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09-02 投稿


acclimated 发音

英:[??kl?me?t?d]  美:[??kl?me?t?d]

英:  美:

acclimated 中文意思翻译




acclimated 短语词组

1、acclimated microorganism ─── [化] 驯化微生物

2、acclimated apa ─── 适应apa

3、acclimated crossword ─── 适应的纵横字谜

4、acclimated to ─── 适应

5、acclimated culture ─── 适应的文化

6、acclimated define ─── 适应的定义

7、acclimated definition ─── 适应定义

8、acclimated defined ─── 适应的定义

9、acclimated with ─── 适应

10、acclimated means ─── 适应方式

acclimated 词性/词形变化,acclimated变形

动词过去式: acclimated |动词第三人称单数: acclimates |动词现在分词: acclimating |动词过去分词: acclimated |

acclimated 相似词语短语

1、acclimatiser ─── 驯化剂

2、acclimatised ─── vi.(英)适应;习惯(等于acclimatize)

3、acclimatizes ─── vt.使适应新环境,使服水土

4、unacclimated ─── 不适应

5、acclimatises ─── vi.(英)适应;习惯(等于acclimatize)

6、acclimatized ─── adj.适应环境的;v.使适应新环境;使服水土;使习惯于(acclimatize的过去式和过去分词)

7、acclimate ─── vi.服水土;适应新环境;vt.使适应;使服水土

8、acclimatizer ─── 驯化剂

9、acclimates ─── vi.服水土;适应新环境;vt.使适应;使服水土

acclimated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Biodegradation of isinglass wastewater by acclimated activated sludge process ─── 驯化活性污泥处理明胶有机废水的实验

2、One strain of Bifidobacterium was isolated from the faeces of health baby, it was acclimated to be the oxygen-resistant strain. ─── 从母乳喂养健康婴儿粪便中分离获得一株双歧杆菌菌株,经进一步耐氧驯育获得较稳定的耐氧型菌株。

3、It can take a week or two to get acclimated to hot weather. ─── 要花费两个星期来适应高温的天气。

4、Study on characterization of biodegradation of 2,4-DCP by anaerobic sludge acclimated by mono-chlorphenols ─── 以单氯酚驯化的厌氧颗粒污泥降解2,4-二氯酚的试验研究

5、The process is repeated until a microbial culture acclimated to the specific industrial waste is developed. ─── 重复以上过程,直至微生物的培养液已达到驯化于特定的工业废水为止。

6、Tempo-Spatial Variations in Stomatal Conductance, Aperture and Density of Ligustrum sinense Acclimated to Different Light Environments ─── 适应不同光环境小蜡叶片气孔导度、气孔开度和气孔密度的时空变化

7、Studies were carried out on slurry-phase bioremediation of chlorophenol-contaminated soil in flask,adding acclimated activated sludge for bioaugmentation. ─── 以接种驯化的活性污泥为生物强化手段,通过摇瓶反应模拟生物泥浆反应器的运行,研究了受氯酚污染土壤的修复特性。

8、One strain of Bifidobacterium was isolated from the faeces of health baby, it was acclimated to be the oxygen-resistant strain. ─── 从母乳喂养健康婴儿粪便中分离获得一株双歧杆菌菌株,经进一步耐氧驯育获得较稳定的耐氧型菌株。

9、They were acclimated to the tropics . ─── 他们已经适应热带气候。


11、Keywords high-salinity wastewater;acclimated sludge;nitrification;denitrification;biological phosphate removal;FNA;halophile; ─── 高盐度废水;耐盐污泥;硝化;反硝化;生物除磷;亚硝酸盐;嗜盐菌;

12、The rice has been acclimated in this area ─── 水稻已能适应这一地区的环境。

13、Studies were carried out on the bioremediation of soil polluted by chlorophenols in bench-scale bioslurry reactors, adding the acclimated activated sludge for bioaugmentation. ─── 摘要以接种驯化的活性污泥为生物强化手段,在小型生物泥浆反应器中,研究了受氯酚污染土壤的修复情况。

14、And before each school year, we have a week of tech orientation for students to help them get acclimated . ─── 在每个学年之前,我们有一周时间供学生熟悉技术,帮助他们习惯。

15、Peter Seebach has been using computers for years and is gradually becoming acclimated. ─── Peter Seebach使用计算机已经有很多年的时间了,已经逐渐习惯了使用计算机的生活。

16、Fish migrate to the outfall slowly and become acclimated to the increased temperatures. ─── 鱼逐渐往河口迁移,慢慢适应提高了的温度。

17、acclimated sludge ─── 驯化污泥

18、4.The settlers were soon acclimated. ─── 移居者很快就适应了。

19、2,4-DCP was degraded at 50 h and 180 h respectively for acclimated and unacclimated sludge,which testified that acclimated sludge could more effectively degrade 2,4-DCP. ─── 驯化与未驯化的污泥分别在50 h和180 h左右将2,4-DCP降解完全,表明混合单氯酚驯化的厌氧颗粒污泥降解2,4-DCP比未驯化的厌氧颗粒污泥快.

