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09-02 投稿



evacuating 发音

英:[??v?kjue?t??]  美:[??v?kjue?t??]

英:  美:

evacuating 中文意思翻译



evacuating 短语词组

1、evacuating pus ─── 排出脓液

evacuating 词性/词形变化,evacuating变形

动词第三人称单数: evacuates |形容词: evacuative |动词现在分词: evacuating |动词过去分词: evacuated |名词: evacuator |动词过去式: evacuated |

evacuating 相似词语短语

1、evacuations ─── n.疏散;撤离;排泄

2、evacuation ─── n.疏散;撤离;排泄

3、vacuating ─── vt.在…中造成真空,抽空

4、revaluating ─── vt.重新估价;重新评价;使升值

5、acuating ─── 锐化

6、devaluating ─── vt.使…贬值;降低…的价值;减少…的重要性;vi.贬值

7、evaluating ─── v.评估(evaluate的ing形式)

8、ejaculating ─── vt.突然说出;射出;vi.射精;射出液体;n.一次射出的精液

9、evacuative ─── 排空药;搬空的;排气的;抽空的

evacuating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mexico ’s state oil company also began evacuating workers from oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. ─── 墨西哥国家石油公司也开始疏散在墨西哥湾石油钻塔的工人。

2、The lines were fitting as longer at any gas devotion in Florida Municipality where evacuating tourists rough up for provide cheap eve isk. ─── 对重庆月嫂服务公司的了解不少消费者信任度大增。

3、Fire Emergency lighting is crucial in evacuating when a fire happens. ─── 消防应急照明是人员在突发事故情况下安全疏散的重要保证。

4、Standby trains are one of the key tools for urban rail transit, which are used for running interval and evacuating passenger flow. ─── 备用客车是作为调整城市轨道交通行车间隔,进行客流疏导的关键工具。

5、the act of evacuating;leaving a place in an orderly fashion;esp. for protection. ─── 撤退的行为;有秩序地离开某地的行为;尤其用于保护的退出行为。

6、Analytic framework of large-scale MICE activity crowd assembling and evacuating system ─── 大型会展活动人流聚集和分散复杂系统的分析性框架

7、safe evacuating ─── 安全疏散

8、After all staff received the disperse instruction, refer to the emergent evacuation icons made by EHS dept. evacuating orderly to the designated assembly area from the near exit. ─── 全体员工接到疏散指令后,参照EHS部门编制的紧急疏散图标示从就近的安全出口有秩序地撤离至指定集合点集合。

9、blood-coagulum evacuating catheter ─── 凝血块吸出用导尿管

10、All tourists, I'm asking you to start the process of evacuating from our city.Do not wait, start the evacuation process. ─── 我要求你们现在就开始撤离新奥尔良,别犹豫了,马上就撤走。”

11、Javelin Soldier IFVs are a very good anti-vehicle, anti-air, and anti-building unit. Evacuating the Javelin Soldier from the IFV to use the Laserlock ability is devastating to structures. ─── 标枪兵IFV是非常好的反装甲,防空,反建筑单位。让标枪兵从IFV中撤离后可以使用激光锁定能力来摧毁建筑。

12、By means of evacuating directly from the cavity of die can solve many problems in magnesium alloy thin shell die cast formation,such as long flow path and difficult to fill. ─── 利用模内直接抽真空的方法可以解决镁合金薄壁壳形件流程长、填充型腔困难的问题,同时可减少镁合金的氧化和内部气孔、提高压铸件致密度、减小变形和达到高的表面质量要求。

13、slightly curved evacuating catheter ─── 微弯形碎石摘出导尿管

14、catheter with stylet, evacuating ─── 带通针碎石摘出导尿管

15、Bigelow's evacuating catheter ─── 比吉洛(氏)碎石摘出导尿管

16、safe evacuating design ─── 安全疏散设计

17、The Mayor of Chamonix was convicted of second-degree murder for not evacuating the area, but received a suspended sentence. ─── 有些雪崩中还夹带大量空气,这样的雪崩流动性更大,有时甚至可以冲过峡谷,到达对面的山坡上。

18、A night fire is usually scary, but it was so bright, like during the day, I wasn't so scared when we were evacuating on the railroad.It wasn't that scary for a four year old child. ─── 夜间的大火通常很吓人,但天空明亮的犹如白昼,所以当我们在铁路上避难的时候,我也不是如何惊慌,起码,不像一个四岁的孩子那样惊慌。

