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09-02 投稿


fifer 发音

英:[['fa?f?]]  美:[['fa?f?]]

英:  美:

fifer 中文意思翻译



fifer 词性/词形变化,fifer变形


fifer 短语词组

1、fifer hobby ─── 业余爱好

2、fifer farm ─── 菲弗农场

3、fifer farm market ─── 农场市场

4、fifer scissors exercise ─── 剪刀练习

5、fifer hobby supply ─── 业余爱好供给

6、fifer define fifer ─── 定义

7、fifer definition fifer ─── 定义

fifer 相似词语短语

1、firer ─── n.发火器;开炮者;放火者;n.(Firer)人名;(法)菲雷;(俄)菲勒

2、fiber ─── n.纤维(等于fibre);n.(Fiber)(匈)菲贝尔(人名)

3、fiver ─── n.五美元钞票;五英镑钞票

4、fier ─── n.菲尔(人名);非夏尔区(阿尔巴尼亚费里州的一个区)

5、fife ─── n.(军乐中与鼓同奏的)横笛;vi.吹横笛;vt.用横笛吹奏;n.(Fife)人名;(意、葡)菲费;(英)法伊夫

6、fifed ─── 吹横笛(fife的过去式和过去分词)

7、finer ─── adj.更出色的;更好的;更健康的;更优质的;更纤细的;更锋利的;n.(Finer)(美、英、瑞、加、以)芬纳(人名)

8、filer ─── n.锉磨工人;文件编档员;文件装钉员;n.(Filer)人名;(罗、法)菲莱尔;(英)法勒

9、fifes ─── 横笛(fife的名词复数);吹笛子(fife的动词第三人称)

fifer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Born in December 1965 in Fife, Scotland, Shirley Henderson was cast as Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter films, so at 35 she was the oldest actor cast to play a Hogwarts student. ─── 1965年在苏格兰城市法夫出生,雪莉·亨德森在哈利波特电影中扮演桃金娘,35岁的她是霍格瓦茨学生扮演者中年纪最大的。

2、What green flowers and plants gives a person a kind of harp and fife appearance is relaxed. ─── 绿色花草给人一种竖琴和横笛样的轻松。

3、Group photo with Golden Eagle Gymnastic Team, Rainbow Dance Group, Bauhinia Drum and Fife Corp as well as all helpers. ─── 与金鹰体操队,天虹舞蹈组,紫荆鼓笛队及众工作人员合照.

4、Farewell the neighing steed, and the shrill trump, The spirit-stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife, The royal banner, and all quality, Pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war! ─── 永别了,长嘶的骏马、厉的号角、魂的鼙鼓、耳的横笛、严的大旗和一切战阵上的威仪!

5、Soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum? ─── 士兵士兵,你背着火枪,吹横笛敲大鼓,是要娶我吗?

6、A:Fortunately his fife is saved. ─── 幸运的是他的命保住了。

7、When they had the competition, there were two finalists: a man from a place called Fife, whose name was Mr.Hicks; ─── 当他们有了竞争的时候,有二个决赛选手: 来自一个地方的一个男人呼叫了横笛,, 名字是乡下人先生;

8、Barry Fife: There are no new steps! ─── 没有新的舞步!

9、The Fife and Forfars and 3 RTR had each lost more than 40 tanks, while the Guards Armoured Division lost more than 60 tanks in its futile engagement with the 21st Panzer Division around Cagny. ─── 横笛和弗法尔团以及第3皇家坦克团各损失至少40辆坦克,近卫装甲师损失超过60辆坦克,他们也没有突破第1装甲师在卡尼的阵地。

10、But for a while, guards continued to stand watch at the lighthouse. wow power levelingTo pass the time, they taught the Bates children to play the fife and drum. ─── 如果说娟的“炫耀”是无心的,可以原谅,还有另一种人,却把在别人伤口上“撒盐”当成一种乐趣。

11、This has lots of databases of satellite science data . FIFE Address:plodsg3.gsfc.nasa.gov, Access:Telnet. ─── 这个数据库有许多关于卫星科技的数据。fife:地址:plodsg3.gsfc.nasa.gov,访问代码:Telnet

12、"Friends of the World" and "Marching Towards the 21st Century" with Bauhinia Drum and Fife Corp. ─── 与紫荆鼓笛队合奏"世界之友"及"国际创价学会之歌"

