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09-02 投稿



wagers 发音

英:[?we?d??z]  美:[?we?d??rz]

英:  美:

wagers 中文意思翻译



wagers 词性/词形变化,wagers变形

名词: wagerer |动词现在分词: wagering |动词第三人称单数: wagers |动词过去式: wagered |动词过去分词: wagered |

wagers 相似词语短语

1、wager ─── n.赌注;赌博;赌物;vi.打赌;vt.下赌注;n.(Wager)人名;(英)韦杰;(芬、瑞典)瓦格

2、ragers ─── 承载者

3、waggers ─── 车夫。

4、eagers ─── adj.渴望的;热切的;热心的;n.(Eager)人名;(英)伊格

5、lagers ─── n.(美)贮藏啤酒(等于lagerbeer);n.(Lager)人名;(法、葡)拉热;(德、匈、瑞典)拉格尔

6、pagers ─── n.呼叫器,寻呼机(pager的复数形式)

7、cagers ─── n.篮球选手

8、gagers ─── n.计量者;检量官(等于gauger)

9、jagers ─── n.贼鸥(等于jaeger);n.(Jager)人名;(荷)亚赫;(德、塞、捷)雅格

wagers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But let's be real: Coming into this year's Tennis Masters Cup, there wouldn't have been too many wagers on a Davydenko-Djokovic final. ─── 但还是让我们面对现实:今年的大师杯赛,在达维登科决赛中本来不会有多少赌注。

2、Because this seems a wager to note,after vidicating it not is became male girl friend ,want not side friend all be not become. ─── 因为这就像是一场赌注,表白了之后不是成了男女朋友,要不就边朋友都当不成了。

3、Don't wager on getting the job, there are plenty of people wanting it. ─── 不要太确信能得到这工作,有许多人在等着呢。

4、The wagers were made using currency forwards. ─── 他为此买进了远期货币合约。

5、To place(a bet); wager. ─── 下注;打赌

6、Another circle to square. Score 1-0 in the imputed wager market. ─── 又一个“圆就是正方形”!曼昆1-0胜克鲁格曼了!

7、Outside health care, there was gold to be struck among consumer stocks in businesses from telling time to taking wagers. ─── 除医疗保健行业外,从钟表业到博彩业的各种消费类股也大放异彩。

8、It is a measure of the recession’s severity that a business built on fickle teenage audiences and multi-million-dollar wagers has come to seem comparatively reliable. ─── 一个建立在易变的十几岁观众和数百万美元的赌注之上的产业,成为相对来说较可靠的投资,着实可以度量出此次经济衰退的严重性。

9、Why, you can use it to fund your wagers! ─── 为什么,您可以使用它来基金,您的赌注!

10、At the age of fifteen, for a wager, he was disguised as a girl. ─── 十五岁时,作为赌注,他被打扮成个女孩。

11、One minute more, and the wager would be won. ─── 再过一分钟就要赢了。

12、But a number of investors with unconventional views are placing gutsy wagers against the yuan. ─── 不过,一些持非传统观点的投资者却大胆押注人民币贬值。

13、Let's not waste time on this fool. I wager we could find a better companion in the city dump. ─── 别在这蠢货身上浪费时间了,我打赌在这座城市的垃圾堆里都能找到比他更好的伙伴。

14、Colonel: Well, I'd hold a wager there will be a Match between her and Dick Dolt, and I believe I can see as far into a Millstone as another Man. ─── 上校:我可以打赌,她和狄克·多尔特将要结婚。我的眼力和别人一样尖。

15、They laid a wager on the result of the race. ─── 他们就竞赛的结果打赌。

16、You won't find better goods anywhere else, I'll wager. ─── 你到哪儿也找不到比这个更好的货物,我敢打赌。

17、To make the most of each game , you can choose to place wagers in all three circles on the table and play up to three hands at a time . ─── 要最大的利用每一局牌,您可以在一局牌内,把筹码放到牌桌上的三个下注圈,三手牌同时玩。

18、Zugzwang and Pascal's wager are two different concepts with similar mindset which I think very important in investment. ─── 凭著以前的记忆,抓了预计时间提早出门。结果,当车子上了新生高架时,我著实吓了一跳。

19、Would you care to have a small wager on the game? ─── 你愿意在这场比赛上下个小赌注吗?

