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09-02 投稿


denominator 发音

英:[d??nɑ?m?ne?t?r]  美:[d??n?m?ne?t?(r)]

英:  美:

denominator 中文意思翻译



denominator 网络释义

n. [数] 分母;命名者;共同特征或共同性质;平均水平或标准

denominator 词性/词形变化,denominator变形


denominator 常用词组

common denominator ─── [数]公分母

denominator 短语词组

1、denominator medical definition ─── 分母医学定义

2、rationalizing denominator ─── [计] 有理化分母

3、common denominator ─── 公分母

4、denominator math definition ─── 分母数学定义

5、scaling factor denominator ─── 比例因子分母

6、least common denominator ─── [计] 最小公分母

7、numerator denominator ─── 分子 ─── 分母

8、denominator volume ─── 计算单位成本的指标产量

9、denominator depth ─── [计] 分母高度

10、denominator calculator ─── 分母计算器

11、rationalize denominator calculator ─── 合理化分母计算器

12、common denominator calculator ─── 公分母计算器

13、lowest common denominator ─── [计] 最小公分母

14、lowest common denominator calculator ─── 最小公分母计算器

15、denominator variance ─── [经] 除数差异

16、least common denominator calculator ─── 最小公分母计算器

17、rationalize the denominator calculator ─── 合理化分母计算器

18、denominator level ─── 分母水平

denominator 相似词语短语

1、denominates ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

2、denominate ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

3、denominators ─── 共同特性;[数]分母

4、denominated ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

5、nominator ─── n.提名者;任命者;续任者

6、dominator ─── n.统治者;支配者;支配力

7、denominating ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

8、denominations ─── n.面额;名称;教派

9、denomination ─── n.面额;名称;教派

denominator 特殊用法

1、least common denominator ─── 最小公分母

2、rationalizing denominators ─── 有理化分母

3、denominator of rational matrix ─── 有理矩阵的分母

denominator 习惯用语

1、common denominator ─── 【数】公分母; 共同特点, 共同点

2、find a common denominator ─── 找到共同点; 找到大家都能接受的办法

denominator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Utility is neither a measurable entity, nor, even if it were, could it be commensurate with the money unit involved in the denominator. ─── 效用不是一个可被衡量的实体,而即便它是,也不可能与分母中设计的货币单位相称。

2、Numerator is the number of positive, denominator is the number of nepative. ─── 分子为阳性数,分母为感染猪的血清样品总数。

3、Population growth is the ever-expanding denominator that gives each person a shrinking share of the resource pie. ─── 人口增长加大了人均资源分配公式中的分母。

4、a common denominator ─── 公分母

5、Tabloid newspapers pander to the lowest common denominator. ─── 小报都竭力迎合大众口味。

6、a denominator; a namer; a nomenclator ─── 命名者

7、In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering numerator and denominator. ─── 在此练习中您要将一个给定的数字转换成一个分数,输入转化结果的分子和分母。

8、From the "performance / price = Xingjiebi" formula, we can see that in the performance of fixed premise Xingjiabi denominator -- price depends on the size of the sums. ─── 从这一调查我们可以看出,在市场日趋成熟的今天,性价比已成为消费者购房决策的重要依据。

9、" that's what good writing is all about. a letter written for the lowest common denominator is understood by every reader. eliminate needless words. avoid flowery words. ─── 好的写作定律也和这类似。将最小公分母定律用在写作上,就能让每个读者理解起来非常容易。还是去掉那些垃圾词语、删除那些华丽的词藻吧。

10、common fraction:a fraction having an integer as a numerator and an integer as a denominator. ─── 分数:一个有整数分子和整数分母的分数.

