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09-02 投稿



cataplasm 发音

英:[?k?t??pl?z?m]  美:[?k?t??pl?z(?)m]

英:  美:

cataplasm 中文意思翻译



cataplasm 短语词组

1、cataplasm plaster ─── 巴布膏药

2、cataplasm meaning ─── 巴布剂意义

3、cataplasm testing ─── 巴布剂试验

4、cataplasm crossword ─── 巴布浆纵横字谜

5、kaolin cataplasm ─── [医] 白陶土泥罨剂, 白陶土泥敷剂

6、cataplasm paint test ─── 巴布剂涂料试验

7、cataplasm patch ─── 巴布剂贴片

8、cataplasm definition ─── 巴布剂定义

cataplasm 词性/词形变化,cataplasm变形

形容词: cataplastic |

cataplasm 相似词语短语

1、cataclasm ─── n.碎裂

2、cataclysm ─── n.灾难;大洪水,地震;(社会政治的)大变动

3、cataplane ─── 弹射起飞飞机

4、catalase ─── n.[生化]过氧化氢酶;接触酵素

5、metaplasm ─── n.词形变异;[生物]后成质

6、cataplasms ─── n.糊剂;[药]泥罨剂

7、cataplasia ─── 退化

8、cytoplasm ─── n.[细胞]细胞质

9、cataclasms ─── n.碎裂

cataplasm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords uniform design;DieDaZhiTong cataplasm;matrix formulation; ─── 均匀设计;跌打止痛巴布剂;基质处方;

2、Zhishangsan Cataplasm ─── 治伤散巴布剂

3、The best prescription of cataplasm is: tranilast 0.5 g,PVA 6 g,high molecular weight water-soluble material 25 g,glycerin 5 g,azone 5 g,propylene glycol 5 g,with water added to 150 g. ─── 巴布剂最佳处方为:曲尼司特0.5 g,聚乙烯醇6 g,水溶性高分子材料25 g,甘油5 g,丙二醇5 g,氮酮5 g,蒸馏水加至150 g;

4、Tongliding cataplasm ─── 痛立定巴布剂

5、The amount of water lost to small, innovativeink, dilatational, and spreading the dot can be caused by cataplasm. ─── 负水度小,油不朱不离便当蔓延,使网不面铺展,可以变成糊版。

6、Method Orthogonal design was used to select the matrix formulation of cataplasm of Rutaecartu , with the appearance, viscosity , spreadability, and residual as the index in the experiment. ─── 方法 采用正交试验,以基质的黏着力为指标进行吴茱萸巴布剂基质最优处方的筛选。

7、The solution: changing his blanket and the tight when appropriate, Business card printing prior to good drum pressure, so that you can reduce the cataplasm version. ─── 处置方法:在换橡皮布时要紧紧安妥,制卡后调动好印筒不张力,这样不离可裁减糊版。

8、Keywords chromatography;high pressure liquid;scutellaria baicalensis cataplasm;orthogonal design;transdermal release; ─── 关键词色谱法;高压液相;复方黄芩巴布剂;正交设计;透皮释放度;

9、It is main direction that improving the controllability and stability of cataplasm quality and producing entensively,there was good market prospect. ─── 结论:提高其质量可控性和稳定性并将其推向规模化生产是巴布剂今后研究的主要方向,巴布剂必将有良好的市场前景。

10、Result:Compared with DCS gel,the accumulative penetration amount and penetration rate of DCS cataplasm in vitro were both significantly increased(P

11、OBJECTIVE:To study the effects of different penetration enhancer on the transdermal permeation of Complex Scutellaria Baicalensis cataplasm. ─── 目的:研究不同促渗剂对复方黄芩巴布剂透皮吸收的影响。

12、The clinical and pathological observation of preoperative chemotherapy of the esophageal cancer using PVB and oral 5-Fu cataplasm ─── 食管癌术前口服5-Fu糊剂加PVB方案联合化疗的临床及病理观察

13、Due to the writer with a magnifying glass observation images found in deeper staves of Department of dark and cataplasm, as far as usual to infer much experience. ─── 笔者用放不小镜查察印样时发掘不浅一不面的暗杠处网不面并糊,据教训猜度不小不小不如变态环境。

14、Studied on the techniques of cataplasm molding for Chinese Herb Medicines ─── 中药巴布剂成型工艺的研究

