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09-02 投稿


classmate 发音

英:['klɑ?sme?t]  美:['kl?smet]

英:  美:

classmate 中文意思翻译



classmate 词性/词形变化,classmate变形


classmate 短语词组

1、dear classmate ─── 亲爱的同学们:

2、former classmate ─── 前同学

3、i get on well with my classmate ─── 我和 ─── 我的同学相处得很好

4、i study with my classmate ─── 我和 ─── 我的同学一起学习

5、lemon classmate ─── 柠檬同学

6、greet her new classmate ─── 问候她的新同学

7、my classmate ─── 我的同学

8、senior classmate ─── 高年级同学

9、college classmate ─── 大学同学

10、new classmate ─── 新同学

11、hanger classmate ─── 衣架同学

12、middle school classmate ─── 中学同学

13、his brother is my classmate ─── 他的兄弟是我的同学

14、one of your classmate ─── 你的一个同学

15、han classmate ─── 汉族同学

16、meet your new classmate ─── 认识你的新同学

17、her classmate ─── 她的同学

18、good classmate ─── 好同学

19、another classmate ─── 另一个同学

classmate 相似词语短语

1、casemate ─── n.炮塔;城墙内的炮台

2、class mark ─── 组值;等级标志;分类标号

3、cross-mate ─── 交叉交配

4、glassmaker ─── n.玻璃工人

5、class acts ─── 杰出的人

6、classmates ─── n.同班同学(classmate的复数)

7、class act ─── 杰出的人

8、classable ─── adj.可分类的

9、classman ─── n.优等升级生;…年级学生

classmate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two men were talking about the football match ,one of them being my classmate . ─── 两个人在谈论足球赛,其中一位是我的同学。

2、My lwssom pg classmate Jessica wang jing is one of the host! ─── 她是不是很可爱又机智风趣呢?

3、I had a classmate in junior high school that went on to be a NAVY SEAL. I wonder if he was involved? ─── 我有一名中学同学是海豹突击队的队员,他是否参与了这次的行动呢?

4、My classmate Zhangming got into a fight yesterday. ─── 同学张明昨天打架了

5、It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate Zhang Hong. ─── 今天天气很好,阳光明媚。我和同班同学张宏一起去了北京动物园。

6、Arrive new of class, new of teacher and incognizant of classmate. ─── 到了新的班级,新的老师和不认识的同学。

7、He took a gift from his classmate. ─── 他接受了他同学的礼物。

8、Ask your classmate to sit down. ─── 叫/要/让你的同学坐下来。

9、His brother is my classmate. ─── 他哥哥是我的同学。

10、Do you know whyyour classmate is going to kill me? ─── 你知道你们班长为什么要杀我吗?

11、Does she help her classmate see his error ? ─── 她是否帮助她的同学认识了他的错误?

12、He ran round to his classmate's home to borrow a book. ─── 他跑到同事家去借了一本书。

13、Karen is eating lunch alone. Her classmate Toby joins her. ─── 卡伦正独自吃午餐,她的同学托比过来和她一起吃。

14、She is waiting around for her classmate. ─── 她在附近等候朋友。

15、Her classmate did her out of 3000 yuan. ─── 她同学骗走她3000元。

16、If you were his classmate, what would you do? ─── 如果你是他的同学,你该怎样做?

17、His former classmate is a famous scientist. ─── 他以前的同班同学现在是一位著名的科学家。

18、Last week her classmate Wang Kai came to visit her in Tokyo. ─── 她的同班同学王凯上周到东京去看望她。

19、What do you think of Mary, your classmate? ─── 你认为你的同班同学玛丽怎么样?

20、He's fallen in love with his classmate Annie. ─── 他和他的同学安妮恋爱了。

21、And have a dinner in Yanji city with my classmate Jin as host. ─── 先到延吉,中午我的同学请客,市内观光。

22、My classmate, by some chance, got the job that I wanted. ─── 不知为何,我的同学得到了我梦寐以求的工作。

23、As a matter of fact, it's a present for my classmate's birthday. ─── 其实,这是送给同学的生日礼物。

24、He picked a fight with his classmate. ─── 他和他的同学打了一架。

25、In order to erscue classmate,the girl was buried. ─── 女孩为救同学被埋.

26、Classmate:How much is the flection angle ??? ─── 同学:弯曲角度是多少???

27、Modulo crypting / decrypting program by me and my classmate. ─── (译):模crypting /解密程序由我和我的classmate.

28、Her classmate was ill and she sent for the doctor. ─── 她的同学病了,所以她派人请了大夫。

29、Then I'll ask our classmate Tom to go to the cinema with us. ─── 到时我叫我们的同学汤姆和我们一起去。

30、Angel, a Chinese girl, meets her American classmate, Dave, at a costume party. ─── 中国女孩安杰尔在化装舞会上遇见了她的美国同学戴夫。

31、Sean runs into a classmate on his way to the movie theater. ─── 在往电影院的路上,西恩恰好碰到了一位同学。

32、He was attracted to his beautiful classmate. ─── 他被他美丽的同班同学所吸引。

33、He helped a classmate who was behind with his homework. ─── 他帮助一位没有按时完成作业的同班同学。

34、He fell into a quarrel with his classmate. ─── 他与同学吵了起来。

35、She played at her classmate's height. ─── 她拿她同学身高开玩笑。

36、P: His classmate had a fever and complained of a sore throat five days ago. ─── 他有个同学在五天前就发烧,还说嗓子疼。

37、This is my classmate, Andy. ─── 安迪,这是我同学。

38、Make a conversation with your classmate. ─── 会话练习。

39、She felt like a fifth-grader who had snitched on a classmate. ─── 她觉得自己就像个打同学小报告的小学五年级学生。

40、I chanced to run into an old classmate this morning. ─── 今天早上我偶然遇到了一位老同学。

41、Do you have any classmate whose father works in the insurance company? ─── 你们班上同学的父亲有没有在保险公司工作的?

