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09-02 投稿


curmudgeon 发音

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curmudgeon 中文意思翻译



curmudgeon 网络释义

n. 脾气坏的人,乖戾的人;吝啬鬼;存心不良的人

curmudgeon 词性/词形变化,curmudgeon变形


curmudgeon 短语词组

1、curmudgeon hoodies curmudgeon ─── 连帽衫

2、curmudgeon definition curmudgeon ─── 定义

3、curmudgeon 66 ─── 姜黄66

4、curmudgeon to love ─── 爱的暴躁

5、curmudgeon define ─── 乖戾的定义

6、cantankerous curmudgeon ─── 脾气暴躁的

7、curmudgeon fear ─── 胆小鬼的恐惧

8、curmudgeon tab ─── 姜黄标签

curmudgeon 相似词语短语

1、chirurgeon ─── n.外科医生(等于surgeon)

2、burgeon ─── vi.萌芽,发芽;迅速增长;n.芽,嫩枝

3、curmudgeons ─── n.脾气坏的人,乖戾的人;吝啬鬼;存心不良的人

4、bludgeon ─── vt.恫吓;用棍棒打;猛烈攻击;n.棍棒;攻击;vi.恫吓;用棍棒打;猛烈攻击

5、humdudgeon ─── 腐殖质

6、gudgeon ─── n.易骗的人;诱饵;白杨鱼(一种用作钓饵的鱼);n.(Gudgeon)人名;(英)格杰恩

7、curmudgeonly ─── adj.不和悦的;小气的

8、humdudgeons ─── 悍马

9、dudgeon ─── n.愤怒;生气,不高兴

curmudgeon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The old curmudgeon was talking about the smothering effects of parental duty on creative lives. ─── 那些坏脾气的老人们喋喋不休于父母生儿育女之责任的妨碍性效应。

2、Only a curmudgeon could resist. ─── 除非你真的难以取悦。

3、bicker, bristling, cantankerous, choleric, contend, contentious, crabbed, curmudgeon, fracas, fracas, fractious, gruff, irascible, rile, petulant, precipitous, querulous, surly, tantrum. ─── 表“ 脾气暴躁、争吵” 之意:

4、His Curmudgeon column which ran for many years in the Sunday Independent was required reading and was always guaranteed to raise a smile, he said. ─── 他的坏脾气专栏在星期日独立报里跑(步)有许多年被需要阅读和总是被保证引人发笑,他说.

5、4. The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out. ─── 他意识到要是出了什么差错,老板会让他去做替罪羊。

6、This was taught to me by my pipe-smoking guru, an insufferably grouchy old curmudgeon. ─── 这是我的烟斗导师教给我的,他是一个不苟言笑,脾气乖戾的老头,但他却的确懂得抽烟斗。

7、It's fitting that he and Auerbach should win one award since Phil is only a little less hated than Red, who lit up his cigars on the bench and did his curmudgeon act with the out-of-town press. ─── 他大概描述了一下科比缺席的那三天湖人训练营的情况,当时训练营里满是科比将被交易的流言。令杰克逊惊讶的是,其他球员都因为这个谣言而感到沮丧。

8、The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out. ─── 那个老守财奴找到一个新的替罪羊,这样我就脱身了。

9、Only a curmudgeon would deny the many benefits that our computers and electronic networks have brought us. ─── 只有一个被我们称为脾气暴躁的老头置疑了电脑、手机带给我们的好处。

10、Indeed, whereas a young curmudgeon has no heart, an old idealist has no head. ─── 的确,一个年轻的乖戾之人没有善心,一个年老的理想主义者没有头脑。

11、Paul: How about to my editor, the old curmudgeon? Excuse me. He took me off the Anaconda story. I'm a reporter at The Bee. ─── 保罗:为我的编辑干杯,那个守财奴。他扔掉我阿纳康达的故事。我是个湿袜子记者。

12、During my years as the "RUP curmudgeon, " I had the opportunity to visit and observe many customers. ─── 当我还是“RUP倔老头”的时候,我有机会调查和观察许多客户。

13、The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out. ─── 那个老守财奴找到一个新的替罪羊,这样我就脱身了。

14、The old curmudgeon was talking about the smothering effects of parental duty on creative lives. ─── 那些坏脾气的老人们喋喋不休于父母生儿育女之责任的妨碍性效应。

15、This was taught to me by my pipe-smoking guru, an insufferably grouchy old curmudgeon. He DID know pipe smoking, though. . . ─── 呼吸式抽斗法是我的烟斗导师教给我的,他是一个不苟言笑,脾气乖戾的老头,但他却的确懂得抽烟斗。

16、But the biggest revelation in "Backward Ran Sentences" is Gibbs' presence, not as a glib curmudgeon but as a thoughtful philosopher. ─── 《倒写句》里要揭示的吉布斯不是一个能说会道的倔老头,而是一个深思熟虑的哲学家。

17、He was a brooding curmudgeon who thundered against industry, progress and the young science that sought to explain them. ─── 他忧郁而脾气暴躁,怒斥工业、步以及试图对它们作出解释的科学。

18、How does the old curmudgeon keep the rage burning after all these years? ─── 花甲春秋,多年后老头怒火怎能依旧炽烈?

19、grace and manners that charmed the old curmudgeon; ─── 文雅和礼貌吸引着这个老守财奴;

20、However, I don't want to sound like some elderly curmudgeon, longing for the “good old days”. ─── 但是,我不想让大家听上去像一个喋喋不休的老头,老说当年如何如何。

21、I liked Fantastic Mr. Fox a lot, especially since I'm kind of a curmudgeon, at the moment, when it comes to animation. ─── 福克斯先生,我喜欢幻想很多,尤其是因为我样的坏脾气,此刻,当它说到动画。

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