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09-02 投稿


degenerates 发音

英:[d??d?en?re?ts]  美:[d??d?en?re?ts]

英:  美:

degenerates 中文意思翻译




degenerates 反义词

develop | evolve

degenerates 短语词组

1、degenerates tab ─── 退化选项卡

2、degenerates lyrics ─── 堕落的歌词

3、degenerates 2 ─── 退化2

4、degenerates lyrics a day to remember ─── 堕落的歌词一天记住

degenerates 词性/词形变化,degenerates变形

副词: degenerately |动词过去分词: degenerated |动词第三人称单数: degenerates |动词过去式: degenerated |名词: degenerateness |动词现在分词: degenerating |

degenerates 同义词

decadent | debauched | drop | debased | relapse | worsen |deteriorate | corrupt | ne'er-do-well | deviate | degraded | dissolute | reprobate | deviant | collapse | dissipated | immoral | troublemaker | pervert | sinner | reduce | rascal | devolve | riotous | wrongdoer | profligate | fast | libertine

degenerates 相似词语短语

1、regenerates ─── v.再生;恢复(regenerate的第三人称单数);更新

2、degenerate ─── v.使退化;恶化;堕落;adj.退化的;堕落的;退化的;简并的;n.堕落的人

3、degenerately ─── 退化

4、degenerated ─── 变性的;退化的

5、regenerate ─── vt.使再生;革新;vi.再生;革新;adj.再生的;革新的

6、degeneracies ─── n.退化;[物]简并;堕落;退步

7、decelerates ─── vi.减速,降低速度;vt.使减速

8、ingenerates ─── adj.天生的;非产生的;固有的

9、generates ─── [计]生成;发生

degenerates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His time at St Jakob Park also gave him a taste of Champions League football.In fact, Degen was an unused sub when Basel claimed a 1-1 draw at Anfield in 2002-03. ─── 在圣雅各布公园球场(巴塞尔主场)他也品尝到了冠军杯联赛的滋味,在02-03赛季德根并没有在安菲尔德替补登场,那场比赛巴塞尔与利物浦1:1平分秋色。

2、Lichonycteris degener ─── n. 长齿长舌蝠

3、Clark believes that Fonterra's performance in the incident is responsible, but it is a Degen local officials tend to cover up the ugly to deal with the political system. ─── 克拉克认为,恒天然在事件中的表现是负责任的,但它得跟一个地方官员倾向遮丑的政治体制打交道。

4、South family store has a 'Degen'. ─── 家乐南楼店有个‘德根’。

5、A lack of communication between goalkeeper Tomasz Kuszczak and Robbie Brady allowed Swiss international Philippe Degen to reach a long punt forward and roll into the empty goal. ─── 因为门将库什萨克和罗比.布拉迪缺乏沟通,让瑞士国脚菲利普.德根的大脚球飞进了空门。

6、This game was also notable as it saw Philipp Degen play 70 minutes without picking up an injury. ─── 值得一提的是,我军著名病号德根在本场比赛中上场70分钟,截止到现在,没有任何伤病复发的征兆。

7、I apologize for saying your parents were degenerates. ─── 她是这么一种人,早上醒来会立刻开始道歉。

8、With Rafa Benitez having splashed out millions to land Glen Johnson from Portsmouth, Degen is well aware of the fight he has on his hands to win the right back slot at Anfield. ─── “我经常受伤、受伤又受伤,我清楚球迷都认为我是玻璃人,但是这不是真的,现在我需要证明我自己,这也是我非常期待今年的原因。”

9、Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. ─── 任何一个政府如果完全交由统治者都会堕落,只有人民自己才是良好政府的可靠保证。

10、The cost of Van Nistelrooy would partly be offset by Liverpool's decision to offload unwanted players such as Ryan Babel, Andrei Voronin, Andrea Dossena and Philipp Degen next month. ─── 对于利物浦来说,拿下范尼与否的关键在于能不能在冬季顺利清洗巴贝尔、沃诺宁、多塞纳以及德根等人。

11、Liverpool today confirmed Philipp Degen will be on the sidelines for four weeks after picking up a foot injury against Tottenham in midweek. ─── 利物浦官方今天确认,菲利普.德根由于在面对热刺的比赛中脚部受伤,将缺席4周的时间。

