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cuckoo 发音

英:[?k?ku?]  美:[?k?ku?]

英:  美:

cuckoo 中文意思翻译






cuckoo 网络释义

n. 布谷鸟;杜鹃鸟;傻子;咕咕声adj. 愚笨的;疯狂的vi. 学杜鹃叫vt. 不停地重复

cuckoo 短语词组

1、black-billed cuckoo 【 ─── 鸟类】黑喙杜鹃

2、Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo ─── 西班牙蜥蜴-杜鹃

3、cuckoo clock n. ─── 布谷鸟钟(报时似 ─── 布谷鸟叫声的钟)

4、cuckoo bread ─── [网络] 杜鹃面包

5、cloud-cuckoo-land n. ─── 脱离现实的幻境

6、cuckoo's nest ─── [网络] 杜鹃窝;杜鹃窝疑案;布谷鸟的巢

7、Amboina Cuckoo-Dove ─── 布谷鸟

8、Plaintive Cuckoo ─── 可爱的杜鹃

9、cuckoo-bird a. ─── 布谷鸟, 杜鹃

10、Squirrel Cuckoo ─── 松鼠杜鹃

11、Reddish-throated Bronze Cuckoo ─── 红色的青铜杜鹃

12、cuckoo flower n. ─── 布谷鸟剪秋罗;白花酢浆草;草地碎米荠

13、a cuckoo in the nest ─── 破坏他人家庭幸福的人

14、Sumatran Ground Cuckoo ─── 苏门答腊地面杜鹃

15、cuckoo-bumblebee ─── [网络] 杜鹃 - 大黄蜂

16、European cuckoo ─── [网络] 欧洲杜鹃

17、pheasant cuckoo ─── [网络] 雉鹃

18、cuckoo spit ─── [医]泡沫(沫蝉科)

19、Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo ─── 牙买加蜥蜴杜鹃

cuckoo 词性/词形变化,cuckoo变形

复数--cuckoos;第三人称单数--cuckoos;现在分词--cuckooing;过去式--cuckooed;过去分词--cuckooed;比较级--more cuckoo;最高级--most cuckoo。

cuckoo 常用词组

cuckoo clock ─── 布谷鸟钟(报时似布谷鸟叫声的钟)

cuckoo 相似词语短语

1、cuckooing ─── n.布谷鸟;杜鹃鸟;傻子;咕咕声;adj.愚笨的;疯狂的;vi.学杜鹃叫;vt.不停地重复

2、cuckold ─── n.妻子有外遇的人;v.与(某人)的妻子通奸,给(某人)的丈夫戴绿帽

3、cuckoos ─── n.布谷鸟;杜鹃鸟;傻子;咕咕声;adj.愚笨的;疯狂的;vi.学杜鹃叫;vt.不停地重复

4、to cuckoo ─── 布谷鸟

5、cuckolds ─── n.妻子有外遇的人;v.与(某人)的妻子通奸,给(某人)的丈夫戴绿帽

6、bucko ─── n.欺凌弱小者;adj.残忍的;恃强凌弱的

7、cuckooed ─── n.布谷鸟;杜鹃鸟;傻子;咕咕声;adj.愚笨的;疯狂的;vi.学杜鹃叫;vt.不停地重复

8、yucko ─── int.呀呵(表示恶心、厌恶);adj.令人恶心的;让人不快的

9、cuckoldom ─── 绿帽子

cuckoo 习惯用语

1、a cuckoo in the nest ─── 破坏他人家庭幸福的人

cuckoo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Something is causing these instruments to go cuckoo, but we"re not sure what or why. ─── 一定是造成这些工具去杜鹃,但我们不知道到底为什么。

2、It's a little cuckoo bird. It looks very sad. What's wrong? ─── 原来小布谷鸟找不到妈妈了。

3、Hey! Don't be calling me cuckoo in the head! ─── 嘿!不要说我不正常!

