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09-02 投稿


nirvana 发音

英:[n?r?vɑ?n?]  美:[n???vɑ?n?]

英:  美:

nirvana 中文意思翻译




nirvana 网络释义

n. 涅槃;天堂n. (Nirvana)人名;(意)尼尔瓦纳

nirvana 短语词组

1、nirvana mv ─── 涅盘mv

2、nirvana nevermind ─── 涅盘永不停息

3、urban nirvana ─── 城市涅盘

4、nirvana song ─── 涅盘之歌

5、nirvana dive ─── 涅盘跳水

6、lake of fire nirvana ─── 火湖涅盘

7、nirvana monica ─── 涅盘莫妮卡

8、nirvana gym ─── 涅盘健身房

9、nirvana songs ─── 涅盘之歌

10、something in the way nirvana ─── 涅盘中的某些东西

11、nirvana scott ─── 涅磐斯科特

12、nirvana of phoenix ─── 凤凰涅盘

13、nirvana school ─── 涅盘派

14、nirvana rebirth ─── 涅盘重生

15、mr nirvana ─── 涅磐先生

16、nirvana lyrics ─── 涅盘歌词

17、approaching nirvana you ─── 接近涅盘的你

18、nirvana in fire ─── 火中涅盘

19、nirvana sold out ─── 涅盘售罄

nirvana 词性/词形变化,nirvana变形


nirvana 相似词语短语

1、nidana ─── n.因缘

2、nibbana ─── 尼伯巴纳

3、-iana ─── abbr.互联网地址编码分配机构(InternetAssignedNumbersAuthority);n.(Iana)人名;(罗)亚纳

4、nirvanic ─── 涅槃的

5、Silvana ─── n.西尔瓦娜(女人名)

6、Tirana ─── n.地拉那(阿尔巴尼亚的首都)

7、Arvada ─── n.阿瓦达(美国城市)

8、kirana ─── n.(Kirana)人名;(塞)基拉娜

9、hiragana ─── n.平假名(日语)

nirvana 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eyes Set To Kill。Nirvana。Aiko。Mint。Tamas Wells。Lonely Drifter Karen。 ─── 娃娃的也好,但是对于某首歌的歌名还有内容有点接受不能。

2、In North America it was exemplified by the popularity of Grunge music bands like Nirvana. ─── 在北美,“涅磐”等“垃圾乐”乐队的火爆就证明了这一点。

3、I listen to Interpol, Radiohead, Beatles, Nirvana. ─── 听向国际刑警组织,收音机,披头士,涅槃。

4、Without severing evil passions One attains Nirvana; Leave them as they are; Just as you are, You will be born in the Pure Land. ─── 不断烦恼得涅槃;随他去,就这样,就能往生净土。

5、Buddha holds that great wisdom arises after he calms down and wisdom is the right tool that guides us to nirvana. ─── 世尊认为,只有当一个人静下来了以后,真正的智慧才会升起。也只有智慧,才是一个真正能引领我们走向涅盘道的工具。

6、Is the inclusion of a brand new Club Nirvana Fitness Center ─── 天堂健身中心

7、“The second is the primal pure substance of the beginningless Bodhi Nirvana. ─── 二者,无始菩提涅槃元清净体。

8、The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, unable to regress, he is just in the vicinity of the Nirvana. ─── 乐于不放逸而视放逸为危害的比丘,绝不会倒退,事实上他已非常接近涅槃。

9、I can see many a City trader finding Nirvana there. ─── 我能看到许多城市商人在这找到了涅槃。

10、Super cards: You can use the magic nirvana, with a great ability to attack the enemy over the card. ─── 超能卡:可以使用神奇必杀技,用伟大的超能力来攻击敌人的卡片。

11、This message has been edited by Nirvana( edited17 January2002). ─── 但最重要的是有个好编辑,不能误人子弟.我好象还不具备这个条件.怎么半?

