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09-02 投稿


confounds 发音

英:[k?n?fa?ndz]  美:[k?n?fa?ndz]

英:  美:

confounds 中文意思翻译



confounds 短语词组

1、confounds means ─── 混淆意味着

2、confounds aba ─── 混淆aba

3、confounds definition ─── 混淆定义

4、confounds noun ─── 混淆名词

5、confounds us ─── 把我们弄糊涂了

6、confounds crossword clue ─── 混淆纵横字谜线索

confounds 反义词


confounds 词性/词形变化,confounds变形

动词过去式: confounded |动词第三人称单数: confounds |名词: confounder |动词过去分词: confounded |动词现在分词: confounding |

confounds 同义词

kowtow | suit | measure up | imitate | assent | toe the line | coincide | adapt | parallel | orient | correspond | match up | submit | accommodate | accord | comply | fit in | obey | adjust | play the game | accede | fit | follow | match | follow the crowd |agree

confounds 相似词语短语

1、confounder ─── 干扰因子(统计学术语);混杂因子(统计学术语)

2、chowhounds ─── n.贪吃的人

3、confounded ─── adj.困惑的;糊涂的;讨厌的;惊慌失措的;v.使混淆(confound的过去分词)

4、cofounds ─── 共同基金会

5、confounding ─── v.使困惑,弄糊涂;证明……有错(confound的现在分词)

6、contunds ─── 联络

7、compounds ─── n.混合物,化合物;大院(compound的复数形式)

8、coonhounds ─── n.猎浣熊的猎犬(等于coondog)

9、confound ─── vt.使混淆;挫败;讨厌;使混乱

confounds 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Establishing herself as one of the leading exponents of contemporary Indian Dance, Jeyasingh has uncompromisingly broken every rule in dance composition generating powerful, enigmatic work that continues to confound expectations. ─── 作为当代印度舞蹈的领头人物,Jeyasingh毫不妥协地打破了舞蹈构成中的所有规则,创作出了出乎人们意料的有力而神秘的作品。

2、"Fancy his having the insolence to confound me with the official detective force! ─── “想想他要是有勇气用正式的侦探技巧跟我周旋!

3、"Confound the fellow," said Edmund. "What on earth did he want to slink away like this for?" ─── “可恶的家伙,”爱德蒙叫着,“他到底为什么要这样偷偷摸摸溜走?”

4、If they grow, it changes the total amount of cells in the system, and it confounds the issue of how much light corresponds to how much contaminant. ─── 如果它们增长了,就会改变系统内的细胞总量,这会弄混了污染的量与光量之间的对应关系。”

5、Don't confound the means with the end. ─── 不要把手段与目的混为一谈。

6、Large, long-term experiments are the best way to test causality, because they can alter just one variable (such as weight) while holding constant other factors that could confound the results. ─── 因果关系的最佳检验之道,是进行长期的大型实验;在这种实验中,研究人员可以每次只更动一项变数(好比体重),而将其他可能混淆结果的因素维持不变。

7、Nay, it may come to them all of a sudden and confound them: no power will they have then to avert it, nor will they (then) get respite. ─── 但复活时将突然来临,而使他们惊慌失措,他们不能抵抗它,也不蒙展缓。

8、Others are optimistic, believing that the economy and stock market are entering a long-term recovery that will confound doubters. ─── 另外一些人则持乐观态度,他们相信,经济和股市正在进入一轮怀疑派无法理解的为时长久的复苏。

9、This conviction leads us into the world to help the afflicted, and defend the peace, and confound the designs of evil men. ─── 为了帮助受苦受难的人们,为了捍卫和平,为了挫败邪恶之徒的阴谋,这一信念引导我们走向世界。

10、Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and a***se, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them. ─── 17所以你当束腰,起来将我所吩咐你的一切话告诉他们。不要因他们惊惶,免得我使你在他们面前惊惶。

11、And one man's lust these many lives confounds. ─── 一个人痴迷好色,害得多少人遭殃!

