、He believed, he said, in "the silence of clothing" . Yet perhaps he must take some of the blame for the new cacophony. ─── 圣洛朗说,他相信“时装的寂静无言之声”但是,或许他多少也要为目前时装乐章中一些不和谐的刺耳杂音承担一些责任。

40、In the midnight, the citizens within the city struck up a cacophony of noise that startled the sleeping Yan troops. ─── 午夜,沉睡中的燕国士兵被即墨城里刺耳的噪声惊醒。

41、a noisy cacophony ─── 嘈杂的声音

42、euphony and cacophony ─── 谐音与非谐音

43、A multitude of faces danced randomly before my eyes, whilst in my ears, a cacophony of voices fought to be heard. ─── 许多面孔,错落地在我眼前跳舞; 许多人声,嘈杂地在我耳边争讼。

44、In a sport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence, a sport where shooters compete amid a cacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing between heartbeats. ─── 在一种充满各种刺耳噪音且靶心看上去只有句号大小的体育运动中,射击选手们仍能聚精会神地专注于在每次心跳瞬间弯曲手指、扣响扳机。

45、But there is much disturb and cacophony on power line, using commonly communication"s mode is difficult to attain reliability"s demand. ─── 但是由于电力线上的干扰及杂音比较大,采用普通的通信技术很难达到可靠性的要求。

46、No cell could function amid the resulting cacophony. ─── 没有一个细胞能在这麽的一团糟里生存下来.

47、Heard a cacophony of horns during the traffic jam. ─── 交通阻塞时,听到一片不和谐的喇叭声

48、It is to everyone's loss if musicians ignore living composers and their particular powerful ability to give shape to the “cacophony of modern lived experience”. ─── 如果音乐家忽略在世的作曲家和他们塑造“现代生活中不和谐音”的超凡能力,就是所有人的损失。

49、Instant cacophony as the crowd inched forward step by step, coming, they're coming! ─── 紧跟着人声嘈乱起来,整群的人象机器似的一齐向前拥了一寸,又一寸,来了!来了!

50、Nature's symphonic world was drowned by man's industrial cacophony. ─── 大自然的和声世界被人类的工业噪音淹没了。

51、The drivers behind him honked, and the cacophony grew louder. ─── 后面的司机还在按喇叭,且那刺耳的声音越来越大。

52、To outsiders, the cacophony underlines the profession's uselessness. ─── 对局外人来说,这种不和谐的声音凸显了该行业的无能。

53、As the cacophony of madness and nightmares hammered its final blow against Albrecht's scattered and scrambled maniacally into the lengthening passageways of his waking Nightmare. ─── 刺耳的杂音在阿尔布雷特混乱崩析的疯狂噩梦中对他做出了最后一击:他的灵魂被打入了无尽延长的噩梦隧道中,再也无法醒转过来。

54、The place thunders with a cacophony of hissing espresso machines, screaming infants and soothing maternal tones. ─── 咖啡店里充满着咖啡机的嘶嘶响声、婴儿的哭叫声以及妈妈们安抚孩子的声音。

55、"The building is caky musical " , "" of sodden poop deck is those disharmonious cacophony however. ─── 建筑是凝固的音乐","烂尾楼"却是那些不和谐的杂音。

56、All sorts of aid organisations and pressure groups were trying to make their voices heard in the pre-summit cacophony. ─── 所有的援助组织和要给峰会施加压力的组织都纷纷在峰会前发出声音,想要让这些领导人们听见。

57、International investors, by contrast, are looking at the system as a whole and cannot make sense of the cacophony. ─── 可国际投资者将欧洲看做一个整体,无法理解其中的不和谐。

58、*High-sensitive Microphone can record voice with 64 sqm clearly and play without any cacophony. ─── *高灵敏度的麦克风,在64平方之内能清晰的把声音录制下来,播放无杂音效果;

59、A girl's piercing scream dissolved into a cacophony of shouts and cries. ─── 一个女生刺耳的尖叫声与杂乱的喊声哭声夹杂混合在一起。

60、8. Unfortunately the warning voices have been rather quiet, and now they are drowned by the baying cacophony: "GM GM GM GM GM GM!" ─── 不幸的是,警告的声音太小了,现在它已经完全被“转基因、转基因、转基因、转基因、转基因、转基因”的刺耳噪音所淹没了!收藏指正

61、What to make of this cacophony? ─── 社会党内不和谐的根源从何而来呢?