12、In 1986 the group Nirvana was formed with Cobain on vocals and guitar, Krist Novaselic on bass guitar, and various drummers.Their first album, Bleach, was released in 1989. ─── 1990年以前,“涅磐”分别在全美、全欧及北美西海岸成功的做了数次巡演,亿万的摇滚乐迷又多了一个为之疯狂的偶像。

13、Warehouse and Storage: Nirvana In the Tide of Logistics--An interview with Xu Wencai, Chairman of China Association of Warehouses and Storage ─── 仓储业:在物流大潮中涅槃--中国仓储协会会长徐文彩谈仓储业的改革

14、The crossed legs express the unity of life and death, good and bad, skillful means and wisdom, masculine and feminine principles, samsara and nirvana, and the humor of nonduality. ─── 交叉的双腿表示生与死、善与恶、方便法门与智慧、阳与阴、轮回与涅槃的融合;和不二的境地。

15、2. Health is the best gain; contentment is the best wealth. A trusty friend is the best kinsman; Nirvana (liberation) is the supreme bliss. ─── 健康是最佳的利益;满足是最好的财富。守信的朋友是最好的亲戚;没有烦恼是最大的幸福。收藏指正

16、Dr Myrskyla's data, however, suggest the ultimate outcome of development may not be a collapsing population at all but, rather, the environmentalist's nirvana of uncoerced zero population growth. ─── 但麦斯卡拉博士的研究数据却表明发展的最终结果根本不是人口急剧减少,而是环境保护论者理想中的人口自然零增长。

17、Buddha said: "Phoenix Nirvana, ashes reborn", and that Phoenix is the aggressive and tenacious, right? ─── 佛说:“凤凰涅槃,浴火重生”,那凤凰该是凶悍而顽强的灵兽吧?

18、Butch Vig was previously the producer of some influential albums.For example, Nirvana's Nevermind and the Smashing Pumpkins' Siamese Dream. ─── 乐队成员Butch Vig原来是很有名的唱片制作人,制作过Nirvana的经典唱片Nevermind, 以及Smashing Pumpkin的Siamese Dream.

19、The next key control around Mobile, the small 0 key on the keyboard shooting Enter nirvana commands. Key. ─── 上下左右键控制移动,小键盘上0键射击Enter键必杀技。

20、Hype alert: Why cyberspace isn't, and will never be, nirvana. ─── Hype alert:为何虚拟空间不会,也永远不会想凤凰一样,涅槃重生。

21、A man of practice becomes tranquil when he apprehends Chuang Tzu's view on bound, time, environment and transmigration.His wisdom rises from Samadhi and then he reaches the unlimited nirvana. ─── 修行人有了庄子对范围、时间、环境、轮回的看法后,心情就会平静下来,在三昧无我之状态中让智慧升起,终而得无余涅盘之果。

22、“progressing from lower positions to Great Nirvana without becoming confused or discouraged. ─── 下劣增进,于大涅槃心不迷闷。

23、Otherwise, this highest level of Samadhi leads to NIRVANA, what means total Unity with logical end of individual form (end of personal soul and also death or dematerialization of the body). ─── 否则,这种最高级别的三摩地会进入涅磐,意味着随着个体形态合乎逻辑的完结而来的整个统一(个人灵魂的完结,同时也是肉体的死亡或者丧失物质状态)。

24、Health is the best gain; contentment is the best wealth. A trusty friend is the best kinsman; Nirvana (liberation) is the supreme bliss. ─── 健康是最佳的利益;满足是最好的财富。守信的朋友是最好的亲戚;没有烦恼是最大的幸福。

25、Even the decision to topple a clearly despotic regime may prove disastrous, as we are discovering in Iraq, but even then, today's catastrophe may pave the way for tomorrow's nirvana. ─── 即使颠覆专制政权的判决也证明是损失惨重的,正如我们在伊拉克战争所发现的那样,但是尽管如此,今天的大灾难会为明天的天堂铺平道路。

26、Realization of the goal of Yoga is known as moksha, nirvana and samadhi. ─── 实现瑜伽的目标被认为是莫克萨(解脱),涅磐和三摩地。

27、The crossed legs express the unity of life and death,good and bad,skillful means and wisdom,masculine and feminine principles,samsara and nirvana,and the humor of nonduality. ─── 交叉的双腿表示生与死、善与恶、方便法门与智慧、阳与阴、轮回与涅盘的融合,和不二的境地。

