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09-02 投稿



rasp 发音

英:[r?sp]  美:[rɑ?sp]

英:  美:

rasp 中文意思翻译





rasp 网络释义

vt. 用粗锉刀锉;粗声粗气地说vi. 锉磨;用粗嘎的嗓门说n. [机] 粗锉刀;锉磨声;刺耳声n. (Rasp)人名;(德)拉斯普

rasp 词性/词形变化,rasp变形


rasp 短语词组

1、rasp fern ─── [网络] 蕨类植物

2、flexible shaft rasp ─── 软轴锉

3、trocar rasp ─── [医] 穿刺锉

4、rasp cylinder ─── 锉刀气缸

5、rasp-cut file ─── [机] 木锉, 棘齿锉

6、rasp off ─── 锉掉

rasp 习惯用语

1、rasp out ─── 粗声粗气地说出

2、rasp away [off] ─── 锉掉(某物); 刮去某物

rasp 特殊用法

1、bastard flat rasp ─── 粗扁木锉

2、half-round wood rasp ─── 半圆木锉

rasp 相似词语短语

1、Wasp ─── n.黄蜂;[昆]胡蜂;易怒的人;vi.黄蜂似的直扑

2、hasp ─── n.(门、盖等的)搭扣,铁扣;v.把铁扣或搭扣扣上

3、gasp ─── vi.喘气;喘息;渴望;vt.气喘吁吁地说;喘着气说话;n.喘气

4、rap ─── n.轻敲;指责(非正式);说唱乐;交谈(非正式);刑事指控(非正式);名声;一丁点儿;极少;v.抢走;轻敲;敲击致使;使着迷;交谈;说唱

5、ramp ─── n.斜坡,坡道;敲诈;vi.蔓延;狂跳乱撞;敲诈;vt.敲诈;使有斜面

6、grasp ─── v.抓牢,握紧;试图抓住;理解,领悟;毫不犹豫地抓住(机会);n.抓,握;理解,领会;力所能及,把握;权力,控制

7、rasps ─── n.刺耳声,刮擦声;(机)粗锉刀;v.发出刺耳声;刺耳地说,用粗嘎嗓门说;用粗锉刀锉,锉磨;刮伤(尤指皮肤);n.(Rasp)(美、德、澳)拉斯普(人名)

8、asp ─── n.角蝰(北非的小毒蛇);赤梢鱼;山杨;adj.山杨的;n.(Asp)(美、挪、丹)阿斯普(人名)

9、raspy ─── adj.刺耳的;易怒的;粗糙的

rasp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、rasp mill ─── 湿磨

2、The RASP can be used by hand or in a profiler. ─── 在锉可用于手工或轮廓。

3、rasp with a file ─── 用锉子锉

4、Cherry Eola rasp leaf virus ─── 樱桃埃欧拉锉叶病毒

5、Robb's antrum rasp ─── 罗布(氏)蝶窦锉

6、Brawley's antrum rasp ─── 布劳利(氏)上颌窦锉

7、Epstein's bone rasp ─── 爱泼斯坦(氏)粗骨锉

8、half-round rasp ─── 半圆(木)锉

9、Donberg's trachoma rasp ─── 唐伯格(氏)沙眼锉

10、Brawley's sinus rasp ─── 布劳利(氏)鼻窦锉

11、Parameter of New High Efficiency Super Rasp Effect on Extraction Rate of Starch ─── 新型高效锉磨机各参数对淀粉游离率影响的试验研究

12、He was still laughing when he heard the rasp of Rennie's voice. ─── 他听到伦尼刺耳的声音时还在大笑。

13、8.There was an ugly rasp in his voice. ─── 他说话时声音十分刺耳难听。

14、Gallaher's antrum rasp ─── 加拉尔(氏)上颌窦锉

15、rasp out ─── 粗声粗气地说出

16、The RASP is an excellent stone for flat lapping and contours quickly with a moderate breakdown. ─── 在锉是一个极好的石头平面研磨和轮廓迅速温和的崩溃。

17、rasp orders, insults, etc ─── 粗声粗气发出命令、 辱骂之词等.

18、convex curved bone rasp ─── 凸形弯粗骨锉

19、the rasp of a saw on wood ─── 刺耳的锯木声.

