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09-02 投稿



darkener 发音


英:  美:

darkener 中文意思翻译



darkener 词性/词形变化,darkener变形

动词过去分词: darkened |动词第三人称单数: darkens |动词现在分词: darkening |名词: darkener |动词过去式: darkened |

darkener 反义词

lighten | brighten

darkener 同义词

dim | discourage | shade | smudge | dishearten | grow | look black | overshadow | dull | tone | deject | cast a shadow | out | deaden | becloud | depress | lower | obumbrate | blotch | deepen | tone down | gloom | smoke | mat | blind | cast down | dark | down | obscure | cast |blacken | obfuscate | black out | grow dark | dusk | cloud | oppress | cloud over | eclipse | shadow | dispirit | look | black | strike

darkener 短语词组

1、darkener sans ─── 深色SAN

2、darkener title wow ─── 更黑暗的标题哇

darkener 相似词语短语

1、barkened ─── 吠叫

2、darkens ─── vt.使变暗;使模糊;vi.变黑;变得模糊

3、hearkener ─── 听者

4、darkened ─── adj.变黑的,没有灯光的

5、darker ─── adj.更暗的;更黑的;更深的(dark的比较级)

6、dampener ─── n.令人扫兴的人;[航][电子][机]阻尼器(等于damper)

7、darken ─── vt.使变暗;使模糊;vi.变黑;变得模糊

8、careener ─── 护工

9、harkener ─── 哈肯斯

darkener 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The light from the sun causes freckles to darken and new ones to appear. ─── 太阳光会使雀斑颜色变深并长出新的雀斑来。

2、You should use technical terms as few as possible, or you'll darken counsel. ─── 你应该尽可能少的使用术语,不然的话,你的意思别人就更弄不懂了。

3、Perhaps 600 million starlings darken the skies over Europe,Asia,Africa,and North America. ─── 6亿只椋鸟或许会将欧洲、亚洲、非洲和北美的天空遮得暗淡无光。

4、You can add more planes which will enhance the feeling of distance if you darken the foreground. ─── 将前景变暗可增加距离感。

5、not darken one's doorway ─── 不登门拜访,不串门,不进(某人)家门

6、Something that is opaque, especially an opaque pigment used to darken parts of a photographic print or negative. ─── 不透明颜料不透明涂料,尤指用在摄影的相片或负影像的暗面的一种不透明涂料

7、Darken the green paint by adding black paint. ─── 加一些黑漆以加深绿漆的颜色。

8、darken a room ─── 使房间黑暗

9、The darken hair oil include abundant vitamin, be able to deepen the hair quality, moist hair, make the hair full of health and gloss after using each time. ─── 焗油焗黑喷发油,含丰富维他命,能深入发质,滋润秀发,每次使用后令头发充满健康光泽。

10、as long as the Nightmare continues to darken the Emerald Dream, corrupted green dragons will sow terror and madness throughout the world. ─── 只要梦魇继续污染翡翠梦境,堕落的绿龙们终将把恐惧与疯狂散布到整个世界。

11、Darken--- selective darkening of regions of an image ─── 在图像上扩大黑暗的区域

12、But you can't darken the sun ─── 但是你不能杀死我心中的太阳

13、She fell silent and let the snow-white shafts of light illumine and darken her little corner as they passed in swift succession. ─── 她静了下来,让那雪白的光柱一下一下地把自己的这个小角落变得忽明忽暗。

14、Biologists have long known that the crab's shell is darkest during the day,grows pale in late afternoon,then begins to darken again at daybreak. ─── 它有着过分增长的螯,生物学家早就知道招潮蟹的壳在白天是黑暗的,傍晚时变成灰白,然后在破晓的时候又变黑。

15、English: Though malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out. ─── 中文:恶意虽然会糟蹋真理,但无法消灭真理。

16、A thick gloom fell through the sunshine and darken'd me, ─── 一层浓厚的阴云从阳光下降,黑暗包围了我,

17、"Its four sides darken the bright sun. Its seven stories cut the grey clouds;" ─── 四角碍白日,七层摩苍穹。

18、darken the door ─── v. 闯入

19、On the method of developing bloody latent fingerprints on darken surface with titanium dioxide ─── 二氧化钛显现深色客体表面的血潜手印的研究

20、a cosmetic preparation used by women in Egypt and Arabia to darken the edges of their eyelids. ─── 埃及和阿拉伯妇女使用的用来加深她们眼睑边缘的化妆品。

21、The Burn tool is used to darken areas realistic similar to the Dodge tool, get the Burn tool which is under the same section as the Dodge tool ─── 加深工具用来给部分区域加深色调,用法和减淡工具类似,按住减淡工具一段时间后就能在下面找到加深工具了

