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pomace 发音

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pomace 中文意思翻译



pomace 短语词组

1、castor pomace ─── [化] 蓖麻油渣

2、pomace oil for soap making ─── 肥皂渣油

3、apple pomace ─── [机] 苹果糊

4、pomace wine ─── 浮渣酒

5、pomace def ─── 渣def

6、tomato pomace ─── 番茄渣(打浆排出的皮和子)

7、pomace dryer ─── 渣烘干机

8、pomace is ─── 渣是

9、pomace olive ─── 橄榄渣

10、pomace fly ─── [医] 果蝇

pomace 相似词语短语

1、pomaded ─── v.涂润发油;给……擦发油(pomade的过去式和过去分词)

2、place ─── n.地方;住所;座位;vt.放置;任命;寄予;vi.名列前茅;取得名次;n.(Place)人名;(罗)普拉切;(法)普拉斯;(英)普莱斯

3、peace ─── n.和平;平静;和睦;秩序;n.(Peace)人名;(英)皮斯

4、pomade ─── n.润发油,头油;v.涂以润发油,给……擦头油(或发油)

5、Horace ─── n.贺拉斯(男子名)

6、pomades ─── n.润发油,头油;v.涂以润发油,给……擦头油(或发油)

7、pomaceous ─── adj.苹果类的;苹果的

8、proface ─── 深渊

9、palace ─── n.宫殿;宅邸;豪华住宅

pomace 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3.The technology for making kiwi fruit vinegar via alcoholic fermentation and then acetic fermentation was studied with squeezed kiwi fruit pomace, cornmeal and wheat bran as raw materials. ─── 探讨了以榨汁后的猕猴桃果渣、玉米粉、麸皮为原料,经酒精发酵和醋酸发酵酿制猕猴桃果醋的生产工艺。

2、Studies on the processing technology of yielding bio-protein feed from apple pomace by fermentation ─── 苹果渣发酵生产生物蛋白质饲料的研究

3、Larrauri J A ,et al. Effects of temperature on the free radical scavenging capacity of extracts from red and white grape pomace peels [J]. J Agric Food Chem, 1998, 46(7): 2694. ─── 何桂霞,杜方麓,杨伟丽,等.藤茶总黄酮清除氧自由基与抗脂质过氧化作用[J].中药材,2003,26(5):338.

4、The paper is introducing synthetical use of pomace. ─── 本文介绍苹果渣综合利用。

5、Study on in vitro antioxidant activity of red pigment from sweet cherry pomace ─── 甜樱桃红色素的体外抗氧化活性

6、Enzymatic release of polyphenols from pomace remaining from apple juice production was examined. ─── 具有多种生理活性的多酚类物质在苹果渣中主要以聚合体的形态存在。

7、Galacturonic acid content,pectin yield and other indexes of apple pomace(AP) at different stages were studied. ─── 研究了不同时期的苹果渣内果胶含量、果胶提取率及其它的指标的变化。

8、Practice: Cut the apple slimy account, or it is to use juicer to take out pomace (the malic sludge that Yi Ke uses a baby to take surplus) add yoke and flour agitate even can. ─── 做法:将苹果削成泥状,或是用榨汁机将苹果渣取出(亦可使用婴儿吃剩的苹果泥)加上蛋黄及面粉搅拌均匀即可。

9、The technological parameters for extracting pectin from Chinese gooseberry pomace by salting-out method was studied. ─── 通过正交实验,对用盐析法从鲜西瓜皮中提取果胶的工艺条件进行了研究。

10、Apple polyphenol is a new type of natural antioxidants;it is very rich in unripe apples and apple pomace. ─── 苹果多酚是一种新型的天然抗氧化剂,在未成熟的苹果和果渣中含量丰富。

11、Keywords apple pomace;alcohol fermentation;fermentation technology; ─── 苹果渣;酒精发酵;发酵工艺;

12、As a new type of nature antioxdants,apple polyphenol is an important activity substance contained in apple.It is very rich in unripe apple and apple pomace. ─── 苹果多酚作为一种新型的天然抗氧化剂,是苹果中一类重要的活性物质,在未成熟的苹果和果渣中含量丰富。

13、Using gallic acid as the standard, the optimum conditions for determining of the polyphenols in the apple pomace by Folin method are investigated. ─── 以没食子酸为标准品研究了福林法测定苹果渣中多酚物质含量的适宜条件。

