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09-02 投稿



eccentricities 发音

英:[??ks?n?tr?s?tiz]  美:[??ks?n?tr?s?tiz]

英:  美:

eccentricities 中文意思翻译



eccentricities 反义词


eccentricities 同义词

anomaly | idiosyncrasy | difference | irregularity | aberrance | outlandishness |oddity | abnormality | exception | singularity | foible | oddness | queerness | aberration | deviation | quirk | whimsicality | curiosity | peculiarity | weirdness | strangeness | kink | bizarreness | whim

eccentricities 词性/词形变化,eccentricities变形

名词复数: eccentricities |

eccentricities 相似词语短语

1、centralities ─── n.中心;中央;向心性

2、centricity ─── n.中心;中心性

3、eccentric ─── adj.古怪的,反常的;n.古怪的人

4、eccentricity ─── n.古怪;怪癖;[数]离心率

5、excentricity ─── n.偏心率,偏心距

6、canonicities ─── n.正规;合乎教会法;合于法典

7、domesticities ─── n.家庭生活;专心于家务;对家庭的挚爱

8、eccentrical ─── adj.古怪;n.行为古怪的人

9、eccentrics ─── n.有怪癖的人;古怪的人(eccentric的复数形式)

eccentricities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They view it as such strange eccentricities... ─── 人们认为我做着古怪的表演 '

2、eccentricities in design [dress] ─── 设计 [服装] 的种种奇特性.

3、Behavioral scientists long attributed such differences to personal eccentricities or early conditioning. ─── 行为科学家长期以来把这种不一致归因于个人的癖好,或者说是早年养成的习惯。

4、Western firms are only just beginning to grasp the eccentricities of the Indonesian social-media market. ─── 西方公司才刚开始了解到印度尼西亚社交网络市场的怪异。

5、Contacts whose appreciation of free food outweighs their sensitivity to a B-list rating will sometimes fill in.You are, meanwhile, vicariously responsible for the eccentricities of the service. ─── 而你的一些熟人对免费食物的欣赏要胜过对次级坐席的敏感,他们有时将可填补空缺。

6、He couldn't cope with his wife's eccentricities and therefore he dealt with it by divorcing her. ─── 他应付不了太太的古怪行径,因此他跟她离婚(作为处置问题的办法)。

7、Aquarius rules over independence, freedom, eccentricities, and wanting to be seen as both a unique individual and a great team player. ─── 水瓶座的规则对独立,自由,偏心,并希望被视为一种独特的个人和一支伟大的球队的球员。

8、Vegetarians who declare their dietary eccentricities in Korea usually meet with a gasp, a grimace, and an “isn't it difficult?” ─── 在韩国,素食者宣布他们的饮食食谱时,别人的反映通常是大吃一惊,做痛苦状,并问到“不会很难吗?”

9、His eccentricities had earned for him the nickname "The Madman". ─── 他的怪癖已使他获得了“疯子”的绰号。

10、One of her eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it ─── 她的怪癖之一是睡在床底下而不睡在床上。

11、"He is allowed to cultivate hobbies, even eccentricities, but must not practise a vocation. " ─── 他可以培养自己养成各种癖好,甚至养成怪癖的行为,但他不准从事某种职业。

12、Science loves eccentricities, leaps and bounds, trials of strength, fancies, if I may be allowed so to term them. ─── 科学是有怪癖,幻想,喜欢跳跃,奔腾和试验力量的,假如我可以用这些词来形容它们的话。

13、If you are not a hacker yourself, it may help you cope with our eccentricities if you think of us as being brain-damaged . ─── 如果你自己不是黑客,那么,把我们想象成脑部有缺陷的人有助你面对我们的古怪。

14、As the years went by, those "eccentricities" would become more bizarre, and completely tarnish it. ─── 随着岁月的流逝,这些“怪癖”将变得更加稀奇古怪,就完全让他失色了。

15、eg.One of his eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it. ─── 他的怪僻之一是睡在床底下而不是睡在床上。

16、One of his eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it. ─── 他的怪僻之一是睡觉睡在床底下而不睡在床上。

17、This experiment provides a fast and relatively accurate method to calculate the retinotopic eccentricities. ─── 该实验提供了一种快速且相对准确的方法来计算视网膜局部偏心率。

18、One of his eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it ─── 他的怪僻之一是睡觉睡在床底下而不睡在床上.

