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09-02 投稿



hobbling 发音

英:[?h?bl??]  美:[?hɑ?bl??]

英:  美:

hobbling 中文意思翻译





hobbling 词性/词形变化,hobbling变形

名词: hobbler |动词过去式: hobbled |动词过去分词: hobbled |动词现在分词: hobbling |动词第三人称单数: hobbles |

hobbling 相似词语短语

1、knobbling ─── n.制铁坯;锤石

2、Roebling ─── n.(Roebling)人名;(英)罗布林

3、cobbling ─── 圆石铺砌;[纺]织物重染

4、gobbling ─── 狼吞虎咽地吃(gobble的现在分词)

5、hobbing ─── n.滚齿机;滚刀

6、wobbling ─── v.(使)晃动,摇晃;蹒跚;踌躇(wobble的现在分词)

7、nobbling ─── v.阻止(赛马)取胜;买通;阻挠;引起注意;诈骗(nobble的现在分词)

8、bobbling ─── n.上下跳动;失误;穿饵钓线钓鳗法;v.晃动;(球)漏接(bobble的ing形式)

9、hobblingly ─── 蹒跚地

hobbling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The big trade Cleveland swung at the trade-deadline buzzer likewise hasn't even lessened LeBron's load yet, with Ben Wallace hobbling and Wally Szczerbiak struggling to make the midseason transition. ─── 骑士在交易日截止之前做出重磅交易,换来老迈的华莱士和苦撑的斯泽比亚克,这也没有减轻詹姆斯的负担。

2、He's hit plenty of clutch shots in his career, but he's hobbling this season. ─── 他在他的职业生涯中,投中了很多的关键球,但是这个赛季他的表现有所下滑。

3、This not only stunts the prospects for women, but also reduces economic growth by essentially hobbling half the potential labour force. ─── 这不仅阻碍妇女的前途,而且束缚一半的潜在劳动力,以致减少经济增长。

4、But as he struts and sashays across the stage he's hardly the hobbling, pathetic figure of lore. ─── 而当他昂首挺胸漫步在舞台上,几乎看不出步履艰难及传说中的可怜相。

5、1)In addition, national exchequers may start to feel some measure of the fiscal strain now hobbling California. ─── 这句应该是文章第一部分中比较难翻的一句。measure此处不是方法 措施的意思。如果是,那么应该用复数。

6、The effects of heat treatment on wear resistance of disc hobbling materials of TBM have been researched using metallography and TEM. ─── 采用金相、TEM等方法研究了热处理工艺对自行研制的全断面掘进机用盘形滚刀材料的耐磨性的影响。

7、Hobbling down stairs with heedless haste,I set my foot full in a pail of water(Richard Steele. ─── 鲁莽地匆匆蹦跳著下了楼梯,我把双脚全部泡进了水桶里(里查德·斯蒂尔)。

8、A month later, everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man. However, he finally showed up, hobbling along in rage. ─── 一个月过去了,大家都开始为第三位年轻人的安危担心,他却一步一蹭,衣不蔽体地回来了。

9、He thought of the hobbling wretches whom he had seen carrying cans and bottles to be filled by the barman. ─── 他想起了他曾见过的那些跛着脚、拿着罐子和瓶子要酒保给他们倒酒的可有可无的人。

10、Down the ramp it slid.Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up."I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt. ─── 此一明显较小.斜路它下滑.然后有点尴尬地小小狗开始蹒跚地走向别人,尽力赶上.

11、Loves person's hobbling which a person is not to become loves, , so long as in the heart has the love, the life so is always happy. ─── 爱一个人不是要成为所爱的人的牵绊,只要心中有爱,生活总是那么美好。

12、In addition, national exchequers may start to feel some measure of the fiscal strain now hobbling California. ─── 另外,国家财政部可能开始找到应对加利福尼亚财政捉襟见肘的方法了。

13、The theory in India was that the SEZs would serve as a short-term work-around to the problems hobbling the country's business environment. ─── 印度的理论是,经济特区政策将作为一种短期手段,用于解决阻碍该国商业环境发展的问题。

14、but one aimed at hobbling your best exporters would seem to take the galleta. ─── 但是一项针对限制本国最好的出口商而采取的关税上涨似乎是错误的。

15、But more than an hour after he was seen hobbling barefoot through the corridor behind the stadium, whole red and swollen feet. ─── 不过一个多小时以后,有人看见姚明光着脚蹒跚走过体育馆后面的走廊,整只脚又红又肿。

16、but I go hobbling along after you with my thoughts, though what you say makes my head whirl round and round. ─── 岳母承认道:“很难明白您所讲的!不过,我在慢慢地体会您的思想。

17、Hobbling to the middle of the floor she did a merry jig and shouted to the piano player, "Joseph, my Christmas present! ─── 她跌跌绊绊地走到餐厅的中央,欢快地踏起了舞步,冲着钢琴师大声嚷:“约瑟夫,瞧瞧我这份圣诞礼物吧!

