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09-02 投稿



equated 发音

英:[i?kwe?t?d]  美:[i?kwe?t?d]

英:  美:

equated 中文意思翻译



equated 常用词组

equate with ─── 把…等同;使相等;同等相待

equated 词性/词形变化,equated变形


equated 短语词组

1、equated maturity ─── [经] 平均到期日

2、equated constraints ─── 相等的约束条件

3、equated call ─── [电] 平准呼叫

4、equated constraint ─── 相等约束

equated 相似词语短语

1、coequated ─── 等比例

2、liquated ─── adj.液化的;熔融的;熔解的;v.熔解;熔融(liquate的过去分词)

3、squatted ─── 蹲下(squat的过去式和过去分词)

4、emulated ─── 努力赶上;与…竞争;模仿(emulate的过去式和过去分词)

5、equaled ─── adj.平等的;相等的;胜任的;vt.等于;比得上;n.对手;匹敌;同辈;相等的事物

6、equate ─── vt.使相等;视为平等;vi.等同

7、equalled ─── 比得上(equal的过去式和过去分词);使相等或相同(equal的过去式和过去分词)

8、epurated ─── vt.提炼;使纯洁

9、equates ─── vt.使相等;视为平等;vi.等同

equated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When using chromatic colors like green and blue, the colors were precisely equated in saturation and brightness levels, explained Niesta. ─── 在应用诸如绿色和蓝色等色彩亮丽的颜色时,将其饱和度和亮度精确调至相同的水平。

2、They can perhaps be equated with one of the recognized choirs of angels. ─── 他们也许可以等同于任何一个公认的天使阶层。

3、Residence abroad can be equated with residence in Belgium if you can prove that you have genuine ties with Belgium. ─── 居住在国外可以等同于居住在比利时,如果你能证明你有真正与比利时的关系。

4、In this era of consumption, truth appears to be the goal of reaching higher and higher levels of income and wealth and jet setting around the world;this is also equated with freedom. ─── 在这个消耗吞噬的时代,真相看似演变成一个努力取得越来越高的收入与财富、努力实现全世界旅游(这也等同于自由)的目标。

5、For Oa this equated to a choice to live or die and whether or not he would die for the big gurus currently incarnate. ─── 对Oa来说,这就等同于是选择生存还是死亡,以及他是否会为当前投生的大古鲁而死去。

6、The ascent to 1024 minimized polarity enough that they no longer required sustaining the extreme of a non-dream in the physical, which equated to homelessness and great poverty. ─── 提升至1024股就将极性减少至他们不再需要在物质层维系非梦想的极性,这平衡了无家可归与贫困潦倒。

7、He quotes Nobel prize-winning novelist Thomas Mann who wrote in 1919 that he equated the Bolshevik revolution in Russia with the Jews. ─── 他引用了1919年诺贝尔奖获得者托马斯曼写的---布尔什维克革命等于俄罗斯犹太人进行的革命。

8、Low risk cannot be equated with no risk. ─── 低风险并不等同于全无风险。

9、"commercial housing as a greater investment in fixed commodity, not equated with color TV, and other general merchandise, repair kits can be achieved, but Baotui, has proven difficult to operate. ─── “商品房作为一种投资较大的固定商品,不等同于彩电等一般商品,实现包修还可以,但包退、包换却很难操作。”

10、Imbalance can be equated not only to disunity or inequality thought-form but also to certain parts of the field holding more chi or spinning larger or smaller chakras than other parts of the field. ─── 失衡不仅等同于不统一或不平等的思想形态,也可以等同于部分能量场比其它部分持有更多气,或比其它部分旋转更大或更小的脉轮。

11、Tsaraturian notes that gathering signatures is somehow equated with organized crime. She says it is absurd and disgraceful that police arrive without notice and barge into people's homes. ─── 卡西亚诺夫的支持者察拉图列恩说,警方在莫斯科审问她为卡西亚诺夫征集签名的事情。她说,审问她的警察平时是负责对付有组织犯罪的。

12、The term static analysis is often equated with the idea of automated bug searching in software. ─── 人们通常将静态分析这个术语与软件中的自动化错误搜索的概念等同起来。

13、It has also been equated with consciousness. ─── 它等同于意识。

14、equated track kilometers ─── 换算轨道公里

15、Universal suffrage was generally equated with direct elections. ─── 普选通常等同直选。

16、Fulfillment can be equated with the return of the beloved within, which requires balanced male and female energy flow throughout the field and form. ─── 圆满可以被等同于内在至爱的回归,这需要在整个能量场及身体之中男女性能量流的平衡。

