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09-02 投稿


mettle 发音

英:['met(?)l]  美:['m?tl]

英:  美:

mettle 中文意思翻译



mettle 网络释义

n. 勇气;气质;耐力

mettle 短语词组

put someone on his mettle

1. 考验某人; 激励某人

He was put on his mettle.


be on/upon one's mettle

1. 奋发; 准备尽最大的努力

We'll have to be on our mettle to win the game.

要在这场比赛中获胜, 我们得准备尽最大的努力。

1、be on one's mettle ─── 鼓起勇气

2、mettle in spanish ─── 西班牙语勇气

3、mettle of man ─── 男子气概

4、mettle definition ─── 勇气定义

5、set sb to his mettle ─── 激励某人,鼓励某人;考验某人的勇气

6、a man of mettle ─── 有勇气的人

7、mettle sports ─── 勇气运动

8、put sb. on his mettle ─── 激励某人尽最大的努力

9、mettle sports nampa ─── 强项运动nampa

10、put sb on his mettle ─── 激励某人, 使某人奋发

11、put sb off his mettle ─── 打掉某人的威风,挫伤某人的锐气

mettle 相似词语短语

1、nettle ─── n.荨麻,荨麻科;v.惹怒,使恼火;用荨麻刺伤或鞭打(某人)

2、ettle ─── n.尾矿;废矿石;n.(Ettle)人名;(德)埃特勒

3、kettle ─── n.壶;[化工]釜;罐;鼓;n.(Kettle)人名;(英)凯特尔

4、mottle ─── n.斑点;杂色;斑驳;vt.使呈杂色;使显得斑驳陆离

5、mettled ─── adj.精神饱满的,勇敢的

6、pettle ─── vi.依偎;拥抱;闲混;vt.调戏;爱抚

7、Seattle ─── n.西雅图(美国一港市)

8、fettle ─── v.修整……的毛边;打造;修补;n.情形,状况

9、settle ─── vi.解决;定居;沉淀;下陷;vt.解决;安排;使…定居;n.有背长椅;n.(Settle)人名;(英)塞特尔

mettle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The runner fell, but he showed his mettle by continuing in the race." ─── "短跑运动员摔倒了,但仍坚持不懈,体现出了他的毅力。 "

2、Stallone is earnest in his new film,Rocky Balboa.I was moved by his patience,mettle and insistence. ─── 史特龙在这部作品里面很认真,我已经被他的耐性、勇气与坚持所感动。

3、For several thousand years, it has been this mettle that supported our nation's rich, profound and extraordinarily splendid culture. ─── 几千年来,正是这种气概,支撑了我们这个民族博大精深、独具异彩的文化。

4、"Great milestone achievements have been made, which demonstrates the indomitable and unyielding heroic mettle of the Chinese people to defeat all difficulties," it said. ─── 它说:“(灾区重建)已经取得了里程碑似的成就,这充分显示了中国人民不屈不挠、英勇奋斗的精神。”

5、A few years at school and your worthy son is sure to show his mettle and make a name. ─── "今日世兄一去,三二年就可显身成名的了"

6、Emile Zola said The mettle of youth , the eye are bright but keep silent with a smile, not to speak, one kind are before teacher modest and courteous like the son treats father. ─── 左拉说:血气方刚,眼睛明亮而含笑,沉默不语,在老师面前像儿子对待父亲一样谦恭。

7、Supporting a university student is no longer something to try the mettle of just a small number of rural and urban-poor households.Even people who are fairly well off will feel the pinch as well. ─── 培养一名大学生,不再只是让少数农村及城市贫困家庭忧心忡忡,即使是收入颇为殷实的人家,也会感到经济上的压力。

8、The Cavs showed their mettle by finishing off the Wizards with a pair of one-point overtime wins. ─── 骑士显示自己的才干,由整理过奇才队与对一分加班费赢了。

9、put someone off his mettle ─── 使某人泄气

10、You can't hand him the trophy yet, not until he at least competes for a championship and goes enough playoff rounds to prove his mettle at the end of a long, grueling season. ─── 你现在还不能授予他奖品,直到他打足够的季后赛并最终争夺总冠军。

11、Unemployment is one of our main problems at present; we need a government that will grasp the mettle and provide more money for new jobs. ─── 失业是我们当前主要问题之一,我们需要一个敢于突破难关的政府,能出更多的钱来提供新的工作机会。

