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09-02 投稿


sumptuous 发音

英:[?s?mpt?u?s]  美:[?s?mpt?u?s]

英:  美:

sumptuous 中文意思翻译



sumptuous 网络释义

adj. 华丽的,豪华的;奢侈的

sumptuous 同义词

stately | opulent | majestic | grandiose | gilded |luxurious | grand | wealthy | magnificent | imposing | grandeur | superb | impressive | plush | extravagant | lavish | rich | elegant | elaborate | princely | deluxe | costly | splendid

sumptuous 反义词


sumptuous 词性/词形变化,sumptuous变形

比较级--more sumptuous;最高级--most sumptuous。

sumptuous 短语词组

1、sumptuous meaning ─── 华丽的含义

2、sumptuous definition ─── 华丽的定义

3、sumptuous dinner ─── 盛宴, ─── 盛筵

4、sumptuous apartment ─── 豪华公寓

5、sumptuous education ─── 丰富的教育

6、sumptuous defined ─── 奢华的定义

7、sumptuous define ─── 华丽的定义

8、sumptuous day ─── 丰盛的一天

9、sumptuous recipes ─── 华丽的食谱

10、sumptuous extreme ─── 奢华极致

11、sumptuous meal ─── 丰盛的一餐大餐

sumptuous 相似词语短语

1、bumptious ─── adj.傲慢的;瞎自夸的

2、impetuous ─── adj.冲动的;鲁莽的;猛烈的

3、gumptious ─── adj.机灵的;精明能干的;精力充沛的

4、septuors ─── 七

5、scrumptious ─── adj.美味的;绝妙的,极好的

6、tumultuous ─── adj.吵闹的;骚乱的;狂暴的

7、sumptuousness ─── n.豪华,奢侈

8、presumptuous ─── adj.专横的;放肆的;冒昧的

9、sumptuously ─── adv.豪华地,奢侈地

sumptuous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It makes a great dress shirt, which is mainly where you will find this sumptuous hue. ─── 你会发现,这是一种豪华的色调,它使得一件衬衣华丽不已。

2、In ancient mythical stories she once entertains all the immortals at a sumptuous feast in her mansion on Lake of Immortals which is referred to as Pan'Tao'Sheng'Hui in Chinese or the Grand Feast of Peaches. ─── 传说,西王母在其住地瑶池,曾举行过“蟠桃盛会”,宴请群仙。

3、He likes Big meals, so I cook sumptuous ones ─── 他喜欢大餐,所以我做了丰盛的饭菜

4、This spot is also more than suitable for your light business lunch or for a sumptuous dinner at night. ─── 另外这里也是小型商务午餐和豪华晚宴的不错的选择。

5、I was admitted by a man servant, and shown into a sumptuous room where a couple of elderly gentlemen were sitting. ─── 一个男仆允许我进门,把我领进了一间豪华的房间,里面坐着两位上了年纪的绅士。

6、This wine shows attractive spicy berry flavours. On the palate, the unique blend of seven red varieties, resulted in a medium-bodied, sumptuous wine, a succulent, quaffable wine. ─── 充满朝气的紫红色,酒体中等,极具辛香的浆果风味,是一款非常值得畅饮的佳酿。

7、Sumptuous food and patriotic music created an atmosphere of elegant conviviality. ─── 佳肴盛馔和爱国乐曲,使气氛十分优雅而欢乐。

8、Then we lounged through many a nd many a sumptuous private mansions. ─── 后来我们又在不少金碧辉煌的私人府邸中闲逛。

9、It's indeed a great treat for the mouth to have such a sumptuous feast. ─── 今天能够享用如此盛馔,真是大饱口福呀!

10、The sumptuous lobby accents the hotel's grace and style; smooth and warm reception will make you feel at home. ─── 富丽堂皇的大堂,尽显酒店高贵品位;细致温情的接待服务,宛发置身惬意家居。

11、His "international stuttgart," Royal family simply have no time to enjoy a sumptuous, leisurely ease that small nanny instead, a natural and unrestrained life and rain. ─── 堪称"国际飞人",皇宫般华丽的家根本无暇享受,那位小保姆反倒悠闲自在,生活得潇洒而滋润。"

12、To accept (these sumptuous gifts) embarrasses me, but to refuse them would be unmannerly. ─── 受之有愧。