12、Mozi critiques the teachings of Confucius, stressing that a perversion of feelings towards one's family degenerates into nepotism (Cheng 1997: 95) ─── 墨子批评儒家学说,强调对于个人对于家庭的感情可能堕化成为裙带关系(Cheng,1997:95)。

13、From the point of view of traditional mainstream society, they are moral degenerates and self-serving rebels. ─── 从老主流的角度看,他们当然是道德败坏自私自利的叛逆。

14、Additionally, Philipp Degen - red-carded at Fulham - was not named in the club's Champions League squad. ─── 另外德根的红牌对球队的冠军联赛没有影响。

15、"We have two more training sessions before the derby, but at this moment we're only without Degen," said Benitez today. ─── “在德比之前,我们已经上了很多训练课,但是这次训练中,我们伤号仅仅只有德根。”今天贝尼特斯表示道。

16、Author Ji Yijun Wang Degen Shao Guodong (Nantong Shuanghong Textile Co.;Ltd.;Jiangsu); ─── 作者吉宜军;王德根;邵国东;

17、More than one, and it degenerates into an audience. ─── 听者超过二人--就成了开朗诵会了。

18、Philipp Degen today insisted he will prove himself worthy of the Liverpool shirt this season. ─── 今天菲利普-德根强调他将会在这个赛季证明他在利物浦的价值。

19、Degener's butter ─── [医] 德格讷氏试验(检碱)

20、The boss has reported no fresh injury concerns after the weekend's match, with only Martin Skrtel and Philipp Degen still sidelined. ─── 周六比赛后球队没有新的伤病情况出现,现在的病号仅有斯科特尔和德根两人。

21、"We were unlucky with the first red card (given to Philipp Degen).In my opinion, a red card was too heavy.I think it was the same for Carra.They were two big decisions that turned the game. ─── “德根的第一张红牌我们有些不走运,依我看,红牌太苛刻,我认为卡拉格的那张也是,这是改变整场比赛的两次判决。”

22、Degenerates the angel to sing song of once more the life. ─── 堕落天使再次唱起生命之歌.

23、The large deformation degenerates the serviceability seriously,and even jeopardizes the traffic safety. ─── 介绍了国内外有关混凝土徐变机理与特性的研究进展。

24、The relative shift between the images and the CCD attributing to the high speed movement of an object degenerates the image quality. ─── 在CCD采样时间内目标高速运动所引起的像与CCD之间的列向相对位移会导致成像质量的下降。

25、Studies have shown the narrow-based spiky, high-heeled shoes are bad for the knees, causing osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, in which joint cartilage degenerates. ─── 因此许多妇女会认为,选择宽跟高跟鞋代替尖跟高跟鞋是明智之举,但事实并非如此。

26、And that's not forgetting Gerrard, Babel, Degen, Hyypia and Voronin, all internationals who for one reason or another were not there. ─── 也请不要忘记杰拉德,巴贝尔,德根,海皮亚和沃罗宁,这些国脚由于某些原因没有出现在阵容中。

27、New signings Diego Cavalieri and Philipp Degen are joined by skipper Steven Gerrard among the substitutes. ─── 刚签下的迭戈.卡瓦列里和菲利普德根与队长斯蒂芬杰拉德一起坐在替补席上。

28、I apologize for saying your parents were degenerates. ─── 我说你父母堕落,我向你道歉。

29、Before environment by thorough elimination, speaking of the superior club, either becomes the hidden rule “the beneficiary”, either degenerates into “the victim”. ─── 在大环境被彻底肃清之前,对于中超俱乐部而言,要么成为潜规则的“受益者”,要么沦为“受害者”。

30、Amount of positive impulse noise on images may be caused in the field of photo-electronic imaging.It degenerates the images seriously. ─── 在光电成像应用领域中,有时会在图像上产生大量的正向脉冲噪声,严重地影响了图像质量。

31、"When we played in the Cup and Philipp Degen had cramps, he said to me that if I wanted he could play at right-back. ─── “当我们杯赛中,德根抽筋了,他告诉我说是否让我给他踢右边后卫。”

32、The vegetative nucleus in a pollen grain moves into the pollen tube before the formation of two sperms and degenerates subsequently . ─── [方法]应用常规石蜡切片和荧光显微技术,对水稻受精过程及其经历时间进行研究。

33、"You acted like the worst kind of degenerates," the judge said harshly. ─── “你们做得象那种最堕落的人,”法官严厉地说道。

34、not what you really, what kind of temperament smelly Degen, ─── 你还真不是个东西、脾气倔臭得跟什么一样.

