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09-02 投稿



dissociative 发音

英:[[d?'s?????t?v]]  美:[[d?'so????e?t?v]]

英:  美:

dissociative 中文意思翻译



dissociative 反义词


dissociative 词性/词形变化,dissociative变形

动词第三人称单数: dissociates |动词现在分词: dissociating |动词过去分词: dissociated |形容词: dissociative |动词过去式: dissociated |

dissociative 短语词组

1、dissociative disorders ─── 解离症, ─── 解离性障碍

2、Dissociative identity disorder ─── [医]分离性同一性障碍

3、dissociative identitydisorder ─── 分离性身份障碍

4、dissociative reaction ─── 分裂反应

5、dissociative identity disorder test ─── 分离性同一性障碍测验

6、dissociative ligand exchange mechanism ─── [化] 配体交换的解离机理

7、dissociative personality disorder ─── 分离性人格障碍

8、dissociative identit ─── 分离身份

9、dissociative recombination ─── 离解复合

10、dissociative amnesia ─── 离解失忆症

11、dissociative absorption ─── 离解吸收

12、dissociative capture ─── 离解俘获

13、dissociative chemisorption ─── [化] 离解化学吸附; 离解化学吸附作用

14、dissociative disorder ─── 分离性障碍

15、dissociative adsorption ─── [化] 解离吸附

16、dissociative anxiety ─── 分离性焦虑

17、dissociative fugue ─── 分离性神游症[医] ─── 分离性漫游(F44。1)

18、dissociative hysteria ─── 分离型癔症

19、dissociative identity ─── 分离身份

dissociative 同义词

liberate | disassociate | detach | disunite | disjoint | distance | disconnect |divorce | disjoin | decouple | separate

dissociative 相似词语短语

1、dissocialise ─── 解耦

2、dissociate ─── vt.游离;使分离;分裂;vi.游离;分离;分裂

3、dissociation ─── n.分解,分离;分裂

4、dissociating ─── vt.游离;使分离;分裂;vi.游离;分离;分裂

5、disseminative ─── adj.传播的;散布的

6、dissocialize ─── 分离

7、bisociative ─── 双联的

8、dissimilative ─── adj.异化的;相异的

9、associative ─── adj.联想的;联合的;组合的

dissociative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ross will discuss future research that could be conducted elsewhere in Asia, and the possibility of including dissociative disorders in future editions of the Chinese diagnostic manual (CCMD). ─── 洛斯博士将进一步阐述如何在亚洲其它地区进行深入调查研究,并且力求将分离性精神障碍的诊断纳入CCMD。

2、Keywords hog bone powder;lactobacillus;super microsmashing;dissociative calcium;amino acid; ─── 猪骨粉;乳酸菌;超微粉碎;游离钙;氨基酸;

3、dissociative anesthetic ─── 分离剂醉剂

4、dissociative praline ─── 游离脯氨酸

5、dissociative formaldehyde release ─── 甲醛释放量

6、dissociative fugue ─── 分离性漫游(F44.1)

7、Value of dissociative gas on CT image in early stage of gastrointestinal perforation ─── CT游离气体征在早期胃肠穿孔中的诊断价值

8、1.unique water-driven dynamic system can take hold of the dissociative molecules in dermic tissue and strengthen the function of surface skin to hold water. ─── 1、 独特的水动力调节体系,能抓住真皮层游离水分子,加强皮肤外层的保水屏障功效,减低穿透表皮的水分流失量,达到肌肤内外的水分平衡。

9、A Theoretical Study of Dissociative Adsorption of Cyclopropane on the Copper Surface ─── 环丙烷在铜表面解离吸附过程的理论研究

10、Pesticide effects on some protective enzymes and dissociative proline in willow by trunk injection ─── 树干注药对柳树几种保护酶活性及游离脯氨酸含量的影响

11、Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a condition in which a person has two or more distinct identities or personality states. ─── 精神分裂症指是一个人有两种或两种以上截然不同的身份或性格状态的情况。

12、Dissociative gossypol ─── 游离棉酚

13、4. Like size, value can be dissociative; if a photo is too dark or light , for example, you can no longer perceive what's in it. ─── 和尺寸一样,值可以是游离的。比如,如果一个照片太亮或者太暗,那么你就很难看清楚照片拍摄的是什么。

