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09-02 投稿


tinkling 发音

英:[?t??kl??]  美:[?t??kl??]

英:  美:

tinkling 中文意思翻译



tinkling 短语词组

1、tinkling of pieces of jade ─── 玲 ─── 玲

2、tinkling inc tinkling ─── 公司

3、tinkling lung sounds ─── 叮当的肺音

4、tinkling o ─── 叮当作响o

5、tinkling of jade pen ─── 玉笔叮当作响

6、tinkling sound ─── 叮当的声音

7、tinkling toes ─── 叮当作响的脚趾

8、tinkling cone ─── 叮当响的圆锥体

9、tinkling piano ─── 叮当作响的钢琴

10、tinkling se ─── 叮当声se

11、tinkling definition ─── 叮当作响的定义

tinkling 词性/词形变化,tinkling变形

形容词: tinkly |动词过去分词: tinkled |动词现在分词: tinkling |动词过去式: tinkled |动词第三人称单数: tinkles |

tinkling 相似词语短语

1、stickling ─── n.坚持己见;v.(为小事)争论不休,固执己见;对……有顾虑(stickle的现在分词)

2、twinkling ─── n.瞬间,霎时;闪烁;adj.闪烁的;闪亮的;v.闪烁,闪耀;(眼睛)发光;(脚)轻快移动(twinkle的现在分词)

3、tickling ─── n.自旋挠痒法;反馈;v.使发痒(tickle的ing形式)

4、tinklingly ─── 叮当作响

5、crinkling ─── v.起皱;(使)有皱纹(crinkle的现在分词)

6、twinklings ─── n.瞬间,霎时;闪烁;adj.闪烁的;闪亮的;v.闪烁,闪耀;(眼睛)发光;(脚)轻快移动(twinkle的现在分词)

7、inkling ─── n.暗示;略知;模糊概念;v.暗示(inkle的ing形式);略知;低声说出

8、tingling ─── n.麻刺感;adj.挠痒痒的;v.感到刺痛,受到刺激;(刺痛从身体部位)生发,产生(tingle的现在分词)

9、winkling ─── v.费劲找出;闪耀(winkle的现在分词)

tinkling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The little boy had brought with him rulers, keys, knives, stones and what not, tinkling in his pocket. ─── 小男孩随身带着尺子啦,钥匙啦,刀子啦,小石子啦,以及诸如此类的东西,在口袋里叮当作响。

2、With the tinkling sound, my heart tightened, fearing it was broken. ─── 只听珑璁一声,我的心也揪了一下,生怕那件抱起碎了。

3、But occasion-ally, during a brief lull in the honking, I’d hear the tinkling of a bell behind me. ─── 但有时候,在鸣笛之后的短暂平静时间里,我会听到有铃声在我身后响起。

4、In the bare fields and tinkling woods, see what virtue survives.In the coldest and bleakest places, the warmest charities still maintain a foothold. ─── 在光秃秃的田野上,在寒风呼啸的树林中,只有纯洁才得以立柱脚跟。

5、I could hear bells tinkling in the distance. ─── 我能听到远处叮当铃响。

6、The students excited are describing in Imperial Palace's that golden small tinkling bell throne. ─── 学生们正在兴奋的描述故宫里的那个金銮宝座。

7、Thinking it a mark of distinction, the dog grew proud of his bell and went tinkling it all over the marketplace. ─── 把它看作区分标志,狗戴着铃铛变得很自豪,铃铛声响遍了整个市场。

8、After a few days he was back in action, barking, tinkling on the garage floor, and charging the house in hopes of getting a biscuit. ─── 几天后他就行动自如了,又叫又闹,在车库的地板上撒欢儿,弄得脖子上的铃铛叮当作响,满屋子转悠着找饼干。

9、The cats are three pieces earrings, and they made tinkling sound when I was walking.The snowflake earrings really dropped some sprinkles on my shoulders. ─── 左边的小猫耳环, 由三个挂件组成, 戴起来有轻轻的声音. 右边的雪花耳坠, 它真能在我的肩上撒落些许细碎的雪花.