12、The school inspection is going to put the teachers on their mettle. ─── 对学校的视察将使教师发挥出他们的全部潜力。

13、The next race will put him on his mettle ─── 下次赛跑他就要全力以赴了

14、They mistook the mettle of their sons. ─── 她们误解了儿子的大胆。

15、put one ones mettle ─── adj. 激励某人

16、Three guidelines of entrepreneurship: persevering resolution, aggressive mettle, and the realization that wisdom surpersedes intelligence. ─── 创业三条件:坚忍的毅力、向前中的傻劲、智慧比聪明重要。

17、"I love the spirit of adventure and leaving men mettle, but I also love paraglider!" ─── “我爱漂漂的冒险精神和男人气概,不过我更爱滑翔伞!”

18、They've shown their mettle. ─── 他们已经显示他们的能耐了。

19、upon her mettle ─── adj. 奋发起来(鼓起勇气)

20、She was called upon to show her mettle in the three journeys which she made that day. ─── 她只得打起精神,尽力完成这一天中的三次奔波。

21、on [upon] one's mettle ─── 奋发,鼓起勇气

22、in the simple, modern space, they suffuse free and optional individuality as well as elegant mettle, and reveal romantic mood in their behaviour and style of conversation. ─── 他们在简约的现代空间之内,洋溢着洒脱与随意的个性、优雅高贵的气质,还能在举止谈吐之间流露着丝丝的浪漫情怀。

23、His practice produced a notable impact on sequencing and exalting the mettle of contemporary aesthetic criticism.However,his radical principles carried gre... ─── 但是,他的激进美学主张也带有很浓厚的影响审美实践的理论主义缺陷,为此,他的激进美学主张也必须面对各种批判声音。

24、The fact that he has become so proficient at defeating them is a testament to his Gryffindor courage and mettle as well as his power of love. ─── 他能够那样熟练地对付它们是他所具有的格兰芬多的勇气,精神,以及爱的力量的很好证据。

25、They explain the morals as mettle culture which was highly praised by the benevolent gentlemen in ancient dynasties. ─── 作为精神文化 ,以玉喻德 ,为历代仁人君子所推崇。

26、He shaped the Othello, the Verkhovna Rada, such as the United States and Andean image of extraordinary mettle, and be strong dramatic and tragic. ─── 他塑造的奥赛罗、拉达美斯等形象,气概不凡,富于强烈的戏剧性和悲剧色彩。

27、Didi is made for big games, daunting occasions, anything that challenges a man's mettle. ─── 哈曼是为大赛而生的,为那些让人畏惧的,任何一个考验人的勇气的时刻而生。

28、But once that initial spate of spin-offs has occurred, where will budding hedge-fund managers be able to prove their mettle? ─── 但是一旦有大量的复制品出现的话,这些刚刚展露头角的对冲基金经理们应该到哪去展现他们的价值?

29、Think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunity to push yourself, learn new skills and show your mettle. ─── 把大的工作量作为一种推动你自己向前、学习新技能、展示你的精神风貌的好机会。

30、these soldiers has proved his mettle. ─── 这些战士个个都是好样的。

31、For the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission is as much a new chapter in its program to explore the mysteries of the planet as it is a test of the agency's mettle. ─── 对美国航空航天局来说,这个被命名为"2001,火星奥德塞"的任务,是其火星探测计划中的一个新篇章,同时也是对该局的恒心的一次考验。

32、In fact, globalization [660]should reinforce the moral and mettle of the United States Copyright Clause. ─── 实际上,全球化应该加强美国著作权条款的道德和勇气。

33、Their mettle will be tested with a trip to Sicilian new boys Messina this afternoon and the front two will have to be Vincenzo Montella and Marco Delvecchio. ─── 他们的勇气将在今天下午对西西里新男孩梅西纳的比赛中得到考验,在前面的两个前锋将会是蒙特拉和德尔维齐奥。

34、Stands in the East China Sea coast, overlooks a serene and vast sea, people will feel Caisi wide Lang, God-Man gas, and even that body will have a reverse Qian Kun Shan mettle. ─── 伫立在大东海之滨,眺望着宁静而辽阔的海景,人们会感到才思阔朗、神清气满,,甚至还会有感到浑身有扭转乾坤山气概。

