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09-02 投稿



philologist 发音

英:[f??lɑ?l?d??st]  美:[f??l?l?d??st]

英:  美:

philologist 中文意思翻译



philologist 网络释义

n. 文献学者;语言学者

philologist 词性/词形变化,philologist变形


philologist 相似词语短语

1、phonologist ─── n.音韵学者

2、philologists ─── n.文献学者;语言学者

3、philologian ─── n.语言学家

4、syphilologist ─── 梅毒专科医师

5、philologic ─── adj.语言学的;语文学的

6、phenologist ─── 物候学家

7、chirologist ─── 手相学家

8、ophiologist ─── 蛇学家

9、phycologist ─── 藻类学家

philologist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Zhang Shanlei, a modern famous philologist, educationist and clinician, took high reputation in TCM circle. ─── 张山雷是近代著名的中医文献学家、中医教育家和临床家,在医林享有盛誉。

2、British poet and philologist whose works include On the Study of Words(1851) and English Past and Present(1855). ─── 特伦奇,理查德·切尼维克斯1807-1886英国诗人和语言学家,著作包括词语研究和英国的过去和现在(1855年)

3、British philologist who founded numerous literary societies and as a member of the Philological Society proposed the Oxford English Dictionary in 1857 ─── 英国语言学家,建立了许多文学社团,是语言学会的一员。于1857年提议编纂了牛津英语词典

4、Zhang Shanlei, a philologist, educationist and clinician of traditional Chinese medicine ─── 集中医文献学家教育家临床家于一身的张山雷

5、Syme was a philologist, a specialist in Newspeak ─── 赛姆是语言学家,也是新话专家。

6、British philologist who founded numerous literary societies and as a member of the Philological Society proposed the Oxford English Dictionary in1857. ─── 弗尼瓦尔,弗雷德里克·詹姆斯1825-1910英国语言学家,建立了许多文学社团,是语言学会的一员。于1857年提议编纂了牛津英语词典

7、Danish philologist noted for his contributions to phonetics and the teaching of languages.In1928he developed an international language called Novial. ─── 耶斯佩森,(金斯)奥托(哈里)1860-1943丹麦语言学家,以其对语音学和语言教学的贡献而闻名。1928年他发展了一种名叫“新为语”的国际语言

8、This phenomenon was first described in detail in the 19th century by the German philologist Jacob Grimm. ─── 德国语言学家雅各布.格里姆在19世纪首先对这种语言现象进行了详细的描述。

9、Miao Quansun is a well-known philologist in Qing Dynasty. This paper discusses his achievements in philology from bibliography, edition to compiling. ─── 摘要缪荃孙是清代著名文献学家。论文从目录、版本、图书编撰等方面论述其在文献学上的成就。

10、Moreover, no philologist now supposes that any language has been deliberately invented. ─── 此外,现在没有语文学家会认为有任何语言是被刻意创造出来的。

11、He is a philologist, specializing in American poetry. ─── 他是专攻美国诗歌的语文学家。

12、In the 21rt century, it is the first question to be thought for the philologist to develop the philological study of Yijing and other ancient books. ─── 在新世纪里,易经整理如何和继续,这是从事易学研究的文献学者需要首先思考的。文章针对学科的走向问题,提出了一系列个人的见解和主张。

13、British philologist,traveler,and writer of books based on his journeys,including Romany Rye(1857. ─── 博洛,乔治·亨利1803-1881英国语言学家、旅行家及作家,著有吉普赛男人(1857年)等游记

14、Danish philologist noted for his contributions to phonetics and the teaching of languages. In1928 he developed an international language called Novial. ─── 耶斯佩森,(金斯)奥托(哈里)1860-1943丹麦语言学家,以其对语音学和语言教学的贡献而闻名。1928年他发展了一种名叫“新为语”的国际语言

15、He would be like a philologist refusing to examine a fact in language, a philosopher hesitating to scrutinize a fact in humanity. ─── 这也好比是一个不大想根究语言的实际问题的语言学家,一个不大想钻研人类的实际问题的哲学家。

16、British poet and philologist whose works include On the Study of Words(1851)and English Past and Present(1855. ─── 特伦奇,理查德·切尼维克斯1807-1886英国诗人和语言学家,著作包括词语研究和英国的过去和现在(1855年)

17、Instead, its unorthodox mixture of philosophy and philology merely served to damage his reputation as a philologist. ─── 相反的是,他的对于哲学和语言学的异端混合物仅仅达到了损害他作为语言学家的名望的结果。

18、Xu Shen, a philologist of the Han Dynasty (206B.C.--A.D.220), divided Chinese characters into six categories. ─── 人类有了语言,就可以积累知识,形成文化。

19、German philologist Friedrich August Wolf argued for the first time that not only were Homer's works not written down by Homer, but they weren't even by Homer. ─── 德国语文学家弗里德里希·奥古斯特·沃尔夫首次提出,荷马的作品不仅不是荷马亲笔写下的,甚至也不是荷马本人亲自创作的。

20、3.how do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study? who do you think will be more interested in the different between say[i]and[i],[p] and[ph],a phonetician or a philologist? why? ─── 语音学和音位学的研究中心有何不同?语音学家和音位学家哪一个更关心清晰音的区别?为什么?

