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09-02 投稿



eczema 发音

英:[?ɡ?zi?m???eks?m?]  美:[?eksm?; ?eks?m?]

英:  美:

eczema 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 湿疹


eczema 词性/词形变化,eczema变形

形容词: eczematous |

eczema 短语词组

1、eczema ani ─── [医] 肛门湿疹

2、eczema epilans ─── [医] 脱毛性湿疹

3、Brocq's eczema ─── [医] 布罗克氏湿疹, 脚癣

4、crackled eczema ─── [医] 裂隙性湿疹

5、bakers' eczema ─── [医] 揉面湿疹, 揉面痒病

6、dry eczema ─── [医] 干性湿疹

7、baker's eczema ─── [网络] 揉面湿疹

8、eczema crustosum ─── [医] 痂性湿疹

9、eczema epizootica ─── [医] 兽疫性湿疹, 口蹄疫

10、eczema fissum ─── [医] 裂隙性湿疹

11、eczema barbae ─── [医] 须部湿疹

12、eczema exfoliativum ─── [医] 剥脱性湿疹

13、atopic eczema ─── [医] 特应性湿疹, 变应性皮炎

14、eczema diabeticorum ─── [医] 糖尿病性湿疹

15、eczema capitis ─── [医] 头皮湿疹

16、eczema erythematosum ─── [医] 红斑性湿疹

17、allergic eczema ─── [医] 变应性湿疹, 变应性皮炎

18、eczema articulorum ─── [医] 屈部湿疹

19、chronic eczema ─── 慢性湿疹; 干癣

eczema 相似词语短语

1、enema ─── n.灌肠剂(复数enemas)

2、schema ─── n.[计][心理]模式;计划;图解;概要

3、empyema ─── n.积脓症

4、extrema ─── n.极值

5、edema ─── n.[病理]水肿(等于oedema);瘤腺体;n.(Edema)人名;(乌干)埃德马

6、eczematous ─── adj.湿疹的

7、erotema ─── n.反问法

8、episema ─── 上位

9、emblema ─── n.浮雕装饰;徽章系列

eczema 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Here is reported the first case of infantile eczema associated with BP who has been successfully treated by immunoglobulin. ─── 文中报告首例婴儿湿疹合并大疱性类天疱疮患者,用丙种球蛋白治疗有效。

2、Proven in decades of daily usage on babies, it can nourish hair and skin, prevent and relieve diaper rash, prickle heat, eczema and insect bites. ─── 历代民间使用证明:婴幼儿洗头可养发,洗澡可润肤、祛痱、防湿疹、抗蚊虫叮咬等炎症;

3、Be urgent! Does osmotic dermatitis cause eczema how is infection to return a responsibility? ─── 急!湿疹渗透性皮炎引发感染是怎么回事?

4、They despised him because he always looked so miserable and because he had eczema and dandruff. ─── 有一回他来上班时口中有股酒气,他们甚至还要解雇他,他们瞧不起他,因为他总是可怜巴巴的,有湿疹,有头皮。

5、Oerall, 17.7 percent of all children had doctor-diagnosed eczema at age 2. ─── 所有这些孩子中,有17.7%曾在两岁时被医生诊断得了湿疹。

6、Eczema is usually treated by removing known allergens, preventing the skin from becoming dry and utilizing steroid creams or antihistamines. ─── 湿疹通常是治疗消除已知过敏原,防止皮肤变得干燥,并利用类固醇乳霜或抗组胺药。

7、The method with best what can treat eczema? ─── 有什么最好的办法可以治疗湿疹?

8、Reduce the weight and rebirth the skin. Also be good at acne and eczema. ─── 减重,皮肤再生,收敛毛孔,紧肤,减轻结疤,除臭。改善粉刺、湿疹、牛皮癣、香港脚、头皮异常等。

9、Unfortunately there is no cure for eczema although there are many ways to keep it under control. ─── 可惜的是,目前没有确切的治愈方案,虽然有很多方法,可以使它得到控制。

10、Common allergies include eczema, asthma, hay fever, food allergies and reaction to venom when stung by insects etc. ─── 一般过敏症包括湿疹、哮喘、花粉症、食物过敏及因被某些昆虫叮咬接触毒液后的敏感现象等等。

11、Summer arrived, the weather has been more and hotter, today and the daughter plays to raise her head's game, suddenly saw between the neck meat and the meat occur the red eczema. ─── 夏天到了,天气越来越热了,今天和女儿玩抬头游戏,突然见到脖子肉与肉之间出现红红的湿疹。

12、If northerner arrives after here is southern, incommensurate the climate here, often grow eczema, it is reason of the what in the body cause, what method prevents and is treated? ─── 如果北方人到这里南方后,不适应这边的气候,常常长湿疹,是身体里什么原因造成的呢,有什么办法预防和治疗呢?