28、They provide small, high-value point solutions as opposed to trying to achieve enterprise-wide integration nirvana. ─── 与试图圆满解决企业范围内的集成相反,它们提供小巧、高价值点的解决方案。

29、If we can practice to reach the level of nirvana, Bodhisattva, self-enlightenment and arhat, we are out of transmigration and our lives are worthy. ─── 人生际遇碰到什么样的环境就安于什么样的环境,不要白花太多的精力在延长寿命,改变命运上。

30、This supreme Awakening, possible to any being, is called the state of Bodhi and at this point, he won Nirvana. ─── 这个必要的唤醒,可能到任何事物上,称为菩提树的状态,在这一点上,他得到了涅磐。

31、The only way is to cast off transmigration to go into nirvana. ─── 其唯一途径就是摆脱轮迴,到涅槃道中去。

32、Experience has scarred the belief that “Western” life is a self-correcting nirvana, where officials are efficient, politicians public-spirited and justice incorruptible. ─── 人们一度相信“西方”生活是能自我纠正的涅槃,有效工作的官员,公正、清廉、有公德的政客们,但这早已在现实经历中被舍弃了。

33、I saw the glory of his father ended in chase, he entered the sun if wood in the light of nirvana, burning. ─── 我看到夸父结束了他的追逐,他在若木上进入了太阳的光芒,在燃烧中涅磐了。

34、At whatever the cost and no matter the sacrifice, that was professional nirvana. ─── 不管付出什么代价,做出什么牺牲,我都要呆在这个职业生涯的天堂之中。

35、Or if you want to, call it God; call it God or nirvana or Tao or whatsoever you will. ─── 如果你愿意,称它为神;称它为神或涅盘或道或你想称的任何东西。

36、non-self,self,thing-in-itself,noumenon,wave function,nirvana ─── 关键词无我,有我,物自体,本体,波函数,涅槃

37、However, GOD resurrections. It sermons as used to that you are your own GOD and your own salvager , thus accomplishes it's own salvage. That is Nirvana! ─── 但上帝是会复活的,它以惯常的启示告诉:你就是你的上帝,你才是你的救世主!上帝以此完成自身的救赎,涅磐!

38、The Nirvana of the Phoenix ─── 凤凰涅磐

39、The promised communist nirvana brought a mixture of mass murder, lies and latterly the grey reality of self-interested rule by authoritarian bureaucrats. ─── 共产主义原本保证给人们一个天堂,但是得来的却是大肆谋杀,谎言,还有最近专制官僚出于自身利益的灰色统治。

40、3 As Nu Yu said, it is impossible to succeed in reaching Nirvana without talent and before seed of eighth consciousness turns. ─── 女偊说得对,天资不足,在阿赖耶识里的种子尚未转化之前,要想修成涅盘道根本就是不可能的事。

41、The four saints are icons worshiped by Buddhists, instructors helping people to enter Nirvana and the realistic realm for pursuit. ─── 四圣是佛教信徒所供奉崇拜的偶像,是人们到达涅盘彼岸的导师,也是人们所追求的理想境界。

42、The Chinese Translation of Nirvanasutra and the Study of Nirvana Belief ─── 《涅槃经》的汉译及涅槃信仰研究

43、Oil City Yumen: A Resource Exhausting City Revives Like a Phoenix Rising Up from Nirvana ─── “油城”玉门 资源枯竭中的“凤凰涅”

44、It ogrinates from about 6 BC to 5 century, the indian subcontinent after sakyamuni buddha nirvana in history. ─── 佛教艺术发源于公元前6至前5世纪左右,历史上的释迦牟尼佛陀涅槃之后的印度次大陆。

45、The first album since 2004's Futures finds the band partnered with legendary producer Butch Vig (Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins) overseeing as executive producer. ─── 从96年的年轻小伙,到如今的而立之年,仿佛就是一眨眼的功夫。

46、It's quiet and peaceful in this emotional nirvana blue ─── 在这动情的蓝色涅磐中是那样宁静安详

47、I was reborn like nirvana, seem as seasons alternate by turns ─── 如同四季交替,我涅磐重生

