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09-02 投稿


apologies 发音

英:[??p?l?d?iz]  美:[??pɑl?d?iz]

英:  美:

apologies 中文意思翻译



apologies 词性/词形变化,apologies变形

名词复数: apologies |

apologies 短语词组

1、apologies forgiveness and reconcilements ─── 道歉原谅和和解

2、some notes were apologies ─── 一些便条是道歉

3、apologies meaning ─── 道歉的意思

4、apologies and remembrances ─── 道歉和纪念

5、apologies to sb ─── 向某人道歉

6、apologies to sb for sth ─── 为某事向某人道歉

7、express my apologies ─── 表达我的歉意

8、apologies definition ─── 道歉定义

9、apologies defined ─── 道歉的定义

10、all apologies ─── 所有歉意

11、make better apologies ─── 做出更好的道歉

12、my apologies ─── 抱歉我的歉意

13、apologies for ─── 为…道歉

14、apologies are in order when ─── 道歉是在什么时候

15、no apologies ─── 不道歉

16、express apologies ─── 表示歉意

17、no marriage no apologies ─── 没有婚姻 ─── 没有道歉

apologies 相似词语短语

1、apologise ─── vi.道歉(等于apologize)

2、apologized ─── v.道歉(apologize的过去分词)

3、apologues ─── n.(尤指以动物为角色的)寓言,道德故事

4、apologists ─── n.辩护者;护教论者;辨惑学专家(等于apologete)

5、apologias ─── n.辩解书;辩解文;辩解

6、apologizes ─── 道歉

7、apologises ─── vi.道歉(等于apologize)

8、apologiser ─── 道歉

9、apologised ─── vi.道歉(等于apologize)

apologies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I owe you a thousand apologies for having done that. ─── 做了这事,我对你感到万分抱歉。

2、However Senator Conroy makes no apologies for the development. ─── 但是参议员康罗伊不作任何道歉的发展。

3、Mr. Johnson is sending his apologies and has asked me to find out if tomorrow would be all right with you. ─── 约翰逊先生表示歉意,同时要我征求一下明天对您是否合适。

4、He makes no apologies for dating all those women. ─── 他认为和那群女人约会是理所当然的事。

5、Please accept my apologies for what I said just now. ─── 为我刚说的话,请接受我的道歉。

6、Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention. Please accept our apologies. ─── 感谢您告诉我们这个情况,请一定接受我们的道歉。

7、I must offer my sincerest apologies for. ─── 为。,谨向您表示最深切真挚的歉意。

8、Don't wait to hurt anyone else to apologies, neither separation to make it up. ─── 不要等伤了别人才乞求原谅,也不要等分手时才想挽回。

9、Apologies are really unnecessary. ─── 实在没有必要。

10、The meeting started with apologies(= the names of people who said they could not go to the meeting). ─── 会议一开始就宣布了请假缺席者的名单。

11、No explanation or apologies makes me angry. ─── 没有任何解释或道歉让我很生气。

12、Then the policeman recognized me, breaking into profuse apologies. ─── 然后警察认出了我,开始一再道歉。

13、Needless to say, there is no excuse for this and I extend my sincerest apologies along with the attached check. ─── 不必多说,关于这件事我是毫无托词而言的。在此,表达我最诚挚的道歉并随函附了一张支票。

14、He made profuse apologies. ─── 他再三道歉。

15、Don't wait to hurt anyone else to apologies,neither separation to make it u_p. ─── 不要等伤了别人才乞求原谅,也不要等分手时才想挽回.

16、Please accept our apologies once again. We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience. With apologies once again. ─── 一般来的原因,然后在信的再次表达歉意。

17、Despite this, let me predict the number of retractions, apologies, and so on, in tomorrow's newspapers and on the sites. Not one. Nada. Zip. ─── 尽管如此,我们倒可以预测一下明天各大媒体的反应。有几家媒体会撤消他们的报道,有几家媒体会作出道歉?我猜,一家也不会有。

18、He's just been called away to a conference. He sends his apologies and will let you know as soon as he is free. ─── 他刚才被叫去开会了。他向你表示歉意,等他一有空就通知你。

19、Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this matter has given you. ─── "对此事给您带来的不便, 请接受我们的歉意"

20、So, apologies to Joey Jones, Dennis Wise, Peter Osgood, Bill Garner and a few more for not getting them into the final side. ─── 对于这个结果,我要向乔伊-约翰斯,丹尼斯-坏斯,彼得-奥斯古德,比尔-加纳以及其他一些没有入选名单的球员表示道歉。

21、If you see him, please give my apologies for not having written to him. ─── 如果你见到他,就替我为不能给他写信而道歉。

