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09-02 投稿


bluebell 发音

英:[?blu?bel]  美:[?blu?bel]

英:  美:

bluebell 中文意思翻译



bluebell 词性/词形变化,bluebell变形

异体字: bluebells |

bluebell 短语词组

1、wild bluebell cologne ─── 野蓝铃古龙水

2、California bluebell ─── [网络] 加洲蓝钟

3、bluebell humility ─── 蓝铃谦逊

4、bluebell cologne ─── 蓝铃古龙水

5、bluebell funding ─── 蓝铃基金

6、wild bluebell ─── 野蓝铃

7、bluebell csl ─── 蓝铃csl

8、bluebell group bluebell ─── 集团

9、bluebell railway ─── 蓝铃铁路

10、bluebell conference ─── 蓝铃会议

11、bluebell park ─── 蓝铃公园

12、bluebell servicing bluebell ─── 服务

13、bluebell alabama ─── 阿拉巴马蓝莓

14、bluebell nail ─── 蓝铃甲

15、bluebell wood ─── 蓝铃木

16、Virginia bluebell na. 【 ─── 植】维吉尼亚风铃草 [网络] 弗吉尼亚蓝铃;弗吉尼亚野风信子;弗吉尼亚风铃草

bluebell 相似词语短语

1、blueball ─── 蓝球

2、bluebelled ─── 蓝铃

3、bluebeat ─── n.蓝色节拍

4、bluegill ─── n.(美国密西西比河流域产的)浅蓝色食用大太阳鱼,蓝鳃太阳鱼

5、bluebells ─── n.风信子;蓝铃花(bluebell的复数)

6、bluebill ─── n.梅花雀

7、bluebills ─── n.梅花雀

8、blue bull ─── n.蓝牛羚

9、blue billy ─── 蓝渣

bluebell 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、bluebell of Scotland ─── 野风信子 [Latin]

2、The girl picked herself up and pulled a bluebell out of her hair ─── 姑娘坐起身来,从头发里摘出一枝风信子。

3、It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies. ─── 更了不起的是,这是一个庄园里前所未有的大丰收。没有半点遗落;

4、Muriel was dead;Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher were dead.Jones too was dead-he had died in an inebriates' home in another part of the country. ─── 穆丽尔死了,布鲁拜尔、杰西、平彻尔都死了,琼斯也死了,他死在国内其他一个地方的一个酒鬼家里。

5、I saw Bluebell size 0 this morning also and many colors available in size 2. ─── 红色0号的教授群出现了很久嘛,到8点半还在,我实在不好意思就跳了一单,估计十之八九是大小不合适上换版。

6、These nuts, a banned substance at Bluebell Lakes, are used to tempt fish to the surface, but they can prove toxic to a carp if they have been kept in moist conditions and not cooked. ─── 这些坚果是蓝铃湖的违禁物品,它们用于把鱼诱惑至水面,但如果处在潮湿环境下,且没有煮熟,它们会让鲤鱼中毒。

7、call city city flower bluebell ─── 叫;打电话城市市花风铃草

8、Bridgefoot recalled on Thursday.Benson was also big business, and Bluebell Lakes was already suffering in the recession. ─── 本森也带来了一大笔生意,蓝铃湖区现在已经面临着衰落。

9、Bluebell, wild Bluebell, only dances in the wood. ─── 蓝铃花,狂野的蓝铃花,只在林间飞舞。

10、Devil's Snare prefers a dark, damp environment and shrinks away from fire, so a well-placed flame spell such as Bluebell Flames will drive it away from its victims. ─── Devil'sSnare喜欢黑暗潮湿的地方,遇到火会退缩,因此一个施得合适的火焰咒语,比如蓝铃火焰就可以把被抓缠住的人从它的触须下救出来。

11、“Thank you fou calling Bluebell China... ─── ”后面的我也不会说了。

12、Unisys, of Blue Bell, Pa. , ranks No. 26 on Washington Technology's 2008 Top 100 list of the largest federal government prime contractors. ─── 位于宾夕法尼亚州BlueBell的Unisys公司在华盛顿技术网站所列的2008年联邦政府最大的100家承包商中名列第26位。

13、The native bluebell has a close relative, the Spanish bluebell, introduced to Britian 200 years ago and discovered growing in the wild in 1909. ─── 据资料介绍图片所见的蓝铃花芳踪在1909年第一次在英国野外被发现,和多200年前从西班牙引进的蓝铃花有直接亲属关系。

14、The children had never seen anything like the bluebell wood before. They couldn't pick the flowers fast enough. ─── 这些孩子从来没有见过钟形花植物的树林,他们迫不急待地摘起花来。

15、” It was my first time to see a bluebell field, the moment when I first saw it I was so excited and imagine myself walking in a fairy tale, it was blue everywhere, I couldn’t see where it ended. ─── 俺长的那么大还是第一次见那么一大片望不尽头,蓝深深的蓝铃花,目睹时的那一刻仿如走进了预备好的童话世界。

16、The 52-pound carp was found dead at the Bluebell Lakes private fishing complex near Peterborough, England, at the end of July. ─── 7月底,重达52磅的本森被发现死于英国彼得伯勒附近蓝铃湖私人垂钓区。

17、Visit Bluebell Woods In The Springtime. ─── [已翻译] Fed Up With Winter!

18、Bluebell, wild Bluebell, was dancing in the wood. ─── 蓝铃花,狂野的蓝铃花,就在林间飞舞。

19、another was gored in the belly by a cow's horn;another had his trousers nearly torn off by Jessie and Bluebell. ─── 当天晚上,从庄主院那边传 出一阵响亮的歌声,令动物们惊奇的是,中间还夹杂着“英格兰兽”的旋律。

20、Mr.Bridgefoot estimates around 40% of Bluebell Lakes' anglers came to try to catch the leviathan fish. ─── 布瑞志福特估计,蓝铃湖的垂钓者中,约有40%是为了钓上这条大鱼。

21、Blue cloud bluebell sea berry ─── 蓝色云彩,野风信子,小二仙草属植物

22、It happened that Jessie and Bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay harvest, giving birth between them to nine sturdy puppies. ─── 刚巧在收割完牧草之后,杰西和布鲁贝尔产下九条小狗崽。

23、It was a tough course over a gradual ascent before the big climb of Bluebell Hill. ─── 这是蓝钟山大攀登之前在一段缓坡上的艰难路程。

24、Before bluebell disappeared, it turned luminous. ─── 蓝铃花是先开始发光才消失的。

25、Important garden ornamentals and houseplants in the family include aloe, bluebell, crocus, day lily, hosta, Solomon's seal, and tulip. ─── 重要的庭园观赏植物和家中的室内植物包括芦荟、藏红花、萱草、玉簪花、黄精和郁金香。

26、A bluebell accord brings a distinctive floral note and natural elegance before drying down to the woody notes of white musk and cedar. ─── 白麝香、香根草、和雪松木作为基调,令香水更显女性的柔媚。

27、First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform. ─── 首先来的是三只狗,它们是蓝铃,杰西,和平彻,跟着那几只猪,他们一来马上就在那个凸块前面的干草上窝了下来。

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