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09-02 投稿


printers 发音

英:[?pr?nt?z]  美:[?pr?nt?rz]

英:  美:

printers 中文意思翻译



printers 短语词组

1、coroplastic printers ─── 棒状体打印机

2、printers target ─── 打印机目标

3、canon printers ─── 佳能打印机

4、network-interface printers ─── [计] 网络接口打印机

5、list of printers ─── 打印机列表 [计] ─── 打印机列表

6、line printers ─── [计] ─── [印刷]行式打印机

7、printers and scanners ─── 打印机和扫描仪

8、printers for home ─── 家用打印机

9、laser-printers (laser-printer ─── 的复数) [计][印刷] 激光印刷机

10、printers and devices ─── 打印机和设备

11、line-printers (line-printer ─── 的复数) [计][印刷] 行式打印机

12、brothers printers ─── 兄弟打印机

13、laser printers n. ─── 激光打印机

14、printers at walmart ─── 沃尔玛的打印机

printers 词性/词形变化,printers变形


printers 常用词组

laser printer ─── 激光印刷机

inkjet printer ─── 喷墨式打印机;喷墨印表机

default printer ─── n. 默认打印机

printers 相似词语短语

1、printeries ─── n.印刷工厂

2、printery ─── n.印刷工厂

3、pointers ─── n.[仪]指针;指标(pointer的复数);指极星

4、sprinters ─── n.短跑者(sprinter的复数形式)

5、orienters ─── 定向器

6、printer ─── n.[计]打印机;印刷工;印花工

7、imprinters ─── n.印刷机;压印机

8、printless ─── 无印痕的;不留印痕的

9、painters ─── n.画家(painter的复数)

printers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can hear the printer in the next office. ─── 你能听到隔壁办公室打印机的声音。

2、You need to specify a printer name. ─── 必须指定打印机名。

3、Tear the banner paper from the back of the printer. ─── 将广告纸从打印机背面扯开。

4、At times, printers in the domain can require domain authentication before you're able to use them, as they might be a shared resource. ─── 有时候,域中的打印机可能是共享的资源,需要先进行域身份验证,然后才能使用它们。

5、You must supply a valid printer name. ─── 必须提供有效的打印机名。

6、A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus. ─── 局域网就是在一个有限的地域范围内,典型的如在办公大楼或校园中,将计算机及相关外设(如打印机)用电缆进行物理连结而组成的一个系统。

7、XXXX PRINTER ERROR To continue turn off then on. ─── 发生关键的固件错误。

8、Do you knowhow much the printer costs? ─── 你知道这台打印机的价格吗?

9、The page size, from5 by8 inches to6 by9?inches, of a book composed of printer's sheets folded into eight leaves. ─── 八开本纸张尺寸,大小5英寸乘8英寸到6英寸乘9又1/2英寸,折成八面后装订成的书的纸页

10、Infinite retry on parallel printer time-out. ─── 在并行打印机超时上;连续再试。

11、If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed. ─── 如果所有的印书人都要保证不会冒犯到任何人才肯印书的话,他们就没什么可以印的了

12、Mr. X: Hi, our printer is not working. ─── 先生:嗨!我们的印表机出了点问题。

13、You may have to install printers yourself. ─── 你可能必须安装打印机你自己。

14、A 24 pin printer costs 9, 000 dollars. ─── 一部24针打印机就要9千美元。

15、Enable you to update your printer driver. ─── 允许你更新打印机驱动程序。

16、The labeling specialist was able to supply and integrate everything from software and printers to consumables and a service support package. ─── 专家的标签能够供应和整合软件及打印机耗材和服务支持包一切。

17、Newspaper printers numbered 40 (as at September). ─── 九月时,印刷报纸的工厂共有40家。

18、Do you still have openings for printer? ─── 你们还有印刷工的空缺吗?

19、On the printer, a roller-type support around which the paper is guided and held during the printing. ─── 在打印机上,打印时纸卷绕其上,起衬垫、导向作用的一种滚柱状支承体。

20、They will pop up in your "Printers" screen. ─── 他们将出现在你的“打印机”屏幕上。

21、Do you know how to set the printer to zoom mode? ─── 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印(放大)模式上吗?

22、The printers have missed out a line. ─── 印刷工人遗漏了一行。

23、We sell printers and scanners, and all-in-ones that combine the two. ─── 我们出售打印机、扫描仪,以及打印扫描二合一设备。

24、Close the "Properties" and "Printers" window. ─── 关闭“属性”和“打印机”窗口.

25、She's got a PC, colour printer, scanner-the lot. ─── 她有个人电脑、彩色打印机、扫描仪,样样齐备。

26、Do you have any intention of buying a new printer? ─── 你打算买台新打印机吗?

27、Select the fax modem in the Printers list. ─── 在“打印机”列表中选择传真调制解调器。

28、He monopolizes the laser printer. ─── 他独占了这台激光打印机。

29、Do not connect to the selected printers. ─── 不连接到所选打印机。

30、Print Mode: 9-pin CITIZEN dot matix printer head. ─── 列印方式:9针点矩阵撞击式。

31、Cannot load the driver for your printer. ─── 不能装入你的打印机驱动程序。

32、The goal of file and print sharing is to let computers use disks and printers on other computers as if they were locally attached. ─── 文件和打印共享的目标是支持计算机使用其他计算机上的磁盘和打印机,就好像它们是本地连接的一样。

33、You may use an online printer to print out the data. ─── 你可以使用联机打印机把数据打印出来。

34、HIMER is the resin component of toner used in copiers and printers. ─── HIMER是用于影印机和打印机的调色剂树脂组分。

35、Printer permissions will now be updated. ─── 即将更新打印机权限。

36、Print the postcards on an ink jet desktop printer. ─── 在喷墨桌面打印机上打印明信片。

37、you good at fixing printers? ─── 你擅长修理打印机吗?