20、rasp cut ─── 粗锉纹

21、He's got a surface flow of suavity, but he's rough as a rasp underneath ─── 他表面看来和和气气的,其实是个粗野狂暴的恶棍。

22、concave curved bone rasp ─── 凹形弯粗骨锉

23、It acts as a geologic rasp, scratching, gouging and generally abrading the surfaces over which the glacier rides. ─── 它就像一把地质锉刀一样通过刮、刨等作用来磨损冰川流过的表面。

24、Juveniles were similar to juveniles of other Hawaiian thrushes, ie. scaled underparts. (7 inches) Calls: A variety of calls including a catlike rasp. ─── 上有淡黄色的斑点。雏鸟和夏威夷其他鸫科鸟类相近,叫声多种多样包括像猫一样的叫。

25、frontal sinus rasp ─── 前额窦扩孔锉

26、Product Description: Made from select premium aluminum oxide grain, the RASP is our most versatile all-around finishing stone. ─── 产品说明:从选择国产优质粮食氧化铝的锉是我们最多才多艺全能整理石头。

27、Cherry rasp leaf virus ─── 樱桃锉叶病毒

28、second cut flat wood rasp ─── 中扁木锉

29、dental rasp ─── 粗牙锉

30、He wanted to rasp the surface smooth. ─── 他想把表面锉平。

31、rasp bar ─── 纹杆

32、RASP test ─── (=rapidly alternating speech perception test) 快速交替言语感受试验, RASP试验, 快速交替言语接受试验

33、Unlike anything else you'll have heard this year, Molko's high-pitched rasp is the final, distinctive twist to Placebo's sound. ─── 不同于这一年你所听过的其他东西,Molko高亢而尖利的嗓音是PLACEBO音乐最权威且独特的症结。

34、rasp the surface (smooth) ─── 把表面锉(平).

35、bastard round wood rasp ─── 粗圆木锉

36、Good's sphenoid rasp ─── 古德(氏)蝶窦锉

37、disarticulation rasp ─── 关节断离骨膜剥离器

38、drum with rasp bars ─── 纹杆滚筒

39、Pcs wood rasp file sets with wooden handle ─── 三件套木柄木锉

40、v rasp - ─── 发声时顶住舌头。

41、Martin nodded, but felt a rasp of irritation. ─── 马丁点点头,却也感到一阵温怒。

42、The RASP is formulated with a proprietary lubricant that allows the stone to be used wet or dry. ─── 是的锉制定专有的润滑剂,让石头被用来湿或干。

43、smooth flat wood rasp ─── 细扁木锉

44、It acts as a geologic rasp, scratching, gouging and generally abroding the surfaces over which the glacier rides. ─── 它就象一把地质锉刀一样通过刮、刨等作用来磨损冰川流过的表面。

45、claw float rasp ─── 粗爪锉

46、(wood) rasp ─── 木锉

47、I heard the slap of the chains, the stiff, jerky rasp of the wipers, the purr of the engine. ─── 我听到车轮防滑链的拍打声,雨刷费劲地急速摆动发出的刺耳声音,引擎低沉的声音。

48、half round wood rasp ─── 半圆木锉

49、Pcs wood rasp file sets with plastic handle ─── 三件套塑柄木锉

50、Flat rasp ─── 平(木)锉

51、trocar rasp ─── [医] 穿刺锉

52、Their most distinguishing feature is the lacerated rasp of Pete Evil in front, backed with deep growls from his two fellow axemen, “Bosse” on bass and “Dor” on lead guitar. ─── 其最显着特点是,皮特在邪恶面前裂伤锉,深为他的两个“博塞”的低音和同学斧手咆哮支持的“多尔”的主音吉他。

53、rasp off the rough edges ─── 把粗糙的边锉掉.