12、Wouldst you confound your enemy,be good yourself. ─── 制服敌手,先得自己刚直不阿。

13、He believes Klitschko's style and superb conditioning is what confounds and ultimately defeats his opponents. ─── 他相信,维塔利的打法和杰出的身体条件,正是搅乱并最终拿下阿雷奥拉的法宝。

14、confound an enemy, a rival, a critic, etc ─── 击败敌人、 对手、 批评者等.

15、To confound or prove wrong; surprise, especially pleasantly ─── 使混淆,使惊喜:混淆或证明错误;惊奇,尤其是高兴地

16、The coexistence of systems can potentially offer a powerful driver for excellence and ease of use or, if there is no clear differentiation, it can confound the market. ─── 体系的共存为其优化和简化提供了潜在的动力,而如果不能对其加以清晰的区分,则会造成市场的混乱。

17、Doing this cheerfully and unabashedly will confound your average saboteurs by giving them nothing to oppose. ─── 不要对别人的语言猛击采取默许态度。

18、If Putin's title trips up a world leader here and there, pinpointing his exact role confounds nearly everyone. ─── 即使普京的头衔让世界领袖也栽了跟头,但几乎仍没有人能彻底弄清他的准确角色。

19、To hideous winter and confounds him there; ─── 带到狰狞的冬天去把它结果;

20、She embraces an ambition for the cachet of a potent vocabulary with which she can adroitly confound her political opponents and additionally she can express her ideas in the form of blank verse. ─── 一方面,她信奉巧妙运用有力的语汇来击败她的政治对手,另一方面,她能用无韵诗来表达她的意见和想法。

21、'Oh, God confound you, Mr.Lockwood! ─── “噢,你真该死,洛克伍德先生!

22、NIV] Confuse the wicked, O Lord, confound their speech, for I see violence and strife in the city. ─── [和合]主啊!求你吞灭他们,变9乱他们的舌头;因为我在城中见了强10暴争竞的事。

23、To confound things on others ─── 张冠李戴

24、That eye which looks on her confounds his wits; ─── 向她望着的那只眼,搅得他心神迷惘;

25、"Confound you and your punctuality!" ─── “当然

26、Housing Crisis Confounds a Prosperous City ─── 住房危机困扰繁荣的城市

27、She then confounds me by sitting down to eat the free meal. ─── 她之后坐下吃免费餐食的行为则让我困惑。

28、Are you going to lie there all day, confound it, you sow!" ─── 妈的,还躺着,猪猡”!

29、"Oh, do not confound the two, Eugnie." ─── “噢,别把那两个人混为一谈,欧热妮。”

30、you know that. Ah, confound you! ─── 你让自己发生了多大的变化!

31、Oh God confound you, Mr Lockwood! ─── 啊,上帝惩罚你,洛克乌德先生!

32、He was merely wasting his time trying to hoodwink the people of the whole world and confound right with wrong. ─── 他想一手遮天, 颠倒是非, 这只能是徒劳的。

33、Therefore is the name of it called Babel;because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. ─── 因为耶和华在那里变乱天下人的言语,使众人分散在全地上,所以那城名叫巴别,就是变乱的意思,又称做通天塔。

34、Want of forbearance in small matters confounds great plans. ─── 大家都喜欢他,我也一定要考察一下。”

35、be confound at ─── v. 惊慌失措

36、Yet the rate the ice is vanishing confounds these climatologists' models. ─── 然而海冰消失的速率使这些气象学家建立的气候模型陷入混乱。

37、To confound; abash. ─── "使挫折,使窘迫"

38、If Putin's title trips up a world leader here and there, pinpointing his exact role confounds nearly everyone. ─── 即使普京的头衔让世界领袖也栽了跟头,但几乎仍没有人能彻底弄清他的准确角色。

39、The election confounds the prevailing image (always something of a distortion) of a nation described only by its arrogance and indifference. ─── 本次选举淡化了只能以傲慢和冷漠来形容的美国主流形象(这种形象向来存在失真)。