48、Nirvana Her husband, was a hard working man ─── 她的丈夫,是一个努力工作的人

49、11 Kind deeds on objective condition beget Darshan and Benefaction, while they are useful in transmigration, but they are useless in helping people into Nirvana. ─── 客观条件上的善举只能让人获得一些福德及功德,而这些都只能在轮迴当中才会凑效。在助人晋升涅槃上是完全没有什麽助益的。

50、From transmigration to nirvana: Dedicate all good roots to a permanent departure from this suffering shore of transmigration and to reach the other shore of nirvana. ─── 六、回此向证;一切善根回向永离痛苦的此岸,而到涅槃清净的彼岸。

51、Under the condition of tranquility of body and mind, wisdom arises to take man of practice to nirvana, which is the greatest enlightenment. ─── 在这个身心俱静的情况下,当智慧升起,带领着修行人走向涅盘之道时,就是修行人最大的启示了。

52、1 The way of practice is board and deep.If you want to reach the level of Nirvana, you must be patient to persist, not being bound by the trivia on the way. ─── 修行的路是既宽且深的,要想到达涅盘境就必须耐心地持续走下去,不要被途中的琐事束缚住。

53、That is God, That is Truth, That is Reality, the Divine Person, Nirvana, the One. ─── 它是神,真理,实在,神圣人格,涅??,那一位。

54、And my spirit soared free, like a great whale gliding through the sea of silent euphoria. Nirvana. I found Nirvana. ─── 我的灵魂自由的翱翔,就像一条大鲸鱼在安静而快乐的海洋里面翻腾。

55、The you that you consider yourself is never annihilated. Your consciousness is not snuffed out, nor is it swallowed, blissfully unaware of itself, in some nirvana. ─── 你认为是你自己的你永远不会被消灭。你的意识不会熄灭,也不会在某种幸福的不自知的涅盘中被耗尽。

56、Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures trying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land. ─── 因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。

57、Doctor can't cure a dead person; Budda can't lead a non-believer to Nirvana. ─── 三五、医生难医命终之人,佛陀难渡无缘的众生。

58、The earthly world can not live without music and dance, neither can the nirvana. ─── 人间不能没有歌舞,极乐世界尤其少不了音乐。

59、“claims he has reached unsurpassed Nirvana. ─── 亦言自得无上涅槃。

60、The next key control around Mobile, Ctrl shooting, the space bar nirvana commands. Key. ─── 上下左右键控制移动,Ctrl键射击,空格键必杀技。

61、Buddhist theories always say that in the nirvana, "holy music" never ceases for a moment. ─── 佛说在极乐世界里时刻都响彻"天乐"

62、The Buddhism yearns for vimukta, and goes after nirvana realm. ─── 佛家崇尚解脱,追求涅磐境界。

63、Other works which were written in the revolutionary base of Yan'an by Xian Xinghai (Grand Yellow River Chorus), Zheng Lucheng(Grand Eighth Route army Chorus), Ma Ke(Grand Mount Liang Chorus) and LuJi (Phoenix Nirvana). ─── 在抗日根据地延安,洗星海的名作《黄河大合唱》以及郑律成的《八路军大合唱》、马可的《吕梁山大合唱》、吕骥的《凤凰涅磐》等,

64、Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures trying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land. ─── 因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。

65、It is not some elusive nirvana of perfection and romantic sunsets. ─── 它不是一些难以捉摸的完美涅磐和浪漫的夕阳。

66、Rooted in Nirvana is the religious life. Nirvana is its Goal. Nirvana is the end. ─── 圣道之根在涅磐。涅磐为其目标。涅磐是其终点。

67、A Psychoiogical Analysis on the “Ultimate Nirvana” of Chinese Zen ─── 对禅宗“终极解脱”的心理学分析

68、Since your spirit guide is always higher than you are, when you die and are on the mental plane (sixth dimension), your spirit guide may be on the seventh dimension (Nirvana). ─── 因为你的指导灵会永远比你还要优越,当你死后进入精神面(第六次元),你的指导灵也许会在第七次元(涅)。

69、The condition of mind of a person who has been giving up his threefold cravings or this sixfold craving together with ignorance can realize Nirvana (or the Extinction of the Cravings). ─── 停止思想的苦难的条件就是一个人已经放弃三重或者六重的渴望以及无知,可以真正地实现涅磐(或者渴望消失)。