62、around was a cacophony of voices. ─── 声响遍四周。

63、When I visit a website and am instantly bombarded with an unwanted cacophony of nasty sound I tend to leave with immediate effect. ─── 如果我访问网站时候立马遭到不想听的不必要的杂音的轰炸的话,我就想马上离开。

64、Fans, compressors, motors, transformers, pumps and other gear create a literally deafening cacophony hazardous to the health and well-being of the crew. ─── 太空站里的散热风扇、压缩机、马达、变电器、泵,以及其他种种设备,会制造出震耳欲聋的噪音,这对站内工作人员的健康及情绪都会造成伤害。

65、The tradition monitors medium cacophony, for instance patulin is hit lose favourable sale, cause sales volume steep add, this has nothing to do with the healthy state of people. ─── 传统监测中的杂音,比如感冒药打折优惠销售,导致销量陡增,这跟人们的健康状况无关。

66、Amid the brutal, ugly cacophony of war, Lilli Marlene always struck a sweet and tender note. She belongs to all nations. ─── 在残酷丑陋的战争喧嚣中,丽莉·玛琳总是用她那温柔甜蜜的音符去抚慰人们心灵的创伤。她永远属于所有的民族。

67、9. It could take years before the complete picture of the cacophony of lies, cheating, misrepresenting, and fraud will be brought to light. ─── 这些公司不仅欺骗了公众,而且谎报业绩,通过各种名目如“创造性的会计手法”故意掩盖大量的债务。收藏指正

68、When the cacophony grew too much to bear, I remounted and pedalled furiously, [url=] banshees screaming past my ears, my feet assuming a clockwork of their own. ─── 那声音过分刺耳,我再也无法忍受,便重新骑上了自行车;女妖们的尖叫声掠过我的耳畔,我的脚像自己上了发条一样拼命地蹬着。

69、Fraud, misinformation and opinions: How do we find legitimate information in this cacophony of written voices? ─── 诈骗、失实和意见:如何找到合法的书面资料,在这个声音的糙?

70、"Policy precedes cacophony of opinions!" --------- helps you insight into the business tax reform package at first opportunity, making you become the earliest bird! ─── "“众说纷纭,唯有政策”----第一时间帮您揭秘营业税改革方案,先“读”为快!

71、And the howling cacophony of a diesel locomotive crashes toward them as they watch the train come into focus from the distance. ─── 然后,一辆柴油机车头朝他们驶来,这时候这辆来自远方的列车上进入了众人注视的目光中。

72、For the noise of the crowd, substitute hair dryers, light dimmers, fluorescent lamps, vacuum cleaners and a cacophony of similar appliances that send spikes of static coursing back through the wires. ─── 就像足球场内群众的噪音,各式各样会发出杂讯的家电,像是吹风机、调光器、萤光灯、吸尘器、混音器等等,会将一波波的静电回传到电线里。

73、The move will mean that the usual cacophony of car horns and yelling won't be present in Times Square anymore, leaving the area free for pedestrians to use. ─── 此举将意味着,通常刺耳的汽车喇叭,并大声将不会出现在时代广场了,离开该地区免费供行人使用。

74、8.Unfortunately the warning voices have been rather quiet, and now they are drowned by the baying cacophony: "GM GM GM GM GM GM!" ─── 不幸的是,警告的声音太小了,现在它已经完全被“转基因、转基因、转基因、转基因、转基因、转基因”的刺耳噪音所淹没了!

75、BOOED RELENTLESSLYJapan have been booed relentlessly during the tournament and they were subjected to similar treatment again, their national anthem drowned out by a cacophony of noise before kickoff. ─── 无情发出嘘声 日本在联赛期间已经被无情发出嘘声,他们再次接受相似的处理, 在开始之前一种噪音的刺耳的声音压过的他们的国歌。

76、The solution is science, our preeminent pattern-discriminating method and our best hope for detecting a genuine signal within the noise of nature's cacophony. ─── 解决的办法在于科学:科学是我们最卓越的模式识别法,也是我们从自然界的众多杂音中,侦测出真正讯号的最大希望。

77、A multitude of facts danced randomly before my eyes, whilst in my ears, a cacophony of voices fought to be heard. ─── 许多面孔,错落地在我眼前跳舞;许多人声,嘈杂地在我耳边争讼。

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