40、The economy might confound downbeat expectations in the coming months. ─── 在接下来的几个月里,经济形势可能会让持悲观预期的人困惑。

41、Do not confound the problem by losing your temper. ─── 别乱发脾气再添乱子

42、God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise(I Corinthians 1:27. ─── 上帝选择世界上愚蠢的事来迷惑智者哥林多书1:27)。

43、9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel;because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. ─── 9因为耶和华在那里变乱天下人的言语,使众人分散在全地上,所以那城名叫巴别(就是变乱的意思)。

44、Confuse the wicked, O Lord, confound their speech, for I see violence and strife in the city. ─── 主阿,求你吞灭他们,变乱他们的舌头。因为我在城中见了强暴争竞的事。

45、To confound;abash. ─── 使挫折,使窘迫

46、Do not confound the means with the ends . ─── 不要混淆手段和目的。

47、confound with ─── 分不清

48、Clever talk confounds virtue;impatience of trifles confounds great projects. ─── 巧言乱德.小不忍,则乱大谋.

49、But for all we understand now about some illnesses, there are even more that still stump the pros, confound the public and rage on uncontested. ─── 但是实际上仍然有一些疾病仍然困扰着人类,因为人类对这些疾病的了解少得可怜。

50、"As another adantage, because of its rapid acquisition time, FD-OCT aoids motion artifact that can confound interpretation of conentional OCT images. ─── FD-OCT还有一个优点:由于其扫描时间短,FD-OCT避免了在传统的OCT成像中由于运动伪影引起的图像模糊。

51、God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise ─── 上帝选择世界上愚蠢的事来迷惑智者

52、(used as an interj to express anger)Confound it! ─── (用作叹词表示愤怒)真讨厌!

53、Don't confound right with wrong! ─── 不要混淆是非!

54、that confounds or contradicts or confuses. ─── 使混淆、使矛盾或使糊涂的。

55、1.to confound right and wrong; not to distinguish black from white; 2.indiscriminately ─── 不分青红皂白

56、Human interaction has both verbal and nonverbal elements, and videoconferencing seems precisely configured to confound the nonverbal ones. ─── 人际互动包含了语言和非语言两大元素,而视讯会议似乎就是为非语言部分所设计的,但它并不能真正满足我们的需求。

57、Timothy Dalton debuts as James Bond in this all action-packed adventure where he single-handedly confounds the Soviet KGB and profit-hungry arms dealers. ─── 东西双方的紧张关系一直处在针锋相对的奇妙情势。

58、Result The mean result of the multi subject data demonstrated that the proposed method removed confounds in fMRI time course efficiently. ─── 结果多名被试者实验数据的平均结果显示本文方法有效滤除了信号内的干扰成分。

59、Although the electronics industry has been dealing with international rules, regulations and logistics for decades, China continues to confound even the most experienced companies. ─── 尽管近十年电子工业已经沿着国际规则、章程运作,但中国的企业,即使是很有经验的(企业)(的经营)仍然很混乱。

60、Cloud computing is one of those topics that confuses and confounds people. ─── 云计算是会使得人们混淆和迷惑的几个概念之一。

61、Gen 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel;because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. ─── 创11:9因为耶和华在那里变乱天下人的言语,使众人分散在全地上,所以那城名叫巴别(就是变乱的意思)。

62、Oh, confound it! ─── 它妈的!

63、Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks; ─── 孚民望,心欢畅;治国家,王运长;神佑女王!

64、Confound you, what do you mean? ─── 妈的!你这是什么意思?