70、Nirvana recorded its last song about a month before Cobain died. ─── 在科班去世前一个月,涅?乐队录制了最后一首歌。

71、A Psychoiogical Analysis on the "Ultimate Nirvana" of Chinese Zen ─── 对禅宗"终极解脱"的心理学分析

72、Perfecting the practice of anuyoga, may all concepts of samsara and nirvana be purified into the state of indivisible bliss and emptiness and may I experience the pure realm of Akanishtha! ─── 完美修持阿努瑜珈,愿一切轮迴涅槃的概念净化入空乐无别的状态中,愿我体验报身净土。

73、The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana ─── 大乘佛学:佛教的涅盘概念

74、Although Buddhism advocates the cultivation to reach Nirvana, it also place much emphasis on the practice of the Boddhisattva's way by the lay people. ─── 佛教虽然提倡解脱道的修行,但更重视自度度人的人间菩萨道。

75、Using powerful brain imaging technology, researchers are exploring what mystics call nirvana, and what Christians describe as a state of grace. ─── 利用强大的脑成像技术,研究人员正探索了称做涅盘(天堂)的神秘所在,而基督徒描述为一个优雅状态。

76、He has gone over the hill in search of nirvana. ─── 在寻找解脱的过程中,他开小差了。

77、Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana. ─── 很多商人认为,一个相对价格从来不变的地方会是极乐世界。

78、Buddhist theories always say that in the nirvana, "holy music"never ceases for a moment. ─── 佛说在极乐世界里时刻都响彻"天乐",

79、2 Religious topics are related to affairs in other space after death, such as heaven and hell in Christianism and Catholicism, nirvana in Buddha. ─── 宗教上所涉及的议题,主要是关系到死后及另一个空间的事。

80、Man of practice march forcefully to nirvana, spending most time of each day in improving self-nature and Buddha nature in Samadhi, and it is this goal of life encourages them to do so. ─── 修行的人勇猛精进的朝向涅槃作出努力,每天花了许多时间,在三昧中提升自性,佛性;也就是这个“生的目标”,促使他们努力不懈,向前迈进的。

81、Ultimately Nirvana!All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita. ─── 三世诸佛依般若波罗密多故,得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。

82、The Fresco "King Asheshi heard Buddhism nirvana "of the Cave No. 205 in Kezier and "Transformation ─── 克孜尔第205窟《阿?世王闻佛涅??》壁画与“转变”

83、Phoenix' s nirvana ─── 凤凰涅槃

84、The monk makes great efforts to deny this life and pursue nirvana in the kingdom come.However, he never acquaints himself with this life. ─── 和尚最大的努力,是否认现世而求未来的涅槃,但他若不曾了解现世。

85、He would be angry at these believers' neglecting his edification: do revulsion from world to seek Nirvana. ─── 他们不知道,世尊曾一再的教诲其信徒,要他们厌离、断绝这些世俗的事事物物。

86、He told us to notice eye root, body root and mind root and to shake off moral criteria of this world, and then our wisdom naturally arises and guides us to go in the way of nirvana. ─── 他告诉我们注意眼根、身根、意根,注意摆脱世俗的行为道德标准,我们的智慧自然就会彰显,升起,引导我们走向涅盘修行之道。

87、Once the body dies, the soul will leave it and go into the state of realities.According to their karma a consciousness in bardo, the dead obtain either rebirth or nirvana. ─── 上师继续敲打,声音逐渐放慢,放弱,不断重复,直到临终者抛开生命进入实相之境。

88、On Friday, April 8, 1994, Cobain's lifeless body was discovered by an electrician at his Seattle home, effectively dissolving Nirvana. ─── 1994年的4月8日是个星期五,就在此天,主唱科本的失去生命迹象的尸体在他位于西雅图家中被一位电工发现,最终导致涅槃的解散。

89、Kondanna - gained his first glimpse of Nirvana, thus giving birth to the Noble Sangha. ─── 在听闻了他的教法后,其中一名?x陈如尊者,最先证到涅??,如是产生了尊贵的僧伽。

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