22、If someone apologies for being late, you can reply: Never mind. ─── 如果某人为迟到而道歉,你可以这样回答

23、If they refuse to make heart-felt apologies soon we will have to bring an action against them. ─── 如果他们拒绝很快地作出诚心诚意的道歉,我们只好起诉了。

24、He babbled his apologies in a hurry. ─── 他匆忙地用含糊的语调表示道歉。

25、My apologies if this post sounds very stern, but YOUR SAFETY online is OUR main priority. ─── 如果这贴听起来太严厉了,我很抱歉,但你在网路上的安全是我们最优先考虑的问题。

26、She tried to retrieve the situation by making profuse apologies. ─── 她不住的道歉,力图挽回局面。

27、In the log lodge he said some illogical apologies . ─── 在木屋里他说了些不合逻辑的道歉话.

28、If I have been at all remiss, please accept my full apologies. ─── 如有怠慢之处,请多包涵。

29、Thanks again for your understanding and support. My sincere apologies to those who were holding tickets for shows that had to be cancelled. I love you! ─── 再次感谢你们的理解和支持。我真诚地向那些拥有被取消的演出的票子的人道歉。我爱你们!

30、Don't expect apologies to erase your wrongdoings. Apologies might earn a forgive, but perhaps not a forget. ─── 别指望道歉能”抹去“你的过失。道歉也许会获得原谅,但是却不会获得人们的忘却。

31、If such an accident should occur, apologies are fulsome but should never be used as an excuse for further conversation. ─── 万一发生了这种情况,不必过分道歉,但决不能借此便交谈起来。

32、"My business is too urgent to waste time on apologies" (John Buchan). ─── “我的生意特别紧要,不能把时间浪费在道歉上” (约翰·巴肯)。

33、Don't wait for anybody esle pain,to ask for apologies. ─── 不要等到别人受伤了,才来乞求原谅。

34、Please accept my apologies at having to refuse. ─── 不能奉约,谨致歉意。

35、China doesnot need those "apologies"... ─── 中国人不需要神“道歉”。。。

36、When you pay the peanuts, you get the monkey,with apologies to the primate everywhere. ─── 你可以用花生来捉到猴子,凡是灵长类动物都可以。

37、Please accept my apologies for any trouble my mistake has caused you. ─── 因为我的失误给你添麻烦了,请接受我的道歉。

38、Apologies work best if you let the wronged party vent. ─── 如果你让受累的一方宣泄,那么道歉的效果就最好。

39、Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused. ─── 对此引起的不便请接受我们的道歉。

40、In the meantime,we offer our apologies to you for the inconvenience the delay has caused you. ─── 同时,我们对因延期而给你方造成不便深感抱歉。

41、But this time the apologies he has made may not be enough to see him through. ─── 但是这次他所作的道歉可能不足以使他度过难关。

42、Apologies are not enough.Excuses and rationalizations are totally unacceptable. ─── 于是你三翻五次的践踏她的爱情,直到她再也不会出现在你的面前。

43、The conclusion is that apologies used by Chinese are highly formulaic,and that such social variables as,social status,social distance affect th... ─── 其结论是:普通话道歉语是高度程式化的,社会距离、社会地位等社会变量在某种程度上对道歉策略的使用有一定的影响。

44、He sent me profuse apologies. ─── 他反复道歉。

45、Again our apologies but this was one matter outside of our control and caused us upset for a lot of machines using the Cals. ─── 再次表示歉意 但是这是出于我们掌握之外的问题 。

46、If you're actually not a good Mandarin typer, my apologies. ─── 如果你真的是因为中打不好,那我抱歉。

47、We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today. ─── 今天航班误点,敬请原谅。

48、Apologies if you know them already, but they always strike me. ─── 如果你们已经看到过这些报道,请原谅我不得不在此赘述,但它们总使我感到震惊。

49、Indeed he would had a very hard time to give an explanation and make his apologies. ─── 他实在难以作出说明并表示道歉。

50、Now let's choose several pairs to make up dialogs about apologies and responses. ─── 分组表演道歉和答语。

51、Once again, our deepest apologies. ─── 再一次致上我们最深的歉意。

52、He came personally to offer us apologies. ─── 他亲自来向我们道歉。

53、A thousand thanks [pardons, apologies]. ─── 万分感谢[对不起]。

54、S. interrogation rules should be, recommend legal reforms, pave the way for appropriate apologies and restore America's good name. ─── 发起一个关于美国的审问制度到底应该如何的会谈;建议法律改革,为适当的道歉以及恢复美国名誉铺路。

55、It laid bare the hypocritical apologies of economists. ─── 它揭穿了经济学家的虚伪的粉饰。

56、After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit and they make no apologies. ─── 两周过去了仍毫无线索,他们就烧了森林,将森林里的一切杀光,包括那只兔子,并且决不为此道歉。