35、He was confident enough to welcome a bit of heckling at his meeting, judging that it gave him a chance to show his mettle. ─── 他信心十足以欢迎别人在他的会议上向他提出一些诘问,他断定这给了他一个表现其品质、精神和勇气的机会。

36、From a sign system of stipulations of an agreement, it Symbolizes Hani's antiquity long vast and mighty history, nationality mettle, tradition world view, terrace civilization and undertaken artifice. ─── 从规约性的象征符号系统来说,它是哈尼族绵恒浩荡古老历史、民族性格、传统世界观、梯田文明及传承手段的象征。

37、He is a man of mettle. ─── 他是个有勇气的人。

38、Elementary education is quality education, whose core is fostering the students" practices ability and bringing forth new ideas mettle. ─── 基础教育是素质教育,是培养人才的摇篮,素质教育的核心是培养学生的实践能力和创新精神。

39、Good-hearted, sincere, motivated, caring, professionalism, poise and mettle of the men are men .... ─── 善良,真诚,有上进心,爱心,事业心,稳重的,有男人气概的男人....

40、Balto, however, proved his mettle when he plunged into the driving snow and hurricane force winds, at one point halting to save the team from death in the Topkok River. ─── 可是,波图在飞雪和暴风之中,表现出不凡勇气,途中有一次停下来,全队人、犬才没有掉进托普克河淹死。

41、No one said it would be easy, but you'll prove your mettle to someone in authority right now. ─── 从前等签证的时候在这里许愿签证成功,今天希望他能够重新回来我的身边。

42、innovation mettle ─── 创新精神

43、If, however, upon honestly appraising your mettle, you are not fit or ready, free yourself from delusion and tread a different, more realistic road. ─── 不管怎样,如果真诚评估你的热情之后,发现你并不适合或尚未准备好,就要小心不要欺骗自己而踏上一条不同的,更为实际的路。

44、Just as much as at home, the new president will be tested by events abroad.There are plenty of troublemakers like Iran who will want to test the new president's mettle. ─── 就象在处理国内事务一样,我们的新总统处理国际事务时也面临不少挑战,国际上的“刺头国家”不少,比如伊朗,这个国家就想试试我们新总统的勇气如何。

45、Basic character;mettle. ─── 基本特征;本性

46、But if you're looking to test your mettle at hacking through many, many monsters, Lineage II will definitely give you that much. ─── 但是如果你是个想要经由砍杀很多很多怪物来测试自己勇气的玩家,那么天堂二绝对可以满足你。

47、The next game will be a real test of their mettle. ─── 下一场比赛就要看他们的拼搏精神了。

48、it had failed to prove its mettle before history and was destined only to destruction." ─── 它在历史面前经不起考验,因此只有毁灭的份儿。”

49、She stood and listened, and it seemed to her she heard sounds from the Back of the cottage. Having failed to make herself heard, her mettle was roused, she would not be defeated. ─── 她站在那里听着,好象听见了屋后有些声响。因为没有人听见她,所以她气忿起来,她不愿就此干休。

50、The next day, I asked him the reason why he would like to be with me. He answered that he was fond of my mettle and charming smilings. ─── 第一段我已经写好了、第二段:第二天,我问他、为什么和我在一起、他说喜欢我有气质、喜欢我的笑。

51、Her children's faith put her on her mettle to do her best for them. ─── 她的孩子们对她的信赖使她益发为他们操劳。

52、You'll be on your mettle during the training period. ─── 你要在训练期间尽最大努力。

53、be put on one's mettle ─── 受到考验

54、This is the true test of their mettle and the one they most eagerly seek. ─── 对他们勇气的挑战正是他们最渴望的。

55、He turned to the map,and reflected for a short-time,as if,ha,having been put on his mettle,he was,resolved to be particular to the very minutes hair's breadth of a shade. ─── 他把脸转向那张图,想了一会儿,好像这一问使他振作起来,他决心连毛发般细微的部分也不放过。

56、His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the legislature. ─── 当他主持召开新一届立法会议的时候,让他显示魄力的第一次重要机会来了。