4、The baby cuckoo pretended to be caring and said to her, "don't worry, mother, I'll take care of you once I grow up" . ─── 这是杜鹃宝宝假惺惺地对“妈妈”说,“不要难过,我今后会孝敬你的”。

5、Cultural Implications of Cuckoo in Russian and Chinese ─── 俄汉语中布谷鸟的民族文化内涵对比

6、Other trees are maple, wooden lotus, camphor, narrow-leaf spicebush and cuckoo. ─── 主要树种有枫香、木荷、樟树、狭叶山胡椒、杜鹃等。

7、It ticks once a year, bongs once a century, and the cuckoo comes out every millennium. ─── 它一年嘀嗒一次,100年敲一次,1000年才有布鼓鸟探出头来报一次时。)

8、Unlike Cuckoo, Girl was a small film that received mixed reviews and barely made money at the box office. ─── 与《飞越疯人院》不同,《移魂女郎》是一部影响不大的影片,对该片的评论褒贬不一,而且票房也几乎没有挣到钱。

9、Just went a little cuckoo in the head. ─── 大脑里有点不正常。

10、Cuckoo, jug-jgu, pu-we, to-witta-woo: ─── 咕咕,啾啾,噗 ? 喂,嘟喂 ? 嘟呜!

11、Just a Eurostar-ride away in London, old-timers like Kate Moss spend their nights at the Cuckoo Club. ─── 只是欧洲-出走伦敦,旧定时器像凯蒂。莫斯消磨晚上的布谷鸟俱乐部。

12、Don't think he's a cuckoo . He's pretty smartindeed. ─── 不要认为他是傻瓜,其实他精明的很。

13、The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. ─── 杜鹃在其他鸟的巢中产蛋。

14、The source said the above, the cuckoo's Zhou Yafei and the rumors are true does not know. ─── 中英文对照:上述消息人士表示,对于周亚飞和杜鹃的传闻是否属实也不知情。

15、Area:Guangdong Question:flower Shenzhen and Zhuhai were what?Answer:flower Shenzhen and Zhuhai are: ilicifolius cuckoo, also known as Bougainvillea. ─── photo ilicifolius Rhododendron: 深圳和珠海的市花 问题:深圳和珠海的市花分别是什么...

16、Almost half of the cuckoo species are broodparasites ; these birds lay their egg s in other birds nest (birds of other species). The unwitting host bird feed intruder bird with its own brood. ─── 几乎一般的杜鹃都把自己的蛋下在别种鸟类的窝内,而不知情的鸟妈妈会连同自己所生的一同照顾这个入侵者的孩子.

17、Just a Eurostar -ride away in London , old- timers like Kate Moss spend their nights at the Cuckoo Club . ─── 只是欧洲-出走伦敦,旧定时器像凯蒂。莫斯消磨晚上的布谷鸟俱乐部。

18、Personally, I do not know of any immediate and easy way of separating “Oriental Cuckoo” Cuculus saturatus SSP from Lesser Cuculus poliocephalus. ─── 就个人所知,并没有快速而简单的方法来区分中杜鹃(CuculussaturatusSSP)和小杜鹃(Cuculuspoliocephalus)。

19、In Scotland, the custom of making April fools is known as hunting the gowk (cuckoo). ─── 在苏格兰,愚弄别人的习惯俗被称为“捕捉布谷”。

20、In Scotland you are called an "April Gowk" or cuckoo bird. ─── 在苏格兰,受骗上当的你会被叫做“呆子”或者是“呆鸟”(布谷鸟)。

21、When the cuckoo comes he eats up all the dirt ─── 布谷一叫阳光照;路面泥泞晒干燥

22、Jojo looked at him lide a cuckoo waiting for a worm, his eyes bright and dark in his lean brown face. 'Alors? ─── 乔仔像只等待小虫的杜鹃鸟,看着将军,他的眼睛在他消瘦黝黑的脸上显得明暗分明。