19、evacuating method ─── 撤离方法

20、Israeli troops and police finished evacuating the main Jewish settlement bloc in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, leaving only one of the original 21 enclaves on the removal roster, security sources said. ─── 以色列军队与警察于周日结束加萨走廊主要的犹太屯垦区撤离工作,安全人员表示,主要撤离工作已完成,在21个屯垦区中只剩下一个屯垦区的定居者尚未离开。

21、The guest door can be automatic closed, with a looking glass, door bell and the security installment. The evacuating drawing at the remarkable position. ─── 客房门能自动闭合,有门窥镜、门铃及防盗装置。显著位置张贴应急疏散图及相关说明;

22、wet system of evacuating ─── (用喷水空气泵抽空的装置) 湿体系抽空

23、He said the U. N. would be temporarily evacuating staff in Mazar-e-Sharif while security there is reviewed. ─── 他说,在联合国核查马扎里沙里夫的安全局势期间,将暂时撤离在那里的雇员。

24、Hundreds of thousands of people are evacuating the Southeast Texas Gulf Coast. ─── 成百上千的人正在从德克萨斯州海湾东南沿岸撤离。

25、Residents of the lower Keys have alreadybegun to evacuate, those from the middle and upper Keys are evacuating thisafternoon. ─── 住在佛罗里达州较低区域的人也已经开始撤离了,而住在低岛中部和较高地区的人也将于今天下午开始撤离。

26、Automatic closing of the machine after expiry of the evacuating time with way-dependent switching over from fast closing to pressing speed. ─── 在抽真空时间终止之后,机器自动闭合,位置关系从快闭合切换到压合速度。

27、Assist in evacuating guests and staff. ─── 帮助疏散客人和员工。

28、Gas protection device for evacuating high-boiling working media. ─── 在较宽的压力范围内有较大的抽速;

29、evacuating equipment ─── 抽气设备

30、He said hospitals and ambulances had been hit by shelling and several aid workers injured while evacuating the wounded. ─── 他还说,医院和救护车被炮弹击中,好几位工作人员在疏散伤者时受伤。

31、Not leaving, ma`am, evacuating. ─── 不是留下,夫人,而是撤退.

32、Evacuating technology ─── 排气工艺

33、Objective To enhance the success ratio of mechanical ventilation and reduce the mortality rate in the newborns, we approached the common reason of failure in evacuating the respirator. ─── 摘要目的探讨新生儿撤机失败的常见原因,以提高新生儿呼吸机治疗的成功率,降低病死率。

34、Some doings in the crossings, not onlysolve the joining problem ,evacuating problem .but alsobecom e the urban hum anism sight. ─── 一些道路交汇处的立体交叉处理,既解决了道路的衔接,车辆、人流的疏散问题,又成为城市中的人文景观。

35、This means ensuring decision by court can be implemented and ultimately evacuating the building, and that's what's being done. ─── 这种手段确保法院的裁决能得到贯彻并最终让那些移民从大楼中撤离,这也是我们所作的。

36、Speaking at a Cabinet meeting on Monday, Liu said the government will finish evacuating those still stranded in affected areas within a week and give them assistance. ─── 他在周一的行政院院会上,刘兆玄说,政府将在一周内完成撤离那些仍然滞留在受灾地区的民众,并给予援助。

37、We are not evacuating, but rather entrenching, our place right at the heart of global commerce, finance and trade. ─── 我们现在不会抽身离去,但是会更防备些,我们正好在全球商业,金融和贸易的心脏处。

38、Instead of evacuating and relocating to Earth, the Sirians chose to ascend en mass to another dimension of life. ─── 不过(后来)天狼星人非但没有撤离而迁居到地球,相反选择集体提升到另一个生命维度。

39、Phased evacuation means evacuating the floor where the fire is located first, and then the floor immediately above it. ─── 分阶段撤离意味着先着火的地点先撤离,紧邻火场上方的部位随后撤离。

40、For reservoirs whose dams are likely to collapse, emergency measures for rush repair and schemes for temporarily evacuating residents should be worked out in advance. ─── 对可能出现垮坝的水库,应当事先制定应急抢险和居民临时撤离方案。

41、The guest door can be automatic closed, with a looking glass, door bell and the security installment. The evacuating drawing at the remarkable position. E. ─── 客房门能自动闭合,有门窥镜、门铃及防盗装置。显著位置张贴应急疏散图及相关说明;

