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09-02 投稿



grimaces 发音

英:[?ɡr?m?s?z]  美:[?ɡr?m?s?z]

英:  美:

grimaces 中文意思翻译




grimaces 词性/词形变化,grimaces变形

动词过去式: grimaced |动词第三人称单数: grimaces |动词现在分词: grimacing |名词: grimacer |动词过去分词: grimaced |

grimaces 反义词

quiet | gentle | mild | meek

grimaces 同义词

inexorable | gloomy | low | bloodless | harsh | unyielding | unwell | funereal | relentless | violent | constant | horrible | unrelenting | depressed | gruesome | dreary | disconsolate | frightful | dreadful | drear | unforgiving | stern | sick | grisly | dispirited | adamant | iron | rigid | fierce | downcast | bad | depressing | dour | grave |ghastly | merciless | serious | cheerless | down | sorry | downhearted | dismal | fearful | rough | low-spirited | drab | down in the mouth | macabre | inflexible | ugly | ill | forbidding | shocking | somber | bleak | terrible | dark | unappeasable | black | dingy | shoddy | mordant | strict | blue

grimaces 相似词语短语

1、grievances ─── n.抱怨,不平(grievance的复数形式);垒块

2、grim news ─── 令人不快的消息

3、grimes ─── n.格兰姆斯(广州电气公司名称)

4、grimaced ─── vi.扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相;n.鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情

5、limaces ─── 湖沼

6、grimacer ─── 鬼脸

7、grices ─── n.格赖斯

8、grimace ─── vi.扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相;n.鬼脸;怪相;痛苦的表情

9、graces ─── n.美惠三女神(指希腊神话中宙斯的三个女儿);装饰音(等于gracenote)

grimaces 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A few schools required the girls to wear masks like these all the time to limit grimaces, exaggerated expressions, and communication by non-verbal means. ─── 有些学校要求女生全天带面具以限制作鬼脸,夸张的表情和非语言形式的交流。

2、He creeps about like a ghost, making ugly grimaces, it gives us the horrors to see him. ─── 他蹑手蹑脚地像鬼一样到处走动,做怪相,真让人感到恐惧和讨厌。

3、The chase abounds in grimaces and in comical postures. ─── 追逐的神情和姿态各各不同,但却都能引人发笑。

4、People live, they smile, they laugh, they make little grimaces with the tips of their lips, they interlace their fingers, they call each other thou, and that does not prevent eternity. ─── 他们相爱,相对微笑,撅起嘴来做小丑脸,相互交叉着手指,说话“你”来“你”去,这并不妨碍时间无尽期地推移。

5、make grimaces; make faces ─── 扮鬼脸

6、He creeps about like a ghost, making ugly grimaces; it gives me the horrors to see him. ─── 他蹑手蹑脚地像鬼一样到处走动,做怪相,让人见了感到十分恐惧。

7、His face, an inexhaustible repertory of masks, produced grimaces more convulsing and more fantastic than the rents of a cloth torn in a high gale. ─── 他的脸有着千变万化、层出不穷的脸谱,在大风里飞扬的破被单上的窟窿眼儿也比不上他那张脸的滑稽突兀、变幻莫测。

8、even the monkeys hurried from their path with contortions and grimaces which convulsed Passepartout with laughter ─── 在这一天当中,沿途很少看到野兽,偶尔有几只猢狲一边溜着,一边挤眉弄眼作出各种怪相。这使路路通非常开心。

9、Liu Xiang of China grimaces in pain during his warm-up before the start of his 110m hurdles heat of the athletics competition in the National Stadium at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games August 18, 2008. ─── 2008年8月18日北京奥运会国家体育场,田径类110米栏项目预赛开始前,中国选手刘翔热身时流露出痛苦的表情。

10、Ralph, Jr. and his friends walk past the chimpanzee's cage. The chimpanzee looks at Ralph, Jr., grimaces and covers its eyes. ─── 小拉尔夫和朋友们走过黑猩猩的笼子。黑猩猩看着小拉尔夫,露出一脸苦相,还遮起了双眼。

11、There may be an important message in their grimaces. ─── 他们的反对声也传达的一些重要信息。

12、A competitor grimaces during the shot putt event during the 2009 Sydney World Masters Games at Sydney Olympic Park October 11 in Sydney. ─── 在事件A杆推杆,在2009年悉尼世界先进在悉尼奥林匹克公园10月11日在悉尼奥运会的竞争对手鬼脸。

13、It's a squirming maggot. Andy grimaces, unsure what to do with it. BROOKS HATLEN is sitting closest to Andy. At age 65, he's a senior citizen, a long-standing resident. ─── 一条蠕动着的蛆虫!安迪一脸苦相,不知该怎么办。布鲁克斯。海特伦离安迪最近,他65岁,一个老年人,长期服役者。

14、McCain grimaces as he steps off a bus with other prisoners. ─── 麦凯恩跟其他战俘一起走下公交车,还作了个鬼脸。

15、Picudo, a heavily muscled male wrestler, "chokes" Marina de La Paz, who grimaces convincingly. ─── “象鼻虫”,一个肌肉超级发达的男摔跤手,扼住了“拉巴斯的玛莲娜”的脖子,后者痛苦的表情说明了一切。

16、make a wry face; make faces; make grimaces ─── 做鬼脸

17、Mr. Clark winked at the rude child making grimaces. ─── 克拉克先生假装没有看见那个野孩子做鬼脸。

18、" It seemed a pretty song, but she made such grimaces , and sang, to my mind, so out of tune ,I would not have asked her to sing again; ─── 这首歌似乎很不错,但她的表情过于夸张,而且在我听来,她跑调很厉害,我是不可能邀请她再唱的。