14、dissociative anaesthesia ─── 电离麻醉, 离解麻醉

15、dissociative experience ─── 分离性体验

16、The Quantum Dynamics Research of Polyatomic Molecule Dissociative Absorption on Metal Surface ─── 多原子分子在金属表面解离吸附的量子动力学研究

17、Keywords Hengshun Vinegar;volatile flavor compound;headspace solid phase microextraction;dissociative amino acid;ligustrazine; ─── 恒顺香醋;香气成分;顶空固相微萃取;游离氨基酸;川芎嗪;

18、Rehabilitation of dissociative skin petal ─── 游离皮瓣修复

19、Keywords 1;2-propanediol;Dissociative adsorption;Electrooxidation;in situ FTIR spectroscopy; ─── 丙二醇;解离吸附;电氧化;原位FTIR反射光谱;

20、Keywords Formaldehyde;Dissociative adsorption;Platinum electrode;Electrooxidation;Raman spectroscopy; ─── 甲醛;解离吸附;铂电极;电氧化;拉曼光谱;

21、Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) ─── 分离性身份识别障碍(DID)

22、dissociative amino acid ─── 游离氨基酸

23、Some groups did better with dissociative strategies while others did better when thinking about the task at hand. ─── 一些组采取游离的策略会做的更好,而其他一部分人却更好的能(边工作边)思考手头的任务。

24、Iong open time, high bonding strength。 Dissociative form aldehyde content can meet national standard. ─── 开放时间长,强度好。游离甲醛含量通过国家标准。

25、content of dissociative chlorine ion ─── 游离氯离子含量

26、In the multielectronic states model, the dissociative behavior of H + 2 in intense laser field is calculated with the two order split propagator algorithm. ─── 在多电子态模型下,利用二阶劈裂传播子算法计算了H+2在强激光场中的离解行为。

27、dissociative adsorption ─── [化] 解离吸附

28、Direct titration mensuration for testing dissociative CaO in cement ─── 直接滴定法测定水泥中的游离氧化钙

29、This article introduces four psychological interpretations about the shaping of Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID),and three measurements used in the clinical assessment of DID. ─── 文章主要介绍了分离性身份识别障碍(DID)形成的四种心理学解释,以及用于DID临床评估的三类测评工具。

30、The dissociative adsorption of hydrogen molecule on (100), (110) and (111) surfaces of Ni, Pd and Cu are investigated using the embeded-atom method (EAM). ─── 用EAM方法(embeded-atom method)研究H_2在Ni,Pd与Cu的(100),(110)与(111)面上的解离吸附.

31、Three-body dissociative recombination of Ar_2~+ molecular ions and electrons ─── 电子和Ar_2~+分子离子的三体离解复合

32、dissociative type hysteria ─── 意识分离型癔病

33、Analysis of the Dissociative Amino Acids in the Muscle of the Amour Sturgeon Acipenser schrencki ─── 史氏鲟肌肉游离氨基酸分析

34、Dissociative Development of Free Recall, Recognition and Priming in Adults ─── 成人回忆、再认和启动效应分离发展模式的研究

35、Effects of Photoperiodic Treatment on the Endogenous hormones and Dissociative Amino Acid of Hyacinth Bean Leaves ─── 光周期对扁豆真叶内源激素及游离氨基酸含量的影响

36、Disorders with symptoms similar to those of traditional hysteria include conversion disorder, factitious disorder, dissociative disorder, and personality disorder (histrionic type). ─── 其障碍症状类似传统歇斯底里发作的症状,包括转化症、伪病症、解离症及人格障碍(剧化型)。

37、So in this article, we used emulsified crude oil and dissociative water to prepare simulated emulsion. ─── 因此,本文考虑以杏1-4-23和杏2-2-试采出液上层乳化油和下层游离水按一定比例混合后均质制得模拟乳化体。

38、Disturbance of perception associated with conversion and dissociative phenomenon ─── 知觉伴转移和分离现象紊乱

39、Like size, value can be dissociative; if a photo is too dark or light, for example, you can no longer perceive what’s in it. ─── 和尺寸一样,值可以是游离的。 比如,如果一个照片太亮或者太暗,那么你就很难看清楚照片拍摄的是什么。