42、They[buses] were an obvious linchpin for evacuating a city where nearly 100,000 people had no cars. ─── 新奥尔良有十万人没有自己的车,找到足够的公共汽车对疏散至关重要。

43、Keywords optimum mechanical exhausts moke volume;safe evacuating;network model;smoke flow properties; ─── 最佳机械排烟量;安全疏散;网络模型;烟流性状;

44、The act of evacuating or the condition of being evacuated. ─── 撤离的行为或被撤离的状态。

45、There was a small middle stratum of semi-important officials evacuating with one family, a modicum of luggage, and a couple of trusted servants loaded on each cart. ─── 有一小部分中层官员和他们的家人一同撤离,带着些许家产和几个老家仆,坐在一辆架子车上。

46、China has finished evacuating the last town to be submerged by the Three Gorges dam. ─── 新华社表示,中国已完成三峡工程城镇迁移,最后一个将会被工程淹没的城镇居民也已撤离 。

47、This paper explores the law of the smoke flowing, evacuating measures and smoke ventilation. ─── 对地下建筑烟气流动规律、人员的安全疏散及其防排烟措施进行了探讨。

48、the act of evacuating; leaving a place in an orderly fashion; esp. for protection. ─── 撤退的行为;有秩序地离开某地的行为;尤其用于保护的退出行为。

49、A 6-foot wall of water slammed Java island where emergency crews are still evacuating residents and tourists. ─── 6英尺高的海浪袭击Java岛时,当地的急救人员还在疏散居民及旅客。

50、During Manuel's youth, rebel soldiers demanded food and shelter from impoverished farmers in La Trinidad. Then the government retaliated by evacuating the village and bombing it. ─── 在曼纽年经时,千里达的贫苦农民先是遭遇反抗军强索食物与住所,之后更历经政府为反击以撤离村民、轰炸全村作为反击。

51、Toomey's evacuating syringe ─── 托米(氏)皮球吸引器

52、The army is evacuating Atlanta soon." ─── 军队马上就要撤离亚特兰大了。"

53、In many of the past earthquakes in Japan, the urban parks played important roles in seeking refuge and evacuating, providing safe and effective disaster-prevention space. ─── 日本城市公园绿地在历次震灾中都发挥了避难疏散的重要作用,成为市民可利用的安全有效的防灾减灾空间。

54、A Application of Emergency Lighting System for Evacuating in Engineering Fire Protection ─── 工程消防疏散应急照明系统的实施

55、soldiers prevented the refugees from evacuating. ─── 士兵们阻止难民们撤离。

56、Russia has been evacuating some of its embassy staff and military personnel from Georgia after four Russian intelligence officers were charged with spying by Georgia. ─── 俄罗斯已经从格鲁吉亚撤回其部分使馆人员和军事人员,在四名俄罗斯军方情报官员被控从事间谍活动后。

57、Red Cross branches in Thailand, Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka are searching, evacuating and settling survivors, cash and relief materials are mobilized to the fields in support of the emergency relief. ─── 泰国,印尼,印度,斯里兰卡等国家红十字会正积极搜寻,疏散及安置生还者,并立即调拨赈灾款及物资往灾区支援.

58、evacuating machine ─── 排气机

59、Try to imagine the difficulty, in the event of an emergency, of evacuating such an area with its millions of residents. ─── 想象一下在紧急情况下,疏散这个有百万居民的区域的难度。

60、The most common reason of failure in evacuating the respirator was kinds of lungs complications, especially the serious infection. ─── 撤机失败最常见原因是各种肺部并发症,尤其严重肺部感染;

61、As interior minister, Mr Sarkozy played the tough guy: putting illegal immigrants on the plane home, evacuating clandestine squats and clamping down on prostitution. ─── 作为内政部长,萨科齐先生是一个硬汉的形象:把非法移民原机遣返,将秘密地非法侵占土地的人都疏散,取缔卖淫。

62、Thompson's evacuating catheter ─── 汤普森(氏)碎石摘出导尿管

63、The government will finish evacuating those still stranded in affected areas within a week and give them assistance. ─── 政府将在一周内完成撤离那些仍然滞留在受灾地区的民众,并给予援助。

64、Kuchenmeister's trocar for evacuating pelvic abscesses ─── 库兴梅斯特(氏)盆腔脓液抽吸套管针

65、At the same time they were evacuating, at least 200 other people were climbing toward the roof in that tower, unaware that a passable stairway down was available, and assuming incorrectly that they could open the roof door. ─── 与此同时,至少有200人在向楼顶跑,他们不知道有这条楼梯可以走,错误地以为可以打开通往楼顶的大门。