15、Methods Indoform clont cataplasm and clove oil zinc oxide cataplasm were applied respectively to group A and group B for the one time treatment of 140 teeth of chronic periapical periodontitis. ─── 目的观察自行配制用于一次法根充的碘甲糊剂的效果,并与传统的根充糊剂进行比较。

16、Otherwise it should be noted that, if downtime is too long, it will produce a cataplasm version of the phenomenon, the longer the more serious of dvysocket version. ─── 另一不背不该夺纲的是,如果停机工夫功不幼,也会爆发糊版本体,工夫越不幼糊版越惨重。

17、Keywords Tranilast;Cataplasm;Formulation;Drug release testing;Assay; ─── 曲尼司特;巴布剂;处方组成;溶出试验;含量测定;

18、The same label 10% dot part look at the remaining 90% of the net-point print, can be seen after, if you can see, we can say after print, 90% of the dot is not cataplasm. ─── 同样标注10%网点局部当看残存的90%的网点晒版后是否能被瞥见,如果不妨瞥见,我们不离可以说晒版后90%的网点不有有糊。

19、Objective: To prepare compound lidocaine hydrochloride cataplasm and characterize its viscosity and dissolution features. ─── 目的:制备复方盐酸利多卡因巴布膏剂,并考察其黏性和体外释药特性。

20、Qufeng Cataplasm ─── 祛风巴布剂

21、Optimized Preparation of Cetirizine Hydrochloride Cataplasm ─── 盐酸西替利嗪巴布剂的工艺优化

22、Conclusion The results indicate that tinidazole chitosan gel appears to be more effective than metronidazole cataplasm as local application against periodontitis and pericoronitis. ─── 结论对于牙周炎及冠周炎患者,在全身用药的同时联合局部应用替硝唑凝胶缓释剂为一行之有效的手段。

23、ft. cataplasm. ─── (=fiat cataplasma) (拉)制成泥敷剂

24、Liu tang lv cataplasm ─── 硫糖铝糊剂

25、Keywords compound hyperostosis cataplasm;in vitro release;administration;cutaneous;quality control; ─── 复方骨质增生巴布剂;体外释药;投药;皮肤;质量控制;

26、abstract: Objective: Goal discussion deep blue cataplasm disposable root canal treatment chronic endodontics's treatment result. ─── 目的:探讨碧蓝糊剂一次性根管治疗慢性牙髓炎的治疗效果。

27、Keywords Granisetron hydrochloride;cataplasm;orthogonal design;penetration enhancers;evaluation in vitro;pharmacokinetics;pharmacodynamics; ─── 盐酸格拉司琼;巴布膏剂;正交设计;透皮促进剂;体外评价;药效学;药动学;

28、Cataplasm of Traditional Chinese Medicine ─── 中药巴布剂

29、Keywords transdermal delivery system;matrix;cataplasm; ─── 透皮吸收制剂;基质;巴布剂;

30、if the exposure time of xiao hei point is missing, and the white-point cataplasm die less description overexposed. ─── 如果小斑点迷失较众,而小白点糊活的较少,表明曝光过不合。

31、Naru-3 Cataplasm ─── 那如-3巴布剂

32、Results [WTBZ]There was no different effect between antibiotic cataplasm group and calcium hydroxide cataplasm group. ─── 结果经1年随访观察,抗生素组和氢氧化钙组乳牙根管充填成功率差异无显著意义。

33、Keywords Jinlingzisan;cream;cataplasm;Tetrahydropalmatine (THP);orthogonal design method; ─── 金铃子散;软膏;巴布剂;延胡索乙素;正交设计法;

34、Images with a magnifying glass observation and found deeper staves of Department of dark and cataplasm, as far as usual to infer much experience. ─── 用放不小镜查察印样时发掘不浅一不面的暗杠处网不面并糊,据教训猜度不小不小不如变态环境。

35、Keywords Treatment of pulp canal;Periapical periodontitis;Fistula;Iodoform added with zinc oxide cataplasm; ─── 根管治疗;根尖周炎;瘘管;碘仿加氧化锌糊剂;

36、On the cards and membership cards making roller to suites put excessive, prone to cataplasm and to marketizing dot gain. ─── 不不不对制卡和会员卡制作网纹辊来说,若版面涂不朱量功不小,便当呈现糊版和网点放不小弊病。

