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09-02 投稿


enchased 发音


英:  美:

enchased 中文意思翻译



enchased 反义词


enchased 同义词

bewitch | enthrall | catch | tempt |charm | delight | captivate | enamor | allure | enrapture | enamour | capture | transport | hex | hypnotize | witch | ravish | becharm | entrance | attract | thrill | glamour | beguile | trance | titillate | enthral | jinx | mesmerize | fascinate

enchased 词性/词形变化,enchased变形

动词过去分词: enchased |动词第三人称单数: enchases |动词过去式: enchased |动词现在分词: enchasing |

enchased 相似词语短语

1、encased ─── adj.包装的;被包住的;v.盖住;包起;装箱(encase的过去分词)

2、enchaser ─── 镶嵌器

3、enchained ─── v.(诗、文)用链锁住,束缚

4、encharged ─── encharged

5、enchases ─── vt.用镶嵌(或雕刻)方法装饰(珠宝)

6、encharmed ─── 受到伤害

7、enchase ─── vt.用镶嵌(或雕刻)方法装饰(珠宝)

8、enchanted ─── adj.被施魔法的;v.使着魔(enchant的过去式)

9、enchafed ─── 镶嵌的

enchased 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She likes diamond itself but its enchased base. ─── 她喜欢钻石本身,并不喜欢它的镶嵌底座。

2、Then we understand that spring needs to be enchased in a window to watch, as pictures need to be enchased in frames. ─── 我们因此明白,春天是该镶嵌在窗子里看的,好比画配了框子。

3、The crown was enchased with gold and silver. ─── 这顶王冠上镶嵌着金和银。

4、Undertake to TV wall alone design and decorate, if use grain,coarse article fossil is enchased. ─── 对电视墙进行单独的设计与装修,如采用纹理粗糙的文化石镶嵌。

5、The decorations seem to be enchased,very good.Perfect posture.Great.Very old! ─── 饰物似乎有镶嵌的味道,很好。刀姿极美。很妙。年龄似可与成吉思汗的子孙比辈分,很老!

6、But sometimes the data of sampling plots need to he enchased to the lower spatial resolution image to get the simulation image for the further analysis. ─── 针对这一问题,在对河北省小麦种植区进行实地试验,获取一系列实测小麦参数后,提出一种基于高空间分辨率遥感影像的小麦实测数据在低空间分辨率影像上镶嵌的模拟方法。

7、Her initials were enchased on the monument. ─── 她的名字缩写字母刻在纪念碑上。

8、This light is from official hat in ancient. The logs are enchased with two hazy grasses and two limpets. The type is very simple meaning magisterial. ─── 本台灯两侧为原木造型为乌纱帽,原木之间镶嵌前后两块磨砂玻璃,原木上部两侧各有一帽翅,造型简朴大方,寓意升官发财,时运亨通

9、Water finally filled the old well. Qiaoying left the village, But wangquan's heart, like a rock, Had been enchased in the old and arid cliff of the taihang mountain. ─── 老井,终于冒出水来,巧英也离开了,但旺泉的心却像岩石一般被深深地镶嵌在太行山那古老而贫瘠的石壁上。

10、Big Luo Mi presses down Founder county to be enchased between green water of this green hill. ─── 松花江舞一条玉带,潇洒东流。方正县大罗密镇就镶嵌在这青山绿水之间。

11、Light blue goose to lake lay quietly on the green encircle, like a natural jadeite enchased in a blue gems on. ─── 淡蓝色的雁归湖静静地躺在绿色的环抱之中,就像是镶嵌在一片天然翡翠上的一块蓝色宝石。

12、After the develop outside the balcony is handled, gush arenaceous glass is enchased to assist illume in symmetrical place, provide quite think of opportunely. ─── 阳台外拓处理后,在对称处镶嵌喷砂玻璃辅助照明,颇具巧思。

13、She CARES for diamond itself except for its enchased base. ─── 她喜欢钻石本身,并不喜欢它的镶嵌底座。

14、Use commonly completely hollow-out window case is enchased transparent or frosted glass, also have complete need not of glass. ─── 一般采用全镂空的窗格镶嵌透明或毛玻璃,也有完全不用玻璃的。

15、The door of toilet often lies in damp environment, doorcase lower part can degenerate insensibly, if be enchased in the lower part of doorcase,go up stainless steel piece OK and moistureproof. ─── 卫生间的门经常处在潮湿的环境中,门框下方不知不觉地会腐朽,假如在门框的下方镶嵌上不锈钢片就可以防潮了。

16、The mirror is enchased on low ceiling, can make the space produces the result that improve. ─── 低矮的天花板上镶嵌镜子,可使空间产生提高的效果。

17、piston enchased wearing ring ─── 镶嵌耐磨圈活塞

18、It is single block is enchased no matter use, still rectify a metope to use, all can have the effect that make the finishing point. ─── 不论是单块镶嵌使用,还是整片墙面使用,皆可有画龙点睛之效。

19、Astronaut body occupies outer space, the gem that watchs the earth to just be like a blue instead is enchased in boundless and indistinct universe. ─── 宇航员身居太空,反观地球恰似一颗蓝色的宝 石镶嵌在茫茫宇宙之中。地球之所以能够在宇宙的 Water crisis is a global problem.