35、During this stage in mitosis and the second division of meiosis the chromosomes uncoil and disperse, the nuclear spindle degenerates, nucleoli reappear, and a new nuclear membrane forms. ─── 在有丝分裂的末期或第二次减数分裂末期,染色体解聚消失,中心的纺锤体解体,核仁重新出现,新核膜形成。

36、Which especially prominent is the system degenerates into the method that the prosecutor avoids the judge decides the defendant innocent and“gray zone”of the defendant's right protection. ─── 其中尤为突出的是撤回公诉沦为检察机关避免法院作出无罪判决的手段和被告人权利被肆意侵犯的“灰色地带”,使撤回公诉制度背离了其立法初衷,失去了其应有的价值。

37、"You acted like the worst kind of degenerates," ─── “你们做得象那种最堕落的人,”

38、Andrea Dossena will wear the number two shirt at Liverpool next season, with fellow new boy Philipp Degen taking 27. ─── 下赛季多塞纳将身穿2号球衣,而另一名新人菲利普德根将身穿27号。

39、"For me, the first one with Degen was a yellow card, and with the second one it was clear that Carra was kicking the ball and not Zamora," he added."I watched the replay and it is clear. ─── “对于我来说,德根最多就是黄牌,第二张黄牌很明显卡拉格踢到了球,而不是萨莫拉,”他补充道,“我观看了重放,这很明显的。”

40、If the macula degenerates, fluid and blood from abnormal blood vessels will cause image distortion or even a shadowing effect. ─── 如黄斑区出现病变,增生血管会渗出液体及血液,破坏黄斑区组织,令视力模糊,景物变形,甚至呈现黑影。

41、Degen becomes the first new arrival at Anfield this summer, with left back Andrea Dossena likely to follow in his footsteps over the coming days. ─── 他也是今夏加盟利物浦的第一名球员,在接下来的几天左后卫多塞纳也将来到安菲尔德。

42、University of Wuppertal Mo Degen, Head of Knowledge Sharing, Deutsche Telekom;Martin Mangold, Head of Marketing, Design and Strategy, H.P. ─── Zollverein School of Management and Design Essen Germany Business and Design N Y University of Dui[过滤粗俗用语]urg-Essen;

43、Each people all want to understand how she is degenerates. ─── 每个人都想了解她是如何堕落的。

44、Very not fast below the environment that degenerates easily, more is used with splint form. ─── 在易于腐朽的环境下不十分耐久,更多以夹板形式使用。

45、It is just as with allowing the body to stop serving you through indiscretion--it degenerates and withers into uselessness. ─── 这正如同轻率地允许你的身体停止服务于你——它衰退,并枯萎至无用。

46、His health degenerates rapidly. ─── 他的健康迅速恶化。

47、We are also without Lucas (suspended) and Degen is injured. ─── 同时,卢卡斯和德根也会因为停赛以及受伤的原因缺席。”

48、Sun Xiao Huang Degen Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Dalian University of Technology.Dalian; Liaoning; 116023; ─── 大连理工大学计算机科学与工程系;

49、"At the moment we are only without Yossi Benayoun and Philipp Degen so it's very good for us that most of the players are fit because it means we can change them when we need to. ─── “现在只有贝纳永以及德根两名球员不能正常训练,大半个阵容都能保持健康对于今后比赛的一些必要轮换很有帮助。”

50、" Pointed out not yet obtains the autarchy Nora really only has two roads: One is "comes back", two is "degenerates", since long ago causes the people deep ponder. ─── ”的问题,指出在尚未取得经济独立的娜拉实在只有两条路:一是“回来”,二是“堕落”,长期以来引起人们深深的思考。

51、A run of three straight starts prior to the Molineux stalemate saw Degen make a good impression on the right wing. ─── 在莫利纽克斯比赛前连续三场比赛都看到德根在右路发挥出色。

52、“Degen has become a significant player in the portable market.” ─── 1103是一个玩家设计的收音机,终于修得正果了。

53、Degen, who featured four times for his country in the 2006 World Cup, spent three years with the German giants, the last of which was blighted by injury. ─── 2006年德根在德国世界杯上为瑞士队登场四次,在德甲豪门待了三年时间,最后的那段时间因伤病而一蹶不振。

