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09-02 投稿


fibulae 发音


英:  美:

fibulae 中文意思翻译



fibulae 短语词组

1、fibulae roman ─── 腓骨

2、apex Capituli fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨 ─── [小]头尖

3、arteriae nntricia fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨滋养动脉

4、ligamenta capitis fibulae posterius ─── [医] 腓骨小头后韧带

5、facies articularis malleoli fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨髁关节面

6、fibulae brooches ─── 腓骨胸针

7、rami circumflexus fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨旋支

8、corpora fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨体

9、fibulae capitulum ─── [医] 腓骨小头

10、fibulae art ─── 腓骨艺术

11、fibulae define ─── 腓骨

12、caput fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨小头

13、facies articularis capitis fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨小头关节面

14、merovingian fibulae ─── 梅罗文吉安腓骨

15、apex capitis fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨 ─── [小]头尖

16、malleolus fibulae ─── [医] 腓踝, 外踝

17、facies plantaris fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨后面

18、ligamenta capituli fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨小头韧带

19、ligamenta capitis fibulae anterius ─── [医] 腓骨小头前韧带

fibulae 词性/词形变化,fibulae变形

名词复数: fibulae |

fibulae 相似词语短语

1、ferulae ─── n.教鞭,竹板;大茴香(ferula的变形)

2、fabular ─── adj.寓言的

3、faculae ─── [天]光斑

4、fistulae ─── n.管状器官

5、feculae ─── n.淀粉;虫粪(fecula的变形)

6、fibular ─── adj.腓骨的

7、fibulas ─── n.[解剖]腓骨;扣针,搭扣

8、ligulae ─── n.(昆虫的)唇舌(复数ligulae)(ligula的变形)

9、fibula ─── n.[解剖]腓骨;扣针,搭扣

fibulae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Men and women fastened their mantales on the right shoulder with a gorgeous jeweled fibula or clasp. ─── 男女都用珠宝镶嵌的别针或夹子将披风固定在右肩上。

2、Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula ─── 先天性胫骨和腓骨弯曲

3、Objective:To summarize the experience of using fibula free flap for reconstruction of mandibular defects. ─── 目的:总结应用游离腓骨肌(皮)瓣修复下颌骨缺损的经验。

4、Objective: To introduce small incision reposition with precutaneous plate osteosynthesis for the treatment of tibial and fibula fractures and evaluate its clinical effects. ─── 摘要目的:介绍小切口复位经皮钢板内固定治疗胫腓骨骨折,并观察其疗效。

5、Almost five weeks have passed since Owen broke his fibula in the match against Arminia Bielefeld. The plaster's off now and Owen is also able to walk without crutches again. ─── 欧文骨折已经过了5周时间了,现在石膏已经拆掉,欧文也可以不依靠拐杖行走了。

6、Congenital absence of tibia and fibula ─── 先天性胫骨和腓骨缺失

7、Dictyocha fibula var. pentagona ─── n. 小等刺硅鞭藻五角变种

8、Keywords Fibula;Length;Perimenter;Nutrient foramen; ─── 关键词腓骨;长;周长;滋养孔;

9、Objective:To probe into observation and nursing methods of patients with oral-cavity and mandible compound defect repaired with fibula myocutaneous flap. ─── 探讨腓骨肌皮瓣修复口腔下颌骨复合缺损的观察和护理方法。

10、Crus fatigue periostitis is a sort of familiar sports injury,including shinbone fatigue periostitis and fibula fatigue periostitis. ─── 小腿疲劳性骨膜炎是一种常见的运动性损伤,包括胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎和腓骨疲劳性骨膜炎。

11、Objective To evaluate the results of unilateral multifunctional external fixation apparatus for patients with unstable fractures of the tibia and fibula. ─── 目的评估单臂多功能外固定支架治疗不稳定性胫腓骨骨折的疗效。

12、Conclusion Tongluo tablet prepared by ourselves could be used as treatment for concrescence of tibia and fibula fracture after sargery. ─── 结论自制通络片治疗胫腓骨骨折愈合,疗效确切。

13、The soleus originates on the upper tibia and fibula, then runs down the calf to attach to the heel. ─── 比目鱼肌起自胫骨和腓骨的上部,然后沿着小腿一直到脚后跟。

14、The past medical history included a hospital admission one year before for osteomyelitis over the distal metaphysis of the right fibula. ─── 病童于一年前曾因右腓骨远端骨髓炎住院检查治疗,经外科引流及服用抗生素2个月后治愈。

15、Objective To improve the effect of the treatment of unstable fractures of tibia and fibula in altiplano. ─── 目的提高治疗高原地区不稳定性胫腓骨骨折的疗效。