17、The ROW data type can be equated to a table definition: It defines multiple columns that are grouped together into a tuple. ─── ROW数据类型可以等同于一个表定义:它定义可以组成一个元组的多个列。

18、Next, make learning a process of creating. Up till now, teaching is equated with dispensing knowledge and learning equated with receiving knowledge. ─── 其次是把学习当创作,从过去到今天,教等于授,学等于受。

19、Rusk equated Communist totalitarianism with Nazi totalitarianism, and despised it as much. ─── 拉斯克对共产主义和纳粹的极权主义是一样地不屑一顾。

20、The lack of photonic energy can be equated to an inability to hold one's field in balance and in fullness which leads to shattered states of being that are painful to experience. ─── 光子能量的缺乏等于是没有能力把你的能量场管理在平衡和充实之中,其导致体验一个痛苦的粉碎状态。

21、In this approach, being and meaning are equated with presence, and presence is whatever is amenable to the synthesising power of the subject; ─── 依此途径方法,存在和意义就与在场被同等看待,在场则无论如何是服从主题(主体)的综合力量的;

22、Hence, his characters'search for meanings in life is equated with the artist's creative processes. ─── 因之,他笔下人物寻求人生意义的过程,也就是艺术家创造的过程。

23、Success in one's career is equated with higher and higher salaries. However, there are people like myself who get their satisfaction from other things besides money. ─── 事业的成功与工资的提高同样重要。然而也有像我本人这样的人,他们的满足感来自除金钱以外还有其他的东西。

24、Einstein believed in Spinoza's God, which he equated with nature itself, but he always held this "God" to be entirely knowable. ─── 。爱因斯坦信仰斯宾诺莎的上帝,他把它等同于自然自身,但他始终坚持这个“上帝”是完全可知的。

25、It is obvious that knowledge is a building, and is constructed from the ground up.It can be equated to the progress of civilization. ─── 显然知识就是大楼,从第一层筑起,等于文明的进程,盖大楼所需的鹰架就相当于性。

26、More than 200 years ago Benjamin Franklin coined the now famous dictum that equated passing minutes and hours with shillings and pounds. ─── 时间就是金钱。今天大家都耳熟能详的这句格言,是富兰克林在200多年前创造的。

27、Shock and hypotension were equated. ─── 休克和低血压被视为同等。

28、His poems cannot be equated with his plays ─── 他的诗歌不如他的戏剧。

29、The Kuomintang is a heterogeneous party which includes die-hards,middle elements and progressives;taken as a whole,it must not be equated with the die-hards. ─── 国民党是一个由复杂成分组成的党,其中有顽固派,也有中间派,也有进步派,整个国民党并不就等于顽固派。

30、But until the turn of the 20th century it did so by eschewing foreign loans, which were equated with a loss of sovereignty. ─── 但直到进入二十世纪,这个国家仍然回避来自海外的贷款,因为这样做等同于丧失主权。

31、This equated to a mean difference of 5.28 points in faor of rotigotine. ─── 也就是说罗替戈汀组与安慰剂组的平均差异是5.28。

32、Once upon a time these equated to the old groupings of aristocracy,merchants and workers. ─── 从前有个时期,这就是旧有的贵族、商人和工人3个阶级。

33、Follow Glad I wasn the only one who equated the word "funneling­ " with "stealing" ­ . ─── 很高兴我不是唯一一个把“漏斗”一词等同“偷窃”使用的人。

34、Mechanized energy can be equated with non-consciousness as a result. ─── 故而,机械化能量可被等同于无意识。

35、Non-love can be equated to separation and division thought-form. ─── 无爱,可以等同于隔离与分开的思想形态。

36、What is more, even the real estate industry and the "real estate bubble" equated. ─── 更有甚者,甚至把房地产业与“房地产泡沫”等同起来。

37、Only ten years ago argument structure was equated with the number of arguments related by predicate, a construct of some use but of limited interest. ─── 仅仅十年以前,论元结构只是等同于与谓词相关的论元数目、一些用法结构,人们对它极少兴趣。

38、The main argument here is to show how these studies have retained a universalist framework and cannot be directly equated with traditional Chinese notions. ─── 在此主要的论点是要指出 ,这些研究所持的普同性架构并无法直接等同于传统的中国式意念。

39、User friendliness can always be equated with increasing efficiency thanks to shorter changeover and maintenance times and longer maintenance intervals. ─── 方便用户随时可以等同于提高效率感谢较短转换和维修时间和维修间隔时间较长。

40、capability of being equated. ─── 在价值或地位上不能分出高低。

41、In the simple introduction to ethnic Germans inside Czechia above, it is easy to detect that in summary descriptions this group is usually equated with the German-speaking group. ─── 在上述简单介绍捷克境内德意志族群的同时,不难发现在对于该族群的概括描述中是将其和德语社群划上等号;