14、The Changes of Chemical Compositions in Different Types of Apple Pomace and Tactic to the Utilization ─── 不同类型苹果渣有效成分的变化及其利用对策

15、Keywords apple pomace;Aspergillus niger;solid fermentation;pectinase; ─── 苹果渣;黑曲霉;固体发酵;果胶酶;

16、extract of seabuckthern pomace ─── 沙棘果渣提取物

17、Helps pomace to bulk wine contact (extraction and less chance of undesirable microflora developing in the cap) ─── 为了帮助苹果渣散装葡萄酒接触(提取和发展的机会不大不良菌群的帽)

18、Green soaps sold as olive oil soap are manufactured from olive pomace oil. ─── 市场上一些绿颜色的橄榄皂则是用橄榄油渣制作而成。

19、Study showed that it was feasible to prepare bio-protein feed from fermentation of pomace. ─── 研究表明,以苹果渣为主要原料发酵生产生物蛋白质饲料是切实可行的。

20、Based on many years' researches, cyclic process of apple resources is presented.After pressing, apple juice and pomace are available. ─── 在多年研究的基础上提出了苹果资源综合开发的技术战略,即苹果生果提取苹果多酚,成熟果进入榨汁线生产苹果汁并排放苹果渣。

21、sweetpotato pomace ─── 甘薯渣

22、Kinetics and metrology of single cell protein (SCP) production from apple pomace by solid state (fermentation) (SSF) was studied, suited equations and mathematic model were founded by element analysis, fitting curve and mathematic deduce. ─── 以苹果渣固态发酵(SSF)生产单细胞蛋白(SCP)为例,利用元素分析、曲线拟合和数学推导研究了固态发酵生产SCP的计量学和动力学,获得了适合的发酵计量学方程、数学模型和动力学方程。

23、olive oil is olive-pomace oil and water directly to a natural separation of post-cold fruit oils, without chemical treatment. ─── 橄榄油是油橄榄果油和水直接向自然分离后冷战果油,无化学处理。

24、Keywords Grape (Vitis davidii Foex.) peel and pomace;Pigment;Pectin;Tartaric acid;Joint producing; ─── 刺葡萄皮、渣;色素;果胶;酒石酸;联产;

25、Milling averages 2.5 Pomace per 5 herbs. 1 Pomace makes 1 Ink, and a typical inscribed item uses 1 ink. ─── 5个草药研磨成2.5份药渣(不知道半份是什么概念),1份药渣制作1份墨水,1个铭文物品需要1个墨水。

26、Keywords Apple pomace;Polyphenolics;Proanthocyanidins;Extraction and isolation;Antioxidation;Free radical; ─── 关键词苹果渣;多酚;原花青素;提取分离;抗氧化性;自由基;

27、Green soaps sold as olive oil soap are manufactured from olive pomace oil. ─── 绿颜色的橄榄皂则是用橄榄油渣制作而成。

28、Keywords apple pomace;apple polyphenols;microwave extraction;quadratic general spinning design; ─── 苹果渣;苹果多酚;微波辅助提取;二次通用旋转组合设计;

29、peel pomace ─── 皮渣

30、Research into influential factors on protein content of fermented feed with pomace ─── 苹果渣发酵饲料蛋白质含量的影响因素研究

31、beet pomace ─── 甜菜渣

32、Effect of Different Pre-treatment on Extraction and Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Components from Apple Pomace ─── 不同前处理对苹果渣中酚类含量及其抗氧化活性的影响

33、Group 4 (EG4), Exp. Group 5 (EG5) and Control Group (CG). The alfalfa content of EG1 to EG3 supplementary feed was 52.5%, 35%, 17.5% respectively, and apple pomace content was 17.5%, 35%, 52.5%. ─── 从试验1组到试验3组补饲料中苜蓿草粉的含量分别为52.5%、35%、17.5%,干苹果渣的含量分别为17.5%、35%、52.5%。

34、Keywords Apple Pomace;Apple Polyphenols;Folin Method;Microwave assisted extraction;Antioxidation;Purification;HPLC; ─── 苹果渣;苹果多酚;福林法;微波辅助提取;抗氧化;纯化;HPLC;