54、rasp bar cylinder ─── 纹杆式滚筒

55、Time is the sound of the rasp. ─── 时间是没有声音的锉刀。

56、Wood require Naught wormhole、molder、die knotty 、 Rasp mark、kerf、burr side、distortion class diversified badness particle. ─── 木材要求无虫孔、腐朽、死节、刀痕、锯痕、毛边、变形等各种不良点。

57、horse rasp ─── 大号粗锉

58、Joseph's rasp for hump nose ─── 约瑟夫(氏)隆鼻手术锉

59、bastard flat rasp ─── 粗扁木锉

60、They whistle, beep, rasp, strum, bark and knock. ─── 牠们吹口哨、发出哔哔声、嘎嘎声、乱弹、吠叫和敲打。

61、rasp off corners ─── 将棱角锉掉

62、' she cried out as he lay beside her, his breath going in and out with a rasp that sounded as terrible as the last winds of their lost children. ─── 她对躺在身边的他一声娇呼,他气喘吁吁,气息里带着嘶嘶声,听起来像他们走失的孩子最后的那几声呼吸。

63、rasp ( -bar ) drum ─── 纹杆式脱粒滚筒

64、Good-Thompson antrum rasp ─── 古-汤二氏上颌窦锉

65、He wanted to rasp the surface smooth. ─── 他想把表面锉平。

66、Preliminary Identification Control of Cherry Rasp Leaf Nepovirus ─── 樱桃锉叶病毒的初鉴定和防治

67、Good's antrum rasp ─── 古德(氏)上颌窦锉

68、is:all kinds of wrecking bar ,big,file and rasp,garden tool,battery terminal,various bolsters,pound at the avger,pry the stich, jack,engraving knife,etc. ─── 本厂主要产品有:各种起钉器、凿、锉、园艺工具、电瓶夹、铲、冲击钻头、撬棍、千斤顶支架、雕刻刀等。

69、The Rasp Ring made of stainless steel with a partial sapphire rasp coating. ─── 挫刀戒指用不锈钢制成,部分覆以蓝宝石涂层。

70、rasp off ─── v. 锉掉

71、When they rasp at all it is with the deliberate tempo of a fiddler drawing a worn bow across fraying strings. ─── 纵然他们还会亮亮沙哑的嗓音,但也是有气无力,就像一个小提琴手用破损的弓在磨损的琴弦上演奏的调子。

72、10.Snow muffles the shriek of metal and the rasp of motion. ─── 大雪掩盖了金属的尖叫声和机器的刺耳声。

73、Rasp off the rough edges. ─── 把粗糙的边锉掉。

74、antrum rasp ─── 上颌窦锉

75、Cherry rasp leaf nepovirus ─── 樱桃锉叶线虫传多角体病毒

76、The act of filing with a rasp. ─── 锉用粗锉刮的行为

77、bone rasp ─── 粗骨锉

78、Possessing a chorus so shimmery that it manages to turn Sharkey's rasp to sweetness, it may just be the Undertones' crowning achievement. ─── 持有合唱闪闪的,它管理的转夏基的锉刀甜头,也可能只是意味的最高成就。

79、spiny rasp skate ─── n. 斑鳐

80、rasp (out) orders, insults, etc ─── 粗声粗气发出命令﹑ 辱骂之词等.

81、Rasp Tellin ─── n. 锉纹樱蛤(樱蛤超科,樱蛤科)

82、It acts as a geologic rasp, scratching , gouging and generally abrading the surfaces over which the glacier rides. ─── 它就像一把地质锉刀一样通过刮、刨等作用来磨损冰川流过的表面。

83、Design on New High Efficiency Super Rasp ─── 新型高效锉磨机设计

84、trachoma rasp ─── 沙眼锉

85、Made from select premium aluminum oxide grain the RASP is our most versatile all around finishing stone. ─── 从选择优质粮食氧化铝的锉是我们最多才多艺各地整理石头。

86、On June 26, Phoenix scraped down to the subsurface icy layer in the "Wonderland" digging area and used a rasp to shave off some samples for later testing, but no material was actually in the scoop. ─── 6月26日,“凤凰”号在“仙境”挖掘区已经挖到了地表下的冰层,并用锉刀刮下一些可供以后检验的样品,但实际上铲子里并没有任何材料。

87、a rasp; a rubber ─── 粗锉

88、As the game headed deep into injury time, Cafu took advantage of Francesco Pisano’s slip at the byline and floated a wonderful cross to the back post for Serginho to rasp home the winner. ─── 在比赛进入伤停补时的最后阶段时,卡福利用对方球员皮萨诺脚下打滑的机会突破传出了一记美妙的弧线球,塞尔吉尼奥在后门柱候个正着一蹴而就,为主队拿下了这场艰苦的胜利。

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