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09-02 投稿


forbearing 发音

英:[f???be?r??]  美:[f??r?ber??]

英:  美:

forbearing 中文意思翻译



forbearing 词性/词形变化,forbearing变形

动词过去式: forbore |动词第三人称单数: forbears |动词过去分词: forborne |动词现在分词: forbearing |名词: forbearer |

forbearing 短语词组

1、forbearing greek spiritual definition ─── 宽容的希腊精神定义

2、forbearing definition ─── 宽容的定义

3、forbearing defined ─── 容忍定义

4、forbearing mortgage payment ─── 暂缓支付抵押贷款

5、forbearing mortgage ─── 暂缓抵押

6、forbearing spirit ─── 忍让精神

forbearing 相似词语短语

1、furbearing ─── 毛皮轴承

2、forbearant ─── 预防性

3、forearming ─── n.前臂;vt.预先武装;准备

4、forswearing ─── vi.作伪证;vt.发誓抛弃

5、forwearying ─── 厌倦

6、forbearingly ─── 忍

7、nonbearing ─── 无轴承

8、everbearing ─── adj.连续结果的

9、foreswearing ─── vt.放弃;发誓抛弃;vi.作伪证;背弃誓言(等于forswear)

forbearing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jim's doctor advised him to forbear from alcohol. ─── 吉姆医生建议他尽量不喝酒。

2、for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract. ─── 使该人员对与该合同有关的任何人员表示赞同或不赞同。

3、He forbear from take any further action. ─── 他克制自己不采取任何进一步的行动。

4、With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; ─── 凡事谦虚,温柔,忍耐,用爱心互相宽容,

5、5 For this cause, when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter have tempted you, and our labour be in vain. ─── 5为此,我既不能再忍,就打发人去,要晓得你们的信心如何,恐怕那诱惑人的到底诱惑了你们,叫我们的劳苦归于徒然。

6、She could not forbear crying out ─── 她禁不住叫喊出来。

7、Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. - Colossians 3:13 ─── 倘若这人与那人有嫌隙,总要彼此包容,彼此饶恕。主怎样饶恕了你们,你们也要怎样饶恕人。歌罗西书3:13

8、" Transported with this idea, she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind, when down came the can of milk! ─── 她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地像刚才想到的那样作了一个扬头的姿势。刹那间,她头顶的那罐牛奶跌了下来!

9、He has a forbearing nature;he accepts trouble with a smile. ─── 他天生容忍, 遇到麻烦都能一笑了事。

10、His looks were now quite friendly; and I was so revolted at these constant changes, that I could not forbear whispering, 'So you've changed sides again.' ─── 他这会儿的目光非常友好,我对他这种反复无常的手段极为反感,忍不住悄声对他说:“那么你又改换门庭啦。”

11、And when he was come to the king, the king said unto him, Micaiah, shall we go to Ramothgilead to battle, or shall I forbear? ─── 14米该雅到王面前,王问他说,米该雅阿,我们上去攻取基列的拉末可以不可以。

12、He is patient,forbearing, and resigned,on principles,he submits to pain,because it is inevitable,to bereavement,because it is irreparable,and to death,because it is destiny. ─── 他承受痛苦,因为这是不可避免的。他忍受丧亲之痛,因为这是无法挽回的,它直面死亡,因为这是他最终的命运。

13、15 By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone. ─── [恒常忍耐、可以劝动君王.柔和的舌头、能折断骨头。

14、Yet many years didst thou forbear them, and testifiedst against them by thy spirit in thy prophets: yet would they not give ear: therefore gavest thou them into the hand of the people of the lands. ─── 30但你多年宽容他们、又用你的灵藉众先知劝戒他们、他们仍不听从.所以你将他们交在列国之民的手中。

15、bear and forbear ─── n. 一忍再忍

16、"Hold, hold," he cried, "most doughty Scot, even for thine own dear country's sake, and you, gossip, forbear your menacing look.Pasques-dieu! ─── 作为一个善良的天主教徒,达威特对这个建议没有什么可反对的,不过也许他宁可先晾干他的衣服,填饱他的肚子。

17、Mother had said nothing, just because she was a mother being capable of forbearing, even in front of her descendants. ─── 母亲不说,仅仅因为她是一个懂得忍让的母亲,即使是面对自己的晚辈。

18、cannot forbear expressing surprise ─── 不禁诧异

19、"With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. " ─── "凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心互相宽容,用和平彼此联络,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心。"以弗所书4:2-3

20、He could not forbear from expressing his disagreement. ─── 他忍不住要表达不同意见.

21、This earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun forbear to shine; But God, who call'd me here below, Will be for ever mine. ─── 大地将融,如雪遇日天光将逝,风烛残年上帝永存,曾经我唤圣恩无限,属我永远。

22、'The upright from the forbearing come, ─── ''端正者忍辱中来.