23、This change trend was consistent with that of climate change, and thus we can conclude that the cuckoo?phenophase responds to the climate warming to some extent. ─── 大杜鹃始、绝鸣期的变化与气候变暖的趋势有一定的对应关系,说明动物物候期对气候变暖能作出一定的响应。

24、North American cuckoo; builds a nest and rears its own young. ─── 北美杜鹃;筑巢并养育自己的幼鸟。

25、miniature cuckoo clock pendulum rod ─── 小型报时鸟钟摆杆

26、Children admire the fairies in that tale living in cloud cuckoo land. ─── 孩子们很羡慕故事中生活在仙境里的仙女们。

27、Arthur Laurents "Time of the Cuckoo, The" ─── 原作、改编:

28、Thus, as a result of deceitfulness a crow looks after the young ones of the cuckoo. ─── 因此,由于被欺骗,乌鸦代替杜鹃鸟来看护它们的幼鸟。

29、Sin, like the cuckoo bird, has an insatiable appetite, and it tries to take over our lives. ─── 罪恶,就像布谷鸟一样,有着贪得无厌的欲望,它试图控制我们的生活。

30、Let me tell you. It is said the bird, cuckoo, is an incarnation of Emperor Duyu. ─── 大牛:告诉你吧。传说中杜鹃鸟就是一位皇帝杜宇的化身。

31、They call an April Fool “April Gowk”.Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird. ─── 但有时,有的国家也有其他的称呼。

32、Even then the old man felt that he had parted with an eagle for a cuckoo. ─── 即使在当时老先生已经分手了,他觉得一个老鹰杜鹃。

33、You are a “noodle” if someone fools you.In Scotland, April Fools' Day is 48 hours long.They call an April Fool “April Gowk”.Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird. ─── 典型的传统做法是布置假环境,可以把房间布置得象过圣诞节一样.也可以布置得象过新年一样,待客人来时,则祝贺他们“圣诞快乐”或“新年快乐”,令人感到别致有趣。

34、More around the meadow, arrow bamboo, fir, alpine cuckoo. ─── 四周多草甸、箭竹林、冷杉、高山杜鹃。

35、The source said the above, the cuckoo 's Zhou Yafei and the rumors are true does not know. ─── 中英文对照:上述消息人士表示,对于周亚飞和杜鹃的传闻是否属实也不知情。

36、A few words or barking, the chicken calls, send girl-next-door cuckoo, next door of mooncakes shaft, hearty laugh, parents, children feel close a warm wishes! ─── 一两声犬吠,几句咕咕的鸡鸣,送邻家、邻家送月饼的门轴声、亲切的笑声,父母孩子一家亲亲热热、温馨的祝福!

37、States United States marked the suspension notice, Wong Kwong Yu, a member of the Board of Directors cuckoo still ranks. ─── 中英文对照:国美停牌公告中注明,黄光裕、杜鹃仍位列董事会成员。

38、Notice that the cuckoo resigned from the directorship of Gome, has entered into force on December 23. ─── 公告称,杜鹃辞去国美电器董事职务,已于12月23日生效。

39、Vocalizations of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus in China ─── 中国大杜鹃的鸣声

40、"The swan flew into the quiet, lonely forest, rested awhile on the dark, deep lake, where the water-lilies grow; where the wild apples are to be found on the shore ; where the cuckoo and wild pigeon have their homes. ─── “天鹅飞进寂静的密林,停在幽静阴黑的湖上休息。湖中长着睡莲,杜鹃和斑鸠在这里做窝。

41、She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warmed him inher bosom. ─── 后来宙斯隐身为一只羽毛披乱的杜鹃 鸟 ,赫拉这才可怜他,温柔疼护地把他放在怀里取暖。

42、CuckooCuckoo, Welcome thy sang. Winter is going, soft breezes blowing. Spring time, spring time, soon will be here. ─── 布谷布谷,布谷布谷,欢迎他们歌唱,播种时间,播种时间,不久会来到。

