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09-02 投稿



dropper 发音

英:['dr?p?]  美:['drɑp?]

英:  美:

dropper 中文意思翻译



dropper 短语词组

1、ham dropper ─── 火腿滴管

2、dropper-in ─── 偶然的访客,不速之客

3、metallic dropper ─── 金属滴管

4、name dropper n. ─── 抬出名人显要以提高自己身价的人 [网络] 声名狼藉;文件管理

5、eye dropper ─── 滴管

6、name-dropper n. ─── 以仿佛很熟悉的口吻谈到著名人物的人

7、color dropper ─── 彩色滴管

8、the dropper ─── 滴管

9、rain dropper ─── 雨水滴管

10、dropper bottle ─── [医]滴瓶

11、bait dropper ─── 诱饵滴管

12、anesthetic dropper ─── 麻醉滴管

13、alcohol dropper ─── 酒精滴管

14、dropper recipe minecraft ─── 滴管配方采矿机

15、medicine dropper ─── [医] 药用滴管

16、bung dropper ─── 滴管工

17、eye dropper pr ─── 滴管pr

18、dessert dropper ─── 甜点滴管

19、dropper codes fortnite ─── 滴管代码fortnite

dropper 词性/词形变化,dropper变形


dropper 相似词语短语

1、droppers ─── n.滴管;点药瓶;落下物;开假支票者(dropper的复数)

2、dripper ─── n.沥干架;出油少的井;滴头

3、cropper ─── n.种植者;农作物;收割机;修剪机;n.(Cropper)人名;(意)克罗珀尔;(英)克罗珀

4、-dropped ─── adj.抛踢球得分的;v.下降,减少;掉下,滴下(drop的过去式和过去分词形式)

5、stropper ─── n.滑车带;带索;环索;磨刀皮带(strop的变形)

6、Dopper ─── 潜水鸟

7、croppers ─── n.种植者;农作物;收割机;修剪机;n.(Cropper)人名;(意)克罗珀尔;(英)克罗珀

8、dropped ─── adj.抛踢球得分的;v.下降,减少;掉下,滴下(drop的过去式和过去分词形式)

9、dropples ─── 无滴

dropper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A convenient measuring dropper is supplied with every liquid. ─── 每个口服液内配有一个方便的计量滴管。

2、Calculation and Installation of Wire Overruning, Whole Dropper ─── 导线超拉、整体吊弦计算及安装

3、Using the Dropper Applicator: 1. ─── 使用滴管器: 1 。

4、hog dropper ─── 猪胴降落装置

5、Patients of test group were treated with self-made antiskid steel-wire and Y-shape alcohol dropper, while those in control group were offered traditional steel-wire and alcohol dropper. ─── 治疗组钢针移动率、针道感染率明显低于对照组,骨质疏松症病人更明显。

6、In case an error occurred while creating the dropper file (when the virus is run from infected file) the virus runs the infection routine from its instance in the infected host file. ─── 一个问题会发生在创建拆离体的过程中(当一个感染病毒的文件加载运行的过程中),这个病毒通过它感染的主机文件中执行感染例程。

7、Caution: dropping when the dropper to remain vertical, to avoid tilt, should not inverted. ─── 使用注意事项:滴加时,滴管要保持垂直,避免倾斜,切忌倒立。

8、5 Ml tincture of benzoin in small dropper bottle ─── 5毫升安息香酊剂装在滴瓶里

9、hind quarter rail dropper ─── 在吊轨上锯下胴体后面四分之一的装置

10、medicine dropper ─── 医药用滴管

11、small pattern dropper ─── 小型(麻醉)滴管

12、Each dropper delivers approximately 30 mg of CoQ10. ─── 乃日常生活保健食品。

13、Structure: Vacuum retort, Gas heater, Condenser, Oil storage tank, Vacuum pump, Water dropper, and Control panel ─── 结构:真空釜、瓦斯加热器、冷凝器、储油槽、真空泵、冷却水塔、集水器及控制系统。

14、Round LDPE bottles fitted with spouted dropper closure. Closure features an intgral unbreadable LDPE bellows pipette. Good resistance to chemical attack. Supplied assembled in shrink-wrapped packs. ─── 此类滴瓶之瓶盖为螺旋盖,附有一由PE材质制成,不易破裂之滴管。英文简述:

15、Murphy rs dropper ─── 墨菲氏滴管

16、For accurate dosing, only use the enclosed dropper and follow all dosing instructions. ─── 为了准确用量,请用配置的滴管。并遵循用量指示。

17、These are the two methods used by most dropper programs presently. Hopefully knowing this will raise a red flag if something you're doing on your computer just doesn't feel right. ─── 这是近期大多数下载者程序使用的两种方法。如果你感觉正使用的计算机上一些东东不妙,希望知道这将提高警戒。

18、A common kind of dropper is a virus dropper, which when run will install a virus in the machine. ─── 描述 起源 传播 作业 移除 研究 描述 总结 Any program which, when run, installs another program.