20、It is critical that all individuals seeking to enter the United States become acclimated to presenting documents to U.S.Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers. ─── 重要的是,所有想要进入美国的个人开始习惯于向美国海关和边境保护局( CBP )官员出示相关文件。

21、"I think I'll have about 20 games when I come back," he said."I think that's enough time to get myself acclimated, get back into a rhythm with my teammates and all that. ─── 拜纳姆,他将至少缺阵8个星期,在周四湖人在斯台普斯中心对阵太阳之前,表现出一个20岁的孩子的乐观,同时也展现出一个老兵的沮丧。

22、We are becoming acclimated to New York weather. ─── 我们渐渐适应了纽约的天气。

23、acclimated culture ─── 驯化培养

24、Experiments were conducted on parenchyma cells of Egeria densa acclimated to two different lighting conditions. ─── 以接受两种不同光照条件的水蕴草薄壁组织细胞进行实验。

25、Andrew has not acclimated to the weather in West Africa. ─── 安德鲁还不习惯西非的天气。

26、Is becoming acclimated to the tropical heat; ─── 对热带的高度逐渐适应;

27、The Lakers would love to have Gasol back for a game to get acclimated again before the Lakers resume play against Western Conference competition to end the regular season. ─── 湖人希望加索尔先打一场比赛以进行适应,进而湖人将通过与西部强队的交手结束本赛季的常规赛。

28、Matsuzaka, who takes a 2-2 record and a 4.00 ERA into Friday's game, left the team on Thursday afternoon to get acclimated to New York. ─── 松坂将带著二胜二败,防御率4.00的纪录出战周五(27)的赛事。他在周四(26)下午便离队动身前往纽约适应环境。

29、6. Purpose of this study was to determine the treatability of 2,4-dichlorophenol(2,4-DCP) by anaerobic granular sludge which was acclimated by mixed mono-chlorphenols(2-CP,4-MCP). ─── 利用邻氯酚(2-CP)和对氯酚(4-MCP)的模拟废水驯化厌氧颗粒污泥并考察驯化的污泥对2,4-二氯酚(2,4-DCP)的降解性.收藏指正

30、Keywords High-salinity Biological treatment Acclimated activated sludge Organic industrial wastewater; ─── 高含盐量;生物处理法;驯化活性污泥;有机工业废水;

31、Comparison of MGO Wastewater-Biodegrading Abilities of Acclimated Bacterial Strains ─── 驯化菌株降解油制气废水能力的比较

32、The players are playing with a lot of energy, and definitely getting acclimated to Coach Ademan's offense, which took much longer than we had planned. ─── 球员们充满活力,也越来越适应阿德尔曼的进攻体系,尽管这比预期花的时间长了不少。

33、The results indicated that different copepods at same natural acclimated temperature and specific copepod at different initial acclimated temperature had different thermal tolerance capability. ─── 结果表明,不同生物在相同适温条件下和同种生物在不同适温条件下的热耐受能力均存在差异。

34、82.Vary your training routes. This will prevent boredom and prevent your body from getting acclimated. ─── 变换跑步路线。增加跑步乐趣,使身体适应不同环境。

35、The rice has been acclimated in this area. ─── 水稻已能适应这一地区的环境。

36、Primary Research on Rearing Techniques Acclimated to Pond for Allogynogenetic Crucian Carp ─── 颗粒饲料驯化池养异育银鲫技术初步研究

37、Keywords activated sludge;constructed wetland;chemical laboratory wastewater;activated sludge acclimated;soil stuffing; ─── 活性污泥;人工湿地;化学实验废水;污泥驯化;土壤填料;

38、Keywords paper-making wastewater;UV induced mutation;acclimated sludge;highly efficient degradation bacteria; ─── 造纸废水;UV诱变;驯化污泥;高效降解菌;

