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09-02 投稿



conjunctional 发音

英:[[k?nd'???k??nl]]  美:[[k?nd'???k??nl]]

英:  美:

conjunctional 中文意思翻译



conjunctional 短语词组

1、conjunctional heart disease ─── 结膜性心脏病

2、conjunctional escape ─── 连接逃逸

3、conjunctional pronoun ─── 连词代词

4、conjunctional heart rhythm ─── 结膜心律

5、conjunctional syndrome ─── 结膜综合征

6、conjunctional rhythm ─── 连接节律

7、conjunctional heart beat ─── 连接性心跳

conjunctional 相似词语短语

1、conjunctiva ─── n.[解剖]结膜

2、conjunction ─── n.结合;[语]连接词;同时发生

3、conjunctival ─── adj.结膜的

4、conjugational ─── 结合的

5、conductional ─── 传导性的

6、conjunctions ─── n.连词;[语]连接词;[数]合取(conjunction的复数形式)

7、conjunctionally ─── 关连地

8、nonfunctional ─── 无功能的

9、conjunctivae ─── 结膜

conjunctional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the traditional theory about criminal law,the question was just mentioned in the theory of conjunct crime. ─── 传统刑法理论只是在共犯论中稍带提及。

2、I am not an Aquarius, but I have a very powerful Uranus conjunct my ascendant, and it rules my mid-heaven (career and reputation point), so in a way I am just like you. ─── 我不是水瓶座的,但天王星和我的上升星座有很强的联系,它掌管了我的天顶(事业名望的顶点),所以某些方面我和你们一样的。

3、With Saturn conjunct the Sun, you will be in realistic mode and very cognizant of your financial responsibilities. ─── 当土星联结太阳,你会非常现实并认清你的金融责任。

4、Virtual studio is the conjunct product of traditional studio chroma key technique and computer image processing technique. ─── 虚拟演播室是传统演播室的色键技术与计算机图形图像处理技术结合的产物。

5、Financially, sell a creative or artistic idea, for Neptune conjunct Jupiter will help you on July 10. ─── 财务上,7月10日,海王星与木星汇合,适合推销独创的艺术构想。

6、A strongly placed natal vertex( conjunct the horizon, in close aspect to a personal planet, in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes) can indicate more consistent results. ─── 宿命点强有力的位置(地平线,与本命行星合相,或者紧张相位,或者与月交点合相,最能发挥作用。

7、Design and Construction of Foundation Treatment of Freeway Roadbed Conjunct Section ─── 高速公路路基拼接时的地基处理设计与施工

8、The aspect I am referring to will involve Mars (action, energy) conjunct Uranus (surprises) in the same part of the chart that I have been referring to, your fifth house of true love. ─── 在此我会提及主宰行动和能量的火星与主宰意外的天王星的结合,以及你主宰真爱的第五宫。

9、Conjunctional Analysis of the Gray Systematic Theory in Silage Maize of Heilongjiang Province ─── 黑龙江省青贮玉米主栽品种的灰色关联分析

10、CSCL is the conjunct of the theoretics and method of CSCW and CL. WebCL is the development and applications of CSCL under the Internet circumstances. ─── CSCL是计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)与协作学习(CL)理论与方法相结合的产物,基于网络的协作学习是CSCL在网络环境下的发展与应用。

11、conjunct polymer ─── 混合聚合物

12、On the heels of this, at the full moon on September 15, Uranus will conjunct the full moon, directing your attention to a friend. ─── 紧跟着这个,在9月15号满月,天王星会和满月结合,把你的注意力转移到一个朋友上。

13、Luo Xiaohui.Bond action is the basic precondition for conjunct work of steel bar and concrete in reinforced concrete structures. ─── 钢筋混凝土结构中钢筋和混凝土之间存在的粘结作用是二者共同工作的基本前提。

14、TCG follows the win-win concept about the conjunct increment of company and employees; ─── 遵循企业与员工共同增值的双赢理念。

