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09-02 投稿



overstatement 发音

英:[?o?v?rste?tm?nt]  美:[???v?ste?tm?nt]

英:  美:

overstatement 中文意思翻译



overstatement 网络释义

n. 大话,夸大的叙述

overstatement 短语词组

1、overstatement of liabilities ─── [经] 虚台负责

overstatement 词性/词形变化,overstatement变形


overstatement 反义词


overstatement 同义词

hyperbole | overemphasis | magnification |exaggeration

overstatement 相似词语短语

1、misstatement ─── n.虚伪的陈述;误述

2、counterstatement ─── n.抗辩书;反驳声明

3、instatement ─── 任命;安装

4、overstatements ─── n.大话,夸大的叙述

5、bold statement ─── 大胆的表态;大胆的声明;大胆的发言

6、understatement ─── n.保守的陈述;不充分的陈述;有保留的陈述

7、overexcitement ─── 过分激动

8、restatement ─── n.重述;再次声明

9、understatements ─── n.保守的陈述;不充分的陈述;有保留的陈述

overstatement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、overstatement of profits ─── 过高估计利益; 利益夸大

2、That may be a slight overstatement but we do our very best to live up to it.We do have a wide stock within our product area as our goal is to get and keep satisfied customers. ─── 本公司是一家以代理传送方式经营的专业轴承公司,本公司以销售、服务及技术支持为主,产品主要为钢铁冶金、矿山、电力、化工等机械行业提供配套服务。

3、We believe it is an overstatement to consider that raising pigeons in public squares expresses an increase people's environmental awareness. ─── 我们认为,把放养广场鸽看成人们环保意识增强的体现言过其实了。

4、What's on your mind?-if you'll forgive the overstatement? ─── 你在担心什么?-请原谅我问的过分(严重)好吗?

5、The overstatement of $400 000 in inventory caused us to understate our cost of sales by the same amount. ─── 库存多计的40万美元使得我们的销售成本少计了40万。

6、To say that everybody had a blast is a gross overstatement, I know at least three people left early because of boredom. ─── 说大家都玩得很开心也太夸张了。我知道至少有三个人因为觉得无聊而提早离开了。

7、Overstatement will be your downfall. ─── 说大话最终会露馅儿的。

8、In this case, the overstatement of bad debt expense unjustifiably understates the present year's net income . ─── 这样,坏账费用的高估会不合理地低估当年的净利润。

9、It is not an overstatement to say that many of Jesus' claims sound nothing short of outrageous. ─── 许多耶稣说过的话,咋听之下,令人难以置信。

10、But "no chance" seems a bit of an overstatement, especially since there is not a consensus among economists about why the Great Depression was as bad as it was. ─── 但是“决不可能”有点像是说大话,尤其是现在经济学家们对于为什么大萧条会有如此严重的后果还未达成共识。

11、overstatement of liabilities ─── [经] 虚台负责

12、" Xieguozhong that China hot money mainly overseas Chinese, such as "Taiwan and Hong Kong enterprises through overstatement and understatement of exports to net imports into China, into the arbitrage. ─── 谢国忠认为,中国的热钱主要是海外华人,如“台湾和香港企业通过多报出口和少报进口将美元带进中国,换成人民币套利”。

13、14 It is no overstatement to say that Internet has revolutionized the way we live, work, study and play. ─── 14可以毫不夸张地说互联网已经彻底改变了我们工作学习和娱乐的方式。

14、Any suggestion that he should marry always does produce overstatement on the part of the bachelor, and a mental breeze. ─── 对一个单身汉提出结婚的建议总会引起一些夸张的说法,也会在心理上掀起一阵小小的波澜。

15、Even assuming that a goal is truly worthy, it is an extremely broad overstatement to say that just because a certain goal is worthy, then whatever it takes to reach that goal is justifiable. ─── 即使假定某个目标的确是值得追求的,但如果有人说因为某个目标值得追求所以不管采取什么手段达到这一目标都是正当的,那么,这便是一种过于宽泛的夸张说法。

16、This may have been an improvement, but "breakthrough" was an overstatement. ─── 也许已经有了改善,但“突破”是夸大其辞。

17、By selling shares juncture, wanted to sell the highest price to create a miracle, so a higher price就往many overstatement. ─── 而到了卖股票的关口,又想创造卖出最高价的奇迹,于是就往更高的价位多报许多。

18、"The ""friends"" was, of course, an overstatement." ─── "朋友"这个词儿当然有点言过其词。

19、decoration companies will deliberate overstatement construction area in the budget, in order to obtain higher profits. ─── 有些装饰公司会故意在预算中多报施工面积,以获得更高的利润。

20、According to him, both Weber's view of intention-instrumental rationality and modern subjective philosophy's overstatement on self-consciousness are partial. ─── 但是哈贝马斯认为无论是韦伯将理性理解为目的合理性和形式合理性,还是近代主体性哲学对自我意识的过分强调,都是片面的。

21、Study on the Phenomenon, Means and Recogntion Mothods of Listed Enterprises'Profit Overstatement ─── 上市公司利润包装的现象、方式与识别理论研究

22、The mixture of overstatement, banter, humorous joking, imitation and irony makes Dong Xi's creation of novels a superficial phenomenon of amusement. ─── 摘要夸张、调侃、戏仿、反讽等手法的杂糅,使得东西小说的创作呈现出“搞笑”的叙述表象。

23、Do you think the overstatement of freedom will cause high crime rate ? ─── 你认为对自由的过分强调回引起高犯罪率吗?