13、Fit for curing anus eczema, infantile eczema, Chapped skin, burn, zona bleb and etc. ─── 五倍子可用于肛门湿疹,婴儿湿疹,皮肤皲裂,烧伤,带状疱疹等。

14、In patch and plaque stage, MF may resemble eczema, psoriasis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, ichthyosis and etc. ─── 但肿瘤前期MF临床表现无特异性,可类似湿疹、银屑病、毛发红糠疹、鱼鳞病等,而红皮病型MF也易与上述疾病引起的红皮病相混淆,所以对疑似病例有必要行皮肤活检等相关检查。

15、Got dermatitis eczema, how to do? ─── 得了皮炎湿疹,怎么办呢?

16、For those who suffer from eczema or other skin sensitivities, use our cream in combination with our Shampoo &Bodywashes. ─── 对有湿疹或是其它皮肤敏感者,和香波洗浴产品一起来使用面霜。

17、People with flaking skin disorders, such as eczema and psoriasis, need to be especially vigilant. ─── 患有皮肤病剥落,如湿疹、银屑病、要特别提高警觉。

18、Mammary eczema, what division be belonged to when hospital register? ─── 乳房湿疹,医院挂号时属于什么科啊?

19、Zinc and neomycin paste is used for dermatitis and eczema. ─── 新锌糊用于皮炎和湿疹。

20、The next step, Segre says, is to investigate the relationship between microbial ecosystems and diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. ─── 撒格雷说,下一步要探索的是微生物生态系统与湿疹、牛皮癣等皮肤病间的联系。

21、Method The heparin sodium cream was applied topically in 120 patients with asteatotic eczema and neurodermatitis. ─── 方法采用肝素钠乳膏外涂治疗干性湿疹和神经性皮炎共120例。

22、A potato in your pocket will cure rheumatism and eczema. ─── 口袋里装土豆可以治疗风湿病和湿疹。

23、He suffered from a ery extensie and seere eczema inoling most of the body, face, and scalp, associate with marked pruritus. ─── 他患了极广泛而严重的湿疹,遍及大部份躯干、面部和头皮,并且有显着的瘙痒症。

24、My daughter is 5, she has had eczema since being a baby, the last few months have been the worst, and she has been on adult strength steroids for it. ─── 我5岁的女儿从婴儿时就患上了湿疹,前几个月情况更糟糕了,已经开始按成人剂量使用类固醇药物来控制,却没有任何好转。

25、Her small, familiar hands with blotches of eczema touch and massage my scalp, loving me, ridding me of any last trace of "hospital smell" . ─── 她小巧熟悉的双手还留有湿疹的斑痕,此时轻轻抚摸和按摩着我的头皮,爱护着我,将我身上最后一丝“医院的气味”洗掉。

26、It also effective in treating scabies, insect stings, skin infections, and eczema. ─── 它也有效地治疗疥疮,昆虫叮咬,皮肤感染和湿疹。

27、Indications: It has significant effect to sarcoptes scabiei, ear mite , fungi, eczema , Pyoderma , pruritus and so on. ─── 本品对犬猫疥螨、耳螨、真菌、湿疹、脓皮症、瘙痒症等有明显疗效。

28、An inherited predisposition to eczema is known to exist and is most obvious in the case of atopic eczema. ─── 先天性易感湿疹的存在是大家所了解的,并且在特应性湿疹病例中最为明显。

29、Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families. ─── 湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,常会遗传。

30、He has a simplistic view of the treatment of eczema. ─── 他对湿疹治疗所持观点过于简单化。

31、Fish pelargonium is natural hairdressing fine quality goods, be opposite especially dry skin, dermatitis, eczema, use the effect that wash bath very good. ─── 天竺葵是天然美容妙品,非凡是对干燥皮肤,皮炎,湿疹,用来洗浴效果很好。