35、With the rapid development of the apple farming and processing industry, the emissions of apple pomace also increase. ─── 随着苹果种植业和加工业的快速发展,苹果渣的排放量也日趋增加。

36、Keywords apple pomace;Aspergillus niger;solid-state fermentation;pectinase; ─── 苹果渣;固态发酵;黑曲霉;果胶酶;

37、apple's pomace ─── 苹果渣

38、gardenia fruit pomace ─── 栀子渣

39、Keywords pectin;extraction;sweetpotato pomace;galacturonic acid;precipitation;physical-chemical properties; ─── 果胶;甘薯渣;半乳糖醛酸;提取;沉淀;理化性质;

40、Keywords apple pomace;salting out;pectin;hemicellulose;edible fiber; ─── 苹果渣;盐析法;果胶;半纤维素;食用纤维;

41、Study on extraction technology of mulberry red pigment from mulberry pomace ─── 桑椹果渣中桑椹红色素的提取工艺研究

42、The content of polyphenol in apple pomace decreased in course of ferment and increased45 days later, but it still under flash apple pomace, s. ─── 苹果渣发酵过程中多酚、酮含量先减少,发酵时间达45天后含量增加,但增加值低于鲜果渣含量。

43、Drosophilidae;pomace flies, vinegar flies ─── 果蝇科

44、fermented pomace ─── 发酵的葡萄渣

45、Laser-breeding Mixed Strains for the Fermentation of Apple Pomace to Produce Feed Protein ─── 激光选育混合菌发酵苹果渣生产饲料蛋白

46、The Systematic Technologies of Harness and Integrated Utilization of Apple Pomace ─── 苹果渣污染根治与综合利用的体系化技术

47、In order to deeply investigate the technology of pectin extraction,pectin samples were extracted from apple pomace with hydrochloric acid and two enzymes(cellulase and bemicellulase). ─── 为深入研究苹果皮渣果胶的提取技术,本文比较了盐酸水解法和纤维素酶、半纤维素酶对苹果皮渣果胶的提取效果。

48、the production of citric acid, dietary fiber and pectin from apple pomace; ─── 指出了可利用榨汁后的苹果废渣生产柠檬酸、膳食纤维和果胶。

49、This paper studies the method of extraction of ricinine in castor pomace. ─── 本文研究了蓖麻渣和蓖麻籽中蓖麻碱的提取方法。

50、This paper studies the method of extraction of ricinine in castor pomace. ─── 本文研究了蓖麻渣和蓖麻籽中蓖麻碱的提取方法。

51、pomace and dreg fodder ─── 糟渣类饲料

52、Keywords apple pomace;polyphenols;Folin method; ─── 苹果渣;多酚;福林法;

53、sundried tomato pomace,lecithin,canola oil,calcium propionate, ─── 粉状纤维素,甜菜粕,整个亚麻种子,自然风味,

54、mulberry pomace ─── 桑椹渣

55、Tomato pomace consisting principally of seeds and skins is the processing waste of tomato pastes(juice). ─── 番茄皮渣是生产番茄酱(汁)后的废弃物,主要由种子和果皮组成。

56、Pomace Flies ─── 果蝇(双翅目,果蝇科)

57、Tomato pomace consisting principally of seeds and skins is the processing waste of tomato pastes(juice). ─── 番茄皮渣是生产番茄酱(汁)后的废弃物,主要由种子和果皮组成。

58、Carrot pomace ─── 胡萝卜渣

59、We are particularly competitive in all types of refined olive oils and pomace olive oil. ─── 我们在各类精炼橄榄油和橄榄渣油尤其具有竞争力。

60、The residue of fruits after the juice has been expressed; pomace. ─── 果渣水果在果汁被榨干后的残余物;果渣

61、an Italian brandy distilled from the pomace of grapes used in winemaking ─── 一种意大利白兰地,由用于酿酒的葡萄的残渣蒸馏而来

62、Keywords apple pomace;ultrasonic treatment;polyphenols;antioxidation; ─── 苹果渣;超声提取;多酚;抗氧化性;

63、Keywords apple pomace;soluble dietary fibre;acidity extraction;alkalinity extraction; ─── 苹果渣;可溶性膳食纤维;酸法提取;碱法提取;