40、Keywords Semen Cassiae;Microwave processing;Combined anthraqunione;Dissociative anthraqunione; ─── 决明子;微波炮制;结合蒽醌;游离蒽醌;

41、The form and the content of chronic auditory hallucinations were compared in three cohorts, namely patients with schizophrenia, patients with a dissociative disorder, and nonpatient voice-hearers. ─── 慢性幻听形式和内容,在三种人群中作了比较,分别是精神分裂症患者,分离性障碍患者,和非患者听到声音者。

42、hysteria, dissociative type ─── 分离型癔病

43、Keywords Ethanol;Platinum electrode;Dissociative adsorption;Electronic oxidation;In-situ SERS; ─── 乙醇;铂电极;解离吸附;电氧化;原位表面增强拉曼光谱;

44、Three prevailing theoretical explanations have been advanced and tested: Dissociative Cue Hypothesis, Differential Decay Hypothesis, Availability-Valence Hypothesis. ─── 三种具有影响力的理论解释得以提出:线索分离假说、差别衰退假说和有用性-有效性假说。

45、dissociative calcium ─── 游离钙

46、organic dissociative disorder ─── 器质性分离障碍

47、Keywords Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID);Psychopathological mechanism;Clinical assessment; ─── 分离性身份识别障碍(DID);心理病理机制;临床评估;

48、Dissociative identity disorder ─── 分离性同一性障碍

49、dissociative motor disorders ─── 分离性运动障碍(F44.4)

50、They also thought that sleepwalking had to do with epilepsy, hysteria, dissociative disorders or even your own secret wishes. ─── 也认为梦游必然和羊癫风、癔症、精神分裂甚或梦游者深埋心底的秘密有关。

51、dissociative reaction ─── 分裂反应解离反应解离反应

52、Metastable rare gas atom;Energy transfer;Penning ionization;Mass spectrography;Dissociative excitation ─── 关键词:半稳定态钝气原子;能量转移;盘宁游离;质谱术;解离激发

53、In addition, he found a clear correspondence between the degree of reduction in hippocampus size and the severity of the patients' dissociative symptoms. ─── 此外他发现,海马体积的缩小程度与病人人格解离的严重性有明显的相关。

54、Keywords LEPS potential;Interaction between hydrogen and nickel;Dissociative adsorption of the hydrogen molecule; ─── LEPS势;氢/镍相互作用;氢分子的解离吸附;

55、Studied on effect of drought menace for dissociative proline content in clonal plant Juema. ─── 研究了干旱胁迫对匍匐茎克隆植物—蕨麻游离脯氨酸含量的影响。

56、Keywords time-dependent quantum wave packet method;dissociative adsorption;dissociation probability; ─── 关键词离解吸附;量子含时波包法;离解几率;

57、Dissociative adsorption study of hydrogen isotopes on metal platinum surface by thermodynamic computation[J]. ─── 引用该论文 胡胜,汤丽娟,朱正和,朱祖良,罗顺忠,王和义,罗阳明,肖成建.

58、Dissociative identity disorder known as double or Chechongrenge obstacles obstacles is that the personality of a special type of distortion. ─── 解离性身份识别障碍又称双重或多重人格障碍障碍,是人格畸变的一种特殊类型。

59、Dissociative proline ─── 叶片游离脯氨酸

60、hysterical dissociative neurosis ─── 歇斯底里离解神经官能症

61、He will describe further general principles of the psychotherapy of dissociative identity disorder (DID) and then will focus on specific techniques through discussion and case examples. ─── 他将进一步描述分离性身份障碍的心理治疗的一般原理,然后引用具体病例重点介绍特殊治疗技术。

62、CO/O2-TPD showed that the addition of K after Pt could enhance CO weak adsorption and facilitate O2 dissociative adsorption. ─── CO/O2-TPD的研究结果表明,后添加K可适当增强CO的弱吸附态并促进O2的解离吸附。

63、The fluorescein calcium ion fluorescent indicator can be used for measuring the concentration of dissociative calcium ion in cells. ─── 荧光素类钙离子荧光指示剂可用于胞内游离钙离子浓度测定。