65、Don't confound the means with the ends. ─── 不要把手段和目的混淆起来。

66、MIX is intended to create a theme restaurant that is full of quiet and mysterious and confound the impression of deep forest. ─── MIX主题餐厅意在营造这个充满着静谧,神秘,颠倒的深林印象。

67、Confound it, I just expect the wind has blowed it to us. ─── 他妈的,我估摸着风已经把它吹给我们了吧。

68、confound right and wrong ─── v. 混淆是非

69、Don’t confound public affairs with private ones. ─── 不要把公事与私事混为一谈。

70、At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong and turn things upside down. ─── 他们有时简直要闹到颠倒是非、混淆黑白的程度。

71、Markets can confound traders. ─── 市场会挫败交易者。

72、Beyond particular issues, however, lies a fundamental question- how long can America pay the price of these lusty swings that confuse adversaries and confound friends? ─── 在众多的具体问题的背后,存在着这样一个带有根本性的问题--美国政策的大幅度摇摆不仅使敌人感到迷惑不解,连朋友都为之吃惊,这种代价我们还能承受多久?

73、Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end. ─── 爱情是永恒的象征;它混淆了所有的时间概念,抹去了一切对开始的记忆和结束时的惶恐。

74、There are occasions in the City as elsewhere, when ingenuous questions out of the mouths of babes and sucklings can confound the experts. ─── 在伦敦城或其他地方,都会有这样的事:出于天真孩童之口的问题会难住一些专家。

75、Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth. ─── 因为上帝去过那里扰乱了全世界人们的语言,由此得名巴别塔。

76、"We are looking into an unprecedented abyss of economic and social turmoil that confounds our previous perceptions of historical risk. ─── “观察前所未有深不可测的经济和社会动荡,使我们对早先了解到的历史上的风险感到困惑。

77、Far far away, no choices passing, no time confounds me and you're still there. ─── 在远方,无需选择,我无遐惶恐而你依旧在那里。

78、He was to preach the doctrines, and I was to confound all opponents. ─── 他负责布道,我则与对手辩论。

79、A president is embroiled in a sexual scandal, however, his approving rates rises rather than declines, which confounds the pundits. ─── 某国总统被卷入性丑闻之后,他的支持率不降反升,这令专家们感到困惑。

80、Appals her senses and her spirit confounds. ─── 也就同样眼前生花,耳里雷鸣,身上乱颤。

81、If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life. ─── 如果它用完燃料后坠落在木卫二上,它可能会因从地球携带的微生物污染这个星球,并会混淆以后关于这个卫星上的本土生命的研究。

82、To replace thought with revery is to confound a poison with a food. ─── 以梦想代思想,便是把毒物和食物混为一谈。

83、However, neuropathological involvement of frontal regions in these amnesic and AD patients might confound the results of these false memory studies. ─── 因此,对于额叶亦受损的失忆症者与阿兹海默型失智症者来说,错误记忆表现可能无法排除监控能力受损的影响。

84、Dialogs can become useful assistants that help your users accomplish their goals, instead of dreaded roadblocks that confound them at every step. ─── 对话框可以成为帮助你的用户完成目标的有用助手,而不是在每一步让他们遭受挫败的可怕绊脚石。

85、Even if you prefer your shooters using controllers (which still confounds us no matter how many times we hear that) you're going to miss out on anything strategy. ─── 即使你更喜欢用手柄来玩射击游戏(简直是自虐,除了光环系列),你也不会发挥的更好,意思是大多数即使战略游戏和回合制策略游戏都是使用鼠标和键盘的。

86、With the constellations of space they confound the stars of the abyss ─── 他们把穹苍中的星光

87、Women's hormone fluctuations are, well, complicated and can confound basic findings. ─── 女性的荷尔蒙作用,比男性更复杂,而且会和基本研究问题产生相互作用。

88、KJV] Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them. ─── [新译]“因此,你要束腰,你要起来,把我吩咐你的一切话,都告诉他们。不要因他们惊惶,不然我就使你在他们面前惊惶。

89、Think about it with me.God could absolutely confound, confuse, and overwhelm us with information that to Him is rudimentary but to us is beyond imagining. ─── 上帝若用直接的方法表明祂是谁,可能让我们困惑,当然祂也可强迫我们接受,但最终我们所认识的上帝,只在我们想像之中,而祂实在是超越我们所想。

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