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09-02 投稿



glaciated 发音

英:[?ɡle????e?t?d]  美:[?ɡle?s?e?t?d]

英:  美:

glaciated 中文意思翻译




glaciated 词性/词形变化,glaciated变形

动词第三人称单数: glaciates |名词: glaciation |动词过去分词: glaciated |动词现在分词: glaciating |动词过去式: glaciated |

glaciated 相似词语短语

1、glaciered ─── 冰川

2、gladiate ─── adj.(叶子)剑形的

3、glaciates ─── v.使冰冻,被冰覆盖,使受冰川作用

4、emaciated ─── adj.瘦弱的;憔悴的;v.憔悴;消瘦下去(emaciate的过去分词)

5、labiated ─── 唇形

6、lactated ─── v.分泌乳汁;喂奶(lactate的过去式和过去分词)

7、deglaciated ─── _其他组织者

8、glaciate ─── v.使冰冻,被冰覆盖,使受冰川作用

9、placated ─── vt.抚慰;怀柔;使和解

glaciated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The northern region consists of an arc of glaciated mountain peaks with an extremely cold climate at the highest elevations. ─── 北部区域由呈弧线冰雪覆盖的山峰组成,最高点的气候极度寒冷。

2、glaciated shelf ─── 冰成陆架

3、glaciated coast ─── 冰蚀海岸

4、An extremely dense, vertically developed cumulus with a relatively hazy outline and a glaciated top extending to great heights, usually producing heavy rains, thunderstorms, or hailstorms. ─── 积雨云一种极其浓密的、垂直扩展的积云,其轮廓比较模糊,顶部覆有冰晶且向上伸入高空,通常能产生大雨、雷暴或雹暴

5、A mostly cold and barren world of steppes and tundra, with vast frozen regions and glaciated mountain ranges. ─── 这个寒冷贫瘠的世界上,绝大部分地貌是干草原、苔原、大片冻土和冰川山脉。

6、Preliminary figures for 2005 show an average thinning of the ice on the majority of the world's glaciated mountain ranges of two-thirds of a meter (26 inches). ─── 从2005年的初步数据来看,全球半数以上的冰山山脉平均融化了2/3公尺(26英吋)。

7、So is the disappearance of the creatures that inhabit these polar and glaciated regions. ─── 这对于栖息在此的两极冰川动物来说也是遗憾之事。

8、glaciated valley ─── 冰川谷

9、The area has a central core of hard volcanic rocks carved by ancient glaciers into spectacular cliffs, precipices and flooded glaciated valleys. ─── 这个地区有个火山硬岩的中心核被古代的冰河雕刻成壮观的峭壁、悬崖与被冰河淹埋造成的山谷。

10、We're working in most of the major glaciated regions of the northern hemisphere. ─── 我们对大部分北半球的主要冰川覆盖地区做研究。

11、marks on a glaciated rock caused by the movement of a glacier. ─── 由于冰河运动在岩石表面留下的痕迹。

12、marks on a glaciated rock caused by the movement of a glacier ─── 由于冰河运动在岩石表面留下的痕迹

13、glaciated rock ─── 冰擦岩

14、marks on a glaciated rock caused by the movement of a glacier. ─── 由于冰河运动在岩石表面留下的痕迹。

15、Alice and Bessie found themselves climbing the highest glaciated peak in Italy. ─── 爱丽丝和贝西发现自己在攀登意大利最高的冰峰。

16、The patterns of sedimentation show which terranes were still glaciated at that time. ─── 沉积模式表明,在那个时候,岩层仍旧是处在冰川作用之下的。

17、The U-shaped glaciated valley witnesses of the fourth glacial stage in Lushan. ─── 谷口呈U型,是庐山第四纪冰川“漏斗”遗迹。

18、the glaciated landform, formed by ancient glacial denudation was regarded as the prerequisite for the occurrence of debris flow, the material source and flowage of debris flow; ─── 由古代冰川剥蚀作用形成的冰蚀地貌,为泥石流的汇水、物质来源及流动提供了必要条件;

19、humid glaciated area ─── 湿润冰川作用地区

20、[8]Kang Ersi, Ohmura A.Model of energy, water volume, mass balance and runoff over the glaciated drainage in Tianshan [J].Science in China (Series B), 1994, 24(9): 983-991. ─── [康尔泗, Ohmura A. 天山冰川作用流域能量、水量和物质平衡及径流模型[J]. 中国科学(B辑), 1994, 24(9): 983-991.

21、Jungfraujoch is the most glaciated part of the Alps, containing Europe's largest glacier and a range of classic glacial features such as U-shaped valleys, cirques, horn peaks and moraines. ─── 少女山岗是阿尔卑斯山冰蚀现象最显著的部分,有欧洲最大的冰川和一系列典型冰川地貌,如U型峡谷、冰斗、角峰及冰碛。

22、Approximately 10% of the island is glaciated. ─── 大约10%的岛已冻结成冰。

23、Today tourism booms there, drawing adventurers to the frontier's glaciated peaks, untouched wilderness, and abundant wildflowers and wildlife. ─── 如今这里的观光业昌盛繁荣,险峻的冰峰,未经征服的荒野和丰富多彩的野生花草动物也吸引了大批的探险者前来。


25、glaciated terrain ─── 冰蚀地面

26、An extremely dense,vertically developed cumulus with a relatively hazy outline and a glaciated top extending to great heights,usually producing heavy rains,thunderstorms,or hailstorms. ─── 积雨云,一种极其浓密的、垂直扩展的积云,其轮廓比较模糊,顶部覆有冰晶且向上伸入高空,通常能产生大雨、雷暴或雹暴。

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