11、The least common denominator of 9{! / 3 and ? is 12.Also called lowest common denominator ─── 9{!/3和?的最小公分母是12也作tcommondenominator

12、The common denominator lies in the fact that success or victory involves both technical as well as strategic considerations. ─── 共同点就是,要成功或胜利,既要有技术,也要有策略上的考虑。

13、Bengali Currency Numerator One Less Than The Denominator ─── 孟加拉文货币分子一小于分母

14、a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator. ─── 分子大于分母的分数。

15、With estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function first and the common denominator later, the parameter estimation of the original SISO model is obtained. ─── 再估计出这个新的单输入多输出系统的传递函数,最后得到原单输入单输出系统的模型参数。

16、Good leadership and management practices apply across all types of work, both creative and traditional, because the common denominator is people. ─── “良好的领导和管理方法,适用于所有类型的工作,无论是创意和传统,因为共同点是人”

17、Extreme value problems of fractional function which numerator and denominator are quadratic ─── 分子分母都是二次式的分式函数的极值问题

18、"elements denominator is the same, only the name is the same, with this figure to over, farfetched. ─── “分子分母都不一样,只有名字是一样的,拿这个数字去比的话,牵强。”

19、When only one operand is negative, the sign and value of the result for the modulus operator can follow either the sign of the numerator or of the denominator. ─── 当只有一个操作数为负数时,求模操作结果值的符号可依据分子(被除数)或分母(除数)的符号而定。

20、Thus, the common denominator of all carcinogens seems to be their initiation of random aneuploidy. ─── 因此,所有致癌物质的共通点,似乎是它们都能随机引起非整倍体。

21、Regardless of the sales pitches, remember that the lowest common denominator in Internet security is people not technology. ─── 别管兜揽生意的话,记住英特网安全中的最小公分母是人而不是技术。

22、Make sure the value of the denominator is not zero before performing a division operation. ─── 在执行除法运算之前,确保分母的值不为零。

23、A common denominator which governs life is that everybody has 24 hours in a day. ─── 各人支配生活的一个共同之处就是每人每天有24小时。

24、"I think the common denominator, bottom line, really isn't about Xs and Os," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said after the 101-71 loss. "We have to have more people playing better." ─── “我认为分母和底线确实不是X和0”。马刺主教练波波维奇在赛后表示,“我们需要更多的人站出来。”

25、The common denominator of both is 20. 1 applied the Fibonacci sequence to the number 20 and carried the sequence out to 26 places. ─── 两者的共同数字是20。1应用在数目为20的斐波纳契序列上,把序列携带到26处空间。

26、10 is common denominator of ? and 3/5 ─── 10是?和3/5的公分母。

27、In this process, [the provider is] bound to tradeoff special requirements of consumers and try to stick to a common denominator. ─── 在此过程中,[提供者]必定要牺牲消费者的某些特殊需求,而且尽量坚持于那些通性征。

28、denominator digestion ─── 分母消化

29、3.if there are common factors involving variables in the numerator and denominator,then there eill be points of discontinuity.to find them,find the zeros of the common factors. ─── 3.如果分子和分母中有共同的变量并可约分, 那么将有断点. 假设共变量为0, 即可找到断点.

30、Marriage and the biggest common denominator is the first company must invest a lot of money to build it. ─── 婚姻和公司最大的共同点就是先期一定要投入大量的资金来搭建它。

31、4.a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction and so on. ─── 一个分数其分子为实数分母为实数加分数,分母中分数的分子也是实数,分母也是实数加分数,如此类推。

32、partial denominator ─── 偏分母

33、When the divide-by-zero exception is enabled, any division operation with a denominator equal to zero will cause a FPU exception to be signaled. ─── 当启用被零除异常时,任何分母等于零的除法运算都将导致报告FPU异常。

34、denominator variance ─── [经] 除数差异

35、so you want to detect threats at lowest common denominator, and posture could be a good cue," said Maren, who was not part of de Gelder's research team. ─── 他们认为情绪是可以通过非口头途径进行传播的,“不通过任何有意识的过程也可以实现交流,真正实现人体与人体之间的信息相通”。

36、Only a single denominator do they share ─── 他们只有一种共同的特点。

37、How do you get the result? ( fix denominator, plus numerator. ─── 你是怎样算的?(分母不变,分子相加)

38、If, as in most cases, the enhancement cannot be discerned, then supply becomes the common denominator for determining the gem's value. ─── 如果提高,可以区分的话,珠宝商可以作出定价的区别。