13、In the afternoon, I go to friend's home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. ─── 下午,我去了朋友家玩,朋友热情地招待我,给我看了他的很多书,给我听了他的CD,然后还请我吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。

14、Tasting:This wine shows attractive spicy berry flavours.A unique blend of seven red varieties, resulted in a medium-bodied, sumptuous wine, A succulent, quaffable wine. ─── 品尝概要:此酒散发着诱人的浆果香味。以独特的比例混合七款葡萄酿造,使得此酒有中度的酒体,口感华丽,多汁,平易近人。

15、Other peasants slaved at building the Emperor a sumptuous palace, one floor of which could hold 10,000 people. ─── 另一些农民为皇帝建造奢华的宫殿,服苦役,阿房宫里仅一层楼就可容纳1万人。

16、The guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns. ─── 客人们身着华丽的夜礼服出现了。

17、I was admitted by a gorgeous flunkey, and shown into a sumptuous room where a couple of elderly gentlemen were sitting. ─── 一个衣着华丽的仆人把我接了进去,领到一个豪华房间,里头坐着两位上了岁数的绅士。

18、After the seminar, participants enjoy a sumptuous vegetarian meal and receive beautifully printed recipes. ─── 会后以丰盛素餐款待嘉宾并提供精美食谱。

19、This film is an absolute mess from beginning to end with only sumptuous production values and a few moments of flash to hold one's interest. ─── 这部电影从头到尾都是混乱一片,只有宏大的排场和少数时间上的视觉闪光可以稍稍提起观众的兴趣。

20、People have to be positive, to think about the bright side of everything, then they will have a sumptuous life. ─── 做人应该积极,凡事从好的方向想,才能丰盛人生。

21、In the heart of Venice, Sumptuous, no expense spared, keeping harmony between the gilded Venetian style, but offering every modern amenity. Impeccable throughout. ─── 位于威尼斯市中心。建筑物建于水上,非常华丽,是很传统的威尼斯婚礼。内里有205个面向内园、花园和大海的房间。可招待2至200人婚礼。

22、Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains ─── 她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓

23、Japanese food lovers can enjoy the freshest sushi and sashimi in town where as western cuisine aficionados will appreciate the sumptuous choices offered from morning untill evening. ─── 喜欢日式口味的客人亦可以享受到最新鲜的刺身、寿司及日式极品;同时全天候西餐厅为您精心准备的美食也将让您品尝到独特的西方佳肴。

24、Sumptuous feasts are generally forbidden. ─── 丰盛酒席普遍地被禁止。

25、Prada black lambskin small travel bag With sumptuous leathers and classic designs, Prada bags are always worth a little space in your accessories collection. ─── Prada 黑色小羊皮小号旅行包(斜肩包) 奢华的皮革质地及其经典的设计风格,使prada 女包成为你生活中不可缺少的包具用品。

26、The sumptuous multicourse meal was delicious, several orders of magnitude better than Empire Szechuan. ─── 但坐在旁边的越南执行官就不是那么喜欢:“中国菜太油腻了”。

27、Where, my dear Charles, did you find this sumptuous greenery? ─── 亲爱的查尔斯,你在什么地方发现这片繁盛葱茏的草木的。

28、Characterized by sumptuous social pleasure ─── 奢侈的:以奢侈社交娱乐特性的

29、The sumptuous colors are sometimes only a mask that covers up thing’s imperfectness. ─── 富丽堂皇的彩色,很多时候只是奢华的假面,用来掩盖事物自身的不完美。

30、Nanhai Gaobin Sumptuous Structure Ornament Technology Factory ─── 南海区高边豪华建筑装饰工艺厂

31、He likes big meals, so I cook sumptuous ones&b{Ana?s Nin) ─── 他喜欢大餐,所以我做了丰盛的饭菜(阿奈斯 尼恩)

32、The VicePresident and his wife and the Cabinet members and their wives were added to the receiving line, and sumptuous food and patriotic music created an atmosphere of elegant conviviality. ─── 副总统和他的夫人,以及内阁部长和部长夫人也都加入到迎宾行列中来。 佳肴盛馔和爱国乐曲,使气氛十分优雅而欢乐。

33、There is neither picture, nor image of marbel, nor sumptuous sepulchre, can match the durableness of an eloquent biography. ─── 一部精彩的传记能够流芳万世,其持久性远胜过图画、大理石画、或显赫的雕像。