13、1. The soldier was good at playing fife . ─── 这名士兵善于吹笛子。

14、Fife said that China and New Zealand to facilitate tourist exchanges, starting in July this year, Air New Zealand will increase flights between the two countries will also adjust the flight time. ─── 法伊夫透露,为方便中国和新西兰的旅游交往,从今年7月份起,新西兰航空将增加两国间的航班班次,同时还将调整航班时间。

15、You have a lot to look forward to. May you continue to grow in love and light. Thank you for letting me make a difference in your fife. ─── 你的未来充满了期待,祝福你继续在爱情与光明中成长。谢谢你让我对你的生活有所帮助。

16、Active schools in 7 locations (London, Belfast, East Mids, Fife, West Mids, Liverpool, Cornwall ─── 在7个地方拥有活跃学校(伦敦,贝尔法斯特,东米德兰,法夫郡,西米德兰,利物浦,康沃尔)

17、In other research, Anthony DeCasper and William Fifer created a nipple that was connected to an audio device (Kolata, 1984). ─── 在其他的研究中,安东尼?德卡斯珀和威廉姆?费弗将一个乳头与一个声音装置相连(Kolata1984)。

18、Peter Klaven:Starting today, you are my friend. Sydney Fife:This sentence sounds awkward. ─── 皮特:“从今天开始,你是我的朋友。”希尼:“这句话听起来有些别扭。”

19、Everyone could see the way Fife wanted to play the game. ─── 每个人都看得出来,法夫想要规规矩矩地进行比赛。

20、Iamloiterring inthe long ancient lane to listen to the soft chant.Whoisthe man that holding a fife and emitting fragrance? ─── 走在古老而幽长的雨巷,来听那如雾如纱的吟唱,那是谁,手握横笛掬香满衣?

21、(Laughs) So I joined a military style band: fife and drum - all that sort of stuff. ─── (大笑)于是我参加了一队军人乐队,吹笛子及打鼓,诸如此类.

22、James Fifer ─── 菲弗

23、Feeling good about yourselfis essential to feeling good about fife. ─── 良好心态是享受生活的保证.

24、Sydney Fife:This sentence sounds awkward. ─── 希尼:“这句话听起来有单机游戏些别扭。”

25、Dolphi communicate like huma by calling each other by name, scientists in Fife reported on Monday. ─── 本周一,苏格兰法夫郡的科学家们公布,海豚和人类一样,通过称呼对方的“名字”进行交流。

26、Or a fife's small fame, ─── 或是横笛小小的声名,

27、Peter Klaven:Starting today, you are my friend. Sydney Fife:This sentence sounds awkward. Peter Klaven:TU, I also felt. It sounds like you will marry me today. ─── 皮特:“从今天开始,你是我的朋友。”希尼:“这句话听起来有些别扭。”皮特:“恩,我也感觉到了。听起来好像是今天你会娶我。”引用:

28、fife freedom ─── 生命自由

29、One fine day, while the young people were dancing to my fife, ─── 某个风和日丽的日子,一群年轻人正随着我的横笛曲调跳舞时,

30、America is any tune you want to play with fife and drum, fiddle or horn to establish the beat and rhythm of the upward march to high goals. ─── 是一个任你用横笛、鼓、提琴或号角演奏的曲调,这个曲调奠定着通向高远目标的积极向上的节拍和韵律。

31、remaining fife ─── 剩余寿命

32、All weapons stations prepare to fife on my command!" ─── 所有武器做好准备,遵照我的命令开火!”

33、fife rail ─── ph. [海]卷帆索的座台

34、The remnants of the 21st Panzer's assault gun battalion had already started to engage the 29th Brigade's lead regiment, the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, destroying more than 20 Shermans. ─── 第21装甲师残余的突击炮大队开始与英军第29旅的先头团--横笛和弗伐尔自耕农团展开战斗,摧毁了超过20辆的谢尔曼坦克。

35、fife and drum corps ─── 军乐队

36、a shrill fife ─── 高音笛

37、It can most definitely prolong the working fife of the dog. ─── 它能最大程度上延长狗的工作寿命。

38、Since it became known that the shy prince was to study art history in the Fife town, admissions have risen by 44 percent, with a high proportion coming from young women. ─── 自从得知这位腼腆的王子要在法夫镇学习艺术史,圣安德鲁大学的入学率上升了44%,其中多半是年轻女学生。