19、Keywords double-slts eccentr ic photorefraction;dead zone;refractive error; ─── 双裂隙偏心摄影验光;盲区;屈光不正度;

20、His eccentricities had earned for him the nickname "The Madman" ─── 他的怪癖已使他得到'疯子'的绰号。

21、These are trifling instances, though it's to no commander's advantage to be suspected of ludicrous eccentricities. ─── 身为指挥官,却被怀疑举止失常,荒唐可笑,虽然与己不利但这些毕竟还是小事。

22、Instead, after we left the restaurant, we walked down the street a ways to a couple of architectural eccentricities. ─── 我们吃完饭后,顺着餐厅门口那条马路一直下去,这一路上我们看到了一些奇异的建筑。

23、Experiment Study and Finite Element Analysis on Tensile Anchor Connections with Large Eccentricities ─── 大偏心受拉锚固节点的试验研究与有限元分析

24、He is allowed to culitivate hobbies, even eccentricities, but must not practise a vocation. ─── 他们可以培养各种爱好, 甚至怪僻的性格, 但不可以从事任何职业。

25、Potatoes were graded according to their size by computing the potatoes’ longest axis and potatoes were grading according to the shape by computing the eccentricities. ─── 根据外形特性,采用离心率法进行马铃薯的形状分级;

26、Roy:Hey, I know they may not seem like the most competent group, but they're actually a pretty good team, if you can look past a few eccentricities. ─── 嘿,我知道他们看上去不像是最有战力的一伙儿,不过,如果你能忍受一些怪癖的话,他们其实是一支相当不错的队伍。

27、Detective stories usually star a lone investigator who has some striking characteristics and eccentricities. ─── 侦探小说通常以一名孤独的侦探为中心,他有着一些与众不同的特点和怪癖。

28、It was as if she had been made afresh, out of new elements, and must perforce be permitted to live her own life, and be a law unto herself, without her eccentricities being reckoned to her for a crime. ─── 仿佛她是由新元素刚刚做成的,因此必得获准去过她自身的生活,并自有其定法,面不能将她的怪异看作是一种罪过。

29、a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities). ─── 一个具有特殊品性的人(通常有些古怪)。

30、One of his eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of in it. ─── 他的怪癖之一是睡在床底下,而不睡在床上。

31、We laughed at their charming eccentricities and wept at their anguish. ─── 在一次欢乐聚会上,姨母突然看着我说:“我特别喜欢你幼时的笑声,那笑声既令我愉快,有让我心痛。

32、From these pilgrimages to the jug and basin, he returned with such eccentricities of damp headgear as no words can describe; ─── 他去水罐和脸盆朝圣回来,头上裹着那潮湿的毛巾,形象之怪诞真是难以描述;

33、AI Mualim-Accent: Arabic. Faction: Assassins. Age: 50s. Description: Poised, fearsome, and wise. Eccentricities: Clenching and unclenching fists. rolling metal sphere in his hands. ─── 口音:阿拉伯语.组织:刺客.年龄:50岁左右.描述:有准备的,令人害怕的,明智的人

34、The patented peakdetecting filter circuit eliminates magnet and system offsets and has the ability to discriminate relatively fast changes such as those caused by tilt, gear wobble, and eccentricities. ─── 已取得专利的峰值侦测滤波电路消除了磁铁和系统偏移,并且能够区别相对快速的变化,如倾斜、齿轮摆动和偏心距引起的变化。

35、Aquarius rules over independence, freedom, eccentricities, and wanting to be seen as both a unique individual and a great team player. ─── 水瓶座的规则对独立,自由,偏心,并希望被视为一种独特的个人和一支伟大的球队的球员。

36、Gray isn't imitative of anyone in particular,though,but like some of those singers,her eccentricities are what you notice first. ─── 格雷从不模仿某个人,但像其它歌手一样,她的古怪你第一眼就瞧得出来。

37、His eccentricities had earned for him the nickname " the Madman " . ─── 他的怪癖已使他得到“疯子”的绰号。

