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09-02 投稿


liqueur 发音

英:[l??k??r]  美:[l??kj??(r)]

英:  美:

liqueur 中文意思翻译



liqueur 网络释义

n. 利口酒;白酒;烧酒;香酒

liqueur 词性/词形变化,liqueur变形


liqueur 短语词组

1、liqueur chocolate ─── 酒心巧克力

2、liqueur coffee ─── 利口酒咖啡

3、orange liqueur ─── [网络] 橙酒;橙味利口酒;橘子利口酒

4、liqueur day ─── 利口酒日

5、liqueur brands ─── 利口酒品牌

6、liqueur glass ─── 利口酒杯,甜酒杯,高脚小酒杯

7、cloudberry liqueur ─── 云莓利口酒

8、frangelico hazelnut liqueur ─── 法国榛子酒

9、liqueur brandy ─── 白兰地甜酒

10、liqueur ingredients ─── 利口酒配料

11、liqueur definition ─── 利口酒定义

12、tia maria liqueur ─── 蒂亚玛丽亚利口酒

13、coffee liqueur ( ─── 调酒用)咖啡香甜酒

14、anise liqueur n. ─── 茴香酒

15、liqueur whiskey ─── 威士忌利口酒

16、vins de liqueur ─── [法]甜葡萄酒

17、hazelnut liqueur ─── 榛子酒

18、chartreuse liqueur ─── 淡绿色利口酒

19、maraschino liqueur ─── [网络] 黑樱桃酒;樱桃利口酒;马拉斯奇诺甜樱桃酒

liqueur 相似词语短语

1、liquefier ─── n.液化器;液化器操作工

2、laqueus ─── n.绾带;蹄系

3、liquefy ─── vt.液化;溶解

4、claqueurs ─── n.拍手喝彩者;谄媚者

5、liquor ─── n.酒,含酒精饮料;溶液;液体;烈酒;vi.喝酒,灌酒;vt.使喝醉

6、blagueur ─── n.废话连篇的人

7、claqueur ─── n.拍手喝彩者;谄媚者

8、liqueurs ─── n.利口酒,餐后甜酒(liqueur的复数)

9、cliquier ─── 点击

liqueur 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What classic American liqueur is made from a base of neutral spirits and flavored with peach liqueur, fresh peaches and citrus extracts? ─── 一种采用中性酒精和桃子甜酒、鲜桃和橘子酿造的美国甜酒叫什么名字?

2、Liqueur chocolate A dime one, now do not know in the end is the wine. . . . Boundin sugar Well stimulation. ─── 跳跳糖好刺激的。。。酒心巧克力一毛钱一个,到现在都不知道里面到底有没有酒。

3、Offering the essence of kirsch liqueur, it possesses deep ruby color, beautiful purity, texture, and length. ─── 带著樱桃利口酒的感觉,本款佳酿映出深红宝石色泽,令人感受到美丽的纯净感、层次感、以及绵长尾韵。

4、Chop up 1 stem fresh lemongrass and muddle in base of shaker.Add other ingredients, and 1 shot Honey liqueur ,shake with ice and fine strain into chilled glass.Garnish with fresh lemongrass. ─── 剁下一段新鲜的柠檬香草的茎,再摇合器底部捣碎.加入其他混合原料,和一子弹杯蜂蜜利口,加冰摇合滤入冰过的杯子,饰以新鲜的柠檬香草.

5、An interestingly caraway-flavoured vodka collins, the flavor courtesy of kummel. Kummel liqueur is caraway flavored, and was the first-ever liqueur produced by Lucas Bols. ─── 一款美味的的香芹籽香味伏特加科林斯,带有一点莳萝甜酒风味。莳萝甜酒是香芹籽味,是由卢卡斯波士第一次生产的酒。

6、Tiramisu is an Italian dessert consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked with coffee and brandy or liqueur layered with mascarpone cheese and topped with grated chocolate. ─── 提拉米苏是意大利的甜点,包括浸在咖啡和白兰地中的松软的蛋糕或者是浸在奶油中的梅子酒,在顶部有巧克力。