23、His wife has a forbearing nature; she accepts trouble with a smile. ─── "他妻子天生容忍,遇到麻烦都能一笑了事。"

24、the forbearing or surrendering party believes that the claim or defense may be fairly determined to be valid. ─── 不主张或者放弃的一方相信,该请求或抗辩很可能会确定为有效的。

25、Though I speak, my grief is not asswaged: and though I forbear, what am I eased? ─── 6我虽说话,忧愁仍不得消解。我虽停住不说,忧愁就离开我吗。

26、The quality of being forbearing. ─── 容忍容忍的性质

27、Cheap lotro gold forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind, when down came the can of milk! ─── 她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地把头一扬,刹那间,牛奶罐跌了下来!

28、But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. ─── 伯:32:18因为我的言语满怀、我里面的灵激动我。

29、Deliver them that are led to death: and those that are drawn to death forbear not to deliver. ─── 他行将被杀戮的人,你要挽救他。

30、If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him. ─── 如果你看见恨你的人的驴伏在重担之下,不可走开不理它,你应该与驴主一同卸下重担。

31、And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them. ─── 他们或听,或不听,(他们是悖逆之家),必知道在他们中间有了先知。

32、and then will I be general of your woes, and lead you even to death: meantime forbear, and let mischance be slave to patience. ─── 也许我的悲哀还要远远胜过你们呢!

33、They all pinched me at once, and in a dreadfully expert way: screwing up such little pieces of my arms that I could hardly forbear crying out. ─── 他们一起来捏我,他们捏得很高明,把我胳膊上的肉一小片一小片地拧着,拧得我几乎叫出声来。

34、Moderation : Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. ─── 九、中庸。勿走极端;受到应有的处罚,应当加以容忍。

35、All things are lowly,meek,sufferable and forbear one another in love. ─── 凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心互相宽容。

36、The two powers which in my opinion constitute a wise man are those of bearing and forbearing. ─── 在我看来,造就智者的两种力量是忍受和克制。

37、Verily He will admit them to a place with which they shall be well pleased: for Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing. ─── 他必使他们进入他们所喜悦的地方;真主确是全知的,确是容忍的。

38、In the society, I understand to show mercy to others, I understand to forbear myself, and I understand how to stay with others. ─── 在社会中,我学会对别人宽容,我学会克制自己,我学会如何与别人相处。

39、Her mother's gentle and forbearing character ─── 她母亲那温柔而宽容的性格

40、Be all gods and their offspring invoked to grant that this empire and this city flourish forever and never cease until stones float upon the sea and trees forbear to sprout in the springtide. ─── 你的帝国固然广袤无边,而更值得称道的不是它的疆域,而是它的稳固:这里没有任何叛逆的飞地。

41、The fans could not forbear crying out at the wonderful goal. ─── 一记精采的进球使球迷们禁不住叫喊起来。

42、an excellent character is one of the key factors in studying english, insistent, forbearing, confident and decisive are all important. ─── 优秀的性格也是英语学习的关键因素之一,坚持,忍耐,自信和坚定都是很重要的。

43、And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious. ─── 7他们或听,或不听,你只管将我的话告诉他们。他们是极其悖逆的。

44、He was capable of being both very forceful and forbearing, but he was not capable of being double. ─── 他不仅有绝对的强制能力、并且有全然的忍耐能力,然而他不能有双重关系、有贰心、忽是忽非。

45、forbear from ─── v. 克制

46、I found him a very patient, very forbearing, and yet an exacting master. ─── 我发现他是一个很有耐心,很有自制力,然而又是一个要求严格的老师。

47、Why one loses his dignity, restrict his individuality and forbear his obstinacy is that he is unable to abandon someone. ─── 原句实质意义是:人们收起尊严,约束个性,克制固执,都是因为不能失去某个人,

48、The wounded man could not forbear to cry out . ─── 受伤的人忍不住哭起来。

49、Household servants, be subject in all fear to your masters, not only to the good and forbearing but also to the crooked. ─── 作家仆的,要在凡事上敬畏服从主人,不但服从那良善和蔼的,就是那乖僻的也要服从。

50、She should try to forbear from saying such cruel things ─── 她应该设法忍住不说这类残酷的事。

51、Avoid extreams; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. ─── 中庸:避免任何极端倾向,尽量克制报复心理。

52、For this cause, when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter have tempted you, and our labour be in vain. ─── 为此,我既不能再忍,就打发人去,要晓得你们的信心如何,恐怕那诱惑人的到底诱惑了你们,叫我们的劳苦归于徒然。

53、He that heareth, let him hear;and he that forbeareth, let him forbear: for they are a rebellious house. ─── 听的可以听,不听的任他不听,因为他们是悖逆之家。

54、5 For this cause also, I, forbearing no longer, sent to know your faith: lest perhaps he that tempteth should have tempted you, and our labour should be made vain. ─── 为此,我既不能再等待,逐派他去探悉你们的信德,怕那诱惑者诱惑了你们,而使我们的劳苦等于白费了。

55、For which cause, forbearing no longer, we thought it good to remain at Athens alone: ─── 为此,我们不能再等待,就决意独自留在雅典,

56、You must forbear taking advantage of your strength ─── 你应该避免利用你的力量。

57、It is often difficult to forbear from expressing one's opinion. ─── 克制自己不发表意见常常是很难的。

