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09-02 投稿



edgeless 发音

英:[['ed?l?s]]  美:[['ed?dl?s]]

英:  美:

edgeless 中文意思翻译



edgeless 短语词组

1、edgeless v ─── 无边v

edgeless 相似词语短语

1、eggless ─── 不产卵的

2、badgeless ─── 无獾

3、redeless ─── 无红

4、eyeless ─── adj.盲目的;无眼的;瞎的

5、judgeless ─── 无判断力的

6、edginess ─── n.刀口锐利;急躁

7、egoless ─── adj.无私的;无意识的;不自觉的

8、easeless ─── adj.不轻松的;不舒适的

9、ageless ─── adj.永恒的;不老的

edgeless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Simulation for an Etched Diffraction Grating(EDG) of Wide Angle[J]. ─── 引用该论文 盛钟延,娄丽芳,何赛灵,文泓桥,何建军.

2、How to expand, problems maybe caused after expanding etc. has been made into schedule by the leaders of environetics design group international corporation (edg). ─── 康新国际设计工程有限公司发展至今,如何扩张,扩张后可能产生的问题等已经摆上了领导层的议事日程。

3、The lateral thora cic arteries and veins passed thorough the triangular space between pectoralis m ajor muscle and latissimys dorsi after they emerged from the middle of lower edg e of pectoralis minor muscle at 3rd rib. ─── 面胸外侧动、静脉于胸小肌下缘中部第 3、4肋间隙穿出胸小肌后也暴露于此三角内 ,其压径 (2 .7± 0 .4)mm ;

4、Effects of Fabrication Errors on the Performance of an EDG Demultiplexer ─── 工艺误差对EDG器件性能的影响

5、You will work as part of a team, under the supervision of experienced Land and Building Surveyors. You will train to use Leica and other leading edg... ─── 区:英国-|专业领域:行政管理|行业部门:产品研究和发展|实习开始时间:八月2008|实习种类高级学徒实习

6、An Improved Motion Segmentation Method based on Edg Information ─── 一种改进的基于边缘信息的运动分割方法

7、HEK293 cells transcripted with EDG 1, a SPP receptor, were cultured and harvested, and incubated with 32 P labeled or non labeled SPP. The SPP level was determined based on competitive binding of SPP or 32 P SPP to HEK cells. ─── 通过培养和收集转染SPP受体 EDG 1的HEK2 93细胞 ,与标记及非标记SPP共孵育 ,利用它们与HEK2 93细胞的竞争性结合 ,测定细胞、血清和组织中SPP含量 .

8、Methods: Using 24 h dynamic EDG of American DMS Company with 6.0 Gold software, we made linear analysis and non-linear analysis on 40 cases, which were composed of retired old people and convalescents in our sanatorium. ─── 方法:对40例离退休老年人及疗养员健康查体,采用美国DMS公司24hDCG最新6.0Gold软件进行线性及非线性分析方法,用HRV数据来评价CAN功能状态。

9、EG Energy's system may eventually provide EDG with life information about the network to help manage the distribution of renewable energy. ─── GE能源的系统最终将向EDF提供电网活的信息,帮助管理可再生能源的配送。

10、engineering deign graphics (EDG) ─── 工程图学

11、A conventional EDG design is based on the Rowland circle on which the end points of the input and output waveguides located. ─── 原有EDG采用Rowland圆设计,输入输出在圆弧曲线上由条形波导引出。

12、Keywords nonconductive engineering ceramics;EDG;double electrodes; ─── 非导电工程陶瓷;电火花磨削;双电极;

13、As a key device in a DWDM system, etching diffraction grating(EDG) is a planar waveguide DWDM device with a great potential. ─── 以平面波导波分复用器件为核心的密集波分复用技术已经得到成功商用。

14、Mode Shape Expression and its Orthogonality for Rectangular Plates with one Edg Supported and Three Edges Free ─── 一边支承三边自由矩形板振形曲线及其正交性

15、Sources from the school said that Mahjong is better and safer to enlighten kids as each piece is the same shape, size and edgeless. ─── 但幼儿园负责人称麻将有益智作用,且作为教具因没有棱角而更加安全,此乃创新之举。

16、I think the EDG probably uses a low astigmatism eyepiece design like the SE. ─── 我想EDG可能使用了象SE一样的低像散目镜设计。

17、EDG (Electric Discharge Grinding) ─── 电火花磨削

18、Keywords nonconducting superabrasives;EDG;spindle;variable frequency adjusting speed;circuit design; ─── 非导电超硬材料;电火花磨削;主轴;变频调速;电路设计;

19、Keywords EDG;servo feed;discharge gap; ─── 电火花磨削;伺服进给;放电间隙;

20、Extra cellular S1P binds EDG receptors in endothelial cells leading to activation of cell migration. ─── 分泌到细胞外S1P与细胞膜表面的特异G蛋白偶联受体-内皮细胞分化基因(EDG)结合,调节或激活多种细胞迁移信号。