39、China represents Chinese culture, while the piano is a product and a representation of Western civilisation, but with the polyphonic technique being the common denominator of the two. ─── 中国代表着中国文化,钢琴则是西方文明的一个具体产物,复调技法的中西本质相当,然而表现各异。

40、The value of a fraction is inversely proportional to that of the denominator ─── 分数值与分母值成反比例。

41、Creates a fraction with the numerator and denominator centered above and below the division line, respectively. ─── 创建分数,分子分母分别在分数线上下居中。

42、So the fate of everyone from Mr Quattrone to the Washington DC sniper depends on the ability of courts to communicate basic principles of justice to the lowest common denominator of juror. ─── 于是所有人的命运,从奎特隆先生到华盛顿特区的那位狙击手,都取决于法庭是否有能力把司法的基本原则传达给最底层、最普通的陪审员。

43、With that denominator, even a few thousand reports of memory loss represent only a tiny fraction of patients. ─── 相对于那分母而言,即使几千份有关记忆力丧失的报道也仅代表了一极小部分的患者。

44、If modulus matches the sign of the denominator, then the result of division truncates toward minus infinity. ─── 如果求模与分母的符号匹配,则除出来的值向负无穷一侧取整。

45、The second term in the last-written denominator can be dropped ─── 上式中分母的第二项可以略去。

46、There is a common denominator between the rites of celebration on the tenth of Muharram in the past and in the present time. ─── 伊斯兰沙利亚并不禁止为逝者悲伤,因为它是人的天生情感。然而,表示悲伤的人不能违反伊斯兰的规定。

47、The common denominator is Yao Ming. When he is aggressive and forceful, Houston is a handful. When he's not, the Rockets are an also-ran. ─── 姚明(只)是普通的命名.(但)当他打得好斗且有力量,休斯敦就成为(令其他球队)难以对付的球队.反之,火箭会成为失败者.

48、In his carefully arranged triptychs, through ingenious juxtapositions of three images with a personal common denominator, he forces us to discover and understand another side of the realm. ─── 他将三幅带有个人化共性的照片巧妙地并排摆放,小心地组成一组三联幅照片,这样就迫使我们去发现和理解事物的另一方面。

49、The school syllabus seems aimed at the lowest common denominator. ─── 学校的教学大纲似乎是针对接受能力最差的学生制定的。

50、However, I know that the truth is a common denominator for all people. ─── 不过我相信,人们的真心是相通的

51、The documents passed by WSIS in Geneva are the lowest common denominator to which the UN's 192 Member States could agree. ─── 在日内瓦召开的资讯社会世界高峰会议,通过的文件是联合192个会员国的最小公分母。

52、With the news reporting environment essentially one big gray area , hyperlink -based news aggregation creates a sort of common denominator . ─── 与新闻采访环境基本上是一个很大的灰色地带,超链型新闻聚集造成某种共同点。

53、a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10. ─── 十进分数的一种特殊表现形式。

54、The school syllabus seems aimed at the lowest common denominator. ─── 学校的教学大纲似乎是针对接受能力最差的学生制定的。

55、right denominator ─── 右分母

56、5.if the denominator is of higher degree,then the x axis is the horizontal asymptote. ─── 5.如果分母的次数高, 那么横轴即为水平渐进线.

57、The denominator of generally neural network output often tends to be zero,leading to infinite loop when training sample data.The reliability of results is debased. ─── 常规神经网络在当训练样本时分母项易趋于0,导致运算进入死循环,降低了结果的可信度。

58、The existing studies are stagnating at carrying out the "numerator strategy" (supplying more capital) and "denominator strategy" (controlling risk weighted assets). ─── 已有的研究成果基本停滞在"分子策略"(补充资本)和"分母策略"(控制风险权重资产)的运用上。

59、As a result, the denominator and numerator should be about equal if the null hypothesis is true ─── 因此,如果无效假设为真,那么分母和分子应该差不多相等。

60、Denominator represents numbers of used kits and numerator represents. ─── 分母表示所用试剂数,分子表示为阳性反应的试剂数。

61、I think the only common denominator of success is hard work. ─── 我认为成功的唯一共同之处就是努力工作。