19、That convinced the team that there was a hereditary signature behind the smiles and grimaces. ─── 这使小组确信:微笑和痛苦表情的背后存在遗传特征。

20、That convinced the team that there was a hereditary signature behind the smiles and grimaces. ─── 这使小组确信:微笑和痛苦表情的背后存在遗传特征。

21、He creeps about like a ghost, making ugly grimaces, it gives us the horrors to see him ─── 他蹑手蹑脚地像鬼一样到处走动,做怪相,真让人感到恐惧和讨厌。

22、It was only by an exertion of force that her mother brought her up to him, hanging back, and manifesting her reluctance by odd grimaces; ─── 只是在她母亲连拉带拽之后,才总算把她领到了他跟前,可她还是往后坠着,脸上还做着怪样,表示她的不情愿;

23、Mercuries' Jose Moreno grimaces with pain as he collides with Wei Chuan's catcher Chen Yen-cheng while sliding into home plate. ─── 痛!三商队的孟雷滑进本垒时,与味全队捕手陈彦成相撞,一脸痛苦表情。

24、Anything you can do to shake his mental processes may be the deciding factor.Yells, screams, grimaces, groans, and so on, are all important. ─── 任何能够破坏对手精神过程的方面都到是决定性的因素,例如大喊、尖叫、做鬼脸、呻吟等等,都是重要的方法。

25、4.He crept about like a ghost, makiliqui molyng ugly grimaces;it gave me the horrors to see hikang ji youngm. ─── 他像个鬼似地蹑手蹑脚地走动着,做出难看的鬼脸,使我看了毛骨悚然。

26、This was, certainly, one of the most irksome grimaces that he had ever executed for the good pleasure of the king. ─── 的确,这要算是他讨好国王的事情里面最可厌的一种了。

27、Unusual grimaces are normally the first sign that something is wrong. ─── 通常最早出现的不正常迹象,是做出奇特的鬼脸。

28、n'apprends pas a vieux singe a faire des grimaces ! ─── 别自以为是。

29、Dr Sharma's software has the potential to analyse expressions, like smiles and grimaces, which are hard to fake. ─── 莎玛博士的软件将来可能就可以分析人的表情,比如顾客是满脸微笑还是愁眉苦脸。

30、He grimaces in pain and lies on the floor. ─── 他脸上显得非常痛苦,躺在了地板上。

31、Tonks grimaces, and her voice is thick with tears. ─── '" Tonks一脸痛苦,流着泪说道。

32、and as the world grimaces at America in the aftermath of the Iraq war. ─── 伊拉克战后的混乱和灾难使得各国对美国极其不满。

33、So it was grimaces or tight grins for the big-ticket Hollywood films. ─── 所以这是鬼脸或为大票好莱坞电影紧张咧嘴一笑。

34、The Bald Man looks down at the ground and grimaces. ─── 秃头男人低下头看着地面,露出一脸苦相。

35、Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in。 ─── 愁眉苦脸的痛苦表情会让我们对一个人拒之远外。

36、They have got “angry” and “determined” down pat at this point, but struggle somewhat on the more nuanced grimaces. ─── 他们有把角色生气时或者下定决心时的表现演得恰到好处,但更痛苦的一些情节就还需努力了。

37、The most ridiculous grimaces were purposely or unconsciously indulged in. ─── 故意或者无心地扮出最滑稽可笑的鬼脸。

38、make grimaces ─── 作怪相

39、I don't perceive the silly smiles and grimaces that provoked me at first. ─── 起初我还没理会那使我生气的痴笑和怪相。

40、He creeps about like a ghost, making ugly grimaces; it gives me the horrors to see him. ─── 他蹑手蹑脚地像鬼一样到处走动,做怪相,让人见了感到十分恐惧。

41、The position appeared by no means to please him, however, with an increasing rabble surrounding the coach, deriding him, making grimaces at him, and incessantly groaning and calling out: 'Yah! ─── 可是他的处境似乎并不叫他高兴。 马车周围的人越来越多,他们嘲弄他,对他装鬼脸,还不时地起哄大叫,“呀!

42、Antoine's assignations with the 'exotic" Kyoko are presented as a series of dinners where he grimaces over having to sit cross-legged on the floor. ─── 安托万与异国情调的扣扣的约会难以忘记,就像他盘腿坐在地上做鬼脸的一系列正餐。

43、unholy grimaces. ─── 邪恶的鬼脸。

44、With a match-up with the San Antonio Spurs looking somewhat likely, a big concern is the health of Kwame Brown who grimaces visibly throughout games. ─── 现在看来季后赛很可能碰到马刺,但夸梅布朗的健康令人担心,容易发现,他在比赛中的表情很难受。

45、Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in. ─── 愁眉苦脸只会把人推开,而微笑却把人吸引过来。

46、make grimaces [faces]; make a face ─── 耍鬼脸

47、But then she might not be good at understanding the inflections of one such as this.Certainly it was hard to read the grimaces of such a round-eyed man. ─── 也许是她第一次见到这种人,所以她理解不了他的擅变,当然更难读懂他瞪圆眼睛做着鬼脸表情下的真实意图。

48、The mother laughed heartily at her daughter's grimaces. ─── 母亲对她的女儿的鬼脸笑得很开心。

49、he crumples the flowering end of the weed in his hand, Nelson grimaces. ─── 苦笑着掐断手中杂草的花,把杂草弄死。

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