24、Make an overstatement;in exaggerated terms ─── 夸大其词

25、"To say I have a love-hate relationship with the old pile wouldn't be an overstatement," he said, and led Harry into the first floor parlour. ─── “要是我说我对那些老柱子爱恨交加的话,应该不算是夸张,“他说道,然后带着Harry走进了一楼的客厅。

26、”, I thought to myself: an overstatement to attract eyeballs or what?So in order to prove this was a pile of old guff, I decided to read it. ─── " 的时候,我对我自己想: 夸大的叙述吸引眼球或什么? 如此在次序证明以致于这是旧的胡言堆,我决定读它。

27、Prior to President Bush's above remark, scandals of accounting fraud, inside trading and other malfeasance broke out in a number of US businesses, one of the most recent being Xerox Corporation's overstatement of business revenue. ─── 布希总统发表上述谈话之前,数家美国企业爆发作假帐、内线交易和其他不法情事,最近的一次是全录公司爆发浮报营收金额。

28、The "friend quot; was, of course, an overstatement. ─── “朋友”这个词儿当然有点言过其词。

29、It is not an overstatement to say a crisis is imminent. ─── 说危机当头决非危言耸听。

30、However, even giving no credit to such overstatement, original techniques have been mobilized to propose new typo-design models. ─── 甚至不会创造出如此奇思妙想、动员所有现有的技术去创造全新的排版设计。

31、that means big talk, boast, or overstatement. ─── 指跟实际不符、夸张的话。

32、It would be an overstatement to say I am gifted, but if you are a bloody headhunter you cannot possibly fail to spot me from a sea of people. ─── 我不能说自己是英才,但您一定是伯乐,只待我用真诚和热情填满您的慧眼!

33、officials of the Office of Zhou said that some places in the past and land blind overstatement, resulting in a "small company Daianqu" phenomenon. ─── 省国土资源厅厅长周明介绍说,过去一些地方在审批土地时盲目多报,造成了“小公司大厂区”现象。

34、Valuation deals with potential overstatement and completeness with unrecorded transactions and files. ─── 评价处理那些可能出现的多余事务或文件,而完整性则处理不被包含的事务和文件。

35、That may be a bit of an overstatement. ─── 那也许有点夸张。

36、Rising land prices in recent years have therefore led to a big overstatement of the level and the growth of investment. ─── 近年来蹿高的土地价格导致了对固定资产投资水平和增长率的严重高估。

37、It is not an overstatement to say that we are in the midst of a fundamental transformation in financial services, with market - wide ramifications. ─── 这不是说大话,在当今金融服务宽领域的前提下,我们处于基本转化的中间。

38、Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism in Trauma Patients: An Overstatement of the Problem? ─── 创伤患者的深静脉血栓与肺栓塞:言过其实?

39、Perhaps it would be a mild overstatement to say this is exciting stuff, but it will get more interesting as we go. ─── 也许,说这些数据令人兴奋未免有些夸大其辞,但随着我们向前进展,事情会逐渐有趣起来。

40、What's on your mind, if you will allow the overstatement? ─── 倘若能够随意说大话,你最想说些什么?

41、It would not be the slightest bit of an overstatement to say that the study of humanities at its very core is man. ─── 可以不夸张地说,所有人文科学,归根到底都是关于“人”自身的科学。

42、overstatement to say a crisis is imminent. ─── 说危机当头绝非危言耸听。

43、It is no overstatement to say that learning to cooperate with others is the key factor in one' s career. ─── 可以毫不夸张地说学会如何合作在一个人的职业中是至关重要的因素。

44、I think that "critical part of the blogging" is a bit of an overstatement, given how few blogs ever appear on TechMeme.But at the same time, I know what he means. ─── 今天终于进入布达拉宫参观,可惜的是现在正值修缮期,内部的不少大殿都不让参观了,管理人员说半年以后吧,半年以后都会开放的。

45、Inevitably be an overstatement, because tablets down, still do not approach the drop-Jing, entertainment, fun is still the first serious ambitions or let cool side. ─── 难免言过其实,因为通片下来,仍然不落王晶的路数,娱乐好玩仍是第一位,严肃野心还是一边凉快去吧。

46、21 It is no overstatement to say that learning to cooperate with others is the key factor in one's career. ─── 21可以毫不夸张地说学会如何合作在一个人的职业中是至关重要的因素。

47、If you based on the actual size and the variety and decoration materials prices easily understood decoration companies "overstatement false. ─── 您只要根据实际的面积以及装饰材料的品种和价格,很容易了解到装饰公司是否“多报冒领”。

48、Any suggestion that he should marry always does produce overstatement on the part of the bachelor, and a mental breeze ─── 对一个单身汉提出结婚的建议总会引起一些夸张的说法,也会在心理上掀起一阵小小的波澜。

49、Which of the following nouns means overstatement or boasting? ─── 问题:请问下面哪个名词是指跟实际不符合,夸张的话呢?

50、Therefore, it is not an overstatement to say that metadata integration is the brain of an On Demand Business. ─── 因此,说元数据集成是随需应变业务的“大脑”一点都不夸张。

51、" Some believe China is already a risen power, others think it is in the course of rising and while some dismiss the "China rise" as sheer overstatement. ─── 有些人认为中国已经是一个崛起的强国了,有的人认为她正在崛起中,还有人诋毁“中国崛起”一说为纯属大话。

52、The critics of Dubai have indeed been as prone to overstatement as the Dubai developers they disdain. ─── 迪拜批评家们确实有些言过其实,开发商们却对其不屑一顾。

53、Anyhow it is clear that there is always a need for experiment and research, just as there is always a need for overstatement, exaggeration and self-expression; ─── 不管怎么说,试验和研究都是必须的,就好像总是需要一些出其不意的想法和自我表达一样。

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