16、Dictyocha fibula var. messanensis ─── n. 小等刺硅鞭藻短刺变种

17、Conclusion IOM rupture was found in all MFF patients.The range of IOM injury in MFF was only below the distal 1/3 of leg,not consistent with the proximal fibula fracture. ─── 结论(1)MFF患者都有骨间膜损伤,但仅为小腿远端1/3水平以下的部分断裂,并未达到高位腓骨骨折水平。

18、Equalization of leg by fibula ─── 下肢均衡术用腓骨

19、Measurement of the slope of proximal joint on human dried fibula ─── 人干腓骨上胫腓关节坡度测量

20、The bone of knee joint consists of thighbone, shinbone, kneecap and fibula. ─── 摘要膝部的骨由股骨胫骨、骸骨及排骨构成。

21、Infer- shin- fibula disconnect ─── 下胫腓联合分离

22、Fig. 1-38 Method of mobilizing and retracting common peroneal nere when approaching proximal fibula. ─── 图1-38显露近段腓骨时游离并牵开腓总神经的方法。

23、We did some tests and he has a problem with his fibula. ─── 我们做了些检查,而他的腓骨还有问题。

24、Padding should be placed oer the area where a nere may be pressed against the bone, that is, the radial nere in the arm, the ulnar nere at the elbow, and peroneal nere at the neck of the fibula. ─── 将一切可能导致神经受骨骼压迫的位置加以棉垫保护,包括上臂桡神经处、肘关节尺神经沟处及腓骨小头腓总神经走行处。

25、Objective:To apply the improve compressed fixation treats nonunion of fracture of tibia and fibula. ─── 目的:介绍改良加压固定器治疗胫骨干骨折不愈合。

26、Radical resection for tumor of fibula ─── 根治性切除术用于腓骨肿瘤

27、Conclusion:The fibula free flap was an ideal selection for the ... ─── 结论:游离腓骨肌(皮)瓣是修复下颌骨缺损的一种理想方法。

28、Effect of Tibia - fibula Fracture on Ankle Joint ─── 不同类型胫腓骨骨折对胫骨远侧关节面的影响

29、Objective To study the influence of function and appearance of the donor limb after excising a part of fibula in children. ─── 目的探讨部分腓骨切除后对儿童供侧肢体功能及形态的影响。

30、Objective:Introduced the single-sideband transmission formula outside anchor treatment shin fibula bone fracture nurses the experience. ─── 目的:介绍单边式外固定器治疗胫腓骨骨折的护理体会。

31、Twenty-nine (27%) of the concomitant fibula fractures were fixed. ─── 29例(27%)的合并腓骨骨折进行了固定。

32、If it is short and tight, it will pull the upper ends of the tibia and fibula backward, contributing to hyperextension. ─── 如果这块肌肉肌纤维短并且僵紧,它会把胫骨和腓骨的上部向后拉,造成超伸。

33、Objective To report the clinical effect of treatment of severe open fracture in tibia and fibula with single arm external fixture and medial sural graft transplation. ─── 目的报道单臂多功能外固定器结合腓肠肌内侧头肌皮瓣转移治疗严重胫腓骨开放性骨折的临床效果。

34、He was carried off the pitch after 24 minutes and was expected to have a scan.However Bayern admitted they thought his fibula may have been snapped in a tackle with Bielefeld's Thorben Marx. ─── 他在比赛第24分钟后被抬下场,并将接受检查.然而拜仁有关方面透漏在与一次比勒菲尔德的马克思冲撞时他的左腿腓骨有可能骨折.

35、The model consisted of the pelvis, the femur, the tibia, the fibula, the patella, the foot bones, tendons, capsules, and ligaments, as well as hip, knee and ankle joints. ─── 模型按人体解剖学结构建立,由髋骨、股骨、胫骨、腓骨、膑骨、足骨、韧带、腱、关节囊以及髋关节、膝关节和踝关节构成。

36、Lacks the fibula and anklebone's Pisituo Ruisi since birth when 11 months are big have fallen the knee following thigh by the truncation. ─── 生来缺少腓骨和踝骨的皮斯托瑞斯在11个月大时被截掉了膝盖以下的腿部。

37、Amputation of leg through tibia and fibula ─── 经胫骨和腓骨的小腿切断术

38、B, Distal fibula has been replaced and fixed to tibia with syndesmosis screw. ─── 复位腓骨远端,并以螺丝钉固定于胫骨上。