10、For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love ─── 因为在没有“仁爱”的地方,一群的人众并不能算做一个团体,许多的面目也仅仅是一列图画;而交谈则不过是铙钹丁令作声尔。

11、"The curtain went up and revealed a piano," Sondheim recalled."A butler took a duster and brushed it up, tinkling the keys. ─── “幕布升起来,现出一架钢琴,”桑德海姆回忆道,“一个男演员拿一块抹布擦拭琴键,发出一阵叮当声。

12、make or emit a high tinkling sound. ─── 发出清脆的叮当的声音。

13、The little boy had brought with him knife, scissors and what not, tinkling in his pocket. ─── 这个小孩随身带着刀子啦,剪子啦,以及诸如此类的东西,在口袋里丁零当啷地直响。

14、Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ─── 我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语却没有爱,我就成了鸣的锣,响的钹一般。

15、"On the walls? Dragon," shouted the wizard called Horace, as, with a deafening grinding and tinkling, the chandelier screwed itself back into the ceiling. ─── “墙上的?是火龙血。”这位名叫霍拉斯的巫师大声喊着回答,这时那盏枝形吊灯自动跳回了天花板上,吱吱嘎嘎、丁丁当当的声音震耳欲聋。

16、All of a sudden,a ripple of tinkling ringings of a bell,penetrated through the stillness,gliding a little bird flying over the boat of a mat. ─── 突然,一陈清晰的钟声穿过寂静,掠过了船篷上的一只小鸟,它扑拍着翅膀,飞进了浓浓的夜色。

17、On a particular day just before she went to kindergarten, the little purple man came to her, heralded by his usual tinkling fanfare, and announced that he would not be visiting her any more. ─── 他定期来看她,特别是当她感到孤单的时候,但随着她越来越长大,他来得越来越少。

18、She tilted her curly head slightly and said in a tinkling, silvery voice: ─── 蓦地这披发头扭了一扭,又响出银铃似的声音:

19、Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar. ─── 赶集的人们络绎不绝地进出市场,一些挂着铃铛的小毛驴穿行于这熙熙攘攘的人群中,边走边发出和谐悦耳的叮当叮当的响声。

20、In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, ─── 到那日,主必除掉他们华美的脚钏,发网,月牙圈。

21、She heard of the gentle tinkling of teaspoons, and musical clatter of cups and saucers. ─── 她听见茶匙轻微的叮??声,杯盘悦耳的撞击声。

22、bridal costume is not complete without sterling silver jewelry and a gold and silver crow edged with small silver spoon-shaped bangles, whose tinkling sounds were thought to ward off evil spirits. ─── 完美的挪威民间新娘服饰必须有纯银首饰和一顶金银王冠,王冠的边缘饰有匙状小银片,人们认为这些银片发出的丁当声可以驱除恶魔。

23、sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal; the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion- Wordsworth. ─── 浑厚的铜管声和清脆的铙钹声;奔腾浑厚的瀑布声如激情般萦绕于怀-沃兹沃斯。

24、Tinkling Cisticola ─── n. 叮响扇尾莺

25、The little boy had brought with him rulers, keys, knives, stones and what not, tinkling in his pocket. ─── 小男孩随身带着尺子啦,钥匙啦,刀子啦,小石子啦,以及诸如此类的东西,在口袋里叮当作响。

26、1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ─── 1我若能说万人的方言、并天使的话语、却没有爱、我就成了鸣的锣、响的钹一般。

27、To cause to make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound. ─── 使叮当响使发出叮当或丁零的金属碰撞的声音

28、The curtain went up and revealed a piano, " Sondheim recalled, "A butler took a duster and brushed it up, tinkling the keys." ─── 幕布升起来,现出一架钢琴,”桑德海姆回忆道,“一个男演员拿一块抹布擦拭琴键,发出一阵叮当声。”

29、Suddenly a troika drove up with tinkling bells. ─── 忽然一辆三驾马车响着铃声奔驰而来。

30、Tinkling splashing sounds on left side ─── 左侧听到叮当拍水音

31、The spring water is tinkling and keeps dropping from the ceiling of the cave. ─── 泉水叮咚,从洞顶不停地滴下来。