22、darken the colour ─── 加深颜色

23、”There are many rumors about men who use irritants, like sandpaper, to darken the callus. ─── 他的印记是淡淡的粉色,外凸,还有一点点脱皮。

24、The reflection of the pavilion on the darken water is the attraction of this picture. ─── 优点是深色水面有亭的倒影,但倒影太乱,不算突出;亭太正光,无艺术感;

25、I would make the wind blow and I'd darken the skies ─── 因为她沿着福约港顺流而下,离开了卡尔莫

26、Normal plants in the area turn putrid shades of green and gray. They shrivel and darken as disease leaves the ground blighted and infectious. ─── 区域内的普通植物处于绿灰的腐败阴影之下。它们如染病般的枯萎和黯淡,只留下凋零和染病的土地。

27、darken with a brownish tinge,as of insect wings ─── 变成暗褐色,昆虫的翅膀

28、When clouds abruptly darken the sky, when turns suddenly occupy the road, I h***e to go. ─── 在乌云弄暗天空,进路骤聚曲折之时,我不得不别你而去。

29、Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin? ─── 为什么太阳照亮了我们的头发却晒黑了我们的皮肤?

30、If you want to mute or darken a colour, you should use the complementary colour. ─── 如果你使颜色柔和或黯淡,你应该采用一种互补的颜色。

31、It can be used to eliminate unwanted reflections such as flare and can also be used to darken blue sky. ─── 它可以用来消除无用的反射如闪烁光;也可以用来加深天空的蓝色。

32、Beautiful. Please tidy up my eyebrows and darken them. ─── 做得太漂亮了。请给我修修眉毛,再画一下。

33、darken the sky ─── 使天空黑暗

34、Buildings often darken as they get older. ─── 建筑物渐渐变旧时其颜色常常变暗。

35、Guest: Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them. ─── 客人:做得好极了。请把眉毛修一下,再画深一点。

36、Though malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out . ─── 中伤掩真理,真理难消除。

37、But I'm here to tell ya that you cannot allow anyone or anything to darken your day, outlook or perspective... ─── 但在这里我要提醒你的是:不能够让任何人,任何事阻拦你的去路,阻挡你的视野。。。。

38、sky darken ─── 天黑了

39、Black-out button; click this button to temporarily darken the audience screen, and then click it again to show the current slide. ─── “熄灯”按钮;单击该按钮时,观众的屏幕暂时变黑,再次单击该按钮即可演示当前的幻灯片。

40、When all the clouds darken up the skyway, there's a rainbow highway to be found leading from your windowpane to a place beyond the sun, just a step behind the rain. ─── 当乌云遮蔽天际,你的窗外就有一道彩虹公路连接到太阳的另一头,就只在雨幕后的一步之遥。

41、All the bright lights of heaven I will darken over you And send darkness upon your land, Declares the Lord Jehovah. ─── 8我必使天上明亮的光体都在你以上变为昏暗,使你的地上黑暗;这是主耶和华说的。

42、to darken the colour ─── 使颜色加深

43、Natural colors will darken over time. This does not alter the potency of the product. ─── 天然的颜色可能会变深,颜色的改变不会影响产品功能.

44、Use several brush strokes to darken the top and the bottom of all three sides, making the bottom darker (more brush strokes). ─── 使用几种笔画变暗的顶部和底部的所有三个方面,使底部暗(更多笔画)。

45、A total solar eclipse on Wednesday swept across a narrow swathe of Asia, where hundreds of millions of people watched the skies darken, though in some places thick summer clouds blocked the sun. ─── 周三,在亚洲部分地区出现一次完整日全食,数千万人目睹了白昼黑夜,部分地区有云层遮住了太阳。

46、Darken the top ellipse. ─── 变暗顶端椭圆。

47、And when he asks the boy who he is, and who put him here, his eyes darken like storm-clouds rushing across the Channel. ─── 当他问那男孩是谁时,问他是谁把他关在这里的,那男孩的眼神就暗了下来,仿佛乌云滚滚碾过海峡。

48、to darken the green paint ─── 使绿油漆的颜色加深

49、Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them. ─── 做得好极了。请把眉毛修一下,再画深一点。

50、You can be assured that I will never darken your door again. ─── 你放心把,我今后决不会再登你家的门了。

51、"Its four sides darken the Bright sun, Its seven stories cut the grey clouds;" ─── 四角碍白日, 七层摩苍穹。

52、Hatred paralyzes life; love release it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darken life; love illuminates it. ─── 仇恨使生命瘫痪;爱情释放生命。仇恨扰乱生活;爱情则使之和谐。仇恨使生活黑暗;爱情照亮了生活。