39、Dictyocha fibula var. stapedia ─── n. 小等刺硅鞭藻镫骨变种

40、We designed the combined osteoperiosteal flap of tibia distal segment and fibula pedicled with peroneal vessels based on what was found. ─── 根据解剖观测结果,设计了以腓血管为蒂的胫腓骨远段后面联合骨(膜)瓣。

41、The harden bone of fracture end were repaired and planted the fibula bone flap.Then all patients were treated by single brachial external fixation and planted the iliac bone flap. ─── 先按原切口取出带锁髓内钉,选择合适的切口修整骨折端硬化骨,行排骨斜行截骨植骨,全部采用单臂外固定支架固定并髂骨植骨治疗。

42、Objective To explore treatment method of tibia and fibula fractures with soft tissue defect of legs. ─── 目的应用外固定架结合皮瓣技术治疗合并软组织缺损的胫、腓骨骨折。

43、ligamenta capitis fibulae posterius ─── [医] 腓骨小头后韧带

44、The 2008-2009 season ended unceremoniously for him as he had to shut it down with a stress fracture in his right distal fibula. ─── 在2008-2009赛季他因为右脚腓骨压力性骨折而被迫无奈地回家休养。

45、It was a rectangular piece of woolen or linen fabric sewn partway up the sides and fastened on each shoulder by a fibula. ─── 基同通过将长方形的羊毛或亚马面料两侧缝合,肩部用别针固定而成。

46、The limited external rotation of the fibula during injury by the superior tibio-fibular syndesmosis comprise to the high level fibular fracture. ─── 上胫腓联合对腓骨外旋的限制及膝关节在损伤时所处的屈曲角度共同参与了高位腓骨骨折的产生。

47、Keywords keepe of external fixation;tibia;fibula;fractur;nursing; ─── 关键词外固定架;胫骨;腓骨;骨折;护理;

48、Methods: The cases of fifty-seven patients with painful snapping of the peroneal tendons posterior to the fibula were reviewed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析了57例腓骨后方腓骨肌发生疼痛性弹响的患者。

49、Methods Based on the length of the tibia defect, the fibula attaching the pedicel muscle on the same side of the defect was cut and transplanted in the section of the defect. ─── 方法根据胫骨缺损的长度,切取同侧腓骨带肌蒂转移至胫骨缺损区,植入大量松质骨,加内固定,置管冲洗。

50、Methods: The lower limbs of 30 adult cadaver were observed for arterial branches of the peroneal artery to distal segment of tibia and fibula. ─── 方法:在成人下肢标本上解剖观测腓动脉至胫腓骨远段的分支。

51、Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of the transplantation of the fibula attaching the pedicel muscle in treating defect left by chronic tibia osteomyelitis. ─── 目的探讨腓骨带肌蒂转移治疗胫骨骨髓炎遗留缺损的疗效。

52、facies articularis malleoli fibulae ─── [医] 腓骨髁关节面

53、IOM rupture was found in all MFF patients. The range of IOM injury in MFF was only below the distal 1/3 of leg,not consistent with the proximal fibula fracture. ─── MFF患者都有骨间膜损伤 ,但仅为小腿远端 1/ 3水平以下的部分断裂 ,并未达到高位腓骨骨折水平。

54、The result, tests later showed, was a fractured fibula. ─── 检查后确定是腓骨骨折。

55、Malunion was more common after open fracture (38%, P = 0.006) but was not related to fibula fixation. ─── 畸形愈合在开放骨折更多见,和腓骨固定没有关联。

56、The mandible contour restoration was satisfactory. Conclusion:Fibula free flaps may offer enough bone and soft tissues to meet the need of oro mandibular reconstruction. ─── 结论:腓骨肌皮瓣可以提供充足的骨组织以及肌肉和皮肤等软组织,适合修复口腔下颌骨复合组织缺损。

57、Results: In the middle of legs, the peroneal vessels lay on the medial surface of fibula and posteolateral of tibia. ─── 结果:腓血管行至小腿中部时,位于腓骨内侧面、胫骨的后外侧;

58、In 1964 the author had corrected himself in mistaken diagnosis of fibular fracture made previously. A total of 48 fibulae in 26 animals of Equus were examined by using caudalcranial projection radiograpy of the hind legs. ─── 本文通过26例马、骡的48个腓骨的X线照片观察,纠正了作者先前作过的马腓骨骨折的X线诊断,并在国内初次报告了马属动物假性腓骨骨折问题。

59、Methods:42 patients with fracture of tibial and fibula were treated by limited open recuction and external fixation with single external fixator. ─── 方法:采用小切口复位单侧外固定架外固定治疗胫腓骨骨折42例。