43、Cuckoo's singing draws the ploughshare, seeds sprout after. ─── 布谷声声拉动的犁铧,种子便跟着萌芽。

44、She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warmed him in her bosom. ─── 后来宙斯隐身为一只羽毛披乱的杜鹃鸟,赫拉这才可怜他,温柔疼护地把他放在怀里取暖。

45、At the top of Dabei Mountain opens the cuckoo ─── 大别山上杜鹃花开

46、The verse portion of "Listen to the Mockingbird", played in a comic way, complete with sounds of cuckoo birds and such. Ironically, the actual song is mournful. ─── "三只瞎的老鼠",开始作为一个缓慢但直接的介绍,经常打破"爵士风格的"样式在结束之前。其它版本一直到底快速地被演奏了。

47、Resource of Cuckoo Group Plants in Emei Mountains ─── 峨眉山的杜鹃属的植物资源研究

48、Many birds learn to find a cuckoo egg. ─── 可是其它鸟也不傻。

49、In England the cuckoo is a herald of spring. ─── 在英国杜鹃鸟是春天的预告。

50、In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring. ─── 在英国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者。

51、Reddish-throated Bronze Cuckoo ─── n. 红喉金鹃

52、Yellow-throated Green Cuckoo ─── n. 黄喉金鹃

53、Her boyfriend said:yes,of course.And the girl mimicked cuckoo chirming and let the fart out under cover of the chirming. ─── 她知道会不可避免的发出声音的,她决定在大家和她的男朋友面前通过一些方式来掩盖自己。

54、One could let the dinner cool if the cuckoo were shouting on the hill and William had not found the exact epithet he wanted. ─── 假如天色已经不早,布谷鸟还在山上歌唱,而威廉正在为找一个合适的词来形容那美妙的歌声而大伤脑筋时,他们可以任凭晚餐变凉。

55、There is four cuckoo in the zoo. ─── 动物园里四只杜鹃。

56、Rufous-breasted Bronze Cuckoo ─── n. 棕胸金鹃

57、In the garden there are tens of thousands of bonsai, most of which are Kaffir lily, Smallflowered Japan Pine, peony, peony flower, cuckoo. ─── 园内现有各类花卉盆景近万盆,以君子兰、五针松、芍药、牡丹、杜鹃为主。

58、Old World ground-living cuckoo having a long dagger-like hind claw. ─── 东半球陆地生杜鹃,后爪长而似剑。

59、To repeat incessantly, as a cuckoo does its call. ─── 咕咕叫,学杜鹃叫象杜鹃叫一样不停地重复

60、English: The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away. ─── 中文:布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在;仲夏唱支歌,随后便离开。

61、He has gone absolutely cuckoo . ─── 他简直疯了。

62、Parasitized Breeding and Nestlings Growth in Oriental Cuckoo ─── 中杜鹃寄生繁殖及雏鸟生长一例

63、where there was the cuckoo, there is the railway car; ─── 从前有子规的地方,今天有了火车;

64、They are looking at a cuckoo clock. ─── 他们正在看布谷钟。

65、A cuckoo began calling from a hawthorn tree. ─── 一只布谷鸟开始在一株山楂树里咕咕地呼叫。

66、But indoors avoid by all means uses a needle thallophyte or Yin Shu (like peach) , especially avoid cuckoo. ─── 但在室内切忌采用针叶状植物或阴树(如桃树),尤其忌杜鹃。

67、In England, the cuckoo is a herald of spring. ─── 在英格兰,布谷鸟是春天的信使。

68、On hearing the first cuckoo in Spring ─── 孟春初闻杜鹃啼

69、The cuckoo ceases its warbling at twilight, ─── 在黄昏杜鹃停止了它的啼鸣,

70、"Everyone is needed to listen out for the first cuckoo they hear," the Trust said in a statement. ─── "每个人都要留心倾听杜鹃的第一声啼鸣,"基金会在一项声明中说。

71、repeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call. ─── 像布谷鸟叫一样单调地重复。

72、He has gone absolutely cuckoo. ─── 他简直疯了.