32、Investors who thought they had heard a tinkling sound when Bear Stearns, a failing American investment bank, was bundled into JPMorgan Chase in March have been disappointed. ─── 三月份当贝尔斯登被摩根大通并购,有的投资者认为底部到了。他们现在失望了。

33、A ****all mountain spring ran tinkling down the narrow stone crevices.Many years passed.An egg-sized shallow hole was washed out on the rock. ─── 一股细细的山泉沿着窄窄的石缝叮叮咚咚往下流淌,也不知道过了多少年,竟然在岩石上冲刷出一个鸡蛋大小的浅坑。

34、On August 28, the leaf tinkling second time arrives detects the group should especially the news. ─── 8月28日,叶玲玲第二度到特侦组应讯。

35、The worn path, the bells tinkling on the gate. ─── 了的小道,门上的铃铛叮当作响。

36、For a crowd is not company; And faces are but a gallery of pictures; And talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love. ─── 因为在没有“仁爱”的地方,一群的人众并不能算做一个团体,许多的面目也仅仅是一列图画;而交谈则不过是铙钹丁令作声尔。

37、But the leaf tinkling said that this indoors most funds are not the election tie the spare money, is also not converges by Wu Jingmao, but in addition has the origin. ─── 但叶玲玲称,该户内多数资金并不是选举结余款,也不是由吴景茂汇入,而是另有来源。

38、Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. ─── 我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语,却没有爱,我就成了鸣的锣,响的钹。

39、As Thine anklets I shall cling, making their tinkling sound. ─── 我会紧贴着你的脚镯,让它们发出清脆的声音。

40、As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear. ─── 你一走近这里,耳朵里便只听得见金属器皿互相碰击时所发出的一阵阵砰砰啪啪、丁当当的响声;走得越近,响声便越来越大,越来越清晰。

41、swerved around cattle, their bells tinkling, their horns painted in bright blues and reds; ─── 绕过牛群时,牠们的牛铃叮当作响,牛角上还涂了鲜艳的蓝色与红色。

42、Jeroen B.Jacobs: Certainly, we adopt a lot of China native this , like the year tinkling of pieces of jade Miss Du. ─── 杨亚伦:当然,我们采用了很多中国本土人才,像这位杜年玲小姐。

43、And Nine Brooks and Eighteen Dales is famous for its crooked path and tinkling spring. ─── 九溪十八涧则以“曲曲环环路,叮叮咚咚泉”著称。

44、The gentle burps which it evokes from the drinker are heard amid the bustle of Parisian sidewalk cafes and amid the tinkling of Siamese temple bells. ─── 在熙熙攘攘的巴黎露天茶座中,在暹逻寺叮咚的钟声里,能听到饮用它的人在轻轻地打嗝。

45、Tinkling springs in the hills will ─── 山中叮咚的清泉愿意

46、sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal; the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion- Wordsworth ─── 浑厚的铜管声和清脆的铙钹声;奔腾浑厚的瀑布声如激情般萦绕于怀-沃兹沃斯

47、4. The little boy had brought with him rulers, keys, knives, stones and what not, tinkling in his pocket. ─── 小男孩随身带着尺子啦,钥匙啦,刀子啦,小石子啦,以及诸如此类的东西,在口袋里叮当作响。

48、He lay with an arm over his face. Then he heard the tinkling of two coins. ─── 他用一个胳膊遮住自己的脸躺着,然后他又听到了两个硬币的撞击声。

49、"Sohu Company President Robert ancient Wing tinkling of small bells said. ─── 搜狐公司首席运营官古永锵先生说。

50、- Love the Greatest Gift -Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have no charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ─── 我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语,却没有爱,我就成了鸣的锣、响的钹一般。

51、"Beautiful," said the young courtier again."Now I hear it, tinkling like little church bells. ─── 中国的宫廷祭司说:“现在我算是听到它了--它听起来像庙里的小小钟声。”

52、On auscultation, quiet abdomen on right but may be tinkling sounds ─── 听诊,右侧腹腔无蠕动音,但可听到叮当音

53、And heard the tinkling caravans ─── 听到了长途跋涉的车旅队

54、The Dog grew proud of his bell, and went tinkling it all over the market-place. ─── 这只狗对于这个铃当也渐渐感觉得意,叮当叮当地满街跑着。