7、A short crust pastry lattice tart filled with layers of sponge soaded with liqueur and topped with slices of apple. ─── 意大利利口酒风味蛋糕表面铺满片片苹果外面还有一层果冻。

8、The liqueur is strong but too sour yet. ─── 这种酒虽浓但还是太酸。

9、A mixture of chopped and boiled chestnuts,maraschino cherries,candied fruits,and liqueur or rum,used as a sauce or in puddings,ice cream,or pies. ─── 果实蜜饯一种由剥开煮熟的栗子、野樱桃酒味的糖水樱桃、果脯和甜露酒或糖蜜酒的混合物,用作蜜饯或制布丁、冰淇淋或派饼。

10、Whisk evaporated milk, whole milk, liqueur, vanilla, sugar, cocoa, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and chili powder in a heavy saucepan. ─── 取大炖锅,放入炼乳,全脂牛奶,利口酒,香草精,糖,可可粉,1茶匙的肉桂和辣椒粉,混合搅打。

11、Distilled from fermented juices of ripe grapes and other fruits, when a sweetening is added it, then is usually refereed to as a liqueur. ─── 由成熟的葡萄和其他水果的果汁发酵蒸馏而成,加入甜化剂之后,就成为饭后酒

12、Pour liqueur together, stir, and then top with a very good grade of orange juice. Better yet, squeeze a fresh orange slice on top instead. ─── 将所有力娇酒倒入原料,搅合,注入适量高质量的橙汁,最好在杯子顶部饰以新鲜的压榨后的橘瓣.

13、Cherry liqueur on the left, cornel - on the right! ─── 左边是樱桃酒,右边是山茱萸酒。

14、Baileys is a natural marriage of fresh Irish cream, Irish whiskey and the finest of spirits.The world's No1 liqueur, best enjoyed in a large measure over ice. ─── 1974年问世于爱尔兰,纯天然的爱尔兰奶油和上等的爱尔兰威士忌与香料的完美搭配,演绎爱尔兰的传统和历史。

15、Cream softened cream cheese, 1/3 cup sugar, cream, amaretto liqueur, and 1 teaspoon vanilla in a mixing bowl. Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. ─── 打松软的奶油奶酪,1/3杯糖,奶油,意大利苦杏酒,和一汤匙的香草香精放进一个混合碗中。打入鸡蛋,一次一个,每次加入鸡蛋后打好。

16、Medium-full bodied dry red wine in ruby red color.Aromas of mineral, licorice, cherry liqueur and black currants. ─── 中度至丰满酒体干红葡萄酒,宝石红色泽,富有矿物、烟熏、甘草、樱桃甜酒和黑醋栗气味。

17、A sweet white wine or liqueur. ─── 天使酒一种甜味白葡萄酒或甜露酒

18、Kahlua [coffee-flavored liqueur / Mexico] ─── 咖啡甜酒[墨]

19、Ouzo [colorless liqueur flavored with anise seed | Greek] ─── 大茴香酒[希]

20、A mixture of chopped and boiled chestnuts, maraschino cherries, candied fruits, and liqueur or rum, used as a sauce or in puddings, ice cream, or pies. ─── 果实蜜饯一种由剥开煮熟的栗子、野樱桃酒味的糖水樱桃、果脯和甜露酒或糖蜜酒的混合物,用作蜜饯或制布

21、A brand of coffee liqueur. ─── 咖啡利口酒的品牌名。

22、liqueur poured over shaved ice. ─── 把利口酒倒在刨冰上制成的饮料。

23、What tequila-based liqueur is made in Mexico and flavor with the Damiana plant? ─── 在墨西哥有一种以特基拉酒为基酒的甜酒叫什么名字?