42、It's only been in the past 50 years or so that people equated a tan with health and wealth. ─── 也就是在过去50年间,人们才开始将古铜色肌肤看做健康和有钱的象征。

43、But war has its own particular characteristics and in this sense it cannot be equated with politics in general. ─── 但是战争有其特殊性,在这点上说,战争不即等于一般的政治。

44、They have often equated the drumbeat to the beat of the heart of Earth. ─── 他们通常使鼓声与地球的心跳相等。

45、H. Peter denounced false prophets and equated Paul's epistles with Scripture. ─── 彼得被谴责的假的先知和视同了保罗的书信以圣经。

46、Survival biology can be equated to codependent love. ─── 幸存生态能被等同于共同依赖性的爱。

47、In his speech he equated the Government's attitude on pensioners to the practice of ancient tribes who used to abandon their old people once they were of no more use. ─── 他在演说中把政府对救济者的态度比作过去部落的做法,把不再有用的老人抛弃。

48、And rightly or wrongly, it is equated with Americanization in much of the world. ─── 不论对错与否,在世界的许多地方,它等同于美国化。

49、Politics cannot be equated with art,nor can a general world outlook be equated with a method of artistic creation and criticism. ─── 政治并不等于艺术,一般的宇宙观也并不等于艺术创作和艺术批评的方法。

50、And the main bond energy is high.The strong bonds on the (100) plane have less equated bonds and dissymmetric distribution. ─── 多组次强键分布于滑移面之间, 且等同键数多、 键络分布均匀、 主干键络键能高;

51、equated ton-kilometres ─── 换算吨公里

52、The biggest party, the Democratic Unionist, said families of victims would not want to be equated with those who murdered their beloved loved ones. ─── 北爱尔兰最大的政党,北爱尔兰统一党表示受难者家属绝不会容忍死去的至亲同其凶手相提并论。

53、The conceptual approach at WIPO that equated right-holder groups with public interest organizations still presented problems. ─── WIPO组织中有关将权利人团体和公共利益组织等同起来的看法仍然产生了一些问题。

54、Joylessness is equated with non-truth. ─── 无欢乐等同于非真相。

55、Education can be equated to an evolving biological system into the crystalline form that is modifying itself to be more efficient in sustaining life. ─── 教育可以等同于一个进化到晶态体的生物体系统,那是不断自我调整到更有效来维系生命的系统。

56、Iranian attendance at the events, Ros-Lehtinen said, could be equated to fraternizing with the oppressors of people in Iran who yearn to live free. ─── 共和党众议员罗斯-莱赫蒂宁说,奥巴马政府应该命令美国在世界各地的大使馆取消邀请伊朗官员参加7月4号独立日的庆祝活动。

57、Non-consciousness is equated with the forces of the dark, and such non-conscious ascensions also are simply the vessels through which the dark may attempt to retain dominion over earth. ─── 无意识等同于黑暗力量,而这种无意识提升也就是黑暗力量用于试图延续其对地球的统治的载体。

58、Then again, what the textbooks require students to do cannot be equated with how much has been achieved. ─── 只不过课本所反映的程度是一回事,落实语文水平是另一回事。

59、Politics cannot be equated with art. ─── 政治并不等于艺术。

60、The biggest at (party,) the Democratic Unionist, said families of victims would not want to be equated with those who murdered their love (loved) ones. ─── 最大党派,民主联盟说,受害者家属不想和杀害他们亲人的杀手受一样的待遇。

61、But this is not to be equated with a high proficiency in the Chinese language. ─── 但是这并不意味着华文程度也相应提高。

62、The biggest party, the Democratic Unionist, said families of victims would not want to be equity equated with those who murdered their loved ones. ─── 最大的党派民主工会联盟表示,受害者家属不会愿意和那些谋害了他们所爱之人的人接受同样对待。

63、Some have equated the completion of the DNA sequence to a jumble of puzzle pieces that have yet to be assembled. ─── 有人把整个DNA序列的确定工作比作是一堆零乱的智力拼图块在等着你去排定其位置顺序。

64、Keywords Regressive analysis;Nonlinear correlation;Linearization trans for-mation;Linear regression equat ion;Relative error; ─── 回归分析;非线性相关;线性化变换;线性回归方程;相对误差;

65、I wonder why love is so often equated with joy when it is everything else as well. ─── 我很惊讶为什么爱常常与快乐同等看待,每件事情都是如此。

66、In financial markets, the word is nearly always equated with information disclosure. ─── 在金融市场里,这个词几乎等同于信息公开。

67、Probably, it is because of this belief that they draw another opposite conclusion that pain must be equated with unhapiness. ─── 也许,正是因为他们有了这样一个信念,他们才作了另外一个相反的结论:痛苦等同于不幸福。

68、The brand can easily be equated with other relevan products. ─── 商标会很容易使公众把它与相关产品等同起来.