58、He would still be placid, good-tempered and forbearing ─── 他仍然会心平气和,宽容忍耐。

59、Moderation: Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. ─── 中庸:避免极端;人若给你应得处罚,你当容忍之。

60、boy could not forbear to cry out. ─── 受伤的男孩忍不住哭了。

61、His wife has a forbearing nature; she accepts trouble with a smile ─── 他妻子天生容忍,遇到麻烦都能一笑了事。

62、The New Testament community was forbearing and patient with its members, embracing a love that covered a multitude of sins. ─── NewTestament团体对其成员是宽容而且耐心的,拥抱着爱来遮掩人们的罪。

63、But I forbear descanting further, and rather leave the judicious reader to his own remarks and application. ─── 但我实在不想多谈,还是留给明智的读者自己评价与应用吧。

64、2. Moderation : Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. ─── 九、中庸。勿走极端;受到应有的处罚,应当加以容忍。收藏指正

65、To desist or fail in doing; forbear. ─── 停止做或不能做,避免

66、With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. ─── 凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐、用爱心互相宽容、用和平彼此联络、竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心。

67、WORD OF THE DAY - forbear: to refrain from; to abstain. As long as he could forbear looking at her, his heart did not ache. ─── 克制;忍耐;避免只要他能克制自己不去看她,他就不会心痛。

68、Transported with this idea, she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind, when down came the can of milk and all her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment. ─── 她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地把头一扬,刹那间,牛奶罐跌了下来!她幻想的一切幸福间破灭了。

69、If I speak, my pain is not mitigated; And if I forbear, how much departs from me? ─── 6我若说话,痛苦仍不得消减;我若忍住不说,有多少痛苦会离开我呢?

70、ii) for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract, ─── 使该人员对与该合同有关的任何人员表示赞同或不赞同,

71、9)Moderation: Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. ─── 九、中庸:避免走极端,容忍别人给你的伤害,认为是你应该承受之事。

72、But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, forbearing, compliant, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, without hypocrisy. ─── 唯独从上头来的智慧,先是纯洁的,后是和平的、和蔼的、柔顺的,满有怜悯和善果,没有偏见,没有假冒。

73、Iago.Nay, but he prated, And spoke such scurvy and provoking terms Against your honour That, with the little godliness I have, I did full hard forbear him. ─── 伊阿古可是他唠哩唠叨地说了许多难听的话破坏您的名誉,连像我这样一个荒唐的傢伙也实在压不住心头的怒火。

74、The wounded man could not forbear to cry out. ─── 受伤的人忍不住大叫起来。

75、This you know I have power to do, and yet I forbear it. ─── 你一定晓得我是有这种权力的,然而我忍耐着不去做。

76、His wife has a forbearing nature,she accepts trouble with a smile. ─── 他妻子天生容忍,遇到麻烦都能一笑了事。

77、Despite these ugly trends, investors were forbearing because Britain still had some things going for it. ─── 即使有这些不好的趋势,投资者依然保持了克制,因为英国有一些东西可以应对。

78、The doctor advised him to forbear from alcohol ─── 医生建议他戒酒。

79、If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; ─── 人被拉到死地,你要解救。人将被杀,你须拦阻。

80、The father) replied: "Dost thou hate my gods, O Abraham? If thou forbear not, I will indeed stone thee: Now get away from me for a good long while!" ─── 他说:“你厌恶我的主宰吗?易卜拉欣啊!如果你不停止,我誓必辱骂你。你应当远离我个长时期。”

81、It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to be polite,courteous,and forbearing. ─── 但是,老师和学校管理也决不应成为伦理道德教育的旁观者。

82、MODERATION. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. ─── 宽容。以德报怨,别人冒犯你时要善于容忍。

83、And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven;neither is there respect of persons with him. ─── 9你们作主人的待仆人、也是一理、不要威吓他们.因为知道他们和你们、同有一位主在天上、他并不偏待人。

84、Forbearing and retiring ─── 含容巽顺

85、The vicar praised what he called her "kind and forbearing nature". ─── 牧师赞扬了他所谓的她那“善良、宽容的天性”。

86、Transported with this idea,she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind when down came the can of milk! ─── 她想得得意忘形,情不自禁地把头一扬,霎那间,牛奶罐跌了下来!

87、He has a forbearing nature,he accepts trouble with a smile. ─── 他天生容忍,遇到麻烦都能一笑了事。

88、And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him. ─── 你们作主人的待仆人,也是一理,不要威吓他们。因为知道他们和你们,同有一位主在天上,他并不偏待人。

89、Verily He will admit them to a place with which they shall be well pleased: for Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing . ─── 他必使他们进入他们所喜悦的地方;真主确是全知的,确是容忍的。


a slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription

a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge

同义词:pad, pad of paper

a small flat compressed cake of some substance

a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet

同义词:pill, lozenge, tab




美 /?t?bl?t/ 英 /?t?bl?t/


复数 tablets


1.The bitter tablets are swallowed by her.这些苦药片被她吞下去了。

2.The teacher walked into the classroom with a tablet.老师拿着平板电脑走进了教室。

3.I found a thought-provoking sentence on his tomb tablet.我在他的墓碑上发现了一句耐人深省的话。

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