18、Other factors could be hobbling Chinese soccer, experts say. ─── 专家说,还有一些其他因素也会阻碍中国足球发展。

19、Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up. ─── 它滑下斜坡,笨拙蹒跚地走向同伴,尽力赶上它们。

20、“Regardless of if I'm out there hobbling around, I make guys better,”he said. “There are other things I can do. It's a proven fact.” ─── “如果除去我在场上的步履蹒跚,我还是能让队友变得更好”他说到“我还可以做到其他事情,这也是被证实过的”

21、a person who ran with a clumsy, hobbling gait. ─── 一个笨拙且步履蹒跚的跑步者。

22、a person who ran with a clumsy,hobbling gait ─── 一个笨拙且步履蹒跚的跑步者

23、1) By commanding the army to adance or to retreat, being ignorant of the fact that it cannot obey. This is called hobbling the army. ─── 不知军之不可以进而谓之进,不知军之不可以退而谓之退,是谓縻军;

24、By commanding the army to advance or to retreat, being ignorant of the fact that it cannot obey. This is called hobbling the army. ─── 不知军之不可以进而谓之进,不知军之不可以退而谓之退,是谓縻军;

25、If anything is hobbling you in your work, we should find a way of freeing you from it. ─── 发现有什么东西束缚了大家,帮助大家想点办法,解放出来。

26、but I go hobbling along after you with my thoughts, though what you say makes my head whirl round and round.Still I contrive to lay hold on some of it. ─── 现在他们举行婚礼了,身后跟着伴娘,收到了结婚礼品,婚礼的讲词中说到他们。

27、A month later, everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man.However, he finally showed up, hobbling along in rage. ─── 一个月过去了,大家都开始为第三位年轻人的安危担心,他却一步一蹭,衣不蔽体地回来了。

28、A cunning strategist, Swain was decorated after every battle he fought, regularly hobbling in contemplation at the front of the assault. ─── 一个狡猾的谋略家,通常在正面战场上一瘸一拐的踱步沉思,每一场战斗之后都受章封赏。

29、Consumers, chary of spending, are hobbling domestic demand. ─── 德国谨慎花钱的消费者制约了国内需求。

30、He was hobbling [staggering] along. ─── 他晃晃悠悠地往前走。

31、Osborne brought Bedell through the crisis, Ten days later Bedell was hobbling on pair of crutches that Dick had made for him. ─── 十天后,彼得尔就能拄着迪克为他制作的拐杖一瘸一拐地行走了。

32、A selective program of change gears for various hobbling machines is proposed based on the mathematic theory of the differential change gears. ─── 基于差动挂轮计算方法,介绍了一种适合各种型号滚齿机的挂轮选择程序。

33、But bankruptcy, or some other orderly process to share the pain, is the only way to prevent mistakes and debts of the past from hobbling an economy's future. ─── 但是,要防止过去的错误和债务妨碍未来的经济发展,采取破产或其他有序的方法来分担痛苦是唯一的办法。

34、HoBBling to the middle of the floor he did a merry jig. ─── 他蹒跚地走到屋子中间欢快地迈步起舞。

35、"Hobbling down stairs with heedless haste, I set my foot full in a pail of water" (Richard Steele). ─── “鲁莽地匆匆蹦跳着下了楼梯,我把双脚全部泡进了水桶里” (里查德·斯蒂尔)。

36、CPA Hobbling Forward without Support from Law ─── 法律滞后中的注册会计师

37、The solitary figure of an old man hobbling towards a stile at the further end of the wide meadow was the only human creature visible upon the area over which the young barrister looked. ─── 年轻大律师极目望去,一个老人正蹒跚地向广阔牧场远远一端的栅栏走去,这孤寂的身影儿,是此时此地唯一的人影儿。

38、He absorbed the brunt of a Dwyane Wade drive, and got up hobbling. ─── 他被达伦韦德狠狠的撞了一下,之后有点一瘸一拐。

39、ASEAN Regional Forum Hobbling Along with Difficulty ─── 东盟地区论坛步履蹒跚

40、Other factors could be hobbling men's soccer, experts said. ─── 男足的失败还有其他原因,专家表示。

41、The service troubles have frustrated many Chinese users, hobbling Google’s efforts to expand its market share in a country that expected to emerge as an Internet gold mine over the next decade. ─── 为了有效利用有限的座位,参加技术 日需要首先在线报名为您预留位置,更加具体的时间和地点,我们会在技术日之前通过电话或者电子邮件通知您。

42、Rush Hour 3 is out, and it disappoints on almost all levels, hobbling about on a lazy script and uninspired filmmaking. ─── 《尖峰时刻3》推出后让所有的人都大跌眼镜,松散的情节和平庸的制作就宛若一名走路不稳的跛子。

43、Japan is suffering because demand has fallen in the deficit consumer nations, hobbling it along with much of east Asia. ─── 赤字消费国需求的下降,使日本遭遇困境,阻碍了日本以及大多数东亚国家的发展。