69、The word "volcano" originates from the name of a Roman god, called Vulcan. It was equated with the Greek Hephaistos, and were both the gods of fire and blacksmiths. ─── "火山"一词源自一位名叫伏尔干的罗马神。此神与古希腊之神赫斐斯托司齐名,同被喻为火和冶炼之神。

70、Because, had “the senior official background” this status label, he is equated in the playboys, terrorizes men and take their women the palace guard wickedly with the novel in little not different. ─── 因为,有了“高官背景”这个身份标签,他就被等同于纨绔子弟,和小说中欺男霸女的衙内恶少无异。

71、Unfortunately, time may be lost before physical symptoms are equated with panic disorder and a correct diagnosis is made. ─── 不幸地是,在生理症状被等视为惊恐紊乱从而做出正确的诊断之前时间已经流失。

72、equated maturity ─── 平均到期日, 平均期限

73、A person who does not reflect can be equated to a robot which is capable of increasing efficiency. ─── 只不过是把人变成一个能够提高效率的机器人而已。

74、Customersatisfaction being equated with quality is one of the ruts.As we"ve known, there is an intimate connection among product and service quality, customer satisfaction, and company profitability. ─── 因为产品或服务质量、顾客满意和公司利润三者之间存在着密切关系,第三章从全面质量管理角度论述顾客满意。

75、The balance theory of N.I.Bukharin is the most disputable theory in his philosophy, often equated with mechanism, even upbraided as the original theory of N.I.Bukharin Right opportunism of the cloth. ─── 摘要布哈林的平衡论是其哲学中最有争议的理论,往往被等同于机械论,甚至被斥为布哈林右倾机会主义的理论根源。

76、The absence of peripheral pulses should not be equated with PEA, as it may be due to severe peripheral vascular disease . ─── 缺席的周边脉冲不应该等同于PEA,因为它可能是由于严重的周围血管疾病。

77、equated distance ─── 换算距离

78、The Khartoum government, which has equated any UN presence in Darfur to a foreign invasion, has said it will deploy more of its own troops to Darfur in a bid to increase security. ─── 喀土穆政府认为任何联合国军队逗留达夫尔就等同于外来侵犯,它说它将在达夫尔部署更多军队,努力来提高“安全”。

79、We feel rich if we have more than our neighbors, poor if we have less,feeling relatively well off is equated with being happy. ─── 收入比邻居多,就会感到自己富有;反之,则觉得自己贫穷。由此可见,人们把幸福感与富裕等同起来。

80、His ideas were equated in this article to the writings of Nietzsche ─── 在这篇文章中,他的观点被认为与尼采的著作一脉相承。

81、Black humor is often associated with tragedy and is sometimes equated with tragic farce. ─── 黑色幽默通常与悲剧有关,而且有时等同于悲剧性的闹剧。

82、Analyses of the age distribution of duplicate genes in diverse flowering plants indicate that essentially all may be paleopolyploids, but this should not be equated with the polyploid speciation rate. ─── 分析在不同开花植物的重复基因的年龄分布表明,基本上可能都是古多倍体,但这不应当等同于多倍体的物种形成率.

83、The ideas were ridiculous, but once Matson’s students equated failure with innovation instead of defeat, they felt free to try anything. ─── ”想法很荒唐,可是一旦M的学生把失败看作创新而不是挫折时,他们就会勇于尝试任何事。

84、In the same way, arithmetic is not mathematics nor can mathematics be equated with arithmetic. ─── 同样,算术并不就是数学了,数学也不能被等同于算术。

85、Of course.Otherwise a tacky velvet painting could be equated to a Rembrandt.(学生F) ─── 当然.否则,艳俗的天鹅绒画亦可等同于伦伯朗的杰作.

86、He has been called the angel of the power of God and also the angel of judgment and has been equated with thunder and majesty. ─── 他被称为神的力量天使,也是审判天使,等同于雷鸣和最高权威。

87、If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness. ─── 如果享乐和愉快等同于幸福,那么痛苦必定等于不幸福。

88、Nanjing leasing market is a recent "information companies" unusually active, many uncertainties tenants often lead it equated with intermediary companies. ─── 最近南京租赁市场上有一种“信息公司”异常活跃,很多不明情况的租房者往往会把它等同于中介公司。

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