34、Carolwood Drive in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, has some of the most sumptuous residential properties in the US, including a mansion modeled after Versailles. ─── 位于洛杉矶贝弗利山的卡罗尔伍德大道上有美国最豪华的房产,甚至有仿效凡尔赛宫建造的宅邸。

35、Answer cabanas, uncle aunt prepared a sumptuous dinner. ─── 回答小屋,伯父伯母准备了丰盛的晚餐。

36、exquisite, sumptuous, Lucullan, lavish, lavishly ─── 丰盛的(午餐,晚宴)。精致的。奢侈的。

37、flourishing; luxuriant; sumptuous ─── 丰盛

38、After sumptuous banquet, they also took us to a dance hall to dance and sing. ─── 奢盛的宴会后,他们还带我们到一个舞厅去跳舞和唱歌。

39、They entered the lobby already swarming with patrons, and then, after divesting themselves of their wraps, went into a sumptuous dining-room. ─── 他们走进已经宾客满堂的门厅,脱下外衣后,进了豪华的餐厅。

40、She is not a stranger to the occasion like this but it is the first time for her to have such a sumptuous dinner with a boy. ─── 她对这种场合并不陌生,不过,跟一个男人单独享用这样的大餐,这是第一遭。

41、Knowing her daughter's boyfriend to come, her parents back in the door to meet, and prepared a sumptuous dinner for him. ─── 知道女儿的男朋友要来,她的父母早在门外迎接,并准备了一大桌丰盛的饭菜招待他。

42、I have enjoyed a sumptuous dinner all by myself tonight. ─── 今天晚上, 我独享了一顿丰盛的晚餐。

43、He lay down upon a sumptuous divan, and proceeded to instruct himself with honest zeal. ─── 他躺在一张豪华的长沙发上,开始全神贯注地研习礼节。

44、Sumptuous Sapphires lay delicately in a channel setting alternating with sparkling Diamonds. ─── 奢华的蓝宝石精致地槽镶在耳环上且与闪烁的钻石交相辉映。

45、We dined in sumptuous surroundings. ─── 我们在富丽堂皇的环境中用餐。

46、To accept (these sumptuous gifts) embarrasses me, but to refuse them would be unmannerly.; To decline would be disrespectful but to accept is embarrassing. ─── 却之不恭, 受之有愧。

47、Behind the stylish art deco shutters of a Pasadena home, Magdalene struggles with her piano.She has trapped herself in a lifeless marriage, caged in a sumptuous world in which she is rootless. ─── 在帕萨迪纳市的一栋装饰艺术风格的房子的百叶窗后,马格达莉在痛苦地弹着她的钢琴,她陷入了一场毫无生气的婚姻,被封锁在这个奢华的世界里却觉得无依无靠。

48、A sumptuous breakfast of bacon and fish was shortly provided, ─── 不久,一顿丰盛的咸肉加鲜鱼的早餐便端了上来,

49、Often Natasha and Nikolay knew of uneasy, private consultations between their parents, and heard talk of selling the sumptuous ancestral house of the Rostovs and the estate near Moscow. ─── 娜塔莎和尼古拉常常看见双亲激动不安地私下商议,常常听见有关出售罗斯托夫祖遗的豪华住宅和莫斯科近郊的地产的传言。

50、And the ripe fruits of your soul's lust have gone away from you, and all the sumptuous and splendid things have perished from you; and men will find them no more at all. ─── 14你魂所贪恋的熟果离开了你;一切的珍馐美味和华丽的美物,也从你中间毁灭,绝不能再找到了。

51、A unique blend of seven red varieties, resulted in a medium-bodied, sumptuous wine, A succulent, quaffable wine. ─── 以独特的比例混合七款葡萄酿造,使得此酒有中度的酒体,口感华丽,多汁,平易近人。

52、Sumptuous banquets, financed by public money, have long been the bane of Chinese society. ─── 公费吃喝是群众反映强烈的不正之风之一。

53、When they reach a flat area and she unpacks it to reveal a sumptuous picnic complete with champagne, Chris remains unmoved and curtly asks, "You don't expect me to get drunk here, do you? ─── 他们达到平地,吉蒂打开背包,准备丰富的野餐,甚至备了香槟,克里斯依旧冷淡地问道:“你该不是希望我在这里喝醉吧?”