24、Current Status and Methods of Liqueur Production ─── 国内外利口酒的生产现状及生产方法

25、Keywords liqueur;citrus juice;technique; ─── 利口酒;柑橘汁;工艺;

26、The 36-proof liqueur, from CMSC Spirits Group, Monmouth County, N.J., comes in a replica of the Statue of Liberty. ─── 36证明利口酒,来自CMSC酒业集团,蒙默思郡,州,有一个副本自由女神像。

27、Litchi Liqueur is made from the fresh Litchi and edible alcohol which is the main materials and with the addition of suger,citric acid,etc. ─── 以新鲜荔枝和食用酒精为主要原料,配以白糖、柠檬酸等辅料调配成荔枝果露酒。

28、Galliano [a yellow liqueur / Italy] ─── 义大利黄甜酒

29、Medium-full body red wine with aromas of black currant, mineral and oak. It has plum, cherry liqueur and sweet toasty oak in palate. ─── 中等及丰厚酒体,带黑加仑子味,矿物味及橡木味,富李子及樱桃的味道。

30、The fruit is also used to make a popular liqueur called Amarula, which can be found at any duty-free liquor store at airports. ─── 果实常用来酿制一种名为大象酒的流行利口酒,你可以在机场任何免税酒店买到这种酒。

31、Palate: Full-bodied, Fruit flavours notes to the fore. Further liqueur chocolate and spice flavours are impregnated by overt, chewy and ripe tannins. ─── 口感:中等浓度,口中首先出现浓郁的水果味道伴随而来的是显著的巧克力酒与香料味,单宁细腻柔顺。

32、A tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice. ─── 冰冻果汁鸡尾酒由若干种朗姆酒、甜露酒和果汁配制而成的大杯混合饮料

33、The Development of Liqueur Citrus Limon ─── 柠檬利口酒的研制

34、having the yellowish green color of Chartreuse liqueur. ─── 有查特利口酒一样的黄绿色。

35、For those witty, lively and communicative people born under this zodiac sign,our special Gemini cocktail with a blend of pink peach liqueur and orange juice. ─── 多才多艺的双子座,机智敏捷,充满知性魅力,喜欢新鲜事物的你必然会爱上这款漂亮的橙味双子座鸡尾酒。

36、Heat the remainting jam and liqueur until smooth. Arrange the fruit on top of the tart, then brush the jam glaze over it. Chill until ready to serve. ─── 加热剩余的果酱和甜酒直至混合均匀。把水果排列到馅饼上。刷上果酱。冷置后食用。

37、An iced drink made of wine or liqueur, sugar, and citrus fruit. ─── 果汁饮品由葡萄酒或甜酒、糖和柠檬果实制成的冷饮品

38、Our specialty is liqucur chocolates. (Liqueur chocolates are our specialty. ─── 我们的主要商品是酒心巧克力。

39、BOLS Butterscotch is a delicious golden coloured liqueur with the real flavour of butterscotch caramel, underpinned by elements of saltwater taffy and spices. ─── BOLS奶油威士忌是一款真正具有奶油焦糖味,美味的金黄色酒,基本由盐水太妃糖和香料配制而成.

40、Would you care for a liqueur or brandy? ─── 您喝一些利口酒或白兰地吗?

41、Gift-wrap a Box of liqueur chocolate ─── 将一盒酒心巧克力礼品式包装

42、The liqueur koji made from SUSE strain in the production of culinary wine has higher stability and the food seasonde by liqueur koji has a good color,fragrance and flavor. ─── 将SUSE菌株制得的甜酒曲用于生产调料酒,稳定性好;用于食品调味、色、香、味俱佳。

43、Pour Absinth, chilled BOLS Gold Strike and chilled apple liqueur in a chilled shooter. ─── 将苦艾酒,冰过的波士金箭和冰过的苹果利口倒入冰过的子弹杯.

44、Creamy liqueur made either with artificial banana flavouring or produced by maceration and infusion of bananas. ─── 含乳脂利口酒,加入人造香蕉调味料。

45、What liqueur was formulated by 16th century alchemists in Europe as a medicinal elixir? ─── 在十六世纪被欧洲炼金术师们当作灵丹妙药的甜酒叫什么名字?

46、Black Forest Cake Wonderful chocolate layer cake which is soaked in Kirsch liqueur, with cherry filling. ─── 层层叠叠的巧克力海绵蛋糕和德国酸樱桃颗粒,加上淡雅的天然淡奶油,将微酸与苦甜的滋味融合得恰到好处。

47、A liqueur made from apricot pits, with an almond flavour. ─── 杏味利口酒。

48、I like to macerate the food in liqueur for a few minutes before serving. ─── 我想把食物在利口酒里泡几分钟后再享用。

49、liqueur flavored with caraway seed or cumin. ─── 以葛缕子籽或孜然芹果为香料制成的利口酒。

50、Would you like a liqueur to complete your meal? ─── 您要不要来点利口酒来结束这餐饭?