21、In this paper, the subwavelength binary blazed gratings were theoretical analyzed and numerical simulated, and a new type scheme of EDG MUX is designed. ─── 本文对亚波长结构二元闪耀光栅进行了系统理论研究与数值分析,并提出将所研究的反射型二元光栅应用于新型EDG型波分复用器的一种设计方案。

22、Control System for Spindle Motor Adjusting Speed of EDG Nonconducting Superabrasives ─── 非导电超硬材料电火花磨削主轴电机调速控制系统


24、A simple and effective method for calculating the wave aberration for an etched diffraction grating (EDG) demultiplexer is presented. ─── 对作为波分复用关键器件之一的刻蚀衍射光栅 (EDG)的像差特性提出了一种简单方便的计算方法 ,分析了像差对刻蚀衍射光栅频谱响应的影响 .

25、The FMP program is designed to present a golden opportunity for members to experience EDG's finance function, operating system and culture. ─── 通过此项目,每位管理培训生都会有机会经历康新整体的财务作业流程、运营机制及公司文化。

26、First, a multi-stigmatic-point method is applied in a high-channel EDG demultiplexer to improve the conventional Rowland-type design. ─── 利用两点消像差的方法对EDG器件的结构设计进行了改进,改善了多通道数EDG各通道的均匀性。

27、In this paper a brief introduction of EDG is presented,the design of the EDG parameters is analyzed and the manufacture process is described. ─── 本文分析了 EDG器件的解复用原理 ,参量设计 ,工艺过程 .

28、We trust people, empower them and provide developing space, that is why EDG can develop so fast. ─── 康新发展如此之快,正是因为我们相信每个人的能力,给予所有人平等发展的空间。

29、An EDG of flat input/outputs can also maintain a good linear dispersion and a perfect focused field as a conventional EDG This paper presents a design method for an EDG of flat input/outputs ispresented. ─── 同时平场输入/输出的EDG能够保持良好的线性色散和聚集效果。

30、Thirdly, a flat-field EDG demultiplexer is designed to ease the fabrication and packaging. ─── 设计了平场型EDG器件,简化了制作工艺。

31、Although an EDG is harder to fabricate than an AWG(arrayed waveguide grating), it has a better spectral fineness and can easily implement more output channels. ─── 蚀刻衍射光栅是平面波导密集波分复用器件中很有发展潜力的一种。

32、In order to solve the problem of lower machining efficiency in electric discharge grinding (EDG),the ordinary servo feed methods in EDG was analyzed and a new servo feed method was presented. ─── 分析了现有的一些电火花磨削伺服策略存在的问题,提出了基于周期性和局部性特点的伺服策略。

33、Yes, something was definitely afoot as we swallowed the dings of edgeless risk and waffled our way towards year-end. ─── 是的,在我们承担无谓的投资风险,在闲扯中等待年底的到来时,有些东西正在酝酿之中。

34、edgeless woofer ─── 无边低音扬声器

35、Design of a Flat-field EDG Wavelength Demultiplexer Using a Two Stigmatic Points Method[J]. ─── 引用该论文 文泓桥,何赛灵,盛钟延,石志敏,何建军.

36、Keywords EDG;servo feed;whole gap discharge state;local gap discharge state; ─── 电火花磨削;伺服进给;总体间隙状况;局部间隙状况;

37、Secondly, the analysis of the retro-diffraction in an EDG is given by using a Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method combined with perfectly matched layers (PML) and a periodic boundary condition. ─── 利用时域有限差分法对光栅的后向衍射效率进行了分析,比较了全内反射(TIR)光栅结构和普通光栅在后向衍射效率上的差别,及其适用范围。

38、Keywords PCD;twist drill;electrical discharge grinding (EDG);spiral servo feed system; ─── 聚晶金刚石;麻花钻;电火花磨削;螺旋伺服进给系统;

39、Clinically,it was difficult to differentiate hypertension with chest pain and coronary heart failure,but dynamic EDG and typical angina pectoris suggested the possibility of coronary heart disease. ─── 两者之间临床上较难鉴别 ,但动态心电图与典型心绞痛可高度提示冠心病的可能。

40、At that time, Welch's attempt to GE within ” “ edgeless management so as to not layered knowledge-sharing on the long-standing replacing dangerous bureaucratic. ─── 当时,韦尔奇试图在GE内部推行“无边界管理”,以不分层级的知识共享取代危险的官僚积习。

41、Secondly, a two-focal-point method is introduced for an optimal design of an EDG demultiplexer with a flat-top spectral response. ─── 用多光栅的方法实现了EDG器件的频谱响应平坦化。

42、The results show that EDG is more propitious to improve the productivity,geometry precision and also the surface roughness than WEDG. ─── 结果表明 ,EDG比WEDG具有更高的生产率 ,更好的几何精度和表面粗糙度。