15、conjunctional spell: A spell effect that requires use two or more Arcana. ─── 复合法术:一道需要用到两个或更多奥秘的法术效果。

16、A Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban- rural Interaction and Conjunctional Development of China ─── 我国区域城乡互动与关联发展综合评价

17、conjunct part of new-old subgrade ─── 新老路基结合部

18、the conjunct . . . influences of fire and strong drink(Thomas Love Peacock) ─── 火与烈酒的共同作用(托马斯 洛夫 皮科克)

19、Saturn will be conjunct the Sun that day, March 8, a somber aspect, bringing your confidence to a low point on this day. ─── 3月8日,土星将联合太阳同时出现,一个阴暗的方面,你的自信在这一天将处于最低点。

20、Your career will also continue to be a big focus, but near March 8, when Saturn will conjunct the Sun, you may become frustrated because you aren't moving fast enough. ─── 你的事业会朝着成为大人物的方向继续前行,但是在接近三月八日的时候,土星会与太阳相合,你可能会遇到一点小挫折,因为你的动作不够快。

21、Close ties and conjunct effect of these factors promote the forming of competitive advantage of high-tech clusters; ─── 这些因素的紧密联系及共同作用促进高技术产业集群竞争优势的形成;

22、Optimization of the Qu to improve the technical economy index of sauce production: Qu selection and conjunct fermentation ─── 优选曲种提高酱油产量、质量的探讨

23、The conjunct role of mixing effect on Kmc and CMC result in the positive deviation of PAHs experimental MACs from the ideal mixture. ─── 混合表面活性剂CMC值的降低与多环芳烃Kmc值增大共同导致了多环芳烃在SDS-TX405混合体系中的实际MAC大于理想计算值;

24、I've got the everlasting beautiful rainbow----Vanness, you are the most beautiful bridge conjunct with love and sunshine. ─── 我得到了永恒美丽的虹。

25、"the conjunct . . . influences of fire and strong drink" (Thomas Love Peacock) ─── “火与烈酒的共同作用”(托马斯·洛夫·皮科克)

26、roadbed conjunct ─── 路基拼接

27、On January 31 and February 1, Venus will conjunct Jupiter in one of the year's loveliest annual events. ─── 在1月31日和2月1日,金星和木星相会将是一年一度最可爱的事件。

28、Keywords Upper eyelid;Conjunctional fascial tissue;Double eyelidplasty; ─── 上眼睑;睑板前联合筋膜;重睑术;

29、urban-rural conjunctional development ─── 城乡关联发展

30、In each voice there is often a mixture of movement by step and movement by leap? conjunct and disjunct motion. ─── 在每个声部中,常常混合级进和跳进。

31、But now, when he wanted to use his "free" left hand to move his right hand's conjunct threads, he found his left arm cannot move any more. ─── 可是紧接着,当他想用刚“自由”的左手去拔掉右手上的悬线时,发现掉了线的那只胳膊不能动了。

32、the conjunct category ─── 共犯关系

33、We're also putting in a conjunctional into our regex syntax. ─── 我们还在正则表达式语法中加入了一个连接词。

34、Three-Dimensional Conjunct Model: For the Research on the Longitudinal Forces of Urban Mass Transit Continuous Welded Rails ─── 城市轨道交通桥梁无缝线路纵向力的空间一体化模型分析

35、How to Give Full Play to Efficiency of Conjunct Section of Railway and Port ─── 铁路与港口结合部如何发挥最大效能

36、The goal of this paper is investigating the competence of ports from two angles, which are spatial structure of the ports cluster and neighboring ports' attraction to cargoes at conjunct hinterlands. ─── 因此,对我国港口的发展研究,特别是港口竞争力的研究具有十分重要的意义。