51、It is said of her that she knew a recipe that distilled a clear liqueur from well cut rocks, and that she drank it for her pleasure. ─── 据说她知道一个从精雕细刻的石头中蒸馏出酒精的方法,她以喝此酒为乐。

52、The name of this Japanese, honeydew-flavored liqueur literally means " green" . ─── 这款小日本的蜂蜜味绿色甜酒叫什么名字?

53、Curacao [orange peel liqueur] ─── 枯拉萨阿甜橘子酒[饭后饮用]

54、Palate: Full flavoured with touches of Seville Oranges lingering on the tongue like a Good liqueur. ─── [口感] 在口中感觉到浓郁的赛维莉亚柑橘的水果香味就像上等利口甜酒一般。

55、Starbucks Coffee Liqueur’s glass bottle is shaped as a cocktail shaker to extend Starbucks’ brand equity to after-dinner cocktails, winning the Glass Packaging Institute’s Clear Choice Award. ─── 星巴克咖啡酒的玻璃瓶的形状作为鸡尾酒振动筛延长星巴克品牌资产,以餐后鸡尾酒,赢得了玻璃包装研究所的明智选择奖。

56、He said Diageo"s whisky business in China was profitable and was helping fund growth in other areas such as Smirnoff vodka and Baileys liqueur. ─── 他说,帝亚吉欧“县威士忌在中国的业务是盈利的,并帮助基金的增长,其他领域,如皇冠伏特加和百利甜酒。

57、Experimental Validation of a liqueur macromolecules colloidal solution,the isoelectric point rise after accession to the flocculant so that colloidal coherent Chenxialai.Wine to improve the clarity. ─── 实验验证药酒为一胶体大分子溶液,在调至等电点后加入絮凝剂使胶体凝聚而沉下来,以提高药酒的澄清度。

58、Applied ceramic labeling is used to print the “Starbucks Coffee Liqueur” wording on the bottle’s waist. ─── 应用陶瓷标记是用来打印的“星巴克咖啡酒”的措词上的一瓶的腰。

59、Liqueur vaccinium developed by thE college have woa a Scientific development prize from Inner Mongolia. ─── 学院的在牙克石酿酒厂研究开发的万山利口酒通过鉴定,并获内蒙呼盟科技进步二等奖。

60、A cream liqueur called Spirit of Liberty comes in a glass decanter that certainly reflects the name. ─── 奶油利口酒所谓精神自由是在一个玻璃酒瓶当然反映了名字。

61、sweet liqueur flavored with vanilla and cacao beans. ─── 以香草和可可豆作原料的甜的利口酒。

62、Remove the skin of the Mango and dice into small squares. Place into a nice dessert glass or margarita glass. Top with grand mariner liqueur and whipped cream. ─── 将芒果去皮并切成小方块。将它们放入一个精美的甜点杯或玛格丽塔酒杯中。倒上橘子味和白兰地味的甜酒以及生奶油。

63、Variant: Flaming Lamborghini with coffee liqueur and blue curacao in the shot glasses. ─── 和金万利,迅速点燃鸡尾酒杯里,再把两杯子弹杯里的酒倒入.

64、Stta wherry cherry liqueur iced coffee ─── 午夜香吻俄罗斯冰咖啡

65、anise- and licorice-flavored liqueur. ─── 带有茴芹和欧亚甘草风味的利口酒。

66、Hey waitress, bring some liqueur. ─── 喂,女服务员,拿点利口酒来。

67、Palate: Syrupy, lingering on the tongue like a liqueur. ─── [口感] 蜜糖般的甘甜,仿若上等利口甜酒的香味在口中弥漫。

68、Something small for its kind, especially a small glass for beer or liqueur. ─── 小酒杯尺寸比正常要小的东西,尤指小啤酒杯或小酒杯

69、custard sauce flavored with vanilla or a liqueur. ─── 加上香草或利口酒的蛋黄沙司。

70、Layers of coffee and egg-nog cream on a liqueur soaked sponge,dusted with cocoa powder. ─── 松软的海绵蛋糕,加上香浓的咖啡和蛋酒奶油,顶端撒满诱人的可可粉。

71、Liqueur originally made by monks of this order ─── (本笃会修士创始酿造的)甜露酒.