21、Bopp:German philologist whose Comparative Grammar (1833-1852) illustrated the similarities among Indo-European languages. ─── 波普:德国哲学家,他的《比较语法》(1833-1852年)举例说明了印欧语系各语言间的相同点。

22、Zhang Shanlei, a modern famous philologist, educationist and clinician, took high reputation in TCM circle. ─── 张山雷是近代著名的中医文献学家、中医教育家和临床家,在医林享有盛誉。

23、Zhang Shun hui is a famous modern philologist. ─── 摘要张舜徽是现代著名文献学家。

24、By identifying the minimal pair or the minimal set of a language, a philologist can identify its phonemes. ─── 通过分析一种语言的最小对立对或最小对立组,音位学家能辨别出它的音位.

25、Bopp: German philologist whose Comparative Grammar (1833-1852) illustrated the similarities among Indo-European languages. ─── 德国哲学家,他的《比较语法》(1833-1852年)举例说明了印欧语系各语言间的相同点。

26、Danish philologist noted for his contributions to phonetics and the teaching of languages. in 1928 he developed an international language called Novial ─── 丹麦语言学家,以其对语音学和语言教学的贡献而闻名。1928年他发展了一种名叫“新为语”的国际语言

27、Charters and records show their secrets to the philologist and their quota of words and inflections form a large part of our dictionaries and grammars. ─── 宪章(执照)和记录展示给语言学(文献学)家它们的秘密,而它们的单词量和词形变化组成了我们的词典和语法的一大部分。

28、Moreover, no philologist now supposes that any language has been deliberately invented. ─── 此外,现在没有语文学家会认为有任何语言是被刻意创造出来的。

29、He would be like a philologist refusing to examine a fact in language, a philosopher hesitating to scrutinize a fact in humanity. ─── 这也好比是一个不大想根究语言的实际问题的语言学家,一个不大想钻研人类的实际问题的哲学家。

30、Zhangchao was noted as a devoted philologist who had collected plentiful scripts in order to block -print and descend them to posterity. ─── 张潮是清代著名的文献家,一生广聚天下奇书秘笈,志在编刻传世,造福后人。

31、The chief philologist, Professor Woodlouse, maintained that they were writings, done in a character utterly unknown to scholars, and in a language equally unknown. ─── 首席语言学家地理教授坚持说那是手写物,那种字母学者完全看不懂,那种语言也听不懂。

32、British philologist,traveler,and writer of books based on his journeys,including Romany Rye(1857). ─── 博洛,乔治·亨利1803-1881英国语言学家、旅行家及作家,著有吉普赛男人(1857年)等游记。

33、Zhou Mi was a famous litterateur and philologist between Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. ─── 摘要周密是宋元之交著名的文学家及文献学家。

34、For the first time, I met Linguist and Philologist Yuan Xiaoyuan on August 8th, 1987. ─── 笔者1987年8月8日应邀与袁晓园先生谋面。

35、Mr.Chen Banghuai, philologist and archaeologist in modern China, had a very close contact with Mr.Wang Guowei in 1920s. ─── 摘要中国现代古文字学家、考古学家陈邦怀先生在20世纪20年代曾与王国维先生有过较为密切的交往。

36、By identifying the minimal pair or the minimal set of a language, a philologist can identify its phonemes. ─── 通过分析一种语言的最小对立对或最小对立组,音位学家能辨别出它的音位。

37、My Dear Otani, To study philology, with the idea of becoming a philologist, scarcely seems to me a hopeful undertaking for you. ─── 亲爱的大谷——要想成为语言学家而学习语言学,我看这对你不是什么有希望的事业。

38、Mr.Daojing Hu was a well-known Chinese philologist on ancient book and historian on the history of science and technology. ─── 摘要胡道静先生是蜚声中外的古文献学家、科技史学家。

39、The Qing Dynasty philologist and archeologist Wang Yirong: his Sichuan tour and new discoveries ─── 清代著名金石学家王懿荣四川纪行并首先发现汉代画像

40、Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, German philosopher, psychologist, and philologist died at 56 on August 25. ─── 1900年8月25日,德国思想家、心理学家、语言学家尼采逝世,享年56岁。

41、British philologist, traveler, and writer of books based on his journeys, including Romany Rye(1857). ─── 博洛,乔治 亨利1803-1881英国语言学家、旅行家及作家,著有吉普赛男人(1857年)等游记

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