39、By making comparison with the conventional acclimated sludge, it is found that the activated sludge after induced mutation is more suitable for degradation of lignin and with high efficiency. ─── 通过与普通驯化的污泥进行比较发现,经诱变活性污泥更适于降解木质素,且效率较高。

40、To become naturalized or acclimated; undergo adaptation. ─── 顺化,归化使成为本土的或适应的;经历适应过程

41、be acclimated to ─── 适应于, 习惯于

42、Finally, humidity's negative effects decline as runners become acclimated to a warm, moist climate. ─── 最后,当跑步者适应温暖湿润的气候后,湿气的负面影响就会下降。

43、Keywords grape plant;grape berry;temperature-stress acclimated;cross adaptation;cellular mechanism; ─── 葡萄幼苗;葡萄果实;温度锻炼;交叉适应;细胞学机制;

44、Purpose of this study was to determine the treatability of 2,4-dichlorophenol(2,4-DCP) by anaerobic granular sludge which was acclimated by mixed mono-chlorphenols(2-CP,4-MCP). ─── 利用邻氯酚(2-CP)和对氯酚(4-MCP)的模拟废水驯化厌氧颗粒污泥并考察驯化的污泥对2,4-二氯酚(2,4-DCP)的降解性.

45、We recommend that you perform the MBT warm-up exercises to help get you acclimated to the MBT way of life. ─── 我们建议你执行MBT热身运动为了帮助您便适应了MBT的生活方式。

46、Activated Sludge Acclimated by Cometabolic Substrate for Degradation of Pentachlorophenol ─── 共代谢基质驯化活性污泥降解五氯酚

47、“And before each school year, we have a week of tech orientation for students to help them get acclimated. ─── “在每个学年之前,我们有一周时间供学生熟悉技术,帮助他们习惯。

48、241.We are becoming acclimated to New York weather. ─── 注:我们逐渐适应了纽约的气候。

49、acclimated activated sludge ─── 驯化活性污泥

50、acclimated microorganism ─── 驯化的微生物

51、He soon acclimated to the desert. ─── 他不久便适应了沙漠的环境。


53、Have you become acclimated to this city? ─── 你对于这个都市已习惯吗?

54、Keywords MGO-wastewater;acclimated strains and influencing factors; ─── 油制气废水;驯化菌种;影响因素;

55、Resorcin biodegradation was studied by acclimated anaerobic sludge with sucrose,glucose,butyrate and ethanol as co-metabolism substrates in ASBR reactor. ─── 分别用蔗糖、葡萄糖、丁酸盐和乙醇作为驯化好的厌氧污泥的共代谢基质,在厌氧序批式反应器(ASBR)中对间苯二酚的降解进行研究。

56、Until acclimated to the reserve and to each other, the large animals stay in a large pen where visitors can go inside for a close look as the fleet cats feed on freshly killed impala . ─── 卡利奇管理的动物。这些大型动物在适应这个保护区和来此前,都必须待在一个大围栏里,而游客可以在这群敏捷的猫科动物大啖风宰杀的高角羚时入内看个仔细。

57、phenol acclimated activated sludge ─── 经酚类化合物驯化的活性污泥

58、Keywords Iso-propylalcohol wastewater;Biodegradability;Biological treatment;Acclimated activated sludge; ─── 异丙醇废水;可生化性;生物处理法;驯化活性污泥;

59、I have not yet entirely acclimated. ─── 我还没有完全地适应。

60、Keywords dye wastewater;white rot fungus;biomembrane reactor;acclimated activated sludge;environmental protection; ─── 染料废水;白腐真菌;生物膜反应器;驯化活性污泥;环境保护;


62、The acclimated active sludge could degrade 78% of oil in 24h. ─── 驯化后的活性污泥对油脂具有较好的去除能力,在24小时内对油脂的降解率为78%。

63、Study on protein expression in root tips of maize seedling acclimated to low-oxgen stress environment ─── 低氧胁迫对玉米根尖蛋白表达影响的研究

64、Pau Gasol is now acclimated to this triangle offense and has developed the toughness that was needed during the 2008 Finals with the Celtics. ─── 加索尔现在已经完全融入了三角进攻,并已经开发出了韧性。

65、If you have not whirled before then go very very slowly at first and once your mind and body get acclimated to the movements the body will naturally go faster. ─── 这一个小时的静坐里他三个阶段。在前两个阶段,可挣开眼睛,但不要专注于任何事情。在第三阶段,则需闭上眼睛。