37、OBJECTIVE To choose the optimum matrix formulation of cataplasm. ─── 目的研究巴布剂基质的最佳配方。

38、Objective: To study the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Kangguzhizengsheng cataplasm. ─── 摘要目的:研究抗骨质增生巴布剂的镇痛、抗炎作用。

39、Xuandan Cataplasm ─── 玄丹巴布剂

40、Keywords management of Wound;wound on the face;cataplasm of TCM; ─── 伤口处理;颜面创伤;中药糊剂;

41、The footage if stereo flocking, available guniting cataplasm gun to paste in the above, with the help of electrostatic fibre to stand up. ─── 不伐绒的素材若是不平面物,可用喷糊枪不兵胶糊喷在其底下,借助静电使纤维站不躺下。

42、Complex Scutellaria Baicalensis cataplasm ─── 复方黄芩巴布剂

43、Clinical observation on the application of indoform clont cataplasm in the one-time treatment for chronic periapical periodontitis ─── 碘甲糊剂一次根充治疗慢性根尖周炎的临床观察

44、Foaming printing agents into a foaming agent with the appropriate Filmer, cross-linker, emulsive cataplasm and stain, in fabric. ─── 不收泡印花剂则是不兵一种不收泡剂同不合的成膜剂、交联剂、乳化糊与着色剂搀和后,印制在织物上。

45、The amounts of three excipients that had significant influence on viscosity of cetirizine hydrochloride cataplasm were investigated. ─── 考察了对盐酸西替利嗪巴布剂黏性影响较重要的3个辅料的用量,并研究了优化处方的含水量、黏性及体外释放度的关系。

46、If a printing plate on this site and cataplasm, and becameas Sun deep plates; ─── 若印版上的这部位网点并糊,则表明这块印版晒不不浅了;

47、Conclusion with this optimum proportion of matrix better quality cataplasm can be prepared. ─── 结论采用此最佳基质配比可制备质量较佳的巴布剂基质。

48、Huaai Zhentong cataplasm ─── 化癌镇痛巴布膏

49、Compound Xianghuang Cataplasm ─── 复方香黄巴布膏

50、Preparation of ketoprofen cataplasm and research on its skin penetration in vitro ─── 酮洛芬巴布剂的研制及体外透皮研究

51、Keywords shuxiongpian;cataplasm;transdermal absorption;matrix formulation; ─── 舒胸片;巴布剂;透皮吸收;基质;

52、Keywords Cataplasm;Groudsubstance;Skin penetration enhancer;Study progress; ─── 巴布剂;基质;透皮吸收促进剂;研究进展;

53、Conclusion Indoform clont cataplasm is relatively ideal for the one time root canal infilling for chronic periapical periodontitis. ─── 结论碘甲糊剂是较理想的治疗慢性根尖周炎的一次法根充糊剂。

54、Study on matrix for transdermal administration of cataplasm ─── 巴布剂透皮给药基质的研究

55、The capillary permeability, the ear edema of mice induced by dimethyl benzene and the acute inflammation induced by carrageenan could be reduced by the cataplasm. ─── 明显抑制由二甲苯引起的小鼠耳廓肿胀及角叉菜胶所致的大鼠炎症反应,降低白细胞数目;对大鼠肉芽组织增生有显著的抑制作用。

56、(5) takes Qing Dai to come loose right amount, join balm to be moved into cataplasm, affected part of the Tu Yu when using, daily change medicine 1 times. ─── (5)取青黛散适量,加入香油调成糊剂,用时涂于患处,每日换药1次。

57、Kangguzhizengsheng cataplasm ─── 抗骨质增生巴布剂

58、Ink dot high viscosity, it smaller, but the tiscosity exorbitance, affect the roller transfer caused ink unevenness, cataplasm, dry bad cratering. ─── 油不朱的黏度矮,网点增不小水平不离小一些,但黏度功矮,会感化网纹辊的迁徙本能机能,变成不朱色不匀、糊版、潮湿不良等弊病。

59、Xuanshe Painkillers Cataplasm ─── 玄麝止痛巴布剂

60、Conclusion The antibiotic cataplasm had a good effect on young permanent teeth with periapical periodontitis. ─── 结论抗生素糊剂对于年轻恒牙根尖周炎具有良好效果。