20、But once you get the bonus, you have to wager on SLOT or KENO 20x(B+D). ─── 你在这些地方玩,不担心有陷阱,不担心钱取不出来。

21、Let's make a wager, if she says yes I'll take you to dinner, but if she's no, you take me. ─── 我们打个赌吧,如果她同意我就请客,如果她不同意你就请我。

22、People in general thought him a lunatic, and blamed his Reform Club friends for having accepted a wager which betrayed the mental aberration of its proposer. ─── 大家都认为福克是个怪人,是个疯子。跟他打赌的那些会员,也受到人们的责难,人们认为想出这种打赌办法的人脑子也有毛

23、Wager the pros and cons of getting involved with someone who may not be all that good for you long-term. ─── 下个赌注吧,来决定这个人是不是真的适合长期交往。

24、Would you wager much money on Mike? ─── 你在迈克身上下大赌注吗?

25、The two number combination bets consist of placing a wager on any 2 dice combinations. ─── 两个数字组合押注是下注任意两个骰子旋转后的结果组合。

26、You didn't have your mind on your business and I'll wager you weren't thinking about our Cause or the hospital. ─── 你没有把你的心思放在事业上,并且我敢打赌,你不是在思考我们的主义或医院。

27、For example, if we decide to play blackjack, the first thing we have to do is decide how much we are going to wager or risk. ─── 它不会开始,停止或等待。即使市场收盘了,价格还在波动。

28、In the event of a technology error or malfunction stopping a game from being completed, the value of the wager will be returned to the player. ─── 在技术出错和发生故障的情况下而终止了未完成的游戏,赌注的数目会退回给玩家。

29、The amount that must be wagered to win $100, or the amount won for a $100 wager. ─── 想要赢取100蚊所需要投下的风险注码金,或者投下100蚊将可赢得的彩金。

30、He wagers $100 on the result of the election. ─── 他用100美元来对选举结果打赌。

31、When widows exclaim loudly against second marriages, I would always lay a wager that the man, if not the wedding - day, is absolutely fixed - on. ─── 当寡妇们大声非议再婚的时候,我敢打赌,要不是婚礼日已定好,就是男方绝对已经定好了。

32、Let's make a wager if she says yes, I'll take you to dinner, but if she says no, you take me. ─── 我们打个赌,如果她答应了,那么我请你吃饭,但是如果她没有答应,你请我。

33、The online service provides a website through which registered New York residents can place account wagers on horse races using TVG's patented state-of-the-art Internet technology. ─── 在线服务提供了一个网站,通过这个新注册的纽约居民,可以把户口投注赛马使用tvg专利的国家采用最先进的互联网技术的发展。

34、One third of the wagers on this website are also monetary. ─── 三分之一的工资,在这个网站上也有货币。

35、By this performance, he won his wager. ─── 他以这一成绩赢得赌局。

36、He earns higher wager and pays less tax and he usually gets on wall with his boss. ─── 他赚取更高的工资,交纳更低的税款,并且一般都会和老板相处的很好。

37、"And better taste than to wear that veil to advertise a grief I'm sure you never felt. I'll lay a wager with you. ─── "趣味要高尚一点,不要用那条纱巾来表现自己实际上从来没有过的悲哀。

38、A wager of twenty thousand pounds lost, because he, like a precious fool, had gone into that abominable pagoda! ─── 两万英镑的赌注输定了。这都是因为他去乱游瞎逛,都怪自己要跑到那个该死的破庙里去看稀罕。

39、We tried to build the firm foundations for a modern industrial society based on faster expansion and higher real wagers and better living standards. ─── 我们曾经试图建立以加速发展,提高实际工资,改善生活水平为出发点的现代工业化社会的基础。

40、The desire Iachimo had to win the wager made him now have recourse to a stratagem to impose upon Posthumus. ─── 埃阿基摩一心一意想赢这个赌注,他就使出个策略来欺骗波塞摩斯。

41、You won't find better goods anywhere else,I'll wager. ─── 你到哪儿也找不到比这个好的货, 我敢打赌。

42、A memorandum of the wager was at once drawn up and signed by the six parties, during which Phileas Fogg preserved a stoical composure. ─── 一张打赌的字据当场写好,六位当事人立即在上面签了字。

43、The heart bosom expects going to wager is next unknown and heavy meet! ─── 心怀期望,去赌下一个的未知的重逢!

