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09-02 投稿


commodiously 中文意思翻译



commodiously 短语词组

1、commodiously definition ─── 宽泛的定义

commodiously 相似词语短语

1、compendiously ─── adv.简洁地,摘要地

2、ceremoniously ─── adv.隆重地

3、acrimoniously ─── adv.毒辣地;尖刻地

4、commodiousness ─── n.宽敞

5、commodious ─── adj.宽敞的;方便的

6、incommodiously ─── 不舒服的

7、commodify ─── vt.使商品化,把……视作商品

8、censoriously ─── adv.吹毛求疵地,好批评地

9、discommodiously ─── adv.麻烦地,不方便地

commodiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

2、The influence of interest rate on exchange rate can be divided i nto two main kinds: the influence to capital market and the influence to commodi ty market. ─── 利率对汇率的影响主要可分为两种:一是通过资本市场的影响,二是通过商品市场的影响。

4、The site was one of the broadest prairies of the West, where no human habitation would be endangered by the flames, and where a vast assemblage of spectators might commodiously admire the show ─── 这是西部最大的草原之一,在这个地方火焰不会危及任何居住区,又便于一大批看热闹的人一饱眼福。

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