64、The way of utilizing several microorganism to produce fulvic acids with discarded apple pomace as main raw materials has been studied in our laboratory before. ─── 本实验室前期以苹果渣为主要原料,利用沤粪池中分离出的木霉、酵母、杆菌等菌种混合发酵生产黄腐酸,摸索出了一套适合混合菌株生产黄腐酸的发酵工艺及发酵条件。

65、Keywords Pear pomace;Ethanol;Polyphenol;Extraction; ─── 梨渣;乙醇;多酚;提取;

66、Chemical Composition and Utilization Value of Tomato Pomace ─── 番茄皮渣组成与利用价值研究

67、Polyphenols was the mainly active constituent, so there is a glorious prospect to produce polyphenols utilizing persimmon pomace. 2. ─── 酚类物质是柿子渣中的主要活性成分,因此利用柿子渣提取酚类,具有广阔的市场前景。

68、Keywords extraction of seabuckthom pomace;seabuckthorn flavonoid;supercritical CO_2 extraction;Industrial extraction; ─── 沙棘果渣提取;沙棘黄酮化合物;超临界二氧化碳萃取;工业化提取;

69、polyphenols from apple pomace ─── 苹果渣多酚

70、Galacturonic acid content, pectin yield and other indexes of apple pomace (AP) at different stages were studied. ─── 摘要研究了不同时期的苹果渣内果胶含量、果胶提取率及其它的指标的变化。

71、The Effects of Apple Pomace Replace Bran Feed in Milking Cow ─── 用苹果渣代替麸皮饲喂乳牛对其生产性能的影响

72、Apple pomace has a wide range of development value, but many products are accompanied by the emergence of a large number of residues. ─── 苹果渣具有广泛的开发价值,可是许多产品都伴随着大量二次残渣的出现,不仅影响了果业的可持续发展,也造成了环境的严重污染。

73、Study on the extraction, isolation and activity of natural antioxidant from apple pomace ─── 苹果废渣中天然抗氧化物的提取、分离及活性研究

74、pomace fly ─── [医] 果蝇

75、After apple pomace and fiber were added into wheat-flour for making cake, the viscosity and gluten contents were measured, and their influence on cake volume and aging were studied. ─── 将苹果渣和苹果纤维添加至焙烤蛋糕的面粉中,测定了蛋糕粉湿面筋含量和浆料粘度的变化。探讨了对蛋糕的比容及老化的影响,结果表明:苹果渣和苹果纤维会引起面粉持水性的改变。

76、tung pomace ─── 桐油渣

77、Research of The Microwave Assisted Technology For Extraction Of The Polyphenols From Apple Pomace ─── 苹果渣多酚微波辅助提取工艺研究

78、Keywords apple pomace;polyphenols;purification;antimicrobial activity; ─── 苹果渣;多酚;纯化;抑菌活性;

79、citrus pomace ─── 柑橘皮渣

80、Keywords apple pomace;apple polyphenols;macroporous absorbent resins; ─── 苹果渣;苹果多酚;大孔吸附树脂;

81、The experiment was conducted to investigate the change of wet citrus meal, apple pomace and jujube hull under the different storage temperature, time and method. ─── 摘要采用不同的保存温度、保存时间和保存方法对柑橘、苹果及枣等3种果类副产物的保存效果进行了研究。

82、The residue of fruits after the juice has been expressed;pomace. ─── 果渣水果在果汁被榨干后的残余物;

83、Keywords Yangmei pomace,flavonoids,extraction technology,free radicals,lard,antioxidant activity,Yangmei kernel,GC/MS,oil; ─── 杨梅渣;黄酮;提取工艺;自由基;猪油;抗氧化活性;杨梅核仁;GC/MS;油;

84、Keywords pomace;fulvic acids;separate and purification;biological activity; ─── 关键词苹果渣;黄腐酸;分离纯化;生理活性;

85、Keywords apple pomace, organic fertilizer, animalcule fertilizer, solid state fermentation, effective microbial community, technology condition, available P, humic acid; ─── 苹果渣;有机肥料;微生物肥料;固态发酵;高效微生物菌群;工艺条件;速效磷;腐殖酸;

86、Pear pomace ─── 梨渣

87、Keywords beet pomace;solid fermentation;pectinase; ─── 甜菜渣;固体发酵;果胶酶;

88、unfermented pomace ─── 未发酵的葡萄渣

89、tomato pomace ─── 番茄渣

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