44、Of, relating to, or being a racing wager whereby equal amounts are bet on the same contestant to win, place, or show. ─── 全面下注的,连赢注的把同样数目的赛马赌注下在同一匹可能赢得第一名、第二名或第三名的赛马上

45、Once you have placed your wager, click "DEAL" to deal a new game. ─── 一旦您下注完毕,点击“发牌”来开始游戏。

46、Bargain (such as a wager) where what is done by one party depends on something happening which is not certain to happen. ─── 一种商定如赌注,被一方所做的事取决某一不肯定事的发生。

47、Humankind ceaselessly declares just how "reasonable" it is, and how superior we are to other creatures, but ultimately we find it difficult to avoid placing the occasional wager. ─── 尽管人类不断宣称自己如何理性,如何优于其它动物,却终究难逃一赌。

48、As Phileas Fogg had not appeared in the saloon on the evening before (Saturday, the 21st of December, at a quarter before nine), he had lost his wager. ─── 因为昨天晚上是星期六,在这个决定命运的12月21日八点四十五分斐利亚·福克没有回到改良俱乐部大厅,他的赌注已经输了。

49、However, a hedge fund manager in London I know is taking wagers on both. ─── 然而,我认识的一个伦敦对冲基金经理人对这两支股票都下了注。

50、The Inman steamer did not depart till the next day, and could not cross the Atlantic in time to save the wager. ─── s>它的一条巴黎号要第二天才开。

51、Colonel patriarch Johnson: Somewhere where I crapper wager you reaching from a daylong artefact off. ─── 在那个地方我可以看见你从老远的地方过来。

52、A wager is a fool's argument. ─── 只有傻瓜才以打赌来解决争论。

53、Unlike the movie, the exact nature of Dennis and Eckhardt's wager, if any existed, is not known. ─── 和电影不同,丹尼斯和埃克哈特的赌注到底是什么,没有人知道。

54、Players want a system which allows them to move more freely with shorter notice periods and in which wagers are a key feature. ─── 球员需要一种允许他们转会更自由、以竞价为主要特征的挂牌期更短一些的制度。

55、wagers on certain candidates since the senator announced his retirement. ─── 自从那位参议员宣布引退之后,对某些候选人的打赌猜测纷纷出现。

56、"It's a very useful model," reports Wagers, "because it allows one to track cells that normally circulate in the blood under physiological conditions. ─── 因此,一旦这个小鼠被联合在一起,任何从表达荧光蛋白小鼠的血液中运动到它的非荧光同伴的细胞都能被确定。

57、He went to wager on horses with Hope. ─── 他与霍普一起去赌马

58、And yet you are a part of it, like I was, and I'll wager you don't like it any more than I did. ─── 可你自己就是属于它的一分子,跟我一样,而且我敢肯定你也像我这样,并不喜欢它。

59、English: A wager is a fool's argument. ─── 中文:傻瓜一争就打赌。

60、He often wagers money on horses. ─── 他时常在马身上赌钱。

61、It has not been created to give partners a discount on their own wagers. ─── 付款时间。我们每周处理上周标记有您伙伴帐户的玩家活动,决定该期间玩家所创造的利润。

62、An Englishman never jokes about a wager, sir. ─── 一个真正的英国人是不会拿打赌这样正经的事情开玩笑的,先生。

63、No wagers, nobody else. Just you and me, once and for all. ─── 没有赌注,没有其他人。就你和我,比最后一次。

64、Generally they won't intentionally understate your wager amount. ─── 在你开赌之前,务必看看精华区。

65、A method for determining wagers by applying a chip denomination representation, having at least one angle associated with at least one color transition, against a working chip template. ─── 一种通过对工作筹码模板应用具有至少一个与至少一个彩色过渡相关的夹角的筹码面额表示来确定投注的方法。

66、To offer as a stake in a bet; wager. ─── 作赌注;押赌注

67、In online roulette, the players have the freedom to set different wagers for different numbers. ─── 人悄悄,月依依,翠帘垂!皮肤容易过敏、面部皮肤过敏怎么办?过敏性皮肤的治疗?

