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09-02 投稿



coverer 发音

英:[['k?v?r?r]]  美:[['k?v?r?r]]

英:  美:

coverer 中文意思翻译



coverer 词性/词形变化,coverer变形


coverer 短语词组

1、blade coverer ─── 叶片覆盖器

2、coverer meaning ─── 封面的意义

coverer 相似词语短语

1、hoverer ─── 育雏器

2、coherer ─── n.粉末检波器

3、cosherer ─── 同调器

4、coverlet ─── n.被单;床罩

5、covered ─── adj.覆盖了的;隐蔽着的;有屋顶的;v.覆盖;包括;掩护(cover的过去分词)

6、recoverer ─── n.回收器;财产收回取得者;追索财产者

7、-covered ─── adj.覆盖了的;隐蔽着的;有屋顶的;v.覆盖;包括;掩护(cover的过去分词)

8、coveter ─── 觊觎者

9、cleverer ─── adj.更聪明的(clever的比较级)

coverer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do what you can to tart up the house before the buyers come to look at it; cover up the bad marks on the walls with some paint, and polish the floors. ─── 在买主来看房子之前,尽量把它装饰得好看些,用涂料把墙上的污迹盖掉,把地板擦得亮亮的。

2、The lever handle with plastic cover is standard. ─── 带有塑料套的杆状手柄是标准配置。

3、The soldiers crept forward under the cover of darkness. ─── 士兵在黑夜的掩护下向前爬行。

4、To coat or cover with aluminum or aluminum paint. ─── 加铝皮,涂铝光漆用铝或铝涂料涂或覆盖

5、When it started raining we took cover under a tree. ─── 开始下雨时,我们就躲到树下避雨。

6、He ordered us to cover the other comrades' withdrawal. ─── 他下令让我们掩护其他同志撤退。

7、Let's cover the cakes with chocolate sprinkles. ─── 咱们把蛋糕用巧克力末撒上。

8、His girl fried is pretty enough to be a cover girl. ─── 他的女朋友很美,有作封面女郎的资格。

9、I hope my foreign exchange allowance will cover it. ─── 但愿我的外汇限额够用。

10、We attacked the enemy under cover of night. ─── 在夜幕的掩护下我们袭击了敌人。

11、Make yourself an ark with ribs of cypress;cover it with reeds and coat it inside and out with pitch. ─── 你要为自己造一艘方舟,用丝柏木做船架,覆盖上芦苇,再在里外两面涂上树脂。

12、She laughed to cover her anxiety. ─── 她试图以笑来掩饰她的焦虑。

13、The cover of the parcel tears easily. ─── 包裹的封皮一撕就破。

14、You should rip the cover off the box first. ─── 你首先应当把这个盒子的封套扯掉。

15、The insurance policy do not cover damage cause by normal wear and tear. ─── 保险单内容不包括正常使用所导致的损坏。

16、As soon as it began to rain they took cover under a big tree. ─── 一开始下雨,他们就躲到一棵大树下避雨。

17、The platoon broke cover and headed down the road. ─── 一群人从暗处走出来,沿着大路前进

18、From desert regions sand was blown in to cover the fields. ─── 从沙漠地区刮来的沙子把田地都盖上了。

19、They managed to cover quite a lot of ground in a short programme. ─── 他们设法在一个短小的节目中包罗了多方面的内容。

20、Write your name on the front cover of the exercise book. ─── 在练习簿的封面上写上你的名字。

21、They criticize their opponents under the cover of patriotism. ─── 他们借口爱国来抨击反对者。

22、She drew a cover over the typewriter. ─── 她拿过罩子将打字机套上。

23、How can you cover up your mistake? ─── 你怎么能把自己的错误掩盖起来呢?

24、She likes to spread the bed with a pretty cover. ─── 她喜欢用漂亮的床罩来罩床。

25、Cover the tab opening with cellophane tape. ─── 可用胶带盖住拆除了翼片处的凹孔。

26、We travelled under cover of darkness. ─── 我们在夜幕掩护下行进。

27、Coverer: Seamless sheath of ether-based urethane resistant to cathodic, hydraulic and other environmental conditions. ─── 包层:无缝铠装乙醚基氨基甲酸乙酯。耐阴极、液压和其它环境条件。

28、Woment's areas of employment cover a wide range. ─── 妇女就业领域十分广泛。

29、The hot sun had warped the cover of the book. ─── 太阳把这本书的书皮晒弯了。

30、There is a picture of a cock on its cover. ─── 在它的封面上有一只公鸡的照片。

31、He laughed to cover his annoyance. ─── 他藉大笑来掩护他的烦恼。

32、Coverer: Seamless sheath of ether-based urethane resistant to cathodic , hydraulic and other environmental conditions. ─── 包层:无缝铠装乙醚基氨基甲酸乙酯。耐阴极、液压和其它环境条件。

33、Can you cover the risk of rust for us? ─── 您能为我们投保生锈险吗?

