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09-02 投稿



guildhall 发音

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guildhall 中文意思翻译



guildhall 词性/词形变化,guildhall变形


guildhall 短语词组

1、the guildhall ─── 市政厅

2、guildhall sitting ─── [法] 伦敦市法院开庭期

3、guildhall school ─── 市政厅学校

guildhall 相似词语短语

1、build a wall ─── 砌墙

2、music-hall ─── 音乐厅

3、music hall ─── 音乐厅

4、gildhall ─── 吉尔达尔

5、guildships ─── 公会船

6、Valhall ─── 瓦尔霍尔。

7、gildhalls ─── 价值

8、guildhalls ─── n.市政厅(等于gildhall);公会或行会会馆

9、guilefully ─── 内疚地

guildhall 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Prime Minister, in his speech at the Guildhall, surveyed the international situation. ─── 首相在伦敦市政厅大会堂所做的演说中,概括地评述了国际形势。

2、Alison studied trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music, the Paris Conservatoire, and with H?kan Hardenberger. ─── 艾丽森在盖德霍尔音乐学院学习小号,之后进入巴黎音乐学院师从哈登?伯格。

3、Twenty-five thousand cheering people filled the Guildhall Square and the streets leading to it. ─── 2.5万名欢呼的群众站满了市政厅广场以及通往广场的街道。

4、The essay discusses several forms of the west Fujian's Hakkas' action of making their clan more cog national, which include the guildhall, the countrymen organization and the sodality. ─── 文章介绍了闽西客家人的几种睦族恳亲组织形式,包括客家会馆、同乡会、联谊会等。

5、The second part generalizes the main functions of Shanxi and Shaanxi guildhall, which includes function of guild administration, social protection and expanding local culture. ─── 第二部分概括山陕会馆的主要功能,包括行业管理功能、社会保障功能、张扬本土文化功能。

6、Guildhall of salt industry ─── 盐业会馆

7、The rising and flourishing reason of Chongqing emigration guildhall ─── 重庆移民会馆产生和兴盛的原因探析

8、Originally he came to London with his band Door 66, however he changed his plans and entered Guildhall School of Drama. ─── 最初,他来到伦敦是和他的乐队“66号”,但是他改变了计划,进入市政音乐和戏剧学校学习。

9、After just 40 minutes wandering round the Guildhall Art Gallery in the City of London, they reported a decrease in their stress levels. ─── 在研究过程中,这28人会利用午休时间到附近的艺术画廊观看艺术品展。

10、Graduated from The Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, England. ─── 毕业于英格兰伦敦音乐与戏剧学校。

11、Stand with your back to the Forum.St Peter Mancroft Church is directly in front of you.Leave the Forum bearing left and stand above Norwich Market.City Hall is behind you, with the Guildhall up ahead. ─── 英国政府领导人现在频繁地将信奉同一宗教的族群,称为该族群自己的“社区”,应按照自己的风俗来管治(当然,额外的要求是宗教政治应采取“温和的”形态)。

12、Wynne was born in Carmarthen, South Wales and studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the National Opera Studio. ─── 怀恩出生在南威尔士的喀麦登郡,在市政厅的音乐与戏剧学校学习。

13、The Analysis of Wooden Relief on the Eyebrow Board in Xiqin Guildhall ─── 西秦会馆楣板木雕赏析

14、Guildhall is a complicated synthesis. ─── 会馆建筑是一个复杂的综合体。

15、Humanistic spirit in architectural composition of guildhall in the south of Sichuan ─── 川南会馆建筑布局中的人文精神

16、I acquired the performance diploma (ATCL with Distinction)from the Trinity Guildhall &Grade 8 Theory from the Royal Schools of Music. ─── 已考获演奏文凭(伦敦圣三一)(ATCL with Distinction)及皇家音乐学院 八级乐理 证书。

17、Graduated from The Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, England. ─── 毕业于英格兰伦敦音乐与戏剧学校。

18、Guildhall of the Xiqin Association of Fellow Provincials ─── 西秦会馆

19、There are three parts in this article.The first part demonstrates the origin of the guildhall then describes its diffusion and character. ─── 全文共分三个部分,第一部分论述山陕会馆产生于明清的主要原因,继而描绘出其的分布和特点。

20、Guildhall was the result of this social reform.This article focuses on the guildhall and analyzes the origin, diffusion and character of the guildhall then generalizes its function. ─── 本文主要是对明清时期所出现的会馆这一新经济因素加以研究,全面分析了山陕会馆在明清时期产生的原因、分布、特点,并对其功能加以概括。

21、Guildhall is a complicated syntheses,it is one of the important public architecture in Ming Qing dynasty. ─── 会馆建筑是一个复杂的综合体,它作为明清时期一种重要的公共建筑,反映了社会政治、经济、生活、文化等多方面的内容。

22、He gave libraries to Guildhall and Greyfairs. ─── 他给市政厅和交易所建了图书馆。

23、Fusion of Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist Thought in Business Culture of Shanshan - guildhall ─── 论社旗山陕会馆商文化中的儒、佛、道融合

24、The first was the lord mayor's banquet at Guildhall last Monday, in honour of his predecessor. ─── 首先是市政厅举行的伦敦金融城市长宴会,向其前任致意。