44、"Regardless of if I'm out there hobbling around, I make guys better, " he said. "There are other things I can do. It's a proven fact. " ─── “如果除去我在场上的步履蹒跚,我还是能让队友变得更好”他说到“我还可以做到其他事情,这也是被证实过的”

45、But as he struts and sashays across the stage he's hardly the hobbling, pathetic figure of lore. ─── 而当他昂首挺胸漫步在舞台上,几乎看不出步履艰难及传说中的可怜相。

46、The striker hasn't featured since hobbling out of the 1-0 win over Wigan on 14 January, and Phelan insists he would be eased back into action. ─── 鲁尼自从战胜维冈的那场比赛之后就再没有出场,费兰强调这位射手不会着急回归。

47、By doling out billions of dollars in no-strings-attached foreign aid, they are hobbling international efforts to improve governance and reduce corruption through conditional aid. ─── 通过发放数十亿美元没有关联的国际援助,他们通过有条件的援助在改善管理和减少腐败的国际之路上蹒跚前行。

48、He had only just caught the last cable car. Now he was hobbling back to the hotel. ─── 他差点错过了最后一班缆车,现在正跌跌撞撞地向饭店走去。

49、Consumers, chary of spending, are hobbling domestic demand. ─── 德国谨慎花钱的消费者制约了国内需求。

50、It also offloads billions of dollars in retiree health-care liabilities hobbling the Big Three to outside trust funds. ─── 同时,金额达数十亿美元的退休人员医疗费此前给三大厂商造成沉重负担,现在也转给了外部的信托基金。

51、A hobbling walk or gait. ─── 跛行或蹒跚

52、However, the rural endowment insurance policy has been hobbling with difficulty since it was formally published in 1992 15 years ago, even sometimes the development paused or went downhill. ─── 但我国农村社会养老保险制度1992年正式出台至今15年来,其发展一直步履蹒跚,甚至出现停顿和滑坡。

53、After hobbling to the sideline for treatment, he went back out and scored one of Germany's penalty kicks in the shootout. ─── 跌跌撞撞到底线接受了治疗后,他回归了场地,为点球大赛奉献了他的进球。

54、Since the Oslo accords were signed, Israel has done all it can to undermine the prospects of Palestinian statehood, consistently hobbling the Palestinian Authority. ─── 从奥斯陆协定签订以来,以色列想尽设法破坏巴勒斯坦的建国梦想,不停地搅乱巴勒斯坦政权。

55、There may be more to that old man hobbling along on his crutches than meets the eye. ─── 拄着拐杖的跛老头也许还有更多去了解。

56、Then in a somewhat awkward manner the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up... ─── 然后这小家伙以一种特别地方式跛行而来,尽自己的最大努力奔向农夫和小男孩...

57、Virtually every tariff is a little piece of economic madness; but one aimed at hobbling your best exporters would seem to take the galleta. ─── 事实上每一种关税的制定都蕴含着一些违背经济学的规律;但是一项针对限制本国最好的出口商而采取的关税上涨似乎是错误的。

58、Redmond jumped up and began hobbling forward despite the pain he felt. ─── 他的父亲也跑到赛道旁边,父子两人慢慢的走向终点。

59、(1) Ten days later, Bedell was hobbling on a pair of crutches that Dick had made for him. ─── 十天后,比德尔就能拄着迪克为他制作的拐杖一瘸一拐地行走了。

60、They finally divorced after 3 years' hobbling. ─── 过了三年打打闹闹的生活后,他们最终还是离婚了。

61、It also provides the rationale of her campaign. She says she wants to take a scythe to California's business-hobbling regulations. ─── 另外,商界背景还给予了她在这场竞争中的理性诉求。

62、Rooney has struggled with a hamstring injury since hobbling off against Wigan on 14 January, while Evra injured his ankle against Chelsea three days previously. ─── 鲁尼是在1月14日对阵维冈的比赛中受伤的,而埃弗拉则是在更早的时候面对切尔西的时候伤到了脚踝。

63、Referees are notoriously lenient in the early exchanges and had Eduardo limped around for a bit before hobbling off after 15 minutes, it is unlikely that Dean would have shown a red card. ─── 裁判在比赛早期是出了名的宽松,如果爱德华多只不过是受了点小伤有点跛,那么只要这是发生在比赛的前十五分钟的事情,迪恩大概是不可能出示红牌的。

64、Then a little old, withered up woman comes hobbling up, picks up a good size rock and beans the prostitute right between the eyes. ─── 本站刊载此文不代表同意其说法或描述,仅为提供更多信息,也不构成任何建议。

65、But before I could speak, a large figure, hobbling down the stairs, called out in a cheery voice, “Is that my friend? ─── 还未及开口,就见一个高大的身影顺着楼梯蹒跚而下,边走边喊,“是我的朋友来了吗?”

66、And thy draggled cloak, and thy hobbling pace, ─── 你衣杉邋遢,跛脚移动

67、Effect of Heat Treatment on Wearability of Disc Hobbling Materials of TBM ─── 热处理工艺对TBM刀圈材料耐磨性的影响

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