19、oil - dropper ─── 油滴仪

20、weight dropper ─── 重锤

21、Schimmelbusch's anesthetic dropper ─── 席梅尔布施(氏)麻醉滴管


23、Causative analysis on failure of inverted Murphy's dropper induced disposable aerofluxus and its strategy ─── 倒置莫菲氏壶致一次排气失败的原因分析及对策

24、" He draws out the dropper. ─── 我们可以开始了吗?

25、Billy His sparrow dropper looks cooler than his98 EX self. Fierce stick-jump has strong detection. Otherwise, not much different from98. ─── 比利他的笔杀技雀落看起来比98的特别版酷多了。强袭飞翔棍自动导向强多了。其他的和98差不多。

26、Z-3 inhibitor injected by the dropper could decrease drastically corrosion rate of casing and restrain the pit corrosion.These results were observed from hanged sample inner casing in wells. ─── 套管挂片分析显示,采用井下点滴加药器加注Z-3缓蚀剂,套管腐蚀明显减缓,而且抑制了点蚀的产生。

27、A dropper for administering liquid medicines, especially one for dispensing medications into the eye. ─── 滴药管一种控制药液的滴管,尤指用来将药滴入眼里

28、If you are blending oils, you will need a dropper pipette for each raw oil you use. ─── 如果需要混合精油,还需要一根滴管来吸取你要用的精油。

29、dropper guide ─── 滴管架

30、at low velocity, effects on RCS from dropper frequency are also discussed. ─── 分析了多普勒产生的原因和对RCS的影响。

31、Phyllis made it up as she went along and Debra survived and gained weight, she recalls, "I put her feet in potato bags and fed her with an eye dropper". ─── 菲利斯后来做的不错,黛布拉活了下来并且体重开始增加。她回忆说:“我把她的脚放进土豆袋子里,用眼药滴管喂她。”

32、metallic dropper ─── 金属滴管

33、File renaming Namer Name Dropper NameWiz ─── 超级文件命名器

34、Do not rinse the dropper after use. Wipe the tip of the dropper with a clean tissue and keep the container tightly closed. ─── 用后不要冲洗滴耳器,用干净纸巾擦拭滴耳器头端。

35、Amber Glass Bottle Dropper Cap ─── 琥珀色玻璃瓶带滴液帽

36、The package includes a graduated dropper. ─── 包装内有吸管,吸管上有刻度。

37、Billy His sparrow dropper looks cooler than his 98EX self. Fierce stick-jump has strong detection. Otherwise, not much different from 98. ─── 他的笔杀技雀落看起来比98的特别版酷多了。强袭飞翔棍自动导向强多了。其他的和98差不多。

38、carcass hydraulic rail dropper ─── 油压路轨屠体降落器

39、The newspaper columnist is a big name - dropper. ─── 这位报纸专栏作家动不动就提几个名人,以提高自己。

40、saline dropper ─── 盐水滴管

41、anesthetic dropper with wide mouth bottle ─── 宽口麻醉滴瓶用滴管

42、To move a docked window to a new docked location, drag the title bar until the window dropper icons appear. ─── 若要将停靠窗口移动到新的停靠位置,请拖动标题栏,直至出现该窗口的滴管图标。

43、As the pumping speed of molecular/booster pump is equal to that of existing molecular pumps,it is measured by the method of dropper flowmeter and the result is close to the expected. ─── 本文利用滴管流量计法测量了分子/增压泵的抽速,与理论设计十分接近。

44、dropper bottle ─── 滴药水瓶

45、silicon dropper ─── 硅真空阀

46、Operation skill of gas using dropper and its application in miniaturized gas experiment ─── 胶头滴管在气体操作技巧上的应用

47、Finally someone viewed the profile Web page belonging to one of his Twitter accounts and through the magic of a drive-by dropper proudly became the first victim. ─── 最终有人在查看自己帐户的个人资料页面时,通过神奇的不请自来式入侵大门,此人非常荣幸成为第一个受害者。

48、A mangrove endophytic fungus (No.1893) isolated from a dropper of Kandelia candel from an estuarine mangrove from the South China Sea, can produce various compounds. ─── 对采自香港的红树林内生真菌(1893号)的代谢产物进行了研究,共分离得到10个化合物。

49、eye lotion dropper ─── 点眼器

50、She's just a name-dropper . She likes to mention all those big names in her conversations so people think she's really well - connected. ─── 她就是爱膨风,老喜欢在言谈间提到一些大人物的名字,好让大家以为她人面多广。