32、Methods: Since June, 2007 to June, 2008, altogether treats above 60 years old the old age chronic keratinization eczema 152 examples. ─── 方法自2007年6月至2008年6月,共治疗60岁以上老年慢性角化性湿疹152例。

33、Pore obstruction, eczema, psoriasis, wound healing and comfort to stimulate the skin. ─── 改善毛孔阻塞、湿疹、干癣,愈合伤口,并安抚受刺激的皮肤。

34、Observation of the effectiveness of compound Sophore Flavescentis powder in the treatment of 186 cases of infantile eczema. ─── 复方苦参散治疗婴儿湿疹186例效果观察。

35、Generalized lymphadenopathy also can occur in patients with such chronic dermatologic disorders as eczema. ─── 全身淋巴结病也可发生在有慢性皮肤性紊乱像湿疹病人中。

36、The factors inherent in the individual that predispose him to eczema are another subject for speculation. ─── 有些人具有先天性因素,使他易患湿疹,这是考虑病因的另一个方面。

37、It has a high content of salt and silica3, and they say it can help cure skin problems like psoriasis and eczema. ─── 它含有丰富的盐分和硅,可以治疗牛皮癣和湿疹之类的皮肤病。

38、Methods To detect the allergens of eczema with Intracutaneous Test. ─── 方法采用变应原皮内试验方法检测湿疹患者过敏原。

39、Chemical residue from artificial fragrances commonly used in other personal care products may cause skin irritation, eczema and may be hazardous to our health. ─── 个人护理产品中普遍加入人造香味,化学成分的残余物会引致皮肤过敏、湿疹,甚至会危害我们的健康。

40、Efalizumab was generally well tolerated. Significant side effects included thrombocytopenia, viral gastroenteritis and worsening eczema despite drug discontinuation. ─── 依法利珠单抗可以很好的被耐受。明显的副作用包括血小板减少,病毒性胃肠炎和停药后仍然出现的湿疹的恶化。

41、Methods21 cases of severe infant eczema were given Fufang Chidili Lotion and Erhuang Adhesive Plaster,and statistics the curative effects. ─── 方法采用自拟复方赤地利洗剂合二黄膏治疗重症婴儿湿疹21例,并统计疗效。

42、Over usage causes headache and uneasiness in stomach. It may irritate sensitive skin. Do not use on skin inflammation or eczema. ─── 使用过度可能导致头痛和反胃。可能会刺激敏感皮肤。不可用在发炎的皮肤状态和湿疹上。

43、Is the question‘ Have you had childhood eczema?’useful for assessing childhood atopic eczema in adult population surveys? ─── 在成人调查中“是否患过儿童湿疹”的问题对于评估儿童期特应性湿疹有用吗?

44、Our customers have reported excellent results with this shampoo & body wash in their fight against eczema and other skin sensitivities. ─── 我们的顾客反馈这款洗发沐浴香波对于抵抗湿疹和其他皮肤敏感有特殊功效。

45、They cause blood vessels to widen, resulting in the affected area of skin becoming red, swollen, itchy and painful, such as is seen in dermatitis or eczema. ─── 他们导致血管扩张,使皮肤变为红色,肿起,痕痒和剌痛,譬如可见的皮炎或湿疹。

46、To treating eczema, dermatitis, how does the ointment allergy of skin allergy do? ─── 对治疗湿疹,皮炎,皮肤过敏的药膏过敏怎么办?

47、Fit to all kinds of skin, especially good for dark spot, ringworm and eczema. ─── 亦具有防晒功能,可用于身体防晒。

48、Atopy can lead to atopic dermatitis, eczema, gastrointestinal distress and asthma. ─── This is th过敏性紫癜的中医治疗e Allergy March.