57、Our apologies for the inconvenience. ─── 不便之处,敬希见谅。

58、Apologies have been received from Mr. Kate who as you know is in hospital. ─── 已接到凯特先生的道歉,你们知道,他目前在医院,不能出席会议。

59、Restore in progress, please accept our apologies. ─── 修复进行中,不便之处,敬请原谅。

60、She made her apologies and left early. ─── 她致歉后就提前离开了。

61、He was charming, and full of apologies. ─── 他很和蔼可亲,一个劲赔礼道歉。

62、We offer our humbly apologies for this unnecessary inconvenience that you have been caused in this instance. ─── 对于在这件事上给您带来的不必要的不便,我们表示万分抱歉’。

63、They offer no apologies, just a dry explanation for the delay. ─── 他们没有为延误道歉,只做了个乾巴巴的解释。

64、Apologies if i dont and I hope that you would take it. ─── 如果我没做到,我向你道歉,希望你能接受我的道歉....

65、In the log lodge he said some illogical apologies. ─── 在木屋里他说了些不合逻辑的道歉话。

66、Please accept our apologies for the trouble caused. ─── 对于给您造成的不便,请接受我们的道歉。

67、Lying messengers were to be dispatched into every quarter of the city with apologies for your breach of engagement. ─── 撒谎的信使被派遣到这座城市的每个角落,为你的违背诺言进行辩解。

68、Apologies have been received from Mr. Kate who as you know is in hospital. ─── 已接到凯特先生的道歉,你们知道,他目前在医院,不能出席会议。

69、Server maintenance in progress. Please accept our apologies. ─── 伺服器维修中,不便之处,敬请原谅。

70、Please accept our sincere apologies for the error in your bank statement. ─── 为你的银行报表中的错误,请接受我们诚挚的道歉。

71、My apologies for delayed reply . Thank you for contributing your writing but I regret to tell you that the article would not be used . ─── 我为延时回复向您道歉。谢谢您投稿,但抱歉的是这篇稿不会被采用。

72、Please accept our apologies for this mix-up. ─── 请接受我们的道歉。

73、In Chinese culture, people make serious apologies to others by pouting them tea as a sign of regret or submission. ─── 在中国文化里,人们用倒茶的方式向他人道歉,表示悔意或谦恭。

74、Don't wait for anybody else pain, to ask for apologies. ─── 不要等别人受伤了,才来祈求原谅。

75、Don't wait to hurt anyone else to apologies ,neither separation to make it up. ─── 不要等伤了别人才乞求原谅,也不要等分手时才想挽回。

76、We tender you our apologies for any inconvenience this error may have caused you . ─── 对这一错误所引起的麻烦,我们表示歉意。

77、My apologies, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim! ─── 另外呢,有位部长引起了我的注意!

78、NO. Offered vague, indirect, and personal apologies by its Prime Minster, but not its Emperor or its Parliament. ─── 否。日本首相以私人身份、暧昧不明而间接的方式道歉,而非由日本帝国或其国会提出正式道歉。

79、She is offered as heroine, with all sorts of apologies and qualifications. ─── 她被塑造成德才兼备的女主人公。

80、Don't wait for anybody else's pain, to ask for apologies. ─── 不要等别人受伤了才来乞求原谅。

81、Like yourself, I have no apologies to make. ─── 如同你自己一样,我不需作任何道歉,

82、He rejected calls by the Japanese government for apologies or compensation for damaged Japanese property. ─── 他为被损坏的日本财产为道歉或酬劳藉着日本政府拒绝了呼叫。

83、In US English Pardon me and Excuse me are used for apologies. ─── 在美式英语中,pardon me 和Excuse me都用以表示道歉.

84、Meanwhile, I can only ask you to accept my apologies. ─── 对于装载贵轮船的货物,已办妥保险。

85、After making public apologies and admitting to his infidelity, Woods said he would "take an indefinite break from professional golf". ─── 在公开道歉并承认了自己的不忠后,老虎伍兹表示自己将“无限期地退出职业高尔夫赛”。

86、He offered us his unreserved apologies. ─── 他诚恳地向我们道了歉。

87、"Ma foi, my dear sir," replied Franz, "make no apologies. ─── “真的!我亲爱的主人,”弗兰兹答道,“不必为此道歉。

88、But the recent commercial apologies are especially risky.Some formerly satisfied customers or readers will be retroactively aggrieved. ─── 但最近这种致歉又格外冒险,彼时感到满意的顾客或读者此刻会愤愤不平。

89、Zhangyuanyuan,my younger sister.I must express my regert and please accpect my apologies. ─── 司敏敏,我的妹妹,好久不见了,很想你。

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