38、Calculation of forces and parameters of radial active magnetic bearing with eccentricities by finite element method ─── 有限元法计算偏心对径向磁轴承参数的影响

39、Try to get some time to yourself this weekend, as your personal passions and eccentricities are accentuated and you may want to explore them alone for a bit. ─── 在本周末试着给自己一些时间,因为你的情绪和怪癖会加剧,你要独自呆着。

40、of the other eccentricities that make up a person's character become optional traits rather than inevitable ones, people will be more inclined to discriminate against the bearers of those traits. ─── 如果健忘的话,仇外和一系列怪癖,造就了可选择的而不是必然的某个人的性格特质,,人们将更倾向于歧视具有那些特质的人。

41、We all have our little eccentricities. ─── 我们都有些小怪癖。

42、At least Niyazov's eccentricities brought attention to the country. ─── 至少奈亚佐夫的古怪行为带给这个国家关注。

43、Additional eccentricities in the theoretical formulas have been modified and its rationality and applicability have been verified by the datas obtained from ANSYS. ─── 通过ANSYS有限元分析数据,对理论推导出的承载力计算公式中的附加偏心距一项进行了适当修正,且该公式的合理性与适用性得到了有限元结果的验证。

44、In a natural world, perhaps, no one would or should care what other people thought about their wild ideas, eccentricities, authentic and unique characteristics. ─── 在一个自然世界里,可能没有人会、也没有人应该关心其它人对他们疯狂的想法、古怪的行为、可信也独特的特征有什么想法。

45、She developed a few harmless eccentricities. ─── 她逐渐养成一些无害的癖性。

46、eccentricities crank slider mechanism ─── 偏心曲柄滑道机构

47、We were deeply moved by the terror as well as the courage of the old people.We laughed at their charming eccentricities and wept at their anguish. ─── 我们为两位老人的深切恐惧及他们因此而表现出的非凡勇气伸深打动,为他们可爱的偏执而笑,为他们极度的痛苦而泣。

48、After analyzing the response of SRC column with different durations, slenderness ratios or eccentricities, the equations of ultimate strength are derived by regression. ─── 通过各种受火时间、长细比和偏心距的钢骨混凝土柱抗火性能的计算,得出了相应的极限承载力计算公式。

49、My wife has many eccentricities . ─── 我妻子有很多怪癖。

50、As Jackson's eccentricities deepened, the magnificient artist turned into a creepy curiosity, succumbing to scandal, controversy and financial ruin. ─── 当杰克逊的古怪行为越来越多的时候,这位光彩照人的明星在好奇心、丑闻、争论和财政亏损面前,陷入低谷。

51、He went to Harrow and to Trinity College, Cambridge, where, amongst other eccentricities, he kept a bear. ─── 他到哈罗学校和剑桥大学的三一学院学习,在学校里,他养了一只熊,而且还有其他一些古怪行为。

52、to blink at another's eccentricities ─── 漠视别的怪僻

53、Many envelopes observed by us have the shape of one end sharp and the other expensive,while the nucleocapsid is eccentr ic.OB consists of paracrystalline arrays of proteins. ─── 根据细胞超微结构的改变程度及核中病毒发生基质和包涵体出现的情况,病毒的致病过程大致可分成三个阶段。

54、Identification of two kinds of eccentricities for eccentric compression member with rectangular section ─── 矩形截面偏心受压构件大小偏心的判别

55、He went to Harrow and to Trinity College, Cambridge, where, amongst other eccentricities, he kept a bear. ─── 他就读于哈罗学校和剑桥大学的三一学院。在学校里,他养了一只熊,此外还有其他一些古怪行为。

56、Jerusha's eyes widened slightly; she was not accustomed to being summoned to the office to discuss the eccentricities of Trustees with the matron. ─── 乔若莎的双眼微微张大了;她不太习惯被女监事叫来办公室,讨论董事们的怪癖。

57、We all have our little eccentricities. ─── 我们都有些小的怪癖。

58、Instead, after we left the restaurant, we walked down the street a ways to a couple of architectural eccentricities . ─── 我们吃完饭后,顺着餐厅门口那条马路一直下去,这一路上我们看到了一些奇异的建筑。