37、conjunct decision-making ─── 共同决策

38、The Expression Function of the Conjunctional Auxiliary ─── 关联助词的表达功能

39、April 15 is likely to be a tough day due to Mars conjunct Uranus, when someone near is likely to make you see red. ─── 4月15号很可能是黑色的一天,因为火星与天王星相合所以有些人可能会让你见红(不是血,意思是得花点钱)。

40、conjunct arc ─── 联合弧

41、Not only was the Egyptian calendar based on the rising of Sirius, but that the Sun is astrologically conjunct Sirius every year on July 4, for the birthday of the United States of America. ─── 不仅埃及日历是根据天狼星的升起为基础,而且太阳每年7月4日作为美国诞生日占星上连接天狼星。

42、The problem of status in criminal is very complex to solve,especially when the question across with the theory of criminal constitutes and conjunct crime. ─── 刑法中有关身份的问题极为复杂,尤其是当它与犯罪构成、共犯问题出现交叉时更为棘手。

43、conjunct form ─── 连接形式

44、A strongly placed natal vertex (conjunct the horizon, in close aspect to a personal planet, in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes) can indicate more consistent results. ─── 宿命点强有力的位置(合地平线,与本命行星合相,或者紧张相位,或者与月交点合相,最能发挥作用。

45、the attack was met by the combined strength of two divisions; concerted action; the conjunct influence of fire and strong dring; the conjunctive focus of political opposition; a cooperative effort; a united effort; joint military activities ─── 联合行动;在野政党的联合聚焦;合力;共同努力;联合军事行动

46、Empirically, there is evidence to show that the extracted element of ATB constructions is originated in the first conjunct only. ─── 从实证角度上看,有?据表明横越式句型的成分提取仅起始于第一个并列项而已。

47、To help with this, Jupiter may be conjunct the Sun Ascendant, or Moon adding protectiveness and good fortune, or the chart may be favorably aspected in other way. ─── 为了改善,木星可能与太阳、下降星座或是月亮合相,以增加保护与好运,或者,以其他方式形成有利的相位。

48、Anatomical observation of the conjunct region between esophagus and stomach. ─── 成人食管胃连接部的解剖学观测。

49、It will be significant to Chinese people in the event that the conjunct development of Ch... ─── 若能实现中医和农村医疗协同发展,则是我中华民族之大幸。

50、He studies particularly those charts which have any planet or ascendant conjunct the afflicted ruler or occupant of his twelfth house; ─── 他特别地研究那些拥有任何与被折磨的十二宫位宫主星或落入行星有相位的行星或上升的星盘;

51、Neptune, Venus, or the Moon conjunct an angle; ─── 海王星、金星、火星、月亮会于四角之一;

52、With Uranus conjunct the Sun in your 3rd house, your mind will crackle with a plethora of new ideas. ─── 与天王星契合太阳在你的第三家,你的心将裂纹与过多的新思路。

53、A Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban- rural Interaction and Conjunctional Development of China ─── 我国区域城乡互动与关联发展综合评价

54、Exogenous affections are conjunct results of many factors.It is difficult to get significant progress in study of pathogeny with traditional methods. ─── 中医外感病是多因素作用的结果,用传统方法很难在病因研究上取得突破性进展。

55、conjunct polymerization ─── 混合聚合法

56、THE LAST TIME PLUTO CONJUNCT GC ─── 上一次冥王星与银河中心合相

57、conjunct movement ─── 连接移动转换

58、Methods Anatomy research shows that the conjunctional fascial tissue originated by levator muscle has a firm attachment to the anterior surface of the tarsus and the overlying orbicularis oculi muscle and skin. ─── 方法解剖显示上睑提肌向下延伸的联合筋膜将位于其外层的皮肤肌肉与深面的睑板粘连在一起,起着上睑提肌与眼轮匝肌到睑板前各层组织的动力传递作用。

59、The conjunct point of the professionalization of judges and the democratization of judicatory is the jury system. ─── 法官职业化与司法民主化的制度结合点在于陪审制。