64、Free radicals are the dissociative molecules, atoms or ions with unpaired electron, having an active chemical property. ─── 自由基是游离存在的、带有不成对电子的分子、原子或离子,其化学性质很活泼。

65、This method not only prevents from much impurity during the hydrolysis process but also raised the mass percentages of dissociative quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin. ─── 此法不仅在水解过程中不会产生大量难分离的果胶状杂质,而且能提高游离的槲皮素、异鼠李素和山萘酚的品质百分含量。

66、The dissociative quiet is the attitude presented to us by the times, the ego is not exaggerated in the practical deals, and it is not swelled or peripherized by the ravishing success. ─── 游离的沉默恰是时代赋予我们的态度,没有在务实里放大自我,没有被令人陶醉的成功吞噬,置身于边缘,无需得到验证,这种自若的直觉是个人的、内心的、偶发的。

67、Effects of the Ni(510) Step Surface for the Dissociative Adsorption of Hydrogen Molecule ─── Ni(510)台阶面对氢分子解离吸附的影响

68、The apparatus can be used to measure the lifetime of fluorescence segment, electron excitation function, electron energy loss spectra and molecular dissociative processes. ─── 此装置可用于研究荧光寿命、激发函数、电子能量损失谱和分子解离过程。

69、Keywords chitin;chitosan;deacetylated chitin;dissociative amidocyanogen; ─── 壳聚糖;脱乙酰甲壳质;脱乙酰度;游离胺;

70、Oxygen Content: Radiated by far-infrared , big molecule turns into small molecule. Meanwhile, dissociative oxygen increases. ─── 含氧量:经远经外辐射水中大分子团变小分子团,并使游离氧增加。


72、Study Of Methnol Dissociative Chemisorption Spontaneously on Platinum Electrode Modified by Platinum Nanoparticles ─── 甲醇在铂纳米粒子修饰铂电极上自发解离吸附的研究

73、dissociative chlorine ─── 游离氯

74、Attractive effect of dissociative amino acid in natural food on trionyx ─── 天然食物游离氨基酸对鳖的诱食效果

75、Keywords yak bone paste;fermentation;enzymolysis;dissociative calcium;amino acid nitrogen; ─── 牦牛骨泥;发酵;酶解;游离钙;氨基酸态氮;

76、Dissociative microspore ─── 游离小孢子

77、dissociative mechanism ─── 分解机理

78、Hysterical dissociative state ─── 癔病性分离状态

79、In this study, the characteristic components such as volatile components, dissociative amino acids and ligustrazine in the Hengshun Vinegar, were analyzed with different methods. ─── 本文采用多种检测方法,分析恒顺香醋中表征性物质,包括香气成分、游离氨基酸和川芎嗪,为建立道地性标准奠定基础。

80、dissociative adjustment ─── 分裂反应

81、dissociative hysteria ─── 分离型癔症

82、The organic acid, dissociative flavors and volatile flavors of cabbage-based sauerkraut were studied by amino acid auto-analysis, HPLC and GC-MS. ─── 利用高效液相色谱法、氨基酸自动分析仪法及气相色谱质谱法等方法,对未发酵和自然发酵泡卷心菜汁中的有机酸、游离和挥发性风味物质进行了分析.

83、"Disorders with symptoms similar to those of traditional hysteria include conversion disorder, factitious disorder, dissociative disorder, and personality disorder (histrionic type). " ─── 其障碍症状类似传统歇斯底里发作的症状,包括转化症、伪病症、解离症及人格障碍(剧化型)。

84、ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between dissociative and children trauma in youths. ─── 目的探索青年群体中分离体验与儿童期创伤间的关系。

85、Keywords Molecular self-assembly;Metal-organic complex;Dissociative adsorption;STM; ─── 分子自组装;金属-有机配合物;解离吸附;STM;

86、dissociative convulsions ─── 分离性抽搐(F44.5)

87、In my dream, your charming eyes lock my dissociative eye-sight; ─── 在梦中,你妩媚的双眸牢牢锁住了我游离的视线;

88、Methods Dissociative disorders of suicide gesture were administrated by the suicide attitude questionnaire (QSA),and compared with those in normal controls. ─── 方法采用自杀态度调查问卷(QSA)对自杀姿势的分离性障碍患者进行调查,并与正常群体进行对照。

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