55、Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ─── 是圣经新约里的一段话,我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语却没有爱,我就成了呜的锣,响的钹一般。

56、And hymns in the cozy parlor, the tinkling piano our guide. ─── 赞歌回荡于舒暖的客厅,叮咚的钢琴是我们的向导。

57、The speeches and the clash of toasts dwindled to murmuring and tinkling. ─── 而致辞声和觥筹交错的祝酒声也变小了,成了嘟囔和叮当作响之声。

58、She tilted her curly head slightly and said in a tinkling, silvery voice ─── 蓦地这披发头扭了一扭,又响出银铃似的声音

59、There was a pleasant tinkling note in her voice as she handed him a cup. ─── 当她将一杯茶递给他的时候。她的声音愉悦而清脆。

60、Horse-drawn carriages were tinkling round the periphery and families were spreading their picnic rugs. ─── 由马儿拉的车子发出的叮当声在四周响起,许多家庭正摊开他们的野餐垫毯。

61、16 The LORD said: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with necks outstretched Ogling and mincing as they go, their anklets tinkling with every step, ─── 上主说:因为熙雍的女子趾高气扬,走路挺直颈项,媚眼惑人,行路装腔作势,脚步铃铃作响,

62、The barber was tinkling the metal to canvass for business. ─── 理发师在胡同中敲着唤头招揽生意。

63、We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens. ─── 我们漫步走过发出清脆声音的喷泉和香气四溢的花园。

64、The hulk of an ancient wreck burned with blue fires, in the light of which danced the HULA dancers to the barbaric love-calls of the singers, who chanted to tinkling UKULELES and rumbling tom-toms. ─── 火光里人们跳着呼啦舞.为他们奏乐的歌手们弹奏着叮叮当当的尤克里里琴,擂着轰隆作响的大鼓,高唱着野蛮的爱情歌曲。

65、Within a short time she was walking briskly toward the Emerald City, her silver shoes tinkling merrily on the hard, yellow road-bed. ─── 她立刻活泼地向翡翠城走去,她的银鞋走在硬的黄色的路面上,叮当地发出好听的声音。

66、The little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs entering and leaving the bazaar. ─── 小驴子披挂着叮当作响的铃铛,穿梭于人群中,市场中心人山人海,熙熙攘攘。

67、I lvoe to take a stroll along the forset alley,enjoy the baptism of the warm sunshine,hearken the music of spring water tinkling,love the serenity of nature.All are so goodliness. ─── 我喜欢漫步在林间的小路上,享受暖暖阳光的洗礼,倾听泉水叮叮咚咚的奏乐,喜欢大自然的宁静,一切是那么美好!

68、Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ─── 我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语却没有爱,我就成了呜的锣,响的钹一般。

69、From the valley came a tinkling sound. ─── 山谷里传来叮叮当当的声音。

70、Though I speak with the tongues of me and of angels,and have not charity. I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.. ─── 大意为:若我能说万人的语言,也学会说天使的话语,但没有爱,我也就和只会鸣的锣、铿锵的钹,一般普通。

71、Chilling winds swept beneath the door-sills and rattled the loose window-panes with a monotonous tinkling sound. ─── 寒冷的风从门缝里钻进来,把那松动的窗玻璃刮得单调地琅琅作响。

72、Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people, entering and leaving the bazaar. ─── 小毛驴在熙攘的人群中穿行来往于市场,边走脖子上的铃铛边发出悦耳的响声。

73、and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love. the latin adage meeteth with it a little: magna civitas , magna solitudo; ─── 因为在没有“仁爱”的地方,一群的人众并不能算做一个团体,许多的面目也仅仅是一列图画;

74、and he comes to me at a gay little trot that is like laughter of a vague idyllic tinkling sound. ─── 它就迈着欢快的小碎步向我快步跑来,听那嗒嗒声,真如同一阵轻盈、欢畅又清脆的笑声。

75、To make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound. ─── 叮当响发出叮当或丁零的金属碰撞的声音