59、They view it as such strange eccentricities. ─── 他们认为这是如此古怪。

60、I am lucky to have a very dear friend who savors my eccentricities. ─── 可我很幸运的有一个非常亲密的朋友,她能欣赏我的这些怪癖。

61、If you are not a hacker yourself, it may help you cope with our eccentricities if you think of us as being brain-damaged. ─── 如果你自己不是黑客,那么,把我们想象成脑部有缺陷的人有助你面对我们的古怪。

62、Develop your eccentricities while you are young. That way, when you get old, people won't think you're going gaga. ─── 年轻时你可以离经背道,当你老去时,没有人再会想起你当年的古怪行为。

63、They appreciate each other's eccentricities and differences, especially as woman and man. ─── 他们欣赏对方的各种怪癖行为和不同之处,特别是其作为男人或女人所特有的。

64、I no longer had the excuse of callow youth, and I could not yet claim the eccentricities of age. ─── 我再也无法拿年少轻狂来当作借口,也还无法宣称自己已经年老糊涂。

65、In this paper,the bearing capacity and failure modes of long angle steel truss concrete columns with different eccentricities and slenderness ratio are studied. ─── 本文对不同偏心距和长细比的内含角钢桁架混凝土长柱在偏心荷载作用下的承载力和破坏情况进行了研究。

66、In Shanghai our students had an entertaining time dealing with the eccentricities of Cambridge academe. ─── 到上海参加面试的学生被剑桥大学的面试官古怪的考法忽悠了一把。

67、I do not know what passage they read but I suspect that it has led to the current predicament concerning their behaviors and eccentricities. ─── 我不知道什麽段落他们读了,但是我怀疑它导致了关于他们的行为和怪癖的当前困境。

68、He couldn't cope with his wife's eccentricities and therefore he dealt with it by divorcing her. ─── 他应付不了太太的古怪行径,因此他跟她离婚(作为处置问题的办法).

69、It was as if she had been made afresh out of new elements, and must perforce be permitted to live her own life, and be a law unto herself without her eccentricities being reckoned to her for a crime. ─── 仿佛她是由新元素刚刚做成的,因此必得获准去过她自身的生活,并自有其定法,而不能将她的怪异看作是一种罪过。

70、At least this time Chelsea's early departure has given the tournament a break from the manager's eccentricities. ─── 这次切尔西的出局使比赛中教练之间的口水战告一段落。

71、We all have our eccentricities. ─── 我们都有自己的怪癖。

72、I believe that I began to know that there was something about my aunt, notwithstanding her many eccentricities and odd humours, to be honoured and trusted in. ─── 我确信我就是她出神冥想的中心,于是就更急于想知道她对我的处置意向了。

73、Science loves eccentricities, leaps and bounds, trials of strength, fancies, if I may be allowed so to term them ─── 科学是有怪癖,幻想,喜欢跳跃,奔腾和试验力量的,假如我可以用这些词来形容它们的话。


det. 所有;全部;全部的;极度;唯一;任何

pron. 所有;一切

adv. 完全;十分;每方;(比赛用语)比分相同

adj. 全部的;尽量的;每个的;所有的;任何的;唯一的

n. 全部,所有


She rolled up all the windows. 她摇上了所有的窗户。

I'm all for people having fun. 我完全赞成人们尽情享乐。

His last movie was best of all. 他最近的那部**是他所有**中最好的。

They all put a bet on the race. 他们都对比赛下了赌注。

Will you pick up all your toys? 把你的玩具都收起来好不好?

The police log all phone calls. 警方对所有**都做记录。

The stewards all wore armbands. 乘务员都戴了臂章。

Add up all the money I owe you. 把我欠你的钱全部加起来。

We papered all four bedrooms. 我们给4个卧室都贴了墙纸。

I bade all my friends farewell. 我告别了所有的朋友。

Doubts nagged me all evening. 我一晚上都没有摆脱心中的疑虑。

He had all the answers off pat. 所有的答案他都胸有成竹。

They all piled into Jerry's car. 他们都挤进了杰里的车里。

She played all her old hits. 她演奏了她所有曾轰动一时的老曲子。

She weighed up all the evidence. 她慎重地考虑了所有的证据。

We all have our eccentricities. 我们都有自己的怪癖。

She had refused all solid food. 所有的固体食物她都不肯吃。

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