38、The printer have missed out a line. ─── 印刷工人排漏了一行。

39、Do you have enough money to buy a new printer? ─── 你有足够的钱买一台新的打印机吗?

40、He was apprenticed to a printer. ─── 他被送去当印刷业者的学徒。

41、The only other manufacturer of ink jet printers was ABD in America. ─── 唯一的另外一家喷墨打印机制造商是ABD美国。

42、He emended the typescript before sending it to the printers. ─── 在交付印刷之前他校正文稿。

43、He raced the manuscript to the printers. ─── 他很快地把手稿送交给印刷工人。

44、Prints the selected file on the default printer. ─── 在默认打印机上打印所选文件。

45、The printers are short of types. ─── 印刷厂缺乏铅字。

46、He sent the manuscript to the printer yesterday. ─── 他昨天将原稿送到印刷厂.

47、The chance to work for a printer got in my way. ─── 一个在印刷厂工作的机会摆在我面前。

48、Choose your printer type from the pop-up menu. ─── 从弹出式菜单中选取您的打印机类型。

49、The printer had better black out that word. ─── 印刷人员最好用黑色把那个字盖上。

50、For a different printer is not supported. ─── 复制到不同打印机的一个。

51、Not all printers support printing multiple copes. ─── 并非所有打印机都支持打印多份。

52、Status displays the current status of the printer. ─── “状态”显示打印机的当前状态。

53、File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft. ─── 与网络上的其它用户共享打印机。

54、How to send a raw string to the printer? ─── 怎样发送一行字符到打印机?

55、Maps a printer port to a network resource. ─── 将打印机端口映射到网络资源上。

56、The printer's being temperamental this morning. ─── 今天上午这台打印机时好时坏。

57、In DPPX,a queue in the printer sharing environment. ─── 在分布式处理程序设计执行程序(DPPX)中,处于打印机共享环境中的一种队列。

58、A printer's unit of type size, equal to 12 points or about 1/6 of an inch. ─── 12点活字打印机铅字大小的单位,相当于12点或大约1/6英寸。

59、Listened to the electronic printer chunk along. ─── 听着电子打字机啪嗒地响个不停

60、Searle will become chief executive of HS Printers. ─── 尔勒将成为行政长官的房协打印机。

61、The firm specialized in supplying pieces of equipment, such as terminals, tape drives, or printers. ─── 这家公司专营各种设备配件,比如终端机、磁带机、打印机。

62、How is the resolution of your laser printer? ─── 你的激光打印机的清晰度怎样?

63、The quality is not up to that of industrial printers, but it is good enough for many people. ─── 个人消费用打印机的效果尚无法与工业打印机相媲美,但对于许多人来说已心满意足了。

64、Cancels all print documents on this printer. ─── 取消这台打印机上所有的打印文档。

65、Cancels all print jobs on the selected printers. ─── 取消所选打印机上的所有打印作业。

66、Post-scan printers are typically expensive optional accessories. ─── 后扫描压印机通常是昂贵的选购配件。

67、Protection lock conflict with printers? ─── 保护锁会不会与打印机机产生相冲突的情形?

68、A cushioned pad used by printers and engravers to apply ink. ─── 上墨皮垫画家和雕刻家用来敷墨的垫子

69、Look how expensive the printer is! ─── 呀,这打印机可真够贵的!

70、Build in Centronics printer interface. ─── 内含印纸机介面。

71、What brand of ink-jet printer do you use? ─── 你用的是什么牌子的喷墨打印机?

72、How to choose a more professional bankbook printer? ─── 如何选择更加专业的存折打印机?

73、If you test the program's compatibility with 30 printers, you might recover the cost of automating this test in less than a week. ─── 如果你要测试兼容30个打印机的程序,那么你可以在不到一周的时间里收回自动化该测试的成本。

74、In a printer or display, a control character used to control the layout or location of information. ─── 在打印机或显示器中,一种用于控制打印或显示信息的布局或位置的控制字符。

75、The printers have missed out a word . ─── 印刷工人遗漏了一个字。

76、How did a mistake like that slip by the printers? ─── 像那样的一个错误怎么被排字工人忽略过去了呢?

77、Printers how to Retain Talents? ─── 印刷企业如何才能留住人才?

78、The printer driver is known to harm the system. ─── 已知打印机驱动程序会伤害系统。

79、He engaged himself as an apprentice to a printer. ─── 他签订合同当了一名印刷学徒工。

80、The printer driver is known to be unreliable. ─── 已知打印机驱动程序不可靠。

81、He overlooked a printer's error. ─── 他看漏了一个印刷错误。

82、Just leave the printer on when you leave. ─── 你们走的时候不要关掉打印机,让它一直。

83、They are articled to a printer. ─── 他们在印刷厂当学徒。

84、The printer has dropped a letter here . ─── 印刷者在这儿遗漏了一个字母。

85、Are you sure the printer doesn't work? ─── 你确定这台打印机坏掉了吗?

86、He moved to Leeds and set up as a printer. ─── 他搬到利兹干起了印刷业。

87、In a printer, the removable type element. ─── 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。

88、Most printers cannot print at the very edge of the page. ─── 多数打印机都不能在页边缘进行打印。

89、In Windows 2000, double-click the Add Printer icon. ─── 在Windows 2000中,双击“添加打印机”图标。

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