76、On the walls? Dragon," shouted the wizard called Horace, as, with a deafening grinding and tinkling, the chandelier screwed itself back into the ceiling. ─── 墙上的?是火龙血。”这位名叫霍拉斯的巫师大声喊着回答,这时那盏枝形吊灯自动跳回了天花板上,吱吱嘎嘎、丁当当的声音震耳欲聋。

77、A small body wormed up onto the piano bench next to me. I continued to play. I heard tinkling on the high keys. I kept right on playing. ─── 一个小小的身体缓缓地坐到我旁边的琴凳上。我继续演奏;我听到高音键的清脆声音;我继续径直弹奏。

78、If God be with our mouth, and with our mind, we shall have something better than the sounding brass of eloquence or the tinkling cymbal of persuasion. ─── 若上帝与我们同在,膏抹我们的口,这要比鸣的锣、响的钹,强上好几倍。

79、We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the "ism" of appeasement. ─── 我们必须时时刻刻提防那些敲锣打鼓宣传姑息主义的人。

80、Thousands of women, at this afternoon hour, were sitting behind delicate tea sets, with their voices tinkling pleasantly in a flow of little questions. ─── 下午的时候,成百上千个女人坐在精美的茶具后面以愉悦清脆的声音不断地问着一些小问题。

81、Like silver, he thought to himself, like tinkling silver bells ─── 多么清脆,他默默地想道,像一串叮叮当当的银铃。

82、There was a pleasant tinkling note in her voice as she handed him a cup. ─── 当她将一杯茶递给他的时候。她的声音愉悦而清脆。

83、tinkling sound ─── 叮当声

84、"A rat is a rat," said Charlotte. She laughed a tinkling little laugh. "But, my friends, if that ancient egg ever breaks, this barn will be untenable." ─── “老鼠到底是老鼠,”夏洛说。它发出轻轻的银铃般的笑声。“不过我的朋友们,万一那老掉牙的蛋破了,谷仓可就受不了啦。”

85、Corinthians 13:1/3:Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. ─── 1我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语却没有爱,我就成了呜的锣,响的钹一般。

86、So there I was, curly white hair obscuring my eyes, curly white beard tinkling my nose, jingle-bell-bedecked hat jingle-jangling. ─── 我就是那样,让卷曲的白发遮住我的双眼,任卷曲的白胡子拨弄我的鼻子,由着装饰着铃铛的帽子叮叮当当。

87、to cause to make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound ─── 使发出叮当或丁零的金属碰撞的声音

88、Not a breath was stirring.Not a sound was heard save the rushing of a waterfall, the tinkling of some silver rivulet, or the gentle rippling of the tranquil lake. ─── 轻风弗拂,悄无声息,除了哗哗的瀑布奔流之声,银色小溪的叮咚声以及宁静湖面上泛起的轻轻涟漪声。

89、The jade accouterments on her collide with each other, and give out a tinkling sound. ─── 她身上的玉石饰物互相碰撞发出玲玎的响声。


玲líng 中文解释 - 英文翻译 玲的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释部首笔画

部首:王 部外笔画:5 总笔画:9

五笔86:GWYC 五笔98:GWYC 仓颉:MGOII

笔顺编号:112134454 四角号码:18132 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+73B2


1. 形容玉碰击的声音:~~作响。~~盈耳。~珑(a.金玉碰击声,如“和銮~~”;b.形容器物细致精巧,如“小巧~~”;c.形容人的灵活敏捷,如“八面~~”此词现多形容为人处世手腕圆滑,面面俱到)。~琅。~玎。



1. (形声。从玉,令声。玲玎:玉石等相击的清脆声) 2. 象声词。玉声 [tinkling of pieces of jade]



和氏珑玲。——扬雄《甘泉赋》 3. 又如:玲玲;玲琅(玉声) 4. 明亮或美好的样子 [bright;fine]

珊瑚幽茂而玲珑。——左思《吴都赋》。注:“明貌。” 5. 又如:玲珑


1. 玲玲 línglíng

[tinkling of pieces of jade] 形容玉相击的声音

玲玲盈耳 2. 玲珑 línglóng

(1) [exquisite]∶精巧细微

小巧玲珑 (2) [clever and nimble; clever and person]∶灵活敏捷

娇小玲珑 (3) [tinkling]∶形容玉相撞击的声音

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