43、active edgeless contour model ─── 无边界主动轮廓模型

44、Geting the position of stress revulsion when shell is made holes through the design software sap2000 that is designed according to the shell texture, and raise the design plan about the edg of holes. ─── 通过采用壳体结构设计软件sap2000,得出了壳体在开洞时容易出现的应力突变位置,并提出了洞口边缘的设计方法。

45、edgeless cabinet ─── 无边扬声器箱

46、Optimization Design of EDG Devices by Means of Two-Point Method ─── 应用两点法对EDG器件的优化设计

47、edg e examination ─── 边缘检测

48、Variable Frequency Adjusting Speed Circuit Design for Spindle Motor of EDG Nonconducting Superabrasives ─── 非导电超硬材料电火花磨削主轴电机变频调速电路的设计

49、Etching vertical and smooth grating facet is the basic of the fabrication of EDG. ─── 制作垂直、光滑的光栅槽面是制作EDG的关键。

50、In cinerato can be used to treat high concentration orgnic waste water,toisonous and harmful comfounds.The technical can't be edg out all other treat method,such as biological treatment. ─── 本文分析了使用焚烧炉处理高浓度有机废水的方法,对于有毒、有害废物的处理,是其他方法如生物处理法等无法取代的一种处理方法。

51、A flat-field etched diffraction grating (EDG) wavelength demultiplexer is much more convenient in fabrication. ─── 利用两点法 (twostigmaticpointsmethod)对平场型蚀刻衍射光栅 (EDG)波分复用器件进行了优化设计 .

52、And a simulation scheme for EDG is presented through the combination of B-BPM and Angle Spectral theory. ─── 根据深刻蚀凹面衍射光栅的结构特点,提出了双向束传播方法和角谱理论相结合的模拟方案。

53、Experimental studies of the fabrication of the EDG and AWG devices are carried out. ─── 在硅基二氧化硅波导制作技术的基础上,进行了这两种集成型波分复用器件的实验制作。

54、Keywords PCD cutter;EDG;mechanical grinding by diamond wheel; ─── 聚晶金刚石刀具;放电刃磨;金刚石砂轮机械刃磨;

55、Design of a Flat-field EDG Wavelength Demultiplexer Using a Two Stigmatic Points Method ─── 两点法设计平场型EDG波分复用器件

56、In chapter IV , a new method of eyes location is provided. It detects the edg of human face image with wavelet transform in the first. Then it begins to statistic the gray value of the row and list. ─── 本文第四章提出了一种基于简单背景的人眼定位算法,用小波变换对人脸图像进行边缘检测,对得到的结果进行行列统计,得到人脸的大致位置,再用模板匹配进行最后的精确定位。

57、Since 1980s,America has entered the phase of post-industry urban development,which has brought the newly built urban formation of both "edge city" and "edgeless city". ─── 20世纪80年代以来,美国进入"后工业"社会城市发展时期,产生了"边缘城市"与"无边缘城市"等城市空间新类型,同时也面临资源、居住和社会经济等方面的问题。

58、flying across that edgeless snowfield is really a piece of cake for airplane. ─── 飞机能够毫无困难地飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原。

59、Etched-Diffraction-Grating (EDG) is a kind of MUX/DEMUX with compact structure, good performance, and high reliability. ─── 刻蚀光栅式分波合波器(EDG)具有结构紧凑、可靠性高、成本低等优点。

60、Keywords PCD blanks;EDG;temperature field;stress field;numerical simulation; ─── 聚晶金刚石复合片;电火花磨削;温度场;应力场;数值模拟;

61、Seismic analysis and testing are carried out in accordance with the IEEE 344-1987 standard for the emergency generator set (EDG set) in Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant. ─── 参照IEEE 344-1987的规范要求,对秦山核电厂应急柴油发电机组(简称EDG机组)进行抗震分析和试验研究。

62、As the key device of a DWDM system,Etching Diffraction Grating (EDG) is one of the most potential types of planar waveguide DWDM devices. ─── 作为波分复用中最关键的器件 ,蚀刻衍射光栅 (EDG)是平面波导密集波分复用器件中很有发展潜力的一种 .

63、edg connectivity ─── 边连通度

64、The scalar diffraction theory is used to verify the design and the numerical results show that the designed EDG has a good performance. ─── 本文给出了平场输入和输出EDG的设计方法,并利用标量衍射理论对设计的结果进行模拟,验证了平场输出EDG具有很好的分波效果。

65、The performance of an EDG is analyzed. ─── 从理论上分析了EDG器件的特性。

66、The efficacies of Xinyuan capsule on angina, EDG, arrhthmia and TC and TG were superior to those of control group ( P

67、Within the comic-Orwellian confines of Aperture Labs, lasers are "thermal discouragement beams" and spheres are "edgeless safety cubes"; ─── 在Orwellian漫画式的光圈实验室中,激光成了“热阻波束”,球体成了“无边缘的安全立方体”。

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