34、Cover your mouth when you cough. ─── 咳嗽时要捂上嘴。

35、We can cover the Risk of Breakage for you. ─── 我们可以为你们加保破碎险。

36、A bird flushed from its cover. ─── 一只鸟从藏身的地方惊飞而起。

37、The pretty girl on the cover of the book is just a sales gimmick. ─── 书封面上印上美女不过是吸引顾客的一种生意眼。

38、A woodcock flushed from its cover. ─── 一只兰鹬从藏身处惊飞而起。

39、The flat land gave the soldiers no cover from enemy fire. ─── 土地一片平坦,战士无法躲避敌方的炮火。

40、Having a cover of thick paper boards covered with cloth. Used of a book. ─── 布面精装的做封面的原纸面上盖有布面的,用于书的封面

41、You can't judge a book by its cover. ─── 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人)

42、He laughed to cover (ie hide) his nervousness. ─── 他哈哈大笑以遮掩紧张的心情。

43、He tried to cover up the fault by lying. ─── 他企图用谎言来掩饰这一失误。

44、There was nowhere we could take cover (ie go for protection) from the storm. ─── 我们没有地方躲避这场风暴。

45、They reviewed and rehearsed their cover story. ─── 他们两个开始仔细推敲和排演他们编造的节目。

46、The insurance cover is optional. ─── 保险范围可以随意选择。

47、You must get cover for the shipment at once. ─── 你方必须立即为货物投保。

48、Could you cover the Risk of Breakage for us? ─── 你们可以为我们加保破碎险吗?

49、In severe cold, your fingers can freeze onto metal handles, so be sure to cover your hands. ─── 严寒时,你的手指会冻粘在金属把手上,所以一定要戴手套。

50、He find it difficult to cover all his a week. ─── 他发觉一周之内要走遍他要去的商业区域是很困难的。

51、Their TV news is going to cover it. ─── 他们的电视新闻将报导这一消息。

52、A technique in which programs or data that are not used at the same time can cover each other for raising memory utilization ratio. ─── 不同时使用的程序或数据可以互相覆盖,以提高内存的利用率的一种技术。

53、Do not try to cover a mistake. ─── 不要试图掩盖错误。

54、We charge according to the actual mileage we cover. ─── 我们按所走的实际里程收费。

55、If it rains the buffet will be served under cover. ─── 如果下雨,自助餐将在室内举行。

56、His name on the cover will sell the book. ─── 他的名字印在封面上会促进这本书的销路。

57、One shouldn't judge a book by its cover. ─── 不应凭封面来判断一本书。

58、A light harrowing will follow to cover the seed. ─── 再用轻耙在后面盖种。

59、Cover the heap of straw when it rains. ─── 下雨时要把草堆盖上。

60、They wanted to cover up and paint over everything. ─── 他们企图掩盖一切,粉饰一切。

61、She was prizing off the cover of the heavy box . ─── 她在将重箱子的盖打开。

62、The talks are expected to cover other topics too. ─── 会谈估计还会涉及别的问题。

63、Add also the radish and cover with lid. ─── 可同时放入日本萝卜,并盖上锅盖。

64、Our money won't even begin to cover expenses. ─── 我们的钱根本不够花销。

65、You should read this book from cover to cover. ─── 你应该把这本书从头到尾看一遍。

66、When the rain started, we dashed for cover. ─── 开始下雨时,我们奔跑着找避雨的地方。

67、That name on the cover is enough to sell the book . ─── 封面上的大名就足以能卖出这本书。

68、In satellite communications, pertaining to antenna systems with a beam for maximum cover of the earth's surface. ─── 在卫星通信技术中,指天线系统其波束能最大程度地覆盖地球表面的区域。

69、The wpa insurance cover more risk than the fpa. ─── “水渍险”所负的保险责任比“平安险”要宽些。

70、What kinds of insurance clauses do you cover? ─── 你们的保险条款中包括哪些险别?

71、Cover her while I phone the police. ─── 你用枪看住她,我给警方打电话。

72、A cover for a bed; a bedspread. ─── 床单床的覆盖物; 床单

73、There is not a rag to cover him. ─── 他赤身裸体。

74、They strained the cover over the top of the tent . ─── 他们把盖布绷紧罩在帐蓬顶上。

75、One small fire in the kitchen will cover the whole house in soot. ─── 一个厨房里的小火炉就会把整个房子都熏黑。

76、He kept his invention under cover until it was patented. ─── 在取得专利权以前,他的发明一直秘而不宣。

77、He gave me a small clock hooded with a glass cover. ─── 他送给我一个带玻璃罩的小座钟。

78、The committee's term of reference do not cover export. ─── 委员会的授权范围不包括出口事宜。

79、The soldiers crept forward under cover of darkness. ─── 士兵在夜色的掩护下匍匐前进。

80、On a table with a green cover lay a number of open books. ─── 一张铺着绿色台布的桌子上放着几本掀开的书。

81、invention relates to a multifunctional ground finisher and relative film covering method, wherein the invention comprises suspender, working element, transmitter and film coverer. ─── 本发明公开了一种多功能整地机及其覆膜方法,整地机包括悬挂架、工作部件、传动装置及覆膜装置。

82、Developing of Measuring System for Submarine Coverer's Complex Elastic Modulus ─── 潜艇消声覆盖层复弹性模量测量系统研制

83、Are you going to cover the planking with carpet? ─── 你打算在地板上铺地毯吗?

84、Prof Figes was not a skilled coverer of his tracks. ─── 菲格斯教授在掩盖自己的痕迹方面不够专业。

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