66、Ironically, part of the difficulty in evacuating skyscrapers is inherent in their purpose: ─── 具有讽刺意味的是,建筑摩天大楼的目的是将一大群人集在一个地点,

67、Our night was disturbed by a fire alarm that necessitated everyone evacuating to the car park. ─── 有一天火灾警报响起,大家都疏散到了停车场。

68、Landau's trocar for evacuating pelvic abscesses ─── 兰道(氏)盆腔脓液抽吸套管针

69、After pulling the victim out of harm's way and evacuating the floor, a SWAT team was called. ─── 在把受害者带至安全位置并疏散楼层人员后,一支特警队被招来待命。

70、Keywords ischemic apoplexy;eliminating the turbid by purgation;Xiaochengqi bowel evacuating capsules; ─── 关键词缺血性中风;通腑泻浊法;小承气通腑胶囊;

71、dry system of evacuating ─── 干法抽空

72、He could also be supremely pragmatic, as in eventually accepting the idea of an independent Palestine and evacuating Israel's Gaza settlements. ─── 但他也很识时务地接受了巴勒斯坦独立国的提议,并撤出了加沙所有的以色列居民。

73、human evacuating time ─── 人员疏散时间

74、The smoke will cause much damage to people when a fire breaks in an underground building. This paper explores the law of the smoke flowing, evacuating measures and smoke ventilation. ─── 地下建筑发生火灾时,烟气对人员的危害十分巨大。对地下建筑烟气流动规律、人员的安全疏散及其防排烟措施进行了探讨。

75、For reservoirs whose dams are likely to collapse,emergency measures for rush repair and schemes for temporarily evacuating residents should be worked out in advance. ─── 对可能出现垮坝的水库,应当事先制定应急抢险和居民临时撤离方案。

76、Investigation study of evacuating numbers and speed for school teaching building ─── 对学校教学楼疏散人数及疏散速度的调查研究

77、"They should move today. We don't want people out on the road evacuating tomorrow morning, " he told ABC Radio. ─── 他在澳洲广播电台上说,“他们今天必须离开。我们不能让人们在明天上午上路疏散”。

78、The Design and Realization of Simulation System for Direction of Evacuating in Aerial Defense ─── 城市居民防空疏散调度模拟系统设计与实现

79、Authorities are evacuating more tourists and residents from a remote offshoot of the Grand Canyon. ─── 当局正在将更多游客和居民从一条大峡谷偏僻的支流区域撤离。

80、““taking in” food may be felt as indistinguishable from evacuating a bad breast.Both good and bad breasts are felt as possessing the same degree of concreteness and reality as milk. ─── 但是,摄入食物和排除饥渴的感觉是混在一起的,好乳房和坏乳房随着食物的摄入而混合在一起。

81、Keywords Postonerative evacuating disturbance of the residual stomach;Diagnosis;Treatment; ─── 关键词残胃排空障碍;诊断;治疗;

82、The IDF presented Shoshana-Metal with the problem of evacuating patients in a mass casualty event, when the lack of sufficient manpower is one of the biggest concerns. ─── IDF向Shoshana金属制品提供在群众伤亡事件内撤离的病患者,什么时候缺乏足够的人力是最大的关心之一。

83、Milton's evacuating catheter ─── 密尔顿(氏)排尿管, 密尔顿(氏)碎石摘出导尿管

84、evacuation:The act of evacuating or the condition of being evacuated. ─── 撤离:撤离的行为或被撤离的状态.

85、crowd evacuating ─── 人流疏散

86、Hundreds of anti-riot police and members of the elite National Guard were evacuating the area and sealing it off as ambulances rushed in. ─── 好几百名防暴警察和国民警卫队精锐部对社区居民进行了疏散,随即封锁了这个社区,只有救护车出入。

87、full-curved evacuating catheter ─── 全弯形碎石摘出导尿管

88、Aren't we evacuating anybody? ─── 我们这样的不是该撤走吗?’”

89、9.In 2003 the government of Tuvalu said it would start evacuating its citizens in the face of climate change and rising sea levels, but plans have been tied up in red tape. ─── 2003年吐瓦鲁政府表示,面临气候改变和海面上生,必须开始撤离居民,但计画仍困于繁文缛节中。

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