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09-02 投稿



fice 发音

英:[[fa?s]]  美:[[fa?s]]

英:  美:

fice 中文意思翻译



fice 短语词组

1、fice code fice ─── 代码

2、fice app ─── 图app

3、fice id ─── 身份证件

4、fice washington ─── 华盛顿办事处

5、fice 3 ─── 第三层

6、fice 10 10 ─── 秒

7、fice ot ─── 办公室。

8、fice it ─── 把它弄好

9、fice uk ─── 破碎的

10、fice time fice ─── 时间

fice 相似词语短语

1、Nice ─── adj.精密的;美好的;细微的;和蔼的;n.(Nice)人名;(英)尼斯

2、bice ─── n.绿色,灰蓝色;灰蓝色颜料;n.(Bice)人名;(意)比切(女子教名Beatrice的意大利语昵称);(英)比奇

3、dice ─── n.骰子;掷骰游戏;小块食物;v.将(食物等)切成丁;掷骰子;(非正式)拒绝;n.(Dice)(美)戴斯(人名)

4、Vice ─── n.恶习;缺点;[机]老虎钳;卖淫;prep.代替;vt.钳住;adj.副的;代替的;n.(Vice)人名;(塞)维采

5、Rice ─── n.稻;米饭;vt.把…捣成米糊状;n.(Rice)人名;(瑞典)里瑟;(塞)里采;(英)赖斯

6、-ice ─── n.冰;冰淇淋;矜持;(俚)钻石;vt.冰镇;结冰;vi.结冰;adj.冰的;n.(Ice)人名;(英)艾斯;(法)伊斯

7、fiche ─── n.缩微胶片,(照相)卡片;n.(Fiche)人名;(葡)菲谢;(法)菲什

8、fices ─── n.杂种小狗(等于feist)

9、face ─── n.脸;表面;面子;面容;外观;威信;vi.向;朝;vt.面对;面向;承认;抹盖;n.(Face)人名;(法)法斯;(意)法切

fice 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The secretary's beautiful figure and suave manners made the of-fice bright. ─── 秘书美丽的身材及文雅的态度,使得办公室为一亮。


3、I'll send another telegram to the local post of fice. ─── 我再给当地的邮局发封电报。

4、That feeling could't be words of phraseology.Of fice worth thing taste.The life be not a good too pessimistically sometimes. ─── 这个世界上什么都是不现实的,那该要相信什么不相信什么呢???谁都不会知道,甚至有些人也不想知道!

5、Keywords gravity wave;simulation;FICE;nonlinearity;propagation characteristics; ─── 重力波;数值模拟;FICE格式;非线性;传播特性;

6、The Feist Case and the Crisis in U.S. Database Copyright Protection ─── 从Feist案看美国数据库的版权保护危机

7、”Then I'll send another telegram to the local post of fice. ─── 然后,我再给当地的邮局发封电报。

8、Are there any restrictions imposed on the foreign invested commercial enterprise (the FICE) that distribute goods in the China market? ─── 问:从事贸易的外商投资企业在国内分销商品有没有限制?

9、77.Bouricius, 42, probably could have found work as a university administrator, in publishing or in the nonprofit sector .But "I'm not an eight-hours-in-an-of fice kind of person," she says. ─── 42岁的布瑞舍斯如果不干运输,现在可能已经是一位大学行政管理人员或已经在出版社或非营利性部门任职了,但是,她说:“我不是那种八小时坐班式的人。”

10、Today, we have Beijing fired fice and noodles, spring rolls, stuffed buns with three sorts of diced meat, congee with beef or chick and condiments, as well as dim sum and tea. ─── 侍者:今天有中式炒饭、炒面、春卷、三样肉丁、叉烧包、广式牛肉、鸡肉粥和各式早茶、点心。

11、The results indicated that carboxymethyl starch could remarkabyl change the quality and properties fice - creams and flour. ─── 结果表明:马铃薯羧甲基淀粉能显著改善冰淇淋及面粉的品质特性。

12、Like the decision in Bonito Boats, the Feist decision strongly implies that when a work falls out of the Copyright Clause, it falls into the public domain, for the benefit of all. ─── 如同Bonito Boats一案的判决,Feist一案的判决很强烈的暗示,当一部作品不再受著作权条款的保护时,它就进入公有领域,为大众使用。