60、But sometimes, it just the opposite of what they wish.If they don't let children to do as that they will do all time.I think it needs the conjunct effort of paterfamilias and children. ─── 相反,恰恰是网上种种坏的地方引起了我们的注意,提高了警惕,增强了免疫力,防止我们在以后受到更大的影响。

61、Movement by leap is known as disjunct motion, as opposed to conjunct motion, movement by step. ─── 跳音被称为跳进,与级进相对。

62、February: Saturn Opposes Uranus (the judge/cop vs. the Hippie) for the 2nd time and Venus moved in to conjunct Uranus at the end of last month....might soften it a bit. ─── 2月:土星反对天王星(法官/缔约方会议的嬉皮比)为第二时间和金星动议以共同的天王星在上个月底....可能软化有点。

63、conjunct motion of an ascending scale. ─── 上升音阶的连接性变移。

64、Keywords New Rural Cooperative Medical System;family account;adverse selectio n;conjunct collected family account; ─── 新型农村合作医疗;家庭账户;逆选择;共筹式家庭账户;

65、A reliable, feasible finite element analysis model for multi-pin-hole connected structure with multi-cracks was established with contact between pin and the conjunctional structure. ─── 文中运用考虑销钉与结构板件间接触的有限元分析方法,建立合理的计算模型,为多孔多裂纹裂尖应力强度因子提供可靠、可行的分析途径。

66、Stepwise motion, movement by step or conjunct motion, should be generally preferred to too much disjunct motion, movement by leap. ─── 级进即逐级移动,通常优先于跳进。

67、The percolation results from conjunct effects of dispersion, interface polarization and nano-effect of MWNTs.The percolation threshold of the Ag-filled MWNTs/epoxy composite is about 1.01 wt%. ─── Ag填充碳纳米管/环氧树脂有明显的介电逾渗现象,这是填料的分散状态、界面极化与纳米填料表面效应共同作用的结果,体系的逾渗阈值为1.01 wt%。

68、Conjunctional Analysis of the Gray Systematic Theory and its Application for Selection of Guantitative Characters in Maize Breeding ─── 灰色关联分析在玉米育种数量性状选择中的应用

69、Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius rates five stars and will bring vast and positive implications for the future! ─── 火星共同的木星在水瓶座率五颗星,并会对未来带来巨大和积极的影响!

70、the conjunct . . . influences of fire and strong drink(bThomas Love Peacock) ─── 火与烈酒的共同作用(b托马斯 洛夫 皮科克)

71、While this aspect of Jupiter conjunct Neptune will be lovely for people of almost every sign, I worry about it for Cancer, for it is happening in a financial house that also includes speculation. ─── 尽管从各种迹象上来看海木相合都会是讨喜的,我却为螃蟹们感到担心,因为它出现在你的财运宫,同时包含着投机成分。

72、Conjunctional transfer ─── 接合转移

73、conjunct influences; conjunct ideas. ─── 联合的影响;联合的想法。

74、There will be only one stressful day and it's due April 15 when Mars will conjunct Uranus. ─── 本月内,只有一天是充满紧张感的,就是4月15日,因为这天火星和天王星会合了。

75、The case of EDH seen in conjunct with SDH, thickened crescentic or wave shape appeared, accompanied with local skull fracture but no mass effect and the hematoma was crossing the suturae cranii. ─── 结论:颅板下薄层出血的内、外缘形态,有否占位效应,与外伤部位的相互关系是不同性质出血的鉴别诊断要点;

76、RESULTS The contents of the dissociative anthraquinones and the conjunct anthraquinones in the different semen cassiae fried without additional ingredients had significent difference. ─── 结果决明子不同清炒品中游离蒽醌和结合蒽醌的含量有显著差异。

77、There should be a careful mixture of both in the upper, soprano voice and rather more conjunct motion in the inner parts. ─── 在高音区和声部内的级进中,揉合级进和跳进要小心。

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