54、Degen has earned rave reviews during his first prolonged spell in the Reds XI - something he credits in part to constant orders from Carra. ─── 之所以德根在最近能够接连获得首发,并在比赛当中表现顽强,卡拉格的指导功不可没。

55、Kali Yuga is sometimes referred to as the Iron Age because it was also the time when forging iron was discovered. Throughout the Kali Yuga, human civilization degenerates further. ─── 卡利年代有时候也被认为铁器时期,因为它也是炼铁被发现的时期。贯穿卡利年代,人类文明进一步地退化。

56、"Xabi had a knock on his ankle so we will have to see. We are also without Lucas (suspended) and Degen is injured." ─── “而阿隆索的脚踝也遇到了一些问题,所以我们要再看看。同时,卢卡斯和德根也会因为停赛以及受伤的原因缺席。”

57、She degenerates into a slut! ─── 她堕落成了一个邋遢女人!

58、"We will try to appeal against both red cards because for me it's very clear that Carra was kicking the ball and the other one Degen was not kicking the player. ─── “我们将会为两张红牌平反,因为对我来说,卡拉踢到了球,另外一个德根不是冲人去的。”

59、Any nationality, if has been eliminated the industry, thus degenerates into purely is farmer's aggregate, that cannot keep pace with other nationalities in the civilization.... ─── 任何一个民族,如果被剥夺了工业,从而沦为单纯是庄稼汉的集合体,那是不能和其他民族在文明上并驾齐驱的。...

60、Loss of hearing. As dogs age, the nerve cells and hearing apparatus degenerates, resulting in a slow loss of hearing. ─── 听力丧失。当狗狗们老化时,听神经细胞与听觉器官退化而导致听力的逐渐丧失。

61、Their metaphor degenerates into a series of isolated and barren conceits ─── 他们的隐喻变为一系列孤立而贫乏的牵强附会。

62、If an invaded root cell happens to be a normal diploid cell, it is usually destroyed by the infection and degenerates. ─── 如果被侵入的细胞碰巧是双倍体细胞的,它通常会被感染破坏而退化。

63、Kalmak Kirghiz (Dorbiljin Awdan'ning Kirghiz Kurey degen Jer Bar ). ─── 塔城地区额敏县有个乡就叫柯尔克孜库热。

64、After pollination one synergid degenerates and one synergid still exists during the ellipsoidal embryo stage and undergoes a slow degeneration. ─── 传粉后,一个助细胞退化,宿存助细胞至椭形胚期尚存在。

65、Everything is perfect coming from the hands of the creator; everything degenerates in the hands of man. ─── 从造物主手中创造出来的一切都是完美的,而人类只会使之堕落与退步。

66、Take the Latin American nations as representative, walks the joint capital path, degenerates into the multinational corporation the dependency. ─── 以拉美国家为代表,走联合资本的道路,沦为跨国公司的依赖程度。

67、That's why no reptile degenerates to a bluegreen alga. ─── 为什么中间没有发生过爬行动物又退化回蓝藻的现象?

68、7.Despite playing just 12 games for Borussia Dortmund in 2007-8, Degen was included in Switzerland's Euro 2008 squad. ─── 7、尽管在2007-08赛季中只代表多特蒙德踢了12场比赛,德根仍就入选了参加2008欧洲杯的瑞士国家队。

69、Meanwhile, the Reds boss revealed the club will make an appeal over the two red cards shown to Philipp Degen and Jamie Carragher. ─── 同时,利物浦主教练透露俱乐部将会为德根以及卡拉格的红牌上诉。

70、In 1840after Opium War, as a result of the imperialism invasion, gradually degenerates into the semicolonial and semifeudal society. ─── 1840年鸦片战争以后,由于帝国主义的入侵,逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建社会。

71、Such a legal sentence is too light and is suspected of being indulgent with the degenerates. ─── 这一罪名的法定刑太轻,有放纵那些腐败分子之嫌。

72、Everything is good as it leaves the hands of the author of things, everything degenerates in the hands of man. ─── 出自造物主之手的东西,都是好的,而一到了人的手里,就全变坏了。

