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09-02 投稿



impetuously 发音


英:  美:

impetuously 中文意思翻译



impetuously 词性/词形变化,impetuously变形

名词: impetuousness |副词: impetuously |

impetuously 相似词语短语

1、imperviously ─── adv.透不过地

2、impetuosity ─── n.性急,冲动;冲力,猛烈

3、incestuously ─── 乱伦地;犯乱伦罪地

4、impiously ─── adv.不信神地;不虔诚地

5、impecuniously ─── 无能的

6、tempestuously ─── adv.剧烈地;暴风雨一样地

7、imperiously ─── adv.专制地;妄自尊大地

8、ingenuously ─── adv.率直地;正直地

9、impetuous ─── adj.冲动的;鲁莽的;猛烈的

impetuously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He escaped impetuously, like the wolf who finds his cage open ─── 他象一头狼,看见笼门开了,总要慌忙出逃。

2、"I'll write as long as I live," cried Carl impetuously ─── “只要我活着,就一定给你写信,”卡尔激动地说。

3、"The white has no and tightly stares at her, " you what all good, be deed impetuously too many, hesitant, will break down important event. ─── 白无及紧紧地盯着她,“你什么都好,就是太感情用事,犹豫不决,只会坏了大事。”

4、Brujon replied almost impetuously but still in a low tone:-- "What are you jabbering about? ─── 普吕戎表示反对,他几乎是急不可耐,但始终压低着嗓子说道:“你在和我们说什么?

5、Equipped with good plate armour, and armed with lance and sword, these elite warriors are a force to be reckoned with, despite their tendency to act impetuously in battle. ─── 一旦踏入战场,骑士们全钢板甲刀枪不入,只有最精锐的长矛方阵方可挡住他们的全力冲锋。

6、He escaped impetuously, like the Wolf who finds his cage open. ─── 他象一头狼,看见笼门开了,总要慌忙出逃。

7、She interrupted him impetuously ─── 她焦急地岔着说

8、During the next 50 years, she took off many times, sometimes impetuously, always for adventure beyond the bounds of conventional English life. ─── 接下来的五十年,她无数次地出发开始那些超越传统英式生活的冒险远行,有时候她的准备未全就匆匆出发了。

9、said Tess impetuously, the tears welling to her eyes. ─── 苔丝气冲冲地说,眼睛里充满了泪水。

10、1 Those people, who act impetuously, are as if they are hung by feet on beam. ─── 感情用事、并且以自身感受来支配一切的人,他们就像是一个个被倒悬在梁上的人。

11、When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." ─── 当我的孩子冲过来亲吻我时,我将再不会说:“以后吧,现在我们要去洗手吃饭了。"

12、As to the ideological work, we should never go about impetuously. ─── 对于思想工作,千万不可操切从事。

13、Impetuously or recklessly determined to do or achieve something ─── 破釜沉舟的,决意的:急于或不顾后果地决意做或得到某事物

14、Seeing the enemy withdrawing, Wang Tungse impetuously followed with five militiamen. A political director tried to halt him. Tungse shook off the restraining hand. ─── 看到敌人撤退了,王东子带领五个民兵迅猛地追了上去。政治指导员拦住他。东子挣脱了拦阻他的手。

15、The books and newspaper groups have various attitudes on the case, some sustain the stern suppression of Qing dynasty, but more people impetuously fustigate the stern suppression of Qing dynasty. ─── 案件在国内外产生了较大的影响,国内的书报界对此案态度多不一致,有的支持政府的严禁政策,但更多的却是对其进行猛烈的抨击。

16、Nakharars Horse Nobles are equipped with good plate armour, and armed with lance and sword, These elite warriors are a force to be reckoned with, despite their tendency to act impetuously in battle. ─── 纳卡拉贵族枪骑兵身穿精良板甲,手持骑枪和长剑进行厮杀。这些精锐骑兵作战极为强悍,但有时会不遵军令擅自出击。

17、When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, “Later. ─── 孩子们毛手毛脚地亲我,我决不会说:“等等。

18、Last year we accomplished many things, but some were overdone or done impetuously. ─── 去年一年我们做了很多事情,有些事情是搞多了搞急了。

19、The next day the first SS battalion to reach the canal was impetuously ordered to cross it by Eicke before a proper reconnaissance had been conducted. ─── 第二天,党卫队的第一个大队到了运河,在没有经过可靠的侦察后,埃克就急切地下令让它跨越河流。

20、Upon discovering leads to Mirax's abductors, Horn impetuously left the academy, and freed his wife from a rogue Imperial Moff-turned-pirate. ─── 在得知米菈克丝的绑架者之后,洪恩立即离开学院,从一个狡诈的前星区首长海盗手中救出妻子。

21、said Tess impetuously, the tears welling to her eyes.O my God! ─── 苔丝气冲冲地说,泪水涌上了眼眶,“哦,天啊!

