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09-02 投稿


foolery 发音

英:['fu?l?r?]  美:['f?l?ri]

英:  美:

foolery 中文意思翻译



foolery 网络释义

n. 愚蠢的行为;愚蠢;蠢事

foolery 短语词组

1、toiling away in solemn foolery ─── 在庄严的愚蠢中劳作

2、foolery fishing ─── 愚蠢的钓鱼

3、foolery means ─── 愚蠢的手段

4、foolery video ─── 愚蠢的视频

5、foolery menu ─── 愚蠢的菜单

6、foolery quotes ─── 愚蠢的引用

foolery 同义词

slang | dunce | fool around | bluff | horse around | mislead | lamb | simpleton | shoot | clown | dissipate | laughing stock | soft touch | gull | deceive | tomfool | pudding | ass | hoodwink | dupe | ninny | frivol away | scatterbrain | saphead | befool | chump | oaf | sap | muggins | sucker | jester | fall guy | blockhead | nut | take in | comedian | imbecile | monkey | ignoramus | fool away | mug | fritter away | boob | COD | joke | cheat | know-nothing | kid | delude |trick | idiot | bamboozle | fritter | arse around | play | put on | patsy | con | mark

foolery 词性/词形变化,foolery变形

名词复数: fooleries |

foolery 反义词


foolery 相似词语短语

1、coolers ─── n.[制冷]冷却器(cooler的复数形式);冷却机

2、footer ─── n.页脚;懒散地工作;懒散工作的人;的缩写;以英尺标注高度的人或物

3、cooler ─── n.冷却器;冷藏箱,冰袋;电冰箱;空气调节器;清凉饮料,高杯饮料;adj.更凉快的;更令人凉爽的;更冷静的;更冷漠的;更绝妙的;更酷的;更满不在乎的;更放松的;更整整的

4、footers ─── n.页脚;脚注;步行者(footer的复数)

5、footlers ─── 步兵

6、boilery ─── 蒸煮处

7、foozler ─── n.笨拙的一击;笨拙的行为;笨拙的人(foozle的变形)

8、fooled ─── v.愚弄;干傻事;戏谑;沾花惹草(fool的过去式及过去分词)

9、footler ─── 脚夫

foolery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、foolery," said the man, "and quiet thyself." ─── 装傻了,”那人说,“安静下来。”

2、He'll suffer for his foolery. ─── 他会因自己的蠢行而受到惩罚。

3、3. foolery [U] n. ─── 愚蠢的行为;

4、He was seeking a face-saving deal with the bank's board that would allow him to resign under his own terms and escape some blame for the foolery involving his girlfriend's compensation. ─── 他曾一度向银行董事会寻求一份挽回颜面的协易,即允许他以个人的名义辞职,以摆脱对其给女友加薪的愚蠢行为的指责。

5、Now say thy foolery again, an thou'st not forgot it. ─── 现在你把你的傻话再说一遍,要是你没忘记的话。

6、He said ,for even the most eternal love there will be a time when it's polished ,while his love to Scarlett has been polished by Ashley and the foolery of Scarlett. ─── 他说过,再永恒的爱也会有磨光的时候,而他的爱,是被斯佳丽,被阿希礼,被斯佳丽愚蠢的固执磨光的。

7、If Nell will stop this foolery of sleeping on the sitting-room sofa. ─── 如果内尔不再干这种在起居室沙发上睡觉的蠢事的话。

8、I apologized for the foolery, but Mr. Perkupp said: "Oh, it seems amusing. " ─── 我为正发生的愚蠢一幕道歉,不过波卡普先生说:“哦,看起来很有趣。”

9、I felt angry for her stubborn foolery for not letting go on her relationship with Ashley . ─── 对她对阿希礼迟迟不肯放手的愚蠢固执而气愤;

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