72、There is technically no difference between a liqueur and cordial; however, the word cordial is usually used in conjunction with the sweetest of the liqueurs. ─── 从技术上讲,这两个词没有区别(都代表甜酒);但后者通常用来表述更加浓甜的甜酒。

73、A liqueur made by the maceration of apricots in base spirit, then redistilled. ─── 杏仁在烈性酒中泡软后再进行蒸馏。

74、crepes flamed in a sweet orange-and-lemon flavored liqueur sauce ─── 放在橘子汁和柠檬汁混合加糖后的沙司中,然后加酒火烧

75、Limoncello, liqueur cream of lemon, mandarin, fennel, wild strawberries, liquorice liqueur, wines... ─── 分类标题:甜烧酒|烧酒和烈酒...

76、cherry preserved in true or imitation maraschino liqueur. ─── 樱桃储存在真的或仿制的黑樱桃酒里。

77、A coffee flavoured liqueur really does something to the ice-cream ─── 加入一种咖啡味的酒,确实可以增进冰淇淋的口感。

78、The 2003 Aalto is a purple-colored wine offering a stylish nose of smoke, toast, graphite, blueberry, and blackberry liqueur. ─── 2003年份的阿托酒泽绒紫,发出顶级佳酿才有的经典烟薰、烘烤、蓝色莓果及黑色莓果利口酒的香气。

79、liqueur from Cornus officinalis sieb. et Zucc ─── 山茱萸利口酒

80、Any cocktail or liqueur served over shaved ice. ─── 可用任何鸡尾酒加冰屑。

81、coffee-flavored liqueur made in Mexico. ─── 墨西哥产的带有咖啡味道的利口酒。

82、Since its introduction in Japan a decade ago, Dita soon became a storm on the liqueur market, thanks to its distinctive lychee aroma, mysterious orient verve feminine sensuality. ─── 1992年在日本推出后,凭借其中特有的荔枝香味、神秘的东方神韵和女性化魅力,迅速在当地力娇酒市场引发魅荔风暴,受到时尚女性的无缝纫机钟爱.

83、Cakes and tarts were followed by dulce de leche panna cotta.A bottle of Hopelain and Moore's homemade green-walnut liqueur was passed around. ─── 奶油布丁之后,接着上来的是蛋糕和果馅饼,霍普林和摩尔带来的一瓶家酿绿胡桃酒也在派对上传递品尝。

84、This wine displays a complex nose which reveals a powerful woodiness, with notes of cherry liqueur, almond, game and undergrowth. ─── 展现出包括厚重的木头,樱桃酒,杏仁,野禽和灌木丛等复杂的香气。

85、It is also flavoring Cointreau liqueur. ─── 它也是药酒的调味品。

86、There is mint liqueur, lemon juice, ice and brandy. ─── 它含有薄荷、柠檬汁、冰块和白兰地。

87、It is quite popular as an additive to alcoholic drinks and there is a traditional Polish and German liqueur called Goldwasser (Goldwater) which contains thousands of tiny flakes. ─── 但是在大量食品的华丽包装下,隐藏着我们无法想象的食品成分。这份清单包含了用于今天烹饪上的十大奇特食品配料。

88、Bring just to boiling point, then reduce temperature immediately. Simmer over gentle heat until sauce thickens to a fairly smooth consistency. Add liqueur mid-way through simmering. ─── 将锅烧至沸点后立即把温度调低,用文火烧至汁变得稠滑,其间加入利口酒;

89、Add the prefect touch to a double espresso with 20 ml of amaretto liqueur and 70-80 ml of milk and foamed milk. Sprinkle cocoa powder on the top as garnish. ─── 将双份的意大利特浓咖啡和20毫升意大利苦杏酒、70-80毫升牛奶及牛奶泡沫完美融合,在表面撒上可可粉作装饰。

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