54、The king gave a sumptuous banquet. ─── 国王举行一次奢侈的宴会。

55、He rose at thirteen minutes to one, and directed his steps towards the large hall, a sumptuous apartment adorned with lavishly-framed paintings. ─── 十二点四十七分,这位绅士从餐室起身走向大厅。那是一间富丽堂皇的屋子,装饰着许多绘画,每张画上都镶有装璜讲究的画框。

56、I was admitted by a gorgeous flunkey , and shown into a sumptuous room where a couple of elderly gentlemen were sitting. ─── 一个衣着华丽的仆人把我接了进去,领到一个豪华房间,里面坐着两位老绅士。

57、you are sumptuous , opulent , expensive , " her father rejoined , " you look as if you had eighty thousand a year . ─── “你看上去豪华、富丽、阔绰!”父亲接着说,“好象一年有八万元收入。”

58、The walls and floor in the lobby are tiled with rare stone materials.The color pattern is completed with Tialloy columns which show an uncommon style.Luxurious pendent lamps make the lobby sumptuous. ─── 大堂墙面与地面均选用名贵石材,精心装饰,中心蛇皮红与大花白拼花,配合钛金柱体,愈显气派非凡,豪华吊灯,富丽堂皇。

59、A Magic bullet against your drought were sumptuous rainfalls ─── 充沛的雨水,是你对付干旱的灵丹妙药

60、Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains(Macaulay. ─── 她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓(麦考利)。

61、In the earlier part of his reign, ballets were more frequent and sumptuous than ever before. ─── 在他执政的早期,芭蕾比从前任何时候都演出频繁和更加豪华。

62、In a picturesque, tranquil setting overlooking Lake Rotorua, visitors can enjoy a wonderful fusion of relaxing hot mineral spring bathing, sumptuous spa therapies and picturesque lake views. ─── 在一个风景如画,恬静设置俯瞰罗托鲁阿湖,游客可以享受美好的融合放宽热矿泉浴场,豪华温泉疗法和风景如画的湖泊意见。

63、"Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains" (Macaulay). ─── “她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓” (麦考利)。

64、At Fifty-ninth Street and Fifth Avenue a blaze of lights from several new hotels which bordered the Plaza Square gave a suggestion of sumptuous hotel life. ─── 在五十九街和第五大道的交叉处,挨着普拉扎广场的几家新旅馆一片灯火辉煌,向人们暗示着旅馆里的那种豪华生活。

65、Canaletto's painting of the last, most sumptuous Bucintoro, later burned by order of the French Emperor Napoleon, shows in elaborate detail all the splendour of that spectacular day. ─── 卡纳莱托所画的那幅最后和最豪华的“布辛托罗”大礼仪船,精细地描绘出那壮观日子的全部辉煌场景,那艘船后来被法国皇帝拿破仑下令烧毁了。

66、Children At Family Helpers Enjoy Sumptuous Vegetarian Meal ─── 家扶儿童喜尝素食大餐

67、They were accommodated and fed, befitting their status with sumptuous meals and a lot of wine. ─── 他们照顾和喂养,它们的地位相称的豪华餐和大量的葡萄酒。

68、Those in the financial market have had a sumptuous feast and the administration is now asking the taxpayer to pick up a part of the tab. ─── 金融市场中的那些机构已经享用了一场奢华的盛宴,而政府现在正要求纳税人来负担一部分费用。

69、partake of a light, sumptuous, etc repast ─── 参加便宴、 盛宴等.

70、Le Club is the first Wines and Cigars Bar in Ningbo where the discerning clientele could enjoy the extensive range of first class wines and excellent cigars in a sumptuous surrounding. ─── 乐吧(红酒+雪茄吧)是宁波第一家红酒雪茄吧,在舒缓的爵士乐环绕中品尝顶级的红酒及雪茄,佐以各式各样美味精致的小食,是商务洽谈私人会晤的最好去处。

71、Here the evening culminates in a sumptuous international buffet menu.The lights dim and the Tjapukai take the stage, presenting their culture with their inimitable blend of theatre and humour. ─── 届时丰足的自助晚餐把今晚推向了高潮,灯光渐渐地暗了,土布卡走上舞台用他娴熟的舞台技艺和幽默向观众展示他们独特的文化。