66、In short, technology has empowered new and vital means of political communication and acclimated citizens to democratic thought and action. ─── 一句话,科学技术给政治交流带来了新型重要手段,使公民习惯于民主思维与行动。

67、The following results were achieved:(1) The 2-CNB.4-CNB and 3,4-DCN-degrading anaerobic granular sludge was acclimated and enriched when a mixture of these three chloronitrobenzenes was employed as influent of anaerobic bioreactor. ─── 2-CNB、4-CNB和3,4-DCN三种氯代硝基苯类同系物共存条件下,以易降解有机物作为共基质进行厌氧处理,在厌氧反应器中可培养获得转化降解2-CNB、4-CNB和3,4-DCN的厌氧颗粒污泥。

68、Keywords landfill leachate;biodegradability;SBR;acclimated activated sludge; ─── 垃圾渗滤液;可生化性;SBR法;驯化活性污泥;

69、Come on, it's because I just arrived and haven't acclimated yet. ─── 哪儿能啊,我只是刚来有点儿水土不服罢了。

70、His first choice were Australians, assuming the arid outback region would have made them acclimated to a region like the Sahara. ─── 他的第一个选择是澳大利亚人,他的想法是澳大利亚荒凉的内陆与撒哈拉更为接近。

71、You'll probably want to get acclimated a little. ─── 你或许要短暂适应新的环境。

72、Keywords chlorinated benzene acclimated sludge chlorinated benzene homologue action mechanism; ─── 氯苯驯化污泥;氯苯类同系物;作用机制;

73、acclimated bacterium ─── 驯化菌株

74、At least by running in the latest New Jersey heat wave, I should be as acclimated to heat and humidity as I can get. ─── 中国人的锻炼方式在西方人眼里很奇怪:他们总是在早晨,在公园里锻炼,做瑜伽,或者太极,还有人向后跑,据说这有利于平衡。

75、Effect of the coexistence of chlorobenzene homologue on the biodegradation of chlorobenzene for chlorobenzene acclimated sludge. ─── 氯苯驯化污泥中氯苯类同系物共存对氯苯生物降解影响。

76、Yeah, yeah. -Yeah. -Wow! -Getting him acclimated to the family. -Exactly. Exactly. ─── 是,是。-是。-哇!-让他习惯这个家庭。

77、This'll get you acclimated to even the nastiest of climates. ─── 这会让你完全适应最炎热的气候。

78、while older people can be seen as "digital immigrants" trying to get acclimated . ─── 年纪较大的人则可说是「数位移民」,必须努力适应这个世界。

79、Differantially display of genes in hypothalamus of heat acclimated rats ─── 热适应诱导大鼠下丘脑基因的差异显示

80、The process of acclimating or of becoming acclimated. ─── 服水土,适应适应或变得适应的过程

81、Have you become acclimated to Taiwan yet? ─── 你已适应台湾的环境了吗?

82、Keywords Isinglass wastewater Biodegradability Biological treatment Acclimated activated sludge; ─── 明胶废水;可生化性;生物处理法;驯化活性污泥;

83、"[Jurors] have become so acclimated to seeing DNA evidence, " he said. ─── “(陪审员)已经非常习惯看DNA‘证据。”他说。

84、Sinec this is the first year that it got planted, please be prepared that it may take a full year for the root system to get acclimated to the adjacent soil. ─── 由于这是它刚种下的第一年,你要有心理准备,它需要一整年的时间让根系适应新土.

85、10 acclimated bacterial strains isolated from 3 kinds of activated sludge were used to biodegrade different pollutants in MGO wastewater produced in the manufacturing process of gas with heavy oil. ─── 从3种污泥中驯化筛选出10种菌株,研究了各菌株对油制气废水不同污染指标的处理能力差别,以及各菌株对废水中芳烃化合物的降解能力。

86、There's a tendency for those things to continue or follow us, but they're going to have to get acclimated. ─── 那些措施都是会继续进行,他们不得不适应新环境。”

87、Microbial degradation by acclimated activated sludge was investigated to characterize biodegradability of landfill leachate. ─── 利用驯化活性污泥法对组分复杂的垃圾渗滤液进行有机物降解实验。

88、Structural changes of chloride cells in gills epithelia of juvenile Acipenser schrenckii acclimated to various salinities ─── 不同盐度驯化下施氏鲟幼鱼鳃泌氯细胞结构的变化

89、Keywords acclimated activated sludge;high s alinity;betaine; ─── 驯化活性污泥;高含盐量;甜菜碱;

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