49、Abstract: Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 0.05% desonide cream in the treatment of patients with eczema. ─── 文章摘要: 目的 了解0.05%地奈德乳膏治疗湿疹的临床疗效及安全性。

50、Between30 and40 percent of nickel-sensitive people tended to develop hand eczema, an inflammation of the skin which could lead to sick leave or change of jobs. ─── 40%镍过敏者会因此感染上湿疹和皮肤炎症,最终他们不得不休病假,甚至更换工作。

51、Interestingly, the children most likely to benefit from probiotics were those with no family history of eczema or related allergies. ─── 有趣的是,从益生菌中得益的儿童好像更多地是那些没有湿疹家族史或相关过敏症的家庭。

52、Or a hunchback or a dwarf, or one who has a defect in his eye or eczema or scale or crushed testicles. ─── 20驼背的、矮矬的、眼睛有毛病的、长癣的、长疥的、或外肾损坏的,都不可近前来。

53、Babes usually get oozing eczema reaches on their faces, she said.The disease is sometimes called cradle cup. ─── 婴儿通常会在脸部起湿疹,而且还会渗出脓液,此症有时候称为乳痂。

54、Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of 0.1% monetasone furoate lotion in the topical treatment of neurodermatitis and eczema. ─── 摘要目的:了解0.1%糠酸莫米松洗剂治疗神经性皮炎和湿疹临床疗效和安全性。

55、The second that begs remedial eczema urgently square! ─── 急求治疗湿疹的秒方!

56、Doctors call the progression from eczema, or atopic dermatitis, to breathing problems the atopic march. ─── 医生们称这个过程为从湿疹或特应性皮炎到进行中的特应性呼吸问题。

57、Introduce two new applications of Xuefuzhuyu Tang: the treatment of myasthenia gravis and hand eczema. ─── 介绍血府逐瘀汤的两个新用途:治疗重症肌无力和手部湿疹。

58、He grew out of his eczema as he got older. ─── 他长大后湿疹就好了。

59、Herbal remedies are remarkably successful in treating eczema. ─── 草药疗法医治湿疹非常成功。

60、Skin problems, especially eczema and psoriasis, respond to its high content of vitamins A and E. ─── 对于湿疹和银屑病等皮肤顽症,能够通过吸收鳄梨油中的维生素A和E,得到很好的治疗。

61、Anti-worms, eliminate pains, cure cold and eczema. ─── 杀虫驱虫,止痛,治疗风寒感冒及湿疹。

62、Yu Xiaxie sea often cause skin allergies, urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis, impetigo, psoriasis and other skin diseases of the intractable seizures. ─── 如海鱼虾蟹往往引起皮肤过敏者荨麻疹、湿疹、神经性皮炎、脓疱疮、牛皮癣等顽固性皮肤病的发作。

63、My poor baby had horrible baby eczema, it looked like a rash all over her tummy and was very bumpy and dry. ─── 我可怜的宝宝有紧张的湿疹,全部肚子上长满了像皮疹一样的东西,粗糙干燥。

64、After 4 months the itching eczema disappeared - the dermal situation has remained stable for 2 years. ─── 4个月后,瘙痒性的湿疹消退了,皮肤的这种状态已经持续稳定了2年。

65、Amoils offers all natural treatments for common conditions and ailments using essential oils. isit our Eczema for more information. ─── 一旦出现湿疹的急性反应,去除危险因素是明智的做法。湿疹自愈前减轻瘙痒有助于其自然恢复。

66、Hand eczema(HE) is a common dermatologic disease.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has broad prospects in treating it. ─── 手部湿疹是皮肤科临床的常见病、多发病,中药治疗该病疗效显著。

67、The likelihood is skin allergy, or eczema, try with Pi Kangling. ─── 可能是皮肤过敏,或者湿疹,用皮康灵试试。

68、Is there eczema or psoriasis in your family? ─── 你家里人有得湿疹或牛皮癣吗?

69、Heal up the wound, regulate menses and distant the ache after sports. Also be good for tumefaction and eczema. ─── 愈合伤口,改善毛孔粗大、暗疮、湿疹,调节月经,改善便秘、利尿、减肥,帮助运动后的各种疼痛疏解

70、When applied onto the skin, it becomes a natural lotion that helps cure skin ailments such as eczema and other illness such as rheumatism. ─── 把这些泥巴涂在皮肤上,就变成一种天然的化妆水,可以治疗像湿疹这样的皮肤病,和其它如风湿病等疾病。

71、Break off the spiky leaf and open it up, scoop out the sticky colourless gel to put directly on to the skin to heal burns, eczema, cuts, ulcers, psoriasis, scars and sunburn. ─── 折断并打开一片尖尖的叶子,把它那粘稠无色的凝胶挖出来就可以直接敷在皮肤上,用于治疗烧伤、湿疹、割伤、溃疡、牛皮癣、伤疤和太阳灼晒。

72、Conditions like acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema can affect more than just the skin's appearance. ─── 如痤疮、酒糟鼻、牛皮癣和湿疹等情况,其影响可能不仅仅是皮肤外观。

73、The term "eczema" has had many meanings. ─── “湿疹”这个名词有过许多意思。

74、Provides long-lasting moisturization that helps to relieve extra dry, chapped or chafed skin or dry skin associated with eczema or psoriasis. ─── 持久保湿,改善皮肤的干燥肤质,有效治疗干燥引起的皮肤起皮,治疗湿疹.

