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09-02 投稿


unrestrainedly 发音

英:[[?nr?st're?n?dl?]]  美:[[?nr?st're?n?dl?]]

英:  美:

unrestrainedly 中文意思翻译



unrestrainedly 反义词


unrestrainedly 同义词

no holds barred | without fear or favor | unchecked | excited | unreserved | delirious | unconstrained | frantic | hearty | unrestricted | intemperate | abandoned | wild | violent | uncontrolled | aboveboard | uninhibited | outspoken | expansive | uncurbed | lenient | mad |free | headlong | without fear or favour | demonstrative | forcible

unrestrainedly 短语词组

1、unrestrainedly meaning ─── 无拘 ─── 无束的意思

2、unrestrainedly synonym ─── 无拘 ─── 无束的同义词

unrestrainedly 词性/词形变化,unrestrainedly变形

名词: unrestrainedness |副词: unrestrainedly |

unrestrainedly 相似词语短语

1、constrainedly ─── adv.勉强地;强迫地;不自然地

2、unrestrictedly ─── 不受限制地,无限制地

3、restrainedly ─── adv.谨慎地;限制地;忍耐地

4、unrestrained ─── adj.自然的;无限制的;放纵的

5、harebrainedly ─── 愉快地

6、unrestrainable ─── 无拘无束的

7、unconstrainedly ─── 无拘无束地

8、restrained ─── adj.克制的,受限制的;拘谨的;v.抑制;约束(restrain的过去分词)

9、unrestrainedness ─── 无拘无束

unrestrainedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、barge-woman was leaning back and laughing unrestrainedly, till the tears ran down her cheeks. ─── 船娘往后仰着,放声大笑,笑得眼泪都流下了腮帮子。

2、In this sign, deduced extremely strongly red, the passion is publicized extremely boldly and unrestrainedly. ─── 在这个标志中,红色被演绎得格外强烈,激情被张扬得格外奔放。

3、But we shouldn't set off fireworks unrestrainedly. The smoke of the fireworks can pollute the environment. ─── 但是我们也不能无节制的放烟花。烟花产生的烟尘对环境造成污染。

4、The barge-woman was leaning back and laughing unrestrainedly, till the tears ran down her cheeks. ─── 那船娘正仰头放声大笑,笑得眼泪都从腮帮子上滚下来了。

5、Slowly, Dong Jie discovered the Pan Yueming is the man who is very careful, sympathizes very much, liked him unrestrainedly. ─── 慢慢地,董洁发现潘粤明是个很细心、很体贴的男人,情不自禁地喜欢上了他。

6、Is facing the coffee dense steam, emotionally upset Lu Lu has remembered her first love unrestrainedly. ─── 面对着咖啡氤氲的热气,心绪烦乱的陆璐情不自禁地想起了她的初恋。

7、People who unrestrainedly engage in the five poisons are creating their own misery. ─── 纵情于此五毒者,正制造著自己的苦难。

8、When indignant, her eyes would flash fire, when happy she would laugh unrestrainedly like a child. ─── 愤怒时,她眼中闪着火花;快乐时,她失控地笑得像个孩子。

9、He judged his leaders unrestrainedly, and as a result wasn't given an important position. ─── 他恣肆评价高层,这是他在工作中不被重用的原因。

10、I felt that if I did so our mutual grief would burst forth too unrestrainedly. ─── 我觉得,如果我这么做,我和她的悲哀就会达到难以忍受的地步。

11、While the distribution of both global and Chinese petroleum resources is in equilibrium and they are exploited unrestrainedly, which resulted in petroleum crisis. ─── 而全球乃至我国石油资源分布的不平衡性以及伴随的高负荷地勘探开采的现状,引发了种种的石油危机。

12、We have to unrestrainedly ask, in the countless singers of the Mandopop arena, how come no one can reach the Jay's standard? ─── 我们不禁要问,内地乐坛多如牛毛的创作歌手中,为何无人能达到周杰伦的高度?

13、Having found it, he can wallow unrestrainedly in exactly those emotions from which he believes that he has emancipated himself. ─── 在国外找到“祖国”之后,他终于可以无拘无束地肆意在那些缺失已久的情感之中。

14、laugh unrestrainedly and heartily. ─── 无限制或者热忱的笑。

15、When indignant, her eyes would flash fire, when happy she would laugh unrestrainedly like a child. ─── 愤怒时,她眼中闪着火花;快乐时,她失控地笑得像个孩子。

16、After the entire audience competes ended, a 30 year-old about male audience is unrestrainedly shouts loudly: the men's football team is great! ─── 当全场比赛结束后,一位30岁左右的男观众更是情不自禁地高喊:“男足好样的!”

17、On the palate, the flavours open up unrestrainedly and not without a certain balance and roundness which overwhelm us. ─── 品尝的时候,味道持久地在口中蔓延开,平衡而圆润。

18、A burst of laughter made him straighten himself and look round. The barge-woman was leaning back and laughing unrestrainedly, till the tears ran down her cheeks. ─── 一阵笑声,惊得他直起了身子,回过头来看。那船娘正仰头放声大笑,笑得眼泪都从腮帮子上滚下来了。

19、cry loudly [unrestrainedly] ─── 放声大哭

20、People goes after Asia, American to live unrestrainedly, the recreational shoe that reflects this kind of sentiment, sneaker is more welcome. 2. ─── 亚洲、美洲的人们追求无拘无束的生活,体现这种情调的休闲鞋、运动鞋就比较受欢迎。

21、Even you return and can slowly take out some face value banknotes from the inside of the Dou, natural and unrestrainedly dozen catch fire machine to burn point a smoke. ─── 甚至你还可以慢慢从兜里掏出若干面值纸币,潇洒地打着火机烧了点一根烟.

22、Nowadays, Urbanite live in stressing and overcorwding city, they always imagine a bird to fly in the sky unrestrainedly. ─── 现今的都市人生活在压力和挤迫的城市中,常想像鸟儿般无拘无束在空中飞翔,享受生活。

23、The while speaking clear Mei has already trod on knife light, the powder natural and unrestrainedly rises to midair. ─── 说话间明寐已经踏上剑光,粉潇洒的升到半空中。

24、The river water can rush unrestrainedly, ─── 河水可以无拘束地奔流了,

25、I like recreation unrestrainedly, romantic and warm environment, like having rhythmical healthy life of plans; ─── 我喜欢休闲自在,浪漫温馨的环境,喜欢有计划有节奏的健康生活;

26、I natural and unrestrainedly promise. ─── 我潇洒的答应着。

27、During the concert, Jay unrestrainedly sent out twenty-something text messages to both Vincent Fang and Dan Tou (Devonn of NQMM) to hear of the latest progress of the GMAs. ─── 演唱会中周董狂传20几通简讯给方文山和弹头,完全即时掌控金曲进度。

28、I natural and unrestrainedly promise. ─── 我潇洒的答应着。

29、”Heard the good news the Arab League supple township animal husbandry and veterinary station Tibetan national minority cadre Zaxi tower to upspring the pot village unrestrainedly. ─── 听到喜讯的阿柔乡畜牧兽医站藏族干部扎西塔情不自禁地跳起了锅庄。

30、Everyone can transport his stock unrestrainedly. No one can forbid this. ─── 人人可以无限制转移他们的股份,没人能制止这些。

31、She sobbed so unrestrainedly that good-natured Yorkshire Martha was a little frightened and quite sorry for her. ─── 她肆无忌惮地抽泣着,好性子的约克郡玛莎有点慌了神,为她感到难过。

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