51、dropper hook ─── 滴管钩

52、Objective: to probe into the application effect of self-making antiskid steel-wire and Y-shape alcohol dropper for patients undergoing tibial tubercle traction. ─── 探讨自制防滑钢针及Y型乙醇滴管在胫骨结节牵引中的应用效果。

53、Keywords Dropper Shaped Tube Heat Exchanger;Enhanced Heat Transfer;Heat Mass Transfer Analogy; ─── 滴形管换热器;强化传热;热质比拟;

54、The Eye Dropper can be used on a neutral gray area to set colour.But is dependent on the quality of the computer screen to determine if you are in fact seeing a real gray! ─── 取色器工具只能通过灰点来设置颜色,但是此举取决于电脑屏幕的质量事实上是否能够让妳看到真正的灰色。

55、anesthetic dropper with narrow mouth bottle ─── 狭口麻醉滴瓶用滴管

56、8.To ensure that you get the correct dose, measure the suspension with a dose-measuring spoon, dropper, or cup. ─── 为保证您服药剂量的准确,服用这种口服液时请使用带有刻度的量匙、滴管或量杯。

57、Esmarch's dropper ─── 埃斯马赫(氏)(麻醉)滴管

58、Dropper bottles for medical purposes ─── 医用滴瓶

59、bung dropper ─── 挖除肛门的操作者桶孔滴酒器

60、pipet dropper ─── 移液滴管

61、Keyword: OCS; stitched chain suspension; overlapping section; sag; dropper assembly ─── 关键词:接触网;弹性链形悬挂;锚段关节;弛度;整体吊弦

62、1) A green ware water dropper from the Western Chin (left). ─── 图1:西晋青釉辟邪形水注(左),东晋青釉褐斑羊尊(右)。

63、vacuum dropper ─── 气吸式集棉筒

64、The Method of Erecting the Longitudinal and Horizontal Beam Dropper to Strengthen Railway Lines under Turnovers ─── 道岔下架设纵横梁吊轨加固线路的方法

65、You now have a dropper fly set up. ─── 你现在有一个滴管飞成立。

66、rotary dropper bottle stand ─── 可旋转点眼瓶架

67、A dropper for administering liquid medicines,especially one for dispensing medications into the eye. ─── 滴药管一种控制药液的滴管,尤指用来将药滴入眼里。

68、dropper belt ─── 吊索带

69、water dropper ─── n. 测空中电位陡度用水滴集电器(滴水器)

70、alcohol dropper ─── 滴酒精装置(磨刀器用)

71、eye dropper ─── 滴管

72、standard dropper ─── 标准滴管

73、gravity dropper ─── 自动卸落装置

74、Keywords cap of dropper;injection mold;injection system; ─── 瓶盖;注塑模具;浇注系统;

75、supply dropper aircraft ─── 空投飞机

76、ham dropper ─── 火腿砍切工

77、but what he actually told me was that he was a shocking snob, name dropper and general pain in the backside. ─── 但实际上他告诉我的是,他是一个极其势利的小人,炫耀与名人结交,令人讨厌。

78、dropper box ─── 升降梭箱

79、With an eye dropper, add 8 drops of bleach per gallon of water (16 if the water is cloudy). ─── 使用滴管将漂白剂以每加仑8滴的量加入水中(若水过于浑浊则为16滴/加仑)。

80、Objective To probe the cases of the surface decline in Murphy's dropper while transfusion. ─── 目的探讨输液时茂菲氏滴管液面自行下降的原因。

81、large pattern dropper ─── 大型(麻醉)滴管

82、All green spaces (common and technical) are equipped with automatic sprinkler dropper, which requires less maintenance manager of the residence and consumes much less water. ─── 所有绿地(普通和技术)都配备了自动洒水器,它需要较少的维修经理,居住和消耗较少的水。

83、cable dropper ─── 电缆挂钩

84、A young mouse lemur gets its daily sustenance from an eye - dropper. ─── 一只年幼的倭狐猴从滴管里吸食它的食物。

85、To Probe Into How to Deal With the Problem When Murphy's Dropper is Out of fluid ─── 茂菲氏滴管内液体滴空后处理方法的探讨

86、Method of Dealing With Too Much Fluid in the Murphy's Dropper ─── 莫菲氏滴壶内液体过多的处理方法

87、A basic example of this would be changing the behavior of mobs in a camp when a rune dropper spawns or the zone becomes a hot zone. ─── 这将是一个不断变化的暴徒在一个阵营的行为时,符文滴管或产卵区的基本例子成为热点区域。

88、Objective To probe the cases of the surface decline in Murphy's dropper while transfusion . ─── 目的探讨输液时茂菲氏滴管液面自行下降的原因。

89、normal dropper ─── 标准滴瓶

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