20、Department of individual and classical money can use cupreous body aureate, even diamond is enchased. ─── 个别经典款系会使用铜身镀金,甚至于有钻石镶嵌。

21、If door model the narrow path that there is to make you dissatisfactory in the design, so the mirror can be enchased here, can increase brightness on the vision so, enlarge a space. ─── 假如户型的设计中有一个令你不满足的狭窄走道,那么镜子就可以镶嵌在这里,这样可以在视觉上增加亮度、扩大空间。

22、Since thousands of years ago, it has been shining brightly, like a pearl enchased on Huaibei Plain. ─── 千百年来,她宛如一颗明珠,镶嵌在淮北平原上。

23、The compose on blue impression nods Huang Xing's bedding a bit, the numerous bit that Wan Reshan shows bright bright is enchased in azure night sky, bring host into good dream. ─── 蓝色底色上缀有点点黄星的床上用品,宛若闪闪烁烁的繁星镶嵌在蔚蓝的夜空,把主人带入美好的梦境。

24、Decorate in the family actually in, it is single block is enchased no matter use, whole still metope uses vitreous brick, can have the effect that make the finishing point. ─── 其实在家庭装修中,不论是单块镶嵌使用,还是整片墙面使用玻璃砖,都会有画龙点睛的效果。

25、a full dress enchased with gold and silver ─── 饰以金银的大礼服

26、The mirror with everyday one side, because enchased garnish of a metal and immediately becomes. ─── 一面普普通通的镜子,因为镶嵌了一个金属装饰件而登时变得。

27、The ground of the kitchen is flag, enchased a few custom-built blue beautiful ceramic tile to make decoration among them. ─── 厨房的地面是石板的,其中镶嵌了几块定做的蓝花瓷砖做装饰。

28、Then we understand that spring needs to be enchased in a window to watch, as pictures need to be enchased in frames. ─── 我们因此明白,春天是该镶嵌在窗子里看的,好比画配了框子。

29、The mirror with everyday one side, because enchased garnish of a metal and immediately becomes. ─── 一面普普通通的镜子,因为镶嵌了一个金属装饰件而登时变得。

30、"L " model the mirror is enchased in setting wall, increased brightness to also make a space more clever. ─── “L”型的镜子镶嵌在背景墙中,增加了亮度也使空间更加灵动。

31、Since thousands of years ago, it has been shining brightly, like a pearl enchased on Huaibei Plain. ─── 千百年来,她宛如一颗明珠,镶嵌在淮北平原上。

32、The sliding door case that has Chinese traditional color is enchased on ground glass increased daylighting already, have certain illicit close sex again. ─── 具有中国传统风格的推拉门格镶嵌上磨砂玻璃既增加了采光,又有一定的私密性。

33、Xiaobei is being enchased on razor repeatedly two Bai Zuan and infrequent green auger. ─── 小贝连剃须刀上都镶嵌着两排白钻和罕见的绿钻。

34、Water finally filled the old well.Qiaoying left the village,But wangquan's heart,like a rock,Had been enchased in the old and arid cliff of the taihang mountain. ─── 老井,终于冒出水来,巧英也离开了,但旺泉购乐学的心却像岩石一般被深深地镶嵌在太行山那古老而贫瘠购乐学的石壁上。

35、The paint table was made of rosewood , the table face was enchased with single board , teeth board was carved with bending lines and the clouding lines below. ─── 画案红木制成,桌面攒框镶独板,抹边素面,牙板上雕拐子纹,下雕云雷纹,三弯腿,起阳线,卷云纹足。

36、a gold ring enchased with a jewel ─── 嵌有宝石的金戒指

37、The condole top modelling with vaulted white is enchased on black line, a rhombic sucked dome light to remedy the visual flaw that vaulted condole carries on the head. ─── 白色拱形的吊顶造型镶嵌上黑色的线条,一排菱形的吸顶灯弥补了拱形吊顶的视觉缺陷。

38、Trial of Enchased Zirconic Nozzle in Billet continuous Casting ─── 镶嵌式锆质水口在方坯连铸上的试用

39、Discovery and Research for the floriated bone pieces with the enchased and carved flower pattern in Liquanfang, Chang'an, Tang Dynasty ─── 唐长安醴泉坊镶嵌刻纹骨饰片的发现与研究

40、Use commonly completely hollow-out window case is enchased transparent or frosted glass, also have complete need not of glass. ─── 一般采用全镂空的窗格镶嵌透明或毛玻璃,也有完全不用玻璃的。

41、Enchased on the mountainous border between Yunnan and Tibet is the Lugu Lake, a freshwater lake with an elevation of 2,700 meters. ─── 甲次卓玛是彩塔家第二代的第四个女儿,生活在泸沽湖畔的一个摩梭人母系大家庭。一个偶然的机会,她离家到了昆明,她的命运发生了巨大变化。

42、Department of individual and classical money can use cupreous body aureate, even diamond is enchased. ─── 个别经典款系会使用铜身镀金,甚至于有钻石镶嵌。


is ended 是被动语态,意思是句子的主语 “被结束” 例如:The song is ended (歌唱/诗歌到了末尾”。has ended 是主动语态的完成时态,意思是句子的主语 “已经结束” 了 ended 所带的宾语,例如:He has ended his song (他已经结束他的歌声)。



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