75、In many cases of eczema it is probable that more than one causative factor is involved and that the patients may be sensitive to a variety of contact and ingested allergens. ─── 在很多湿疹的病例中,其致病因素或许不止一个,也可能病人对接触的和吃入的多种过敏原过敏。

76、Glick said, adding, "however, it seems less useful for infants after eczema has developed, and it isn't clear whom to give it to and when. ─── 不过,在婴儿发生湿疹之后再给的话就比较没有用,目前还不清楚该给谁以及该何时给予。

77、Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial; can protect and replenish damaged acne-prone skin; natural astringent, able to neutralize oily skin, improve eczema and inflammed skin. ─── 抗炎、抗菌、保护和修复因病毒而受损的皮肤如青春痘,收敛、净化效益油性肌肤适用,改善湿疹、皮肤炎。

78、Effective prevention Han Zhen (Feizi) and eczema. ─── 有效预防汗疹(痱子)湿疹。

79、A study of the Dutch Twin Registry examined both enironmental and genetic risk factors in susceptibility to asthma, eczema, and rhinitis in a large group of children. ─── 一项研究荷兰双胞胎登记册的调查显示环境和遗传有害因素都会增加大量儿童对哮喘、湿疹和鼻炎的易感性。

80、Amoils offers all natural treatments for common conditions and ailments using essential oils. isit our Eczema page for more information. ─── 因此,只要你护理好你的皮肤,选择一种有效的治疗方法,将对你控制湿疹大有帮助。

81、Herb injection "antiphlogistic No.1" has certain therapeutic effect on acute dermatitis and eczema. ─── 中药抗炎一号注射液治疗急性皮炎湿疹有显著疗效。

82、All parts or roots and leaves are used as medicine for urticaria, mastitis, toothache, menorrhagia, dysentery, skin eczema, enteritis, etc. ─── 全株或根和叶用作治疗风疹,乳腺炎,牙痛,月经过多,痢疾,皮湿疹,肠炎,等的药。

83、Excoriations are caused by scratching with the fingernails in an effort to relieve itching in a variety of diseases (eczema, scabies). ─── 抓痕是为了尽量减轻各种疾病(湿疹、疥疮)所致的瘙痒而用手指搔抓引起的。

84、The commonnest erythema of dermatitis of sex of eczema, urticaria, contact, psoriasis, polymorphous sex waits for abnormal reactivity eyelidDermatosis. ─── 最常见的有湿疹、荨麻疹、接触性皮炎、牛皮癣、多形性红斑等变态反应性睑皮肤病。

85、My 5-month old son has mild eczema on his legs, elbows, tummy and cheeks. ─── 我的5个月大的儿子在他的双腿,手肘,肚皮和脸颊部位有轻微的湿疹。

86、Phototherapy - this is another treatment for those with chronic eczema where the patient is exposed to up to 30 sessions of ultraviolet radiation. ─── 光线疗法--这是一种治疗那些慢性湿疹病人的方法。患者需要暴露在紫外线下超过30个疗程。

87、Although its underlying cause is unknown, Atopic Eczema appears to be an excessive response of the body's immune system to allergens. ─── 虽然其背后的原因是未知之数,异位性湿疹,似乎是一种过度反应,对人体免疫系统的过敏原。

88、No significant differences in the occurrence of eczema and recurrent wheeze were noted between the three infant groups, the report indicates. ─── 报道表明,在这三组婴儿任两组间湿疹和复发性喘鸣的发病没有显著差别。

89、Food allergy can take the form of a sudden life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis, as well as eczema or an itchy rash. ─── 这些食物容易引起肠道的过敏性反应、湿疹、以及发痒性皮疹等等。









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