62、Knoppix can also be viewed as a "least common denominator": its purpose is to get the computer running with as little delay or human assistance as possible. ─── 也可以将Knoppix看成是“最小公分母”:它的目的是为了让计算机在尽可能少的延迟或人员辅助的情况下运行。

63、Secondly, in people"s eyes money becomes a dictator or God or a common denominator of all value unavoidably with interaction between money, money economy and the division of labor. ─── 另一方面,货币、货币经济和劳动分工,三者互相利用,互相促进,最终货币成了独裁者,不可避免地成为了个体心目中的上帝以及一切价值的公分母。

64、Numerator is percentage of dry sieving and denominator is percentage of wet sieving ─── 分子为干筛,分母为湿筛

65、least common denominator ─── n. 最小公分母

66、7 is the denominator of 6/7. ─── 在6/7中,7是6/7的分母。

67、a fraction with fractions in the numerator or denominator ─── 分子或分母有分数的分数

68、Returns numerator divides denominator and numerator % denominator . ─── 回传此分数的分子除以分母的商和模数.

69、When the numerator and the denominator of the ratio both decrease by the same absolute amount, the arithmetic, of course, works to reduce the ratio. ─── 当分子与分母均按相同的绝对数额减少时,得出的百分比自然会下降。

70、Particle size and shape are common denominator in such studies.It is still an underrated factor in laboratory studies. ─── 关于颗粒尺寸与形状的内在联系,在实验研究中还比较欠缺。

71、lowest common denominator ─── n. 〈数〉最小公分母

72、to removea common factor from the numerator and denominator of a fractional expression ─── 从一个分数表达式的分子和分母去掉一个公因子;约分

73、a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator ─── 分子大于分母的分数

74、Nor is it clear how he would form a government: his centrist party is tiny, and his vague musings of drawing in like-minded leaders from left and right smack of the lowest common denominator. ─── 他含糊暧昧的表示希望从左右两派召集持相同政见的人,似乎是想找到各派间的共同点。

75、a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction whose numerator is an integer and whose denominator is an integer plus a fraction and so on ─── 一个分数其分子为实数,分母为实数加分数,分母中分数的分子也是实数,分母也是实数加分数,如此类推

76、You'd start subtracting the denominator from the numerator, keeping a counter, until you couldn't subtract it anymore, and that'd be the remainder。 ─── 你开始从分子减去分母,直到不能再减只剩余数为止。

77、a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10 ─── 十进分数的一种特殊表现形式

78、common denominator of value ─── 价值的共同标准

79、It is so easy to make the food too sweet, appealing to lowest-common-denominator tastes or masking deficiencies in the food's preparation. ─── 很容易就把食物做得过甜,吸引最低的通常标准口味或者食物准备方面不充分。

80、As a negotiating stance, the regions and countries with more stringent policies will insist that national and global arrangements must not pander to the lowest common denominator. ─── 实行相对较严政策的地区和国家的谈判政策将是坚持国家和全球的碳排放配额分配不应服从于最小公分母。

81、a fraction with fractions in the numerator or denominator. ─── 分子或分母有分数的分数。

82、How do you get the result? (the product of numerator act as numerator, the product of denominator act as denominator. ─── 你是怎样算的?(分子相乘的积作分子,分母相乘的积作分母)

83、But whenever its population is in the denominator, the number looks small.It is like looking at the same phenomenon from opposite ends of a telescope. ─── 但无论什么时候把它作为分母,得出的结果是很小的,就好像从望远镜的两头看同样的东西。

84、lowest common denominator approach ─── “最小公分母”方式

85、With the news reporting environment essentially one big gray area, hyperlink-based news aggregation creates a sort of common denominator. ─── 与新闻采访环境基本上是一个很大的灰色地带,超链型新闻聚集造成某种共同点。

86、a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator. ─── 分子小于分母的分数。

87、denominator depth ─── [计] 分母高度

88、Thus, the common denominator of all carcinogens seems to be their initiation of random aneuploidy . ─── 因此,所有致癌物质的共通点,似乎是它们都能随机引起非整倍体。

89、a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator ─── 分子小于分母的分数

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