60、Methods The joint inclinations were measured with two methods on 109 dried fibula. ─── 方法采用两种方法分别对109根干腓骨的上胫腓关节坡度进行测量。

61、ligamenta capitis fibulae anterius ─── [医] 腓骨小头前韧带

62、Conclusion It is reliable to use Bastiani supporter in treatment of serious open compound fractures of tibia and fibula which are apt to cause infection. ─── 结论对容易造成感染的严重开放性胫腓骨骨折,采用Bastiani架治疗是一条可靠的途径。

63、Objective: To summarize the experience of using fibula free flap for reconstruction of mandibular defects. ─── 摘要目的:总结应用腓骨肌(皮)瓣一期修复下颌骨缺损的经验。

64、Keywords External fixator Vacuseal Flaps Tibia fibula fracture; ─── 外固定器;威克伤;转移皮瓣;胫腓骨骨折;

65、The Nigerian has instead injured the interosseus membrane between the tibia and fibula, and has damaged the tendon and dorsal flexor muscles in his foot. ─── 小马已经在赛后立即打上了绷带,估计在休息几天后将重新恢复训练。

66、"I broke the fibula which isn't so bad but the ankle almost came away from the leg. ─── “我的腓骨断了,但不算太糟,然而我的脚踝几乎与腿部脱离。

67、When any player has what's called a commimuted fracture of their tibia and fibula then it's a potentially hazardous injury for them. ─── 当任何一个球员的胫骨和腓骨同时遭受到所谓的粉碎性骨折的时候,这对他们都是一个潜在冒险甚至是只能碰碰运气的伤病。

68、It indicated that fibulae and the deep fascia or the ligament of extensors are the anatomy basis of entrapment syndromes. ─── 提示腓骨下端骨前嵴与深筋膜或伸肌支持带是对腓浅神经皮支卡压的解剖学基础。

69、Fracture his tibia, fibula and patella, admitted to hospital and can't walk for at least 6 weeks. ─── 漫长的6星期,只能静静地待在家中,想起他也觉得惨!期望他早日康复吧!

70、Congenital absence of fibula ─── 先天性腓骨缺失

71、Objective To observe the effects of interlocking intramedullary nailing with small incision opening reduction for the fractures of femur, tibia and fibula. ─── 目的观察小切口骨折复位带锁髓内钉治疗股骨、胫腓骨骨折的临床疗效。

72、Conclusion No serious complication occurred in donor limbs of most children after excising a part of fibula. ─── 结论儿童部分腓骨被切除以后,多数供侧肢体无严重并发症。

73、Objective To observe the outcome of limited internal fixation combined with unilateral multifunctional external fixing frame for the treatment of severe open comminuted fracture in tibia and fibula. ─── 摘要目的观察有限内固定结合单侧多功能外固定支架治疗胫腓骨严重开放粉碎性骨折的疗效。

74、Objective: To discuss the Long term results of treating of tibia and fibula by open reduction followed by extemal fixation of plaster or by extermal fixator . ─── 目的:探讨直视下复位加石膏外固定与外固定架固定治疗胫腓骨骨折的疗效。

75、He stumbled when playing on the field and injured his fibula. ─── 他打球的时候摔了一跤,腓骨骨折了。

76、The reliability of the fibula osteocutaneous flap is still controversial.Most authors suggested discarding the skin paddle immediately when the harvested skin paddle lacks sizable perforators. ─── 摘要腓骨皮瓣其皮瓣组织的血流供应可信度仍具争议性,大部份作者在摘取腓骨皮瓣时,其面临无肉眼明显可见大小的血管穿通枝常建议立刻移除皮瓣组织。

77、Condyle reconstruction presents a difficult management issue in free fibula flap mandible reconstruction of the superior mandibular ramus disease. ─── 游离腓骨瓣由于其诸多优点,目前已成为下颌骨重建的主要手段之一。

78、For the unstable fracture of middle and lower end of fibula,teratological union will affect the functional recovery of ankle joint. ─── 不稳定型腓骨中下段骨折的畸形愈合将影响踝关节功能的恢复,对其骨折应同样正确复位与固定;

79、Objective To study the postoperative nursing for patient with fracture of tibias and fibula treated by LCP,and how to promote the patient recover early. ─── 目的探讨锁定加压钢板(LCP)治疗胫腓骨骨折术后护理,如何促进患者早日康复。

80、Pistorius was born without the fibula bone in his lower legs and with other defects in his feet. ─── 皮斯托留斯的小腿天生没有腓骨,双脚也有些缺陷。

81、The tired periostitis tibia and fibula ─── 五,胫腓骨疲劳性骨膜炎

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