22、When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later.Now go get washed up for dinner. ─── 我要和孩子们一起坐在草坪上,不担心衣服上会染上草渍。

23、When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love you's" More "I'm sorry's." ─── 当我的孩子莫名地亲我时,我永远不会再说,“等一会儿。现在你要洗手吃饭。”我会更多地说“我爱你”,“对不起。”

24、When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. ─── 当我的孩子莫名地亲我时,我永远不会再说,“等一会儿。

25、Impetuously Nelson pushed it open altogether. ─── 内森急着向前,把门推开了。

26、He had acted impetuously, according to his wont, having, a despot-turned slave, but a single thought,--to satisfy Marius. ─── 他照自己的想法,单凭激情行事,暴君已变为奴仆,唯一的心愿就是使马吕斯满足。

27、Sagitarius the person optimistic, honest, warm, likes challenging, but impetuously is very easy to be restless, crude conduct. ─── 射手座的人乐观、诚实、热情、喜欢挑战,不过很容易浮躁不安,鲁莽行事。

28、The twenty-first century is a new century in which intellectual economy will develop impetuously. ─── 二十一世纪是知识经济迅猛发展时期,各个领域的竞争随着市场化、国际化的进程而日益深广和激烈。

29、When my kids kissed me impetuously , I would never have said, "Do your homework first." ─── 当孩子冲过来吻我时,我不会叫他们快去做功课!

30、But in the same time, they also shows that he is a walker in the dark, angrily and impetuously, wandering around without reason and knowing nothing about the way back home. ─── 但同时他又是愤怒的、躁动的,仿佛一个行走在“旷野”的夜行人,莫名其妙地徘徊,东奔西走,始终找不到回家的路向。

31、Do not run impetuously before the Lord; ─── 不要很性急地跑在上帝前面;

32、When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. ─── 当我的孩子莫名地亲我时,我永远不会再说,“等一会儿。

33、But she admits she is a little worried about the impact on her career of having quit impetuously. ─── 但是她也承认担心冲动的辞职会给她的事业带来影响。

34、"Get up his strength!" said Tess impetuously, the tears welling to her eyes ─── “养养神儿”?特丝满眼都是泪,疾言厉声地说。

35、"Get up his strength! " said Tess impetuously, the tears welling to her eyes. ─── “养养神儿”?特丝满眼都是泪,疾言厉声地说。

36、You may be tempted to make a major decision impetuously (such as to leave your partner, among many options) now that Uranus is in Aries. ─── 因为天王星在白羊座,你可能会被引诱,性急地去做一个重大抉择(在一系列的选择中,选择离开你的伙伴)。

37、It's not the first time in your life you've acted impetuously and then regretted it. ─── 这不是你第一次冲动地做了什么然后又后悔了。

38、The yoga may help the people impetuously to feel at ease calms down. ─── 瑜伽可以帮助人们将浮躁的心安静下来。

39、they would outweigh the sands of the seashore! It is for this that I speak impetuously. ─── 它们重过海岸的沙粒,难怪我出言冒失。

40、of course I dashed impetuously to the shrine to pay homage. ─── 一听这话,我当然性急地冲到这个神殿来表示敬意。

41、Douglas impetuously drinks wine and eats roast pork. ─── 道格拉斯喝了很多红酒,吃了不少烤猪肉。

42、As to the ideological work, we should never go about impetuously ─── 对于思想工作,千万不可草率从事。

43、"Get up his strength!" said Tess impetuously, the tears welling to her eyes. ─── “养养神儿”?特丝满眼都是泪,疾言厉声地说。

44、" The mother exclaimed impetuously:-- "You always have something better than any one else, so you do! ─── 那母亲急躁地喊着说:“你什么事都比别人强,你!

45、Impetuously the boy said, “I can make a garden out of this dump, if you'll let me. ─── 男孩一阵冲动,对他说:“如果您允许的话,我可以把这片垃圾场变成一个花园。”

46、Acting impetuously and indulging in exaggerations will just prevent pursuing truth. ─── 感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求。

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