25、These days, a little Obamaphilia is rubbing off on the often forgotten Guildhall Art Gallery, established in the historic heart of London in 1885. ─── 如今年幼的奥巴马粉丝们常常会忘记,这座位于伦敦中心的美术馆早在1885年便已建立。

26、Caption :Britain's Zara Phillips arrives at the Guildhall in Windsor, southern England for Prince Charles' civil wedding ceremony to Camilla Parker Bowles, April 9, 2005. ─── 描述:扎拉菲利浦抵达温莎市政厅,参加在英格兰南部举行的的查尔斯王子和卡米拉的民间婚礼仪式,2005年4月9日。

27、Lu'an guildhall ─── 六安会馆

28、Alison studied trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music the Paris Conservatoire and with Hakan Hardenberger. ─── 艾丽森在盖德霍尔音乐学院学习小号,之后进入巴黎音乐学院师从哈登o伯格。

29、This thesis focuses on the guildhall of Tianjin city in Ming &Qing Dynasties. ─── 摘要着重于明清时期天津的建筑类型。

30、Emigration Guildhall and City of Chongqing in Qing Dynasty ─── 清代重庆的移民会馆与城市的分析

31、After suspending formal lessons for 14 years, she resumed training under Madam Kiang and within one year obtained the ATCL and LTCL (with distinction) from Trinity Guildhall. ─── 停学近14年后,陈氐于2007年再度师随江桦女士,并于一年内以优异成绩考获伦敦圣三一学院的ATCL及LTCL文凭。

32、Guildhall Architecture and Immigration Culture in Sichuan ─── 四川会馆建筑与移民文化

33、Originally he came to London with his band Door 66, however he changed his plans and entered Guildhall School of Drama. ─── 最初,他来到伦敦是和他的乐队“66号”,但是他改变了计划,进入市政音乐和戏剧学校学习。

34、On October 1st one tradition was broken when 11 judges emerged for the first time from the made-over Middlesex Guildhall to attend the event. Britain has a new Supreme Court. ─── 11位法官首次从移交后的密多谢克斯会所出发参加该仪式。英国有了新的最高法院。

35、He then attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, a famous art school which fostered a lot of famous artists including Ewan McGregor and Joseph Fiennes. ─── 接着他进入享誉盛名的艺术学校吉尔德霍尔音乐戏剧学校,这所学校曾培养了包括伊万·麦格雷戈、约瑟夫·法因斯在内的许多名艺人。

36、Guildhall School of Music and Drama ─── 就读于行会会馆音乐与戏剧学校

37、The Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles were married on April 9 at a private civil service at Windsor Guildhall formalising a relationship that has spanned nearly 35 years. ─── “威尔士王子”查尔斯与卡米拉4月9日在温莎市政厅举行了婚礼,为已延续了近35年的恋情画上圆满的句号。

38、guildhall sitting ─── [法] 伦敦市法院开庭期

39、Return we within the Guildhall. ─── 我们回到市政厅。

40、The Shanxi merchants guildhall has many especial forms and culture connotations, it is as the especial architecture engendered under especial economic system built by the special colony. ─── 晋商会馆建筑是一个在特定经济体系下特殊的群体所兴建的特殊建筑类型,必有其特殊的形式及文化内涵。

41、This didn't leadto prison, but rather to her entrance one year later to the guildhall school of music in london. ─── 蒂朵从小就是个音乐神童,10岁时精通钢琴、小提琴演奏。

42、George of Ghent the right to organize a lottery for four years, with two draws per year, to finance the construction of a guildhall for the Corporation, as well as a chapel. ─── 我选择后者,他的英文名称可加在后面,因为符合文章的风格。

43、As one of the important public architecture in Ming Qing dynasty, the guildhall reflected various factors including social politics, economy, life style etc. ─── 它作为明清时期一种重要的公共建筑,反映了社会政治、经济、生活、文化等多方面的内容。

44、Guildhall interior at a banquet given for Queen Victoria in 1839. ─── 市政厅内部,为维多利亚女王举办的宴会上,1839年。

45、Tuesday was the worst day.The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul‘s and the Guildhall among them. ─── 大火摧毁了大量举世闻名的建筑物,包括旧圣保罗大教堂和市政厅。

46、He is an associate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London. ─── 他出版了20余张获得赞誉的专辑,其中几张在美国获奖。

47、The Flourishing and Social Function of Zigong's Salt Guildhall ─── 自贡盐业会馆的兴起与社会功能

48、shanxi guildhall ─── 山西会馆

49、On October 1st one tradition was broken when 11 judges emerged for the first time from the made-over Middlesex Guildhall to attend the event. ─── 11位法官首次从移交后的密多谢克斯会所出发参加该仪式。

50、industrial and commercial guildhall ─── 工商会馆

51、"Sir Elton and Mr Furnish are making a solemn and formal commitment to each other and our Guildhall offers them both dignity and privacy, " she said. ─── “埃尔顿爵士与弗尼什先生之间已经许下了庄严、正式的承诺,而我们的市政厅将维护他们的尊严和隐私,”她说。

52、The former buskers, who met while studying at the Guildhall School of Music, sold 1.2 million albums in their first year. ─── 这四个人是在GUILDHALL 音乐学院学习时认识的。

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