72、The mansion in Saville Row though not sumptuous was exceedingly comfortable. ─── 坐落在萨维尔街的寓所虽不能说华丽,但也极为舒适。

73、We can thus expect even more from books, because every word has been prepared and transformed -- put another way "cooked"-- by some ancient writer, making it that much more delicious and a sumptuous meal. ─── 何况这些书籍,每个字都是经古代作家煮过的,当然有更好的滋味,尽可大吃一餐。

74、"The client was seeking an interior that exuded affluence and success and presented it in a lush and sumptuous way. ─── "客户寻求的是一个流露着富裕与成功的室内空间,并以赏心悦目且华丽的方式将二者呈现出来。

75、Shaun Wright-Phillips, who had been wasteful with the score at 1-0, delivered a sumptuous cross from the right which was headed home at the far post by Drogba. ─── 在1-0时浪费多次机会的小赖特右路传出一记美妙的传中球,远门柱的德罗巴头球破门。

76、already swarming with patrons, and then, after divesting themselves of their wraps, went into a sumptuous dining-room. ─── 他们走进已经宾客满堂的门厅,脱下外衣后,进了豪华的餐厅。

77、large and often sumptuous tent. ─── 一种又大又华丽的帐篷。

78、Pamper yourself with sumptuous buffet at Level One. Indulge in a huge variety of seafood delights, along with tantalizing desserts. ─── 壹阶层丰盛美味的自助大餐让您尽情享用各式海鲜,美味的甜点,尽情沉醉在这美食天堂吧!

79、1.luxurious; sumptuous; magnificent; 2.costly; lavish ─── 华贵

80、Rich in tradition, it comprises a fine collection of sumptuous hotels and resorts, from the truly historic to the breathtakingly avant-garde. ─── 历史悠久的凯宾斯基集团汇聚了众多奢华的饭店及度假村,从历史悠久的典雅风格至简约时尚的现代典范。

81、Take a seat at the counter and watch the expert Japanese teppanyaki chef prepare your sumptuous meal. ─── 坐着餐台前看着专业的日本料理大厨为你现场准备可口的大餐。

82、Sumptuous festival dinner including pre-dinner cocktail with Champagne, 5-course dinner and free flow of international wines &imported beer. ─── 尽享新年盛宴,包括餐前香槟鸡尾酒会、五道丰盛精致的西式菜品、畅饮进口葡萄酒、啤酒等。

83、In false address, full use of the yellow light to the living room sumptuous, tall TV wall of the sitting room looked additional momentum. ─── 在吊顶处理上,充分采用金黄色的灯光,使客厅富丽堂皇,高大的电视墙增添了客厅的磅礴气势。

84、Sumptuous mellow black currants incense, cigar box and tobacco fragrance, lanolin texture and fruit flavor and ripe tannins sourness homogeneous taste. ─── 丰盛香醇的黑加仑子香、雪茄匣和烟草香,入口有羊毛脂质感、果味与成熟单宁酸味匀和。

85、Over Christmas a sumptuous menu of traditional and modern festive dishes is served, from both unique recipes handed down through the generations and some created just for fun. ─── 奢华的圣诞晚宴包括根据世代相传的特色食谱而烹调的传统圣诞菜式,以及别具创意、玩味十足的现代佳肴。

86、Internationally, since they couldn't cut rates, they competed by having more and more sumptuous meals. ─── 国际上,既然不能降价,他们就靠越来越奢侈的食品来竞争。

87、A sumptuous breakfast of bacon and fish was shortly provided, and as the boys set to work upon it, Tom recounted (and adorned) his adventures. ─── 不久,一顿丰盛的咸肉加鲜鱼的早餐便端了上来,孩子们围坐着,一边大口大口吃早饭,汤姆一边讲述了他回家的经历,还不忘添油加醋。

88、Auspicious and the most sumptuous meal ─── 吉利和最丰盛的一餐

89、The floors were of brightly coloured tiles, the walls a composition of rich, dark, polished wood, which reflected the light, and coloured stucco-work, which gave the place a very sumptuous appearance. ─── 地上铺的是色彩鲜艳的瓷砖,墙壁则是用彩色涂料和贵重的深色木料镶嵌而成,涂了清漆的木料在灯光反射下熠熠生辉,彩色涂料则显得豪华富丽。

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