73、Liverpool Reserves: Jacob, Degen, Kyrgiakos (Kelly 46), Ayala, Darby, Eccleston, Spearing, Plessis (Palsson 79), Bruna (Amoo 84), Ngog, Pacheco. Subs: Belford, Irwin. ─── 利物浦比赛阵型:雅各布、德根、基里亚科斯(凯利46')、阿亚拉、埃克林斯顿、斯皮灵、普莱西斯(保尔森79')、布鲁纳(阿莫乌84')、恩戈尔、帕切科替补:比尔福德、埃尔文。

74、Analyze it too much or think too much about it and it degenerates itself into something superficial and edgy. ─── 分析的太多和想的太多,它本身会变得肤浅,人会变得烦躁不安。

75、Be of good humor and enjoy a good laugh when it is apt, but avoid the kind of unrestrained barroom laughter that easily degenerates into vulgarity or malevolence. ─── 做个有幽默感的人,在适当的时候就尽情地笑,但要避免那种容易变成恶意的不受控制的酒馆式的狂笑。

76、Her health degenerates rapidly ─── 她的健康状况迅速恶化。

77、Its round areas are rich in starch grains.One of the synergids degenerates. ─── (4)小孢子孢原为多细胞,药壁为基本型,具腺质绒毡层;

78、The relative shift between the images and the CCD attributing to the high speed movement of an object degenerates the image quality. ─── 在CCD采样时间内目标高速运动所引起的像与CCD之间的列向相对位移会导致成像质量的下降。

79、He is ready to part with Babel, Andriy Voronin, Andrea Dossena and Philipp Degen, but they are attracting minimal interest. ─── 他准备把巴贝尔、沃罗宁、多塞纳以及德根出售,但是很少俱乐部对他们感兴趣。

80、"Degen was sent off for serious foul play during Liverpool's Premier League match with Fulham on Saturday 31 October. Degen's three-match suspension begins with immediate effect." ─── “我们认为德根在与富勒姆的比赛中实施的犯规是极其恶劣的。他的3场停赛处罚将于即日起实施。”

81、Everything is perfect coming from the hands of the creator;everything degenerates in the hands of man. ─── 从造物主手中创造出来的一切都是完美的,而人类只会使之堕落与退步。

82、If an invaded root cell happens to be a normal diploid cell, it is usually destroyed by the infection and degenerates. ─── 如果被侵入的细胞碰巧是双倍体细胞的,它通常会被感染破坏而退化。

83、She regarded as degenerates the image which, the rebel, disgraced the family to expel the main house gate. ─── 她被视为堕落、叛逆、败坏门风的形象逐出了家门。

84、On one hand we know that anti-authoritarianism for its own sake easily degenerates into a rude and unfocused defiance: Revolution, as Abbie Hoffman put it, "for the hell of it. ─── 一方面我们知道,为了反权威而反权威,很容易变质为粗鲁的、不着边际的反抗:套用霍夫曼的话,就是革命“只为了过瘾”。

85、Top striker Alexander Frei (thigh) will be out for at least three more weeks, while Sebastian Kehl and Philipp Degen are both listed as doubts with knee problems. ─── 优秀射手弗雷至少要伤停三星期,凯尔与德根的膝伤也成为疑问。

86、One fuses with the egg cell to form a zygote while the other either degenerates or, in certain angiosperms, fuses with the polar nuclei to give the primary endosperm nucleus. ─── 一个与卵细胞结合形成受精卵,另一个要么退化,要么在某些被子植物中与极核结合形成初生胚乳核。

87、“At the moment we are only definitely without Yossi Benayoun and Philipp Degen so it's very good for us that most of the players are fit because it means we can change them when we need to. ─── 他说:目前我们可以肯定的是只有贝纳永和普德根缺阵,所以对我们来说是个好消息,大部分球员都健康,因为这意味着当我们需要他们时,他们可以被换上场。

88、Shanghai Baby is peopled with nimble-witted hedonists.From the point of view of traditional mainstream society, they are moral degenerates and self-serving rebels. ─── 从老主流的角度看,他们当然是道德败坏自私自利的叛逆。

89、DEFENDER Philipp Degen made his comeback from injury as Liverpool Reserves were held to a goalless draw by Manchester United in Premier Reserve League North last night. ─── 北部预备队联赛,后卫菲利普-德根代表利物浦预备队与曼联0比0互交白卷后,同时也宣告自己的伤愈复出。

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