39、In the space of a few minutes, the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry lost 29 tanks. ─── 在几分钟内,横笛和弗法尔自耕农团损失了29辆坦克。

40、the political fife ─── 政治生活

41、Sydney Fife:This sentence sounds awkward. Peter Klaven:TU, I also felt. It sounds like you will marry me today. ─── 希尼:“这句话听起来有些别扭。”皮特:“恩,我也感觉到了。听起来好像是今天你会娶我。”

42、fife and drum ─── 军乐军事的战斗的

43、1842 Sir James Dewar, Scottish physicist and chemist and inventor of the vacuum flask, was born in Fife. ─── 1842年,苏格兰物理学家、化学家、真空管发明人詹姆斯.德沃尔爵士出生于法夫。

44、Month of night of Qiang stockaded village the woman of a fife. ─── 羌寨夜月一个横笛的女子。

45、FIFE; International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists; ─── 国际纺织化学师和着色师协会联合会;

46、Fife said that Air New Zealand to expand the Chinese market has a strong interest in recent years, Air New Zealand investment in China each year on more than one hundred million U. ─── 法伊夫说,新西兰航空对拓展中国市场有浓厚的兴趣,近几年,新西兰航空每年在中国的投入就超过1亿美元。

47、North East Fife ─── 东北法夫

48、The next day the headlines read: ONE TOOTH FREE FOR FIFE HICKS, SVEN ATE NINE TENCH! ─── 隔天大标题读: 对横笛乡下人是自由的一颗牙齿,SVEN 吃了九个鲤鱼类淡水鱼!

49、Quality of fife assessment and the related factors of patients with active ankylosing spondylitis ─── 活动性强直性脊柱炎患者生活质量及影响因素分析

50、America is any tune you want to play with fife and drum,fiddle or horn to establish the beat and rhythm of the upward march to high goals. ─── 美国,是一个任你用横笛、鼓、提琴或号角演奏的曲调,这个曲调奠定着通向高远目标的积极向上的节拍和韵律。

51、Since it became known that the shy prince was to study art history in the Fife town, admissions have risen by44 percent, with a high proportion coming from young women. ─── 自从得知这位腼腆的王子要在法夫镇学习艺术史,圣安德鲁大学的入学率上升了44%其中多半是年轻女学生。

52、She grabbed the fife and handed the drum to her 16-year old sister Abigail. ─── 她抓起军笛,把战鼓交给十六岁的妹妹阿比盖尔。

53、SONG: Drum and Fife Service (Section) ─── 鼓吹局

54、And there it ends--everywhere,that is,except in Fife,the seagirt peninsula north of Edinburgh,Scotland. ─── 愚人节在4月1日正午正式结束--在世界各地都是如此,只有一个地方例外,那就是位于苏格兰爱丁堡北部被海水包围的法夫半岛。

55、a fife and drum band ─── 笛鼓合奏的乐队.

56、But Brown has only to open his mouth to remind everyone that he remains, in the words of a Kirkcaldy [Scotland] constituent, “a Fife man through and through . ─── 不过,依照(苏格兰)克科底镇一位选民的说法,布朗只消开口.大家就知道他依旧是个“彻头彻尾的法夫人”。

57、each renders one individual dependent for the food of his affections and spiritual fife upon another: each leaves the passionate lover, or the no less passionate hater, forlorn and desolate by the withdrawal of his subject. ─── 二者都可以使一个人向对方谋求爱慕和精神生活的食粮; 二者在完成其课题之后,都能够将自己热爱的人或痛恨的人同样置于孤寂凄凉的境地。

58、In Fife, Scotland, Cathy Bache recently took matters into her own hands and founded a private nursery school. ─── 德国有大约700家“森林幼儿园”,在这里,孩子们可以整日在户外活动。

59、Meanwhile, it exerts important influences on both the Judaic fife style and the Jewish culture. ─── 同时对犹太人的生活方式以及犹太思想文化也产生了深刻的影响。

60、Eighteen Airs for the fife ─── 胡笳十八拍

61、tragedy fife ─── 悲剧性人生

62、The content of this page is from the FIFE port or FIFE customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自FIFE港口或FIFE海关的进出口公司目录;

63、If fife is to come only after death, I am in no hurry for it. ─── 假使名声是在人死后才来的,那我可不急于要它。

64、He was still standing on the hummock piping the fife in the long dusk. ─── 依然拿着横笛站在山冈上,把黄昏吹得悠长。

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