57、The next game will be a real test of their mettle. ─── 下一场比赛就要看他们的拼搏精神了。

58、On Defining the humanity mettle ─── 也给人文精神定位

59、be on one's mettle ─── v. 鼓起勇气

60、China 20 years of real estate fever, for almost all developers have a victory over the world's mettle. ─── 中国20多年的房地产热潮,使几乎所有发展商产生了一胜天下的气概。

61、He'll have to be on his mettle if he wants to win the next race. ─── 他如果想赢得下次比赛,就得全力以赴。

62、To test his public mettle, he then entered debate contests in school. ─── 为了考验他面对公众的勇气,他参加了学校的辩论比赛。

63、He'll have to be on his mettle if he wants to win the next race. ─── 他如果想赢得下次比赛,就得全力以赴。

64、He was put on his mettle. ─── 他受到考验。

65、Basic character; mettle. ─── 基本特征; 本性

66、Indeed, the mainstream of Web services technology plays to this audience as interesting propositions yet to prove their mettle for enterprise deployment. ─── 事实上,对于这些听众而言,Web服务技术的主流只能算作是一种有趣的建议,来考验进行企业级部署的勇气。

67、be upon one's mettle ─── 奋发

68、Teachers unions -- another Democratic Party interest group -- hate merit pay, so here's another opportunity for Obama to prove his mettle. ─── 另一个民主党派利益集团教师联盟则非常反对这种能者多得的薪酬体系。

69、Strength; vigor; mettle. ─── 力量;精力;勇气

70、Actually, that flower has never withered, because its striking beauty and striking mettle have striken my heart. ─── 实际上,它从来不曾枯萎,因为它惊人的美丽和勇气,已经震撼了我的心。

71、You'll be on your mettle during the training course ─── 你在训练期间要尽最大努力。

72、Troops who showed their mettle in combat. ─── 在战斗中显示了斗志的部队

73、You' ll be on your mettle during the training period ─── 你要在训练期间尽最大努力

74、He has played very well in the reserve side but this chance in the first team should put him on his mettle. ─── 他在候补队中表现非常出色,但这次作为正式队员参赛将对他的能力进行考验。

75、be on ones mettle ─── adj. 奋发(鼓起勇气)

76、For the battle-tested Spurs, the road trip often served to unite their championship teams, providing them with a sense of mettle heading into the season’s final stretch. ─── 对马刺来说,残酷的客场之旅经常被用来团结他们这这总冠军球队,使他们能够有更大的勇气来迎接总决赛。

77、Think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunity to push yourself,learn new skills and show your mettle. ─── 应视重任在身为难得的机会:推动妳前行,掌握新技能,表现自己的勇气。

78、As hasty preparations were made to bushwhack the Pursuer, the Ref showed its mettle. ─── 在紧急准备伏击因维追击者的过程里,远征军展现了非凡的勇气。

79、The next race will put him on his mettle. ─── 下次赛跑他就要全力以赴了。

80、What kind of family environment to nurture her mettle? ─── 怎样的家庭环境能熏陶她的秉性?

81、The best team in the East is about to test its mettle out West, with the next six at the Suns, Clips, Sonics, Blazers, Nuggets and Warriors. ─── 东部最好的球队现在正在西部接受历练..他们接下来的丢个对手分别是:太阳,快船,超音速,开拓者,掘金,勇士

82、Have women no instincts anymore, no mystery or mettle? ─── 女人们都失去本能,没有一点神秘感或渴求了吗?

83、put [set] a person on his mettle ─── 使某人奋发,激励某人

84、put sb. on his mettle ─── v. 激励某人

85、The German Air Corps had waited for more than seven months to strike their blow and prove their mettle. ─── 德国空军军团待命出击以一试其锋芒,已经有七个多月了。

86、But there are many people struggling with life, not to change maverick mettle and frankness. ─── 但也有不少人一生挣扎,仍不改特立独行的秉性与率真。

87、It was strange a man of his mettle should take an interest in a little maid. ─── 这么一个气概不凡的人,居然对一个小姑娘发生兴趣,这实在不可思议。

88、Humanity Mettle ─── 人文精神

89、Grunt: Warchief, we've been trudging through this wasteland for a week with nothing to fight but centaurs and pig-men! We need real enemies to test our mettle! ─── 大G:首领,我们在这片荒原上长途跋涉快一个多星期了,只是与半人马和野猪人战斗!我们需要真正意义上的敌人来测试自己的勇气!

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