73、Infamous for their habit of laying eggs in other birds' nests-a hen cuckoo can swap another bird's egg with her own in just 15 seconds *-the birds have always held a special place in British hearts as harbingers of spring. ─── "杜鹃在其它鸟的巢中下蛋的习性早已声名狼藉--雌杜鹃能在15秒内用自己的蛋换走其它鸟儿的蛋--但它作为春天的信使一直在英国人心目中占有特殊的地位。

74、The koel, a tropical cuckoo that lurks in thick cover, has a rising bisyllabic wolf-whistle. ─── 噪鹃是热带的一种布谷鸟,它潜伏在灌木丛中,发出有节奏的似狼叫声。

75、A reed warbler is feeding a baby cuckoo. ─── 一只苇莺正在喂养小杜鹃。

76、includes cuckoo; ani; roadrunner. ─── 包含布谷鸟;美洲黑杜鹃;走鹃。

77、Chestnut-breasted Brush Cuckoo ─── n. 栗胸丛杜鹃

78、And far ,far off the cuckoo, Laughts out his song.I ween; ─── Here are the bright , the golden , Eyes of the woodland queen(唱出它的欢笑之歌,杜鹃在远处的地方;

79、"They hardly ever stand still," he said, but for one moment Wendy saw the romantic figure come to rest on the cuckoo clock. ─── “她们仙子难得停住。”彼得说。可是,有一刹那温迪看见那个神奇的小人儿落在了一座杜鹃钟上。

80、In a typical cuckoo clock, a bird is pushed out the door by a folding ladder and does not move its body. ─── 在普通的布谷鸟钟表上面,一只小鸟会被折叠梯推出门来,小鸟的身体不会移动。

81、The butts of these jokes are known as April 'Gowk', another name for cuckoo bird. ─── 在法国人们把上当者称为“四月鱼”,可能是因为四月里,鱼最容易上钩的缘故吧;

82、Lesser Cuckoo as adult blue morph usually has a rich salmon-pink wash through the undertail coverts. ─── 个人也发现小杜鹃比中杜鹃容易接近,常常以双翼下垂而尾巴张开的姿势蹲著。

83、Old World ground-living cuckoo having a long dagger-like hind claw ─── 东半球陆地生杜鹃,后爪长而似剑

84、So she asked her boyfriend: "Would you like to hear a cuckoo chirm? ─── 于是她问她的男朋友:"你想听布谷鸟叫吗?

85、The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away. ─── 布谷鸟,四月来,五月在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就飞开。

86、announces the hours with a sound like the call of the cuckoo. ─── 以像杜鹃的声音报时的钟。

87、CuckooCuckoo, Warble away. Bring the sweet folwers, sunshine and showers. Spring time, spring time, do not delay. ─── 布谷布谷,布谷布谷,鸣唱而去,带来芳香的花,阳光和阵雨,播种的时间,播种的时间,可不要延误。

88、CuckooCuckoo, CuckooCuckoo, Welcome thy sang, Warble away, ─── 布谷布谷,布谷布谷,欢迎你歌唱,鸣唱而去,

89、The host is aggressive towards a cuckoo. ─── 其托卵对象会攻击杜鹃。










另外,黄的英文译本用的的是一种平易、地道而典雅的当代英语文体,并非是古香古色,更没有法文与拉丁文,国际读者特别是青年朋友可以接受,当然国内英语爱好者也可以欣赏和借鉴。北京大学教授 李赋宁曾经为这个译本作叙。


第一回 一个穷书生的故事

第二回 贾府的家史


第十回 袭人的心思

第十一回 多愁善感的林黛


第三十回 贾宝玉看破红尘



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