68、In order to win the needed parts for their damaged vessel, Anakin figured into a cleverly crafted wager that depended on the outcome of the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace. ─── 为了赢取他们受损飞船所需的零配件,阿纳金参与了一个精心设计的赌局,输赢取决于邦塔之夜传统飞梭大赛的比赛结果。

69、I will give up this choice . Because one person has one life . I think I can not use my life as wager to change money ,That is not advisable. ─── 我会放弃,因为人的生命只有一次,我不会用我唯一的一次生命做赌注来换取金钱。哪是不明智的。

70、Would you care to place a small wager of $5 on it? ─── 你愿不愿就此事打个五元的小赌?

71、How much smart money are you going to wager? ─── 你投下了多少钱的赌注!

72、The friend continues: "i would place a huge wager on her becoming the first female president in the next 20 years. when ange sets her mind on something, she goes all out to do it. ─── 她这位朋友又说:“我可以打个大赌说,未来20年她会成为第一位女总统。

73、If your first two cards are the same value, you may "split" them into two separate hands, placing a second wager of equal value. ─── 如果您最初得到的两张牌的牌号相同,您可以将他们“分拆”成两付牌并补下与原下注金等额的下注金额。

74、If you chose to wager in these areas, you are wagering on the total numerical value of all three dice. ─── 如果您选择下注在这个区域,您押注的是三个骰子的数字总和。

75、"I'll wager that you've never been interviewed in a kitchen," he said, not unkindly. ─── “我相信你从没有在厨房里跟人会谈,”他说,口气不能说不亲切。

76、We believe deeply him to be just the top of the mouth and would not like to admit, can he only says:"I will escort a wager on her body forever and also have you the owner. ─── 我们深信他只是嘴上不愿意承认,可他仅仅说:“我会永远把赌注押在她身上,还有你们所有人身上。”

77、We made a wager that he would win. ─── 我们保证他会胜。

78、It's also very possible that the Kelly Criterion will advise you to make a wager (albeit a small one) on a horse with negative expected rate of return. ─── 它也是非常可能的凯利标准将会劝告你制造一在一匹马上用回返的否定预期的比率摇摆(虽然一个小的)。

79、Dr Nadia Wager said in a report in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine. ─── 从监床医学表现上看,就有可能对员工的心血管功能造成很大的影响。

80、He had lost the wager! ─── 他输了。

81、For instance, instead of betting the optimal Kelly amount, wager 1/2 or 1/4 of the suggested amounts. ─── 举例来说,而不是打赌最佳的凯利数量,摇摆1/2或被提议的数量中的1/4个。

82、Basically you are keeping a journal of your decision-making that records when, where, why and how much you bet on each trade or wager. ─── 基本上你是在记录交易决策的日志,包括什么时间,什么品种,什么原因以及你每笔交易或赌资的多少。

83、Wager on a wide array of sports,futures and propositions. ─── 可以在广泛的运动,期货和命题方面下赌注。

84、"But these age wagers are starting to cost us a fortune. ─── 但时至今日,这些有关年龄的赌注已经开始让我们不得不破费一笔了。”

85、With $3.5 billion being lost on Internet wagers this year, gambling has passed pornography as the Web's most profitable business. ─── 今年由于有35亿美元输在网络赌博上,博彩业已经超过色情行业成为网上最有利可图的行业。

86、To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc. ─── 在概率类游戏或比赛中打赌或下注。

87、Using the Kelly Criterion, you'll be able to figure out what percentage of your bankroll you should wager on the #1 horse. ─── 使用凯利标准,你将会可以理解你应该在#1马上摇摆什麽你的资金百分比。

88、Some hedge funds are starting to wager on painful times ahead for Japan, the world's second-largest economy. ─── 一些对冲基金开始押注全球第二大经济体日本将面临痛苦的前景。

89、None but fools and knaves lay wagers. ─── [谚]只有傻瓜和骗子才同别人打赌。

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