42、His classmate do not enjoy his company because he always backbite others. ─── 他的同学不喜欢和他在一起,因为他老是在背后诽谤别人。

43、He is an old classmate of Li Lei's. ─── 他是李雷的一位老同学。

44、My classmate wanted me to go with her to the bookstore. ─── 我同学要我陪她去逛书店。

45、He lag far behind his classmate because he have relaxed his effort. ─── 他因为放松了努力,故远远落後於班里同学。

46、I'll stop off for two days in Los Angelas to see my classmate. ─── 中途我要在洛杉矶停留2天看望我的同学。

47、He argues a point to death, even when his classmate apologizes. ─── 他的同学道歉了,他还是得理不饶人。

48、Harry, this is my classmate Kate, and this is my friend Tim. ─── 哈里,这是我班同学凯特。这是我的朋友狄姆。

49、He took a gift from his classmate. ─── 他接受了他同学的礼物。

50、She piggybacked a sick classmate to school. ─── 她背一个有病的同学上学。

51、Do you think communicate with your teacher and classmate is very important? ─── 你认为与你老师和同学交流重要吗?

52、When you think that something your professor said is clearly wrong, after class I want you to go argue the point with a classmate. ─── 当你认为你的教授所说的话显然错误时,课后我想让你与你的同学继续讨论。

53、She do her homework more carefully than her classmate. ─── 她做作业比她的同学更仔细。

54、One day I met an old classmate of mine in the street. ─── 一天我在街上遇见了我的一位老同学。

55、Let not a single classmate lag behind. ─── 不要让一个同学掉队。

56、Be black, he have to endure the taunt of his classmate. ─── 因为是黑人,他不得不忍受他同学的奚落。

57、Did she help her classmate see his error ? ─── 她帮助她的同学认识了自己的错误吗?

58、He is my classmate, but I never talk to him. ─── 他是我的同学,但我从没和他说过话。

59、Can you recommend a classmate who can take up the job? ─── 你能不能推荐一位能承担这项工作的同学?

60、Do you know that? John is having an affair with his daughter; s classmate! ─── 你知道吗?约翰和他女儿的同学关系暧昧!

61、I'll discuss the question with my classmate next Monday. ─── 下星期一我将和我的同班同学讨论这个问题。

62、He is my classmate of junior middle school. ─── 他是我初中时的同班同学。

63、He wrestled with his classmate. ─── 他与一个同学扭成一团。

64、Even though I hadn't seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately. ─── 即使多年没有看见我的同学,我也马上认出了他。

65、Nola is Cary's classmate, and Professor Johnson's daughter. ─── 卡里在学院里很有点名气,几乎人人都认识他。

66、But i think of my classmate,we was very happy to play togther . ─── 但是,我也非常想念我的同学。我们在一起时很开心。

67、Classmate 1: Jack, you are unfortunate, I pity to you. ─── 同学1:杰克,你真是倒霉啊,我很同情你。。

68、His brother is my classmate . ─── 他是我的同班同学。

69、My classmate has many notebooks. ─── 我同学有许多本子。

70、In our class, there are 50% classmate playing the computer games. ─── 在我们的班级里,有50%的同学喜欢玩电脑游戏。

71、Kitty's classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. ─── 基蒂的同学丹尼尔自学了如何制作主页。

72、The girl sitting opposite me is my classmate. ─── 坐我对面的女孩是我的同学。

73、He is our new classmate, Ted. ─── 他是我们的新同学,特德。

74、He made a profession of friendship to his classmate Mary. ─── 他向他的同学玛丽表白了他的友情。

75、Do she help her classmate see his error? ─── 她是否帮助她的同学认识了他的错误?

76、Host: Hello! Do you know Mike, my classmate? ─── 主人:你好,你认识我的同学麦克吗?

77、I've just had a joke with my classmate. ─── 和某人开玩笑,强调两人共同取乐。

78、When a test is being given, talking to a classmate is rude. ─── 在测验时与同学交谈是不对的。

79、Her parents feel put out when she bring some classmate to stay over. ─── 她带一些同学回家过夜,她父母觉得不方便。

80、I ran into an old classmate this morning. ─── 今天早上我偶然碰到了一位老同学。

81、He acquainted his classmate with my younger brother. ─── 他把我的弟弟介绍给他的同班同学。

82、Oftentimes David's Chinese-American classmate has to interrupt them. ─── 大卫的华裔同学常常不得不打断他们。

83、He is always temporize and be dislike by his classmate. ─── 他总是见风使舵,因而不受同学喜欢。

84、The sister of one classmate is an actor. ─── 其中一个同学的姐姐是一位男演员。

85、He tried to fix his affection upon a former classmate but failed. ─── 他想同一位老同学谈恋爱,但失败了。

86、Last Sunday my classmate, Lin Hao and I went to a bookstore. ─── 上星期天,我和我的同学林昊去了书店。

87、All of my classmate go to the party except me. ─── 出我之外,所有的同学都去参加晚会。

88、But I said is some classmate, some self-discipline good classmate, with also just as well. ─── 但我说的是某些同学,一些自我约束能力好的同学,带带也无妨。

89、Correct me if I am wrong,but I believe she was a classmate of yours. ─── 如果我错了请纠正,但是我相信她是你的同班同学。

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