53、You can be assured that I will never darken your door again ─── "你放心吧,我今后决不登你家的门"

54、Dragonmaw Wyrmcaller 200k hp. Fixates on targets like Thaladred the Darkener, but still can be taunted. Immune to CC. ─── 像凯王子的凝视者那样盯死一个目标,但是可以嘲讽,免疫控制。

55、Biologists have long known that the crab's shell is darkest during the day, grows pale in late afternoon, then begins to darken again at daybreak. ─── 它有着过分增长的螯,生物学家早就知道招潮蟹的壳在白天是黑暗的,傍晚时变成灰白,在破晓的时候又变黑。

56、215.Hatred paralyzes life; love release it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darken life; love illuminates it. ----Martin Luther King ─── 仇恨麻痹生活,爱可以释放生活,仇恨使生活变得困惑,爱可以让它变得和谐,仇恨使生活变得黑暗,爱可以照亮它。

57、Natural color will darken over time. This does not affect the potency of the product. ─── 天然的颜色随着时间的增长会变暗,这并不影响产品的效力。

58、Don't darken my door again. ─── 下次不要再到我家来了。

59、But most board has been appearing in moldy darken, and many also changed shape. ─── 但是多数板子已经被水泡得发霉变黑,不少还变了形。

60、This helps to counteract the tendency for colours to darken when baked, and keeps the finished clay piece vibrant. ─── 因为烘烤后颜色一般会比烘烤前深,加入这些可以抵消一些这样的差异。

61、While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. ─── (阅读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。

62、In that day," declares the Sovereign LORD," I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight. ─── 主耶和华说,到那日,我必使日头在午间落下,使地在白昼黑暗。

63、not darken sb.'s door ─── v. 不再登门

64、There is no superior'they' in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies to darken his holiday days. ─── 不会有以经营管理和旅馆等级制度形式出现的"他们"会扫他假日之兴。

65、106 Don't let them darken your future. ─── 不要再让他们为你的将来蒙上一层阴影。

66、Not darken the door of ─── 不再登某人家的门

67、"Clouds darken with darkness of rain, Streams pale with pallor of mist." ─── 云青青兮欲雨, 水澹澹兮生烟。

68、For women, with age, such as the private part of their breasts, thighs and even the inside of the labia minora will gradually darken, it will give them very confusing. ─── 对于女性来说,随着年龄的增长,她们的私处如乳房、阴唇甚至大腿的内侧都会慢慢变黑,这会让她们很困惑。

69、If anybody had spoken to me like that when I was a guest in their house, it would be a long time before I would darken their door again. ─── 如果我在人家家里做客有人对我这样说话,我早就不会再登门了。

70、Man felt the earth trembling, and saw the sky darken with monstrous shapes. ─── 人类感到大地颤抖,看到可怕的怪物遮天。

71、darken counsel ─── vi. 使 ... 更加混乱

72、Casual eclipses of the mind will darken learning. ─── 头脑一时的蒙蔽会使学问黯然失色。

73、something that is opaque,especially an opaque pigment used to darken parts of a photographic print or negative ─── 不透明涂料,尤指用在摄影的相片或负影像的暗面的一种不透明涂料

74、Whereas contrariwise, persons of worth and merit are most envied, when their fortune continueth long. For by that time, though their virtue be the same, yet it hath not the same lustre; for fresh men grow up that darken it. ─── 但与此相反,品质优秀者则是在他们的好运赓续不断时遭妒最甚,因此时他们的优点虽依然如故,但已不如当初那样耀眼,后起之秀已使其黯然失色。

75、Instead of real-time lighting use VertexPaint to lighten, darken or tint faces to suggest lighting situations. ─── 使用节点着色来代替实时的灯光照明。

76、not darken one's door ─── 不再登其家门

77、darken sb.'s daylight ─── v. 把某人打瞎

78、To darken nature and be summer woods ? ─── 即将长成阴阴夏木--

79、darken(a part of a drawing,etc),eg with parallel pencil lines,to give an effect of light and shade ─── 将(图画等的某部)颜色加深(如加铅笔线条以显出明暗效果)

80、First amongst the dreadlords was Tichondrius the Darkener. Tichondrius served Kil'jaeden as the perfect soldier and agreed to bring Sargeras' burning will to all the dark corners of the universe. ─── 黑暗者提托迪奥斯是第一个服务者,也是基尔加丹的第一个把萨格拉斯的燃烧意志带到宇宙每个角落的完美小卒。

81、Don't [Never] darken my door(s) again. ─── 下次(永远)不要到我家来了.

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