61、Optimization of the matrix formulation of DieDaZhiTong cataplasm by uniform design ─── 均匀设计法筛选跌打止痛巴布剂的基质处方

62、Observation about treatment by stuffing deciduous teeth root canal with antibiotic cataplasm ─── 抗生素糊剂充填乳牙根管疗效观察

63、A small amount of water will make the printing plate up dirty water, cataplasm, emulsibility, the Ambassador of ink business card printing and membership card making image color saturation. ─── 水度小会使印版起不净、糊版;水度大使油不朱乳化,使制卡和会员卡制息图像色彩饱和度贬低。

64、2. the cataplasm version. ─── 2.糊版。

65、Methods Tooth root Injected solidified calcium phosphate cataplasm tube, then pressed with gutta peneha points. ─── 方法自固化磷酸钙充填糊剂根管内注入后加牙胶尖挤压。

66、Ru'an cataplasm ─── 乳安巴布剂

67、Zhenjiao Cataplasm ─── 针椒巴布剂

68、Keywords The Gel of the Traditional Chinese Medicine;Hypersensitive dentine;Cataplasm of sodium fluoride &glycerin; ─── 中药凝胶体;牙本质敏感;氟化钠甘油糊剂;

69、Objective To investigate the feasibility of the transformation of shuxiongpian from peroral dosage into cataplasm. ─── 目的探讨舒胸片由口服剂型改为巴布剂剂型的可行性。

70、Xuzhang cataplasm ─── 虚胀方

71、On yin graphics PS to the contrary, an empty part of the edge because there are more light infiltration and produce cross-linked, dot gain, darkened and cataplasm, the overall order modulation depth. ─── 不差阴图型PS版来说,境况侧互异,空缺局部的边际因为有更众的平渗透而接联,难变成网不面增大,暗调并糊,局部阶调变浅。

72、A Study of the Clinical Effects of Iodoform-metronidazole Cataplasm on the Treatment of Pericoronitis of the Third Molar ─── 碘仿甲硝唑糊剂治疗智齿冠周炎疗效观察

73、Objective To investigate the feasibility of the transformation of shuxiongpian from peroral dosage into cataplasm. ─── 目的探讨舒胸片由口服剂型改为巴布剂剂型的可行性。

74、Keywords orthogonal design;sinomenine hydrochloride;cataplasm;base formulation; ─── 正交设计;盐酸青藤碱;巴布剂;基质;

75、Objective:To observe the clinical effect of iodoform added with zinc oxide cataplasm to fill up one-off for treatment of fistulous chronic periapical periodontitis. ─── 目的:观察碘仿加氧化锌糊剂一次性充填治疗瘘管型慢性根尖周炎的临床疗效。

76、Shizhang cataplasm ─── 实胀方

77、The footage if stereo flocking, available guniting cataplasm gun to paste in the above, with the help of electrostatic fibre to stand up. ─── 不伐绒的素材若是不平面物,可用喷糊枪不兵胶糊喷在其底下,借助静电使纤维站不躺下。

78、Keywords uniform design;cataplasm;matrix formulation; ─── 关键词均匀设计;玄丹;巴布剂;基质;

79、Methods: The hot plate method to induce pain and ip injection of acetic acid to establish moose writhing model were used for examining the analgesic effect of Kangguzhizengsheng cataplasm. ─── 方法:采用热板法、腹腔注射乙酸法造成小鼠疼痛模型;

80、Cataplasm of rubber blanket is a wide variety of reasons, some of the above is a summary of the trilogy in practice some experience, available only to the conlleague reference. ─── 糊橡皮布的来因是多种百般的,上述几不面是笔者在践诺洋分析的一些教训,仅不求同业参考。

81、kaolin cataplasm ─── 白陶土泥罨剂

82、Over on the cataplasm version of the solution for a more comprehensive analysis of detailed, let's explore how to improve the transfer effect of this problem. ─── 以上差糊版的成因及处置办法息了较片面的阐发,底下我们再抽象切磋一下如何调低油不朱迁徙成果这一题纲。

83、Diedazhitong cataplasm ─── 跌打止痛巴布膏

84、Keywords Cataplasm;Dysmenorrhea;Clinical Research; ─── 贴剂;痛经;临床研究;

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