13、fice straw return ─── 稻草还田

14、Discussion on the medical record management in medical system reform fron fice points, emphasis on both the self quality improving and the importance of medical records. ─── 本文从病案管理在医疗制度改革中的作用,用自身的观点从五个方面加以探讨,强调了病案工作者应提高自身素质和病案在医疗领域的双重作用。

15、normalized of fice code ─── 规范化局号

16、In the Court's recent decision in Feist, it went out on a limb to craft a constitutional opinion when statutory interpretation alone might have been enough. ─── 在法院最近对feist一案的判决中,法院开始考虑一个宪法问题,即何时单独的法令解释可能是足够的。

17、So be sure to eat prepared food soon after purchasing it, Feist says. ─── 所以专家法伊斯特建议一定在准备食用食物时,再购买。

18、Let it Die - feist ─── 绝世歌声

19、management accounting of fice work ─── 会计事务管理

20、Sufficiency is not about denial, not about sacri- fice or doing without. ─── 富足不是有关否定、牺牲和无限制的行为;

21、NIP provides “One Stop” business solutions to primarily small medium-sized enterprises planning to set up representative offices (RO), trading firms (FICE) production companies (WFOE) in Ningbo. ─── 北欧工业园区主要为来宁波设立外商办事处、贸易公司、生产型工厂的中小型企业提供“一站”式的服务和方案。

22、The Design of Float Resist and Waterproof in The Zhujiang Xinchen Station of Line Fice of GuangZhou Metro ─── 广州市轨道交通五号线珠江新城站抗浮及防水设计

23、Today, we have Beijing fried fice and noodles, spring rolls, stuffed buns with three sorts of diced meat, congee with beef or chick and condiments, as well as dim sum and tea. ─── 今天有中式炒饭、炒面、春卷、三样肉丁、叉烧包、广式牛肉、鸡肉粥和各式早茶、点心。

24、tandem central of fice ─── 汇接中心局

25、Summer started in the country where the Pakistani met of-fice recorded a temperature of 43 degrees Celsius of Lahore . ─── 当日,拉合尔最高气温达43摄氏度。随着巴基斯坦全国进入夏季,各地陆续出现高温天气。

26、Feist and William Forstchen. ─── 作者声明: Raymond E.

27、The first passive home was built here in 1991 by Wolfgang Feist, a local physicist, but diffusion of the idea was slowed by language. ─── 第一个被动的家建在1991年由沃尔夫冈法伊斯特,当地的物理学家,但传播速度的想法是通过语言。

28、AIM: To compare Fuji intelligent chromo endoscopy (FICE) and staining techniques in differential diagnosis for colonic tumor and non - tumor lesions. ─── 目的:探讨内镜智能分光比色技术(FICE)鉴别大肠肿瘤及非肿瘤性病变的价值。

29、At present, foreign investors can carry on import-export, wholesale, and retail distribution business in China in the form of wholly foreign invested commercial enterprise (the FICE). ─── 目前,外商可以设立独资企业在中国从事进出口商品、批发、及零售业务。

30、Obviously, the tasks for next session of ICE Shanghai Branch are tremendous;it depends on the common efforts of all ICE members in Shanghai, no matter FICE, MICE or graduate &student member of ICE. ─── 显然,2006年对新一届ICE上海分会是任重而道远的,它需要我们所有的会员们包括FICE、MICE及学生会员们的共同努力。

31、[5] Feist,How my heart behaves. ─── 空气的质感应该如此。

32、Basis for choosing location for FICE and the plan map ─── 项目选址依据及平面布置图

33、Feist, J., &Feist, G.J.(1998). Theories of personality (4th ─── 陈正文等译(民86):人格理论。台北市:扬智文化。

34、Then I'll send another telegram to the local post of fice. ─── 然后,我再给当地的邮局发封电报。

35、In January 2006,it was awarded National Civilized Scenic Spot jointly by the Central Civilized of fice. ─── 2006年1月被中央文明办,建设部,国家旅游局联合授予“全国文明风景旅游区”。

36、The action lasted fice hours. ─── 战斗持续了五个小时。

37、The cat of big fice. ─── 回复:高一一班有只大脸猫.!!

38、fice on Monday, and I think Gregg has meetings all day. ─── 海伦:啊,恐怕礼拜一的时候我不在办公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在开会。

39、Therefore, it is important and crucial to establish a task force of MICE and ChICE reviewer from our available FICE. ─── 所以我们